R.I . JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. ., 130 SES SI ON S S T . P ROVIDENCE , RI 0290 6 Support Read -By Jewish More Than ~ Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership VOLi JME LXII. NUMBER 37 THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1979 25¢ PER COPY Israel Protests Vainly Music Festival To Honor Over Austria-PLO Talks HIAS At Carnegie Hall VIENNA: Israel's protests against the and Dr. Kreiaky vice president. The Israeli NEW YORK - HIAS, the worldwide talks held in this city this past weekend with Labor Party is a member. Jewish migration agency, will be honored Y asir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine The Austrian leader, who is of Jewish on July 14 at Carnegie Hall as a feature of a Liberation Organization, were rejected by descent, said in a radio interview that be unique six-day Soviet Jewish Music Austria on Monday, and Chancellor Bruno had received Mr. Arafat "because I con­ Festival, to be held July 10-15. The festival Kreisky said the session "served the cause sider him the key man in the P.L.O." will join together the finest of the recently of Peace." Asserting that it was Mr. Arafat who had arrived Soviet Jewish musicians from the The Austrian Foreign Ministry accused "ended terror actions" by the overall Leningrad and Moscow Philharmonics, the Israel of "interference in Austria's internal guerrilla organization, Dr. Kreisky said the Bolshoi Theatre, and other Soviet ensem­ - affairs" with its message of denunciation three days of discussions showed that "it bles . and the withdrawal of its ambassador "for would be absolutely ridiculous to think the Theatre and film star Lou Jacobi, whose consultations" because of the 10 hours of P.L.O. is out to destroy Israel." father migrated from Poland to Canda in talks that Dr. Kreisky and former Chan­ Mr. Brandt told reporters that the Israeli 1911 with the help of HIAS, will present a cellor Willy Brandt of West Germany held protests had not dissuaded him from watch on behalf of HIAS to I I-year-old here with Mr. Arafat. holding future discussions with Mr. Arafat. Leonid Sushansky, an emigrc from Odessa. The Israeli Parliament joined in the Isndl Partlaamt Vlrtul.ly Ullited He is the son of Rimma Sushanskaya, a All parties in the Israeli Parliament, ex­ denunciation, voting 82 to 5 with 3 absten­ violinist performing that evening. They cept the far left. joined in the resolution tions lo condemn Chancellor Kreisky, the were assisted in their initial adjustment by criticizing Chancellor Kreisky. first Western leader lo receive Mr. Arafat HIAS' cooperating agency the New York formally. Prime Minister Menachcm Begin opened Association for New Americans . The The talks over the weekend were within the debate by quoting passages from the presentation is intended lo symbolize the the framework of the Socialist Inter­ Palestinian covenant showing that the aim fruition of a dream come true for th ousands PAT JACOBI national, a group of 56 Socialist and labor of the Palestine Liberation Organization of HIAS-assistcd new Americans of all parties of which Mr. Brandl is president was to eliminate Israel. ages. I. Jacobson, executive vice president of HIAS. Mr . Jacobi began hi s career as a Since its inception. HIAS and its nightclub comedian and quic kl y made his predecessor organizations have assisted Terrorist Activities Curbed transition into legitimate theatre. He has more than 4,000.000 Jews to new homes. also appeared o n numerous televisio n The agency's current activities primarily By Israeli Air Strikes programs. He will be introduced by Gaynor focus on the resettlement of Soviet Jews. By Yitzhak Sbargil Israel's eastern front where. he said, Jordan TEL AVIV (JTA) - Gen. Ychoshua would have to be a dominant component of j Saguy, Chief of Military Intelligence, said any Arab force. Bui so far Jordan has not 'Erosion' Of Rabbinate Deplored that Israel has evidence that its air strikes decided whether to join with the Syrians FALLSBURG (JTA): Rabbi Abraham The Orthodox ra bbi s approved resolu­ against terrorist targets in south Lebanon 0 l and Iraqis. Iraqi constitutes the most R. Hecht, president of the Rabbinica l ti ons urging rabbinic candidates lo "re I aborted at least 80 percent of planned serious potential danger, he said. as it is the Alliance of Ameri ca. told the ann ual con­ examine the rabbinate as a vi able vocation" terrorist activities against Israel in recent only Arab country that has doubled the size vention of the Orthodox rabbi ni cal group and urging non-rabbinic yeshiva graduates 1j weeks. He said that groups of terrorists, of its army since the Yorn Kippur War. here th at there has been "a gradual and ul­ " t o bol s ter their neighb o rhood I trained and equipped with weapons, had Saguy said that Iraq which had six divi­ timatel y devastating erosion in th e impor­ synagogues. " I been given the green light for assaults sions in 1973 now has 11 divisions and can tance of the Orthodox rabbinate."' I against Israel. But their departure was easily send six divisions as an expeditionary Rabbi Hecht, wh o was elected to a th ird Rabbi Hecht sa id there had been an ero­ I forestalled. force to the Israeli front. Saguy said the term as president. allributed the de velop­ sion process underway in the American I Referring lo the recent air battle between change of regime in Iran made such a move ment lo two factors: "First. the predomi­ Jewish community and allributed it to the I Israeli and Syrian jets when the latter at­ easier for Iraq inasmuch as the Islamic nant preference among rabbinic students to "almost total emphasis" en Israel during tempted to interfere with an Israeli attack authorities in Tchcran would give their reject the pulpit following their ordination; the past decade. He said "American syn­ I on terrorist strongholds, Saguy noted that blessing to any act against Israel. and second, the tendency among yeshi va agogues have been so busy concerning I Syrian forces arc deployed along a line from Referring to Saudi Arabia, the in­ alumni lo choose 'stiblach' and yeshiva ser­ themselves with Israel that they have I Zaharani- on the Mediterranean coast to telligence chief·said it was ominous that the vices rather than join established - syn­ neglected the needs of the local Jewish com­ Kfar Mashki in the cast. The last Israeli ac­ Saudis should position the bulk of their ar­ agogues." He said the first development munity." He said "the time has come for tion was some IO kilometers south of mored corps at Tabuk, only 150 kilometers had resulted in "a dearth of qualified the synagogue and the rabbi to de­ Zaharani. He said that if the Syrians do not from Israel, when logically, it should be Orthodox rabbis" and that the second had emphasize Israel and re-emphasize the most seek another encounter there will be none stationed near the border with South "deprived once vibrant congregations of a important Jewish community in the world but if they try to interfere with Israeli ac­ Yemen. well-informed and scholarly laity." - our own." tivity or move south from their present positions north of the Litani River, there is a very great possibility of more encounters. According to Saguy, Israel has no confir­ mation.of reports that Syrians have brought SAM-6 anti-aircraft missile batteries into Lebanon. On the other hand, the SAM-7 or "Strella" type shoulder-launched missiles are to be found everywhere in south Lebanon and are used by terrorists, he said. It was learned, meanwhile, that the scheduled visit to Moscow by President Hafez Assad of Syria has been postponed, probably because of the internal troubles in Syria. Assad is believed to be seeking Soviet support or at least approval of the Iraqi-Syrian political union. Saguy spoke of possible clashes on ENJOYING FREEDOM ROME (JTA): Joseph Oberhauser, a for­ mer SS officer wanted in Italy for mus murders committed during World War 11, enjoys full freedom in West Germany where, at age 65, he dispenses beer at the Zurn Franziskaner restaurant in Munich, it was reported here in II Measagero. Oberhauser is held responsible for the PEACE AWARD: Dr. Elle and Macia Cohen recelwed a ,._ award forom Sta.. of lerNI l!londll for their ,-. of dedlcal9d slaughter of about 750,000 ·,persons, in• NrYlce to larNI and lllelr --.Hy. Al a community dinner held NCenlly, Rabbi Marc Jagollnnr MrYed • m•tw of cluding 5000 Italian and Yugoslavian Jews · ___. and .,,_.i U. co"'9cl award to lhe'Cohene. and partisans in Italy's only concentration Pictured from left to right are Rabbi Ely Katz, Rabbi Marc Jagollnnr, Dr. 1111d Mra. Elle Cohen, and Rabbi Theodore L-la, camp, San Saba in Trieste. who folMd llallbl JagollnNr In ,.,... tribute to the ..... of honor. .,------ -----·-------------------- - --- . I 2-THERHODEISl'.~NDHERALD, THURSDAY.JU.LY 12, 1979 MARTIN KAHN Foundation Starts Martin Kahn, 72, formerly of 1801 Bed­ ford Lane, King's Point, Sun City, Florida, Educational Program Obituaries died July 7 after a three-week illness. He The Rhode Island Chapter, Myasthenia was the husband of Ida (Feynman) Kahn. EMMA H. MILLER two brothers, Harold Stanzler of Paw­ Gravis Foundation will establish a new He was a music teacher, and he owned Mrs. Emma H. Miller, 72, a Providence tucket. and Milton Stanzler of Providence; educationaJ program - in conjunction with and operated a chain of music studios in resident before moving 19 Miami 25 years two sisters, Mrs . Mollie Fisch of the directors of educational and develop­ Brooklyn, New York for 25 years until ago, and a member of the board of directors Providence, and Mrs.
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