Want Ads On Pages 6, 7 and 8 THE INGHAM COUNTY __----~~----~~~-------------------------------------------------1E_ig_h_ty_·n_i_nt_h_Y_e_n_t· __N_o_. _:JJ____________ ____, INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN,. THURSDAY, AUGUST~~=------------------ 12, 1948 .~------------------------·----------------------------------------~ Ingham COunty Fair Opens Monday for Full Week Extra Tax Sought 20- Year- Old Ilolstein /las 18th ()alf Fair Progra·m For TB Hospital . Studded With By Vote of People Feature Acts Voters to Mal,e Deciilion On Raising Extra Taxea New Recm·ds Are Sighted At November Election On Farm and Commercial Exhibits Shown at Fail· Ingham county voters will 1decide at the November elec· Next week is county fair I tion on boosting the tax limit week in Ingham. For six days to provide.an extra mill for re­ and nights, beginning Monday modeling and adding to the there is a full me.asure of en­ Ingha{ll tuberculosis hospital tertainment and education ·of· at Lansing. The boost will be fered. a half-mill for 1949 and a half· 'l'he echrcrttlona! opportunities mill for 1950. are moRt Rpparcnt in the barns, tents and show rings whero tho The tax of one mill on the livestock rtncl other farm and Present valuation will yield home exhibits arc displayed und judged. Worthwhile education is $234,000. Already in the bud-, also available nt the buildings anrl i get for the 1948 levy within I tents wh!ch hou~c the commcrc!nl I the IS-mill limit is $50,000. A exhibits. New thrng~ for the farm like sum w.as included in the I and for farm and city homes will I be shown. ,.-I 194 7 budget. · .Entertainment features rrmge I I In .Tune the board of control of a}] the way from the shows, rides the sanatorium asiwd for $200,000 and other concessions usually out of the 1948 levy to be set aside found o11 county fair midways, to for the building fund. The request the four· days of harness racing, was trimmed to $50,000. The de- the thrill shows, the musical re• mand for a vote of the people on vues on the grandstand stage, the 1 extra funds was the answer of the livestock parades and the horse , sanatorium board members Man- By VIvian Oviatt Inight's calf, and eight of her Here is Adella and her youngest pulllng contests. day. ., . , offspring are now Jiving. and with them is Bobby Lawson, With a bumper harvest out of I. Dr. C. J .. Strrnger, med1cal su- Have a glass of m1lk--1t s "I discovered when she was grandson of Jack Chamberlain. the way, a new attendance mark pcrintendent ~f the sanatorium, a gir.l!"--and so .goes the cele-~ young that she was a good brood The hoy's mother is Mrs. Margaret is expected. With more race money 1 told supervisors Monday that the bratwn at the J. H. and R. D. cow," was Jack Chamberlain's an· Lawson, employed in the county offered than ever before, tl16 1treatment of tuberculosis is now Ch b 1 . f B 1l swer to why he has lwpt Ade!la clerk's office in Mason. (Photo by races ttrc expected to attract har• i by surgery and that p~esent has· am er am arm. on e ~vue I so long. "For this· purpose, th~ Ingham County News.) ncsR race fans from all over thn . pita! faclllties are madcquate. 1 road west of Leslie, ever smce animal must be perfect" he ex- -~-~ --- -~--~ state. i When the hospital W!Ul built the the Blessed Event on Monday i plaine d. "She must be stt:ong, with Her milk production record is: Thrill Show 1\lorulay 1 treatment was almost entirely bed night, August 9. ·a ruggad constitution." In lOY, lactations, 113,573 tbs. of In past years tho thrill show has 1 rest. The operating room provided Adell i vcr stro t1 . mill<, 5,088.1 lbs. of fat. Sire of been a top drawing card at the was for emergencies only. Now op- A~ the .age of 20 years, 5 excellcn~ h~alth Y ng, an rn Adelia was Beets Piebe Scgls, and fair. The crash drivers have done crating is standard treatment, the months and 3 days the mother h · her dam was Fair·Monds Mercedes· Itheir stuff on Saturday nights. doctor pointed' out. I h d h ' 18th ff ' . d .c amberla 1n operates the farm, Johanna. This year the thrill show will be . a er o spnng, an , wrth his son, and has hved at the Tl t t d d held Monday night the first night For 15 years t he sanatormm has according to J H Chamber- present location for six years For te ~even es e aughters of f th f . 0 T ' d W d needed remodeling, Dr. Stringer . , · · 11 · Adelia all have excellent records~ 0 e air. n ues ay, e nc~- reported, but it was not done dur·llam, that s a record, maybe I whJefrs bcf~~e -if.ha~: he w,aa at Two daughters were sold before day and Thursday nights a musl• ing the depression because of lack a state record, perhaps a U; 1near Jortow e 10 tgana Farms freshening, and two died. She had ca~ rcvt,1 ~· ;' 1 t~ 1 mgi~tly cha~g~ o~ 1 of funds it was not done during S record or even a world 1 • one proven son, two sons now in ac s, wr 0 11; ure e gran s an 1 the war' because. of building rc·l • d I The latest calf, who upset her the process of being proven, and show. An ~ntrrciy new show, w1th strict!ons, and It has now been put recor · owners by being fiye days overdue, three sons not proven yet. the ;xceptron ?f the chorus a~.d Secretary Fran!< Guerricm of ff b f hi h b lld" t Th bj'e t f 11 th • cite will probably be giVen a name be- Concluding Adelia's background trapeze acts, wrll move In for Fit• tl1c Mason Kiwanis club and Earl o " cca~se .o g . u mg cos s. e. su c o a e ex • ginning with ".T!', said Chamber- arc her rands ire Trixune Ormsb I?ay and Saturdrty ;tights, accord• Robinson arc shown in the top pic­ Th~ !nsbtutlon 1s now a hos,; m~~t IS,. of course •. Chamber· lain. That is. how far into the Picbe 13th, and' her grand .danr. mg to. Joy 0. Dav1s, manager of ture, on the wing- headed fm· Mn­ pita!; 1t rs no longer a sanatorium, lams pnze Holstcm "Belle- alphabet he has named Adella's 3ccdos Nig Johanna College the farr. sun. This plane along with 61 decl~rcd Dr. Stringer. "A new op- Grant Segis Adelia"', , whose children. La s. · ' ' Rf!cing- will start Tuesday and others made tl1c flight to Hills· Werahbngthroohm .!sit ulrgentlyb ·~tctedtchd. amazing age and breeding rec- Adell a has founded many herds, ~ partirtl Jist of owners of: stock ctho~tmue thrbouglh I Friday wtith dale for a mass aviation rendez­ en e osp a was Ul c . and four of her daughters arc in clos ~ related to Adella in· 100 races 00 te< every af er• vous with other Michigan Ki­ patients wallted to dining rooms ord ha:ve made her the subject the Chamberlain herd now. clud~ two sons, M. A. B. Co· noon. wantans Tuesday noon. for their meal.s and WRiked to to!· of arttcles, photographs, and Michigan State college. has two op, In·.; a son and some females Horse pulhng contests ar<l "Let's eat again·• remarlwcl I lets. Now pat1ents well enm;gh··to disc·us. sions. j of her sons in the artificial insem- closely I related, Fred Rttth!g, Lcs- scheduled for Saturday afternoon. 1wallt are sent home. Facm;tes for . , . ination barn, and Fr~d Ruthig, lie~· a ·grand-daughter, Kenneth I New .nuihllngs .Reatly . Franlt Gucri-lero (right· iri center bed care are lacldng ... That s what- . For the benefit ?f .the unm- 1near Leslie, now owns one of her Baiter, Leslie; double grand-sons, The south stand, left unfmrshcd picture) as he managed to pull 1 himself frnm Earl Robinson's open I the remodeling program Is for." formed bystander, this S a very! sons. Ruthig owned .a daughter Owen Smith, Mason, Fmnl< Japps, . from l~st year ~tntil the board of coclcpit tiger plane. Frn.nk said he I Under the pl~n as .outlined,, a rare case, because her longev1ty of Adelia's at one time. Mason, A. E. Seeldl, Hudson, J., supervrsors provided funds. a believed his condil!rm was due to four-story ad ditto!) Will be bmlt .. be.ats. any cow on the records of Adelia, named for Jack Cham' H. Dewing, Pewamo, T. H. Schull, mont~ ago, Is ready. The roofmg too many spins and doriblc-dips; Waiting rooms and dining' rooms, I Mwhlgan State college or in the berlain's mother, who made friends Jaclwon, F. A. Merkley, Cheboy- and srrlmg have b:en placed, the now used as wards, will be con-· knowledge of Don Curry, Ingham with her when Adelia was a calf, gan, and H. F. Hunt, Grand Ledge; 1stand ha~ been grven a coat of Shown at the right arc Ki­ verted into small rooms. More util-I county agent. The ave.rage 00:" is registered under the Holstein I a double grand-daughter, G. L. I paint nn~ Hags at.'': !lying to wei· wanians Art and Dit'k Jewett lty rooms will be provided. The op· does not us~aliy stay 111 a herd, number 1469805.• Bancroft, Fhnt.
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