MAY 7, 1032 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES PAGE 9 City Groups to Unite in Winners of ARRANGES BRIDGE-LUNCHEON Vote League Mothers’ Day Program; Contest Are Program to Tablet to Be Dedicated Announced End Friday Mother's day program sponsored Mrs. B. Maxwell Golden, presi- Indianapolis League of Women OX COMMITTEE the Writers Club, week by Marion county chapters of the dent of this Voters will close Its program for the the winners in the club's American War Mothers, Indianap- announced year Friday with a meeting at the contest, which Miss Helen olis aerie. Fraternal Order of annual manuscript Woodstock Country Club has closed. Eagles, and its women's auxiliary just Coffey is a ol the activities of the Mrs. Kate G. Dyer won first place Reports will be given Sunday afternoon. member the various program committees, elec- in the short story class, for “The of It will mark the first anniversary tion of officers and adoption of a of Manger and. the Madonna." Miss committee in of the unveiling a bronze tablet budget will constitute the business Inez Hinchman won second place charge the at English's commemorating the of of the morning session opening at for wtih her story. “Apple Blossoms and Jgp first recorded public appeal a last bridge- 10. Activities of the league for the nation-wide observance of the day. a Cook Stove.” Honorable mention was given the following luncheon of coming year will be discussed. The appeal was made Feb. 7. 1904, “The League Frank Hering of South Bend, “The Awakening of Mary' Lan- the season to as an Instrument by E. for Civic Betterment” twice national president of the ham.” by Mrs. L. D. Owen: “Cir- will be the MpwljlWL JI r-r-flxmur be held by the subject talk by Eagles, speaking on a memorial ififillt cumstantial Evidence,’’ by Mrs. E. of a at luncheon ***** by Indianapolis John program of Indianapolis held |Bgß|faA , H. Katterhenry. and “Action," Mrs. Hewitt Rosenstiel, Free- Eagles 111., director of at the opera house. Miss Marguerite Omdorff. Athletic port, the fourth re- Wins Essay Prize Club. gion of the National League of Program at Tablet Judges for this group were Don- Women Voters. Hostesses for the News; May 11. First part of the program Sun- ald D Hoover Indianapolis meeting will be Henry day be tablet, Mrs. Rosa M. Mikels. Shortridge Mesdames L Dithmer Henry at 1:30 will at the J. where Mrs. J. Pfarr, high school; Miss Sarah T. Sisson, Kahn. William Shafer, Henlev Hollidir. John mother James B Minor, E. M of ten children, place flowers Butler university. English depart- McNallv. John will Somerville. William H. Link and Joseph X. in the presence of committees of ment. and Mrs. L. H. Millikan. was Langfltt and Mis* Marv Winter the three organizations sponsoring Julia Mrs. Orlando B. Little Retiring officers are Miss Bowman n in the essay Mrs, Walter 8. the observance. JTjg awarded first place Grrenough. president: Mr*. Bert C. Ellis, Principal program will be held at contest with a formal essay. “Mak- first vice-president: Mrs. Ralph Carter, hiss Ann Coope-r Mrs. se** 2:30 in Eagles temple. 43 West Ver- ing the Proper Emphasis.” ond vice-president: Mr* William Snethen. mont street. will be Olcott Williams won second treasurer: Mr*. Joseph Stine, recording *ec- Speakers Mrs. ofof engagementsengagements Minnie E. May president of In- Announcement U place for "The American Indian.” retarv, and Mrs Dorothy Goodrich, corre- Hahn, the J sponding secretary. diana American War Mothers; Boyd of a Butler co-ed and an alumna Judges in this class were Mrs. —Photo bv Dexhelmer. Directors whose terms expire Gurley, of Times, and week Guio; Miss Ruth Louise Arm- include editor The was made this by their 0.J3. Mesdames Paul White, Lehmann, Dunning, Otto P. Deluse, past national Eagles strong, Shortridge high school, and parents. and Mrs. George W. T. D. Sheertn and R. E. Davidson. Mrs. Photo br Virginia Edaarda. president. J. Pierce Dr. Raschig, the Indianapolis Cummings, Frank E. Your Child Pletcher Hodge* Is chairman of the nomi- past Bowman’ 215 Berkley road, an- Mr. Leedy is a graduate of Butler. president of the arie, will pre- ] Star. nating committee. j Miss Mabel Smith side. nounce the approaching wedding Miss Ann Cooper, daughter of “Our World,” a poem WTitten by Mabel Smith is of their daughter. Miss Julia j Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper, will Mrs. Mary B. Moynahan, received Happiness in Is Great Miss a member Numbers by Chorus who become Home thr entertainment committee of Bowman, will the be married to Russell E. Hauser, first place in the poetry contest. of of Leedy, Plan the Young Womens Democratic Three numbers will be given by bride E. Hollis son of | Cleveland, 0.. June 30. at the Honorable mention was given Miss Colonial Club of Indiana, Inc., and the Mar- the Mothers’ chorus of school No. Mrs. Ulysses Grant Leedy, 5206 North Methodist Episcopal Margaret Boyd's poem, “Song of Essential to Child Health Grandview on 2. Mias and Mrs. E. H. lon County Democratic Club, which 29, direction of Mrs. Norma Ros- drive, July : church. Miss Cooper, who at- the Poplar Tree,” Program Bowman Butler and a poem, “Higher Plan.” There are happy thoughts about for will hold an informal reception at. ter, with Mrs. C. H. Over as ac- attends is I tended Butler university. Is a Katterhenry's some thing he has done impulsively or ac- member of Pi Beta sorority. Tuesday rhlldhealth in the following article—the 8 Monday in Travertine room companist. Chorus members are Phi 1 member of Delta Gamma sorority. Club Meets cidentally or thoughtlessly, or mere- the were Don- last in a series of si* written for The of the Lincoln in honor of Demo- Mesdames Anna Smith, Mabel Fry- Judges for this group ly because he was curious. May instructor in Eng- Times and XEA Service during child Luncheon nominees of er, Lula Smith, Helen Pierce, ald A. Smalley, It may eat into him for months, cratic the state and Willia health week. county. Hostesses will be: Clouse. Candis Cunningham, Flor- lish, Indiana university; Miss Mary ruin his appetite, spoil his sleep and Crragh, ence Christianson, In the Realm of Clubs Dyer Lemon, of Indian- him or stupid. Washington program Mi se* Harriett* Day. Estelle Margaret Ken- book editor make irritable bicentennial Mabel Goddard, BY OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON with and Frata McCabe, Ernest Frick, dall, Mabel Helm. Jeanette Walters. apolis Star; Miss Try to get him to talk it all out members in colonial costume Kirk McKlmey. William Rich, Marcia Grace Adams and Elizabeth Marie MONDAY Mrs. J. S. Bray, 987 Campbell Technical high school, and David previous articles I have men- with you quietly and with under- will feature the annual May lunch- Murph- Mane Hadlev, C J. Pettttory. De Pauw university. of Stone. Board Woman’s avenue, will be hostess to the Irv- Kingman, INtioned the major factors of good standing. The aired mind is the eon the woman's auxiliary to the Marie Kathryn* Clement*, mem- of directors of the Sexton. The auxiliary' will Municipal Department ington Catholic WomafXs Club. The club will meet in Parlor C health for children—food, sanita- rested, relieved mind. Railway Mail Association at 1 Young offer three Gardens Club on ber* of the executive board of the music will The talk of the Y. W. C. A. Tuesday night, tion, exercise, sleep, and pre- There is a difference between Wednesday at the Avalon Country Women Democratic Club of Indiana, Inc., numbers, including by Mrs. meet at 1. A business meeting Rev. C. M. Bosler will sun on “The Orthodox Church.” when prize-winning manuscripts vention of diseases. license and liberty, of course, but Club. and Mesdames John Donnelly, John Bing- Charles Pfarr. Marie and Phyllis is scheduled at 2. Miss Wilma Greek A report Council will be read and prizes awarded by Now I have come to the one I too manychildren are superintended Auxiliary quartet, composed of ham. John Kern. Samuel Ralston, Carl Pfarr. Mary Riesbeck and Gerald- Casey, reader, will give selections of the National given. Mrs. purposely for last, too much and have no outlet for Mesdames Claude Wood*. Sadie Newman, Ruth Dans, Her- ine Welsh, and a reading by Miss for a Mothers' day program. of Catholic Women will be Golden. have saved the H. Dill. C. J. Annual meeting of Woman's; The club’s contest committee is but which I consider to be the most natural and praiseworthy impulses. Finch. Jerauld ford Dugan, and Miss Pay Terrell, mem- Dorothy Amick. The Monday Club will meet at 2 the McDermott. Dan the County Democratic be A composed Mrs. Blanche Graham tremendous of all in the ef- Suppression causes unhappiness Hutchison. Leroy Allen, H. ber* of Marion Invocation and benediction will at the D. A. R. chapter house. At Department Club will at 11. of factor Walter Club Williams, Mrs. L. D. Owens and fort to is and often comes out in the form of Vinzant, Madison Noble be by Jacob L. Smith, chaplain of 2:30, a program be given rep- buffet luncheon will be served at 12 establish health. This Davis and Members of the entertainment will Mrs. Dovie O. Jones. happiness! poor conduct. These children usual- Shute, will sing. "The Baby's For- the aerie initiatory resenting the romance of music, with Mrs. Robert Shingler as chair- •ommittees of both clubs are: staff. No child can be ly are “nervous” in some form or tune," from the seven ages and charge of J.
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