ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Jahr/Year: 2009 Band/Volume: 30 Autor(en)/Author(s): Nässig Wolfgang A., Bouyer Thierry Artikel/Article: A new Pseudojana species from Flores, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae) 205-208 Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 30 (4): 205–208 (2010) 205 A new Pseudojana species from Flores, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Eupterotidae) Wolfgang A. Nässig 1 and Thierry Bouyer Dr. Wolfgang A. Nässig, Entomologie II, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D­60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; [email protected] Thierry Bouyer, Rue Genot 57, B­4032 Chênée, Belgium; [email protected] Abstract: A new species of the genus Pseudojana Hamp son, The taxonomy of the Eupterotidae remains largely un re­ 1893 from the Indonesian island of Flores is descri bed: Pseu­ solved. Recent studies have clarified the nomen cla ture dojana floresina sp. n. (male holotype in Senck en berg­Mu­ of the family (Nässig & Oberprieler 2007) and of the se um Frankfurt am Main, Germany). The species, one of the easternmost representatives of the genus in the In do ne­ 53 currently recognised genera (Näs sig & Ober prie ler si an archipelago, is rather bright in ground colour but with 2008) and have begun to address the com po si tion of a well­developed dark pattern. Main diagnostic dif ferences natural groups (subfamilies) in the fa mi ly (Ober prieler are found in the com para tive ly small male geni talia. et al. 2003) and their rela tion ships (Zwick 2008). One Preimaginal instars and larval foodplants are un known. The such group is the “Ganisa group”, an infor mal collective species appears to have more than one gene ra tion per year; group proposed by Oberprieler et al. (2003) and Nässig it is known from 1270 to 1750 m altitude and, as usual for the genus, appears to be a nocturnal forest­dweller. & Oberprieler (2008) for a num ber of genera not readily attributable to the for mal sub fa mi lies of Eupterotidae, Eine neue Pseudojana­Art von Flores, Indonesien including Eu pte rot i nae, in which most of these genera (Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae) had been placed be fore (For bes 1955, Holloway et al. Zusammenfassung: Eine neue Art der Gattung Pseudojana 2001). Thus far no ob vious syn apo mor phies are apparent Hamp son, 1893 wird von der indonesischen Insel Flores for this as sort ment of genera, and it may even represent a be schrieben: Pseudojana floresina sp. n. (männlicher Ho lo­ para phy letic grade from which some of the other eu pte­ typus im Senckenberg­Museum Frankfurt am Main). Die rotid groups could have arisen (Oberprieler et al. 2003). neue Art ist innerhalb Indonesiens einer der östlichsten be kannten Vertreter der Gattung; sie ist vergleichsweise hell The genus Pseudojana Hampson, 1893 is a member of this in der Grundfarbe, aber mit sehr gut entwickelten dunklen Ganisa group. This genus was never properly re vised and Zeich nungs ele men ten. Die Hauptunterschiede fin den sich may contain about a dozen species (Nässig & Oberprieler in den vergleichsweise kleinen männlichen Ge ni tal ar ma tu­ 2008: 63), some of which are still un de scribed. One of the ren. Die Präimaginalstadien und Rau pen fraß pflan zen sind un be kannt. Die neue Art scheint mehr als ei ne Generation results of preparatory work for a revision of the genus pro Jahr zu haben; sie wurde bisher von et wa 1270 bis is published here, describing a new species from Flores. 1750 m Höhe gefunden und dürfte, wie üblich in der Gat­ Abbreviations and conventions tung, ein nachtaktiver Waldbewohner sein. Abbreviations of collections: Une nouvelle espèce de Pseudojana de Flores en CRBP Collection Ron Brechlin, Pasewalk, Germany. Indonésie (Lepidoptera, Eupterotidae) CTBC Collection Thierry Bouyer, Chenêe, Belgium. Résumé: Une nouvelle espèce du genre Pseudojana Hamp­ CWAN Collection Wolfgang A. Nässig, now in SMFL. son, 1893 est décrite de l’île indonésienne de Flores: Pseu­ do jana floresina sp. n., holotype mâle déposé au Senck en­ SMFL Lepidoptera collection in the Senckenberg­Museum, berg­Museum, Frankfurt am Main en Allemagne. A ce Frank furt am Main (with the number of the Lepi do pte ra jour, l’espèce est un des représentants les plus oriental du type catalogue of the Senckenberg­Mu seum), Ger ma ny. genre en Indonésie. Elle possède une couleur de fond plu­ ZFMK Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum A. Koenig, tôt claire avec un patron noir particulièrement mar qué. Les Bonn, Germany. caractères diagnostiques principaux se retrouvent dans les Other abbreviations and conventions: armures génitales du mâle, relativement pe tites. Les sta­ BC barcode. des préimaginaux et les plantes nourricières sont encore in connus. L’espèce semble avoir plus d’une gé nération an nu­ fw. forewing(s). elle et elle est présente à des altitudes com prises entre 1270 GP no. dissection vial/genitalia slide no., ex CWAN, now in SMFL, et 1750 mètres. Comme les autres es pèces du genre, elle if not stated otherwise. semble être un habitant forestier noc turne. HT holotype. hw. hindwing(s). Introduction lfw. length of the forewing, measured in a straight line from The bombycoid family Eupterotidae is generally not well­ the base of the wing to the most distant point of the apex, studied, especially in eastern Indonesia. The first mem­ without the width of the thorax and with out the tegulae. ber of the family known from the island of Flores, Ga ni­ PT paratype(s). sa floresiaca Nässig, 2009, was only recently de scrib ed uns. underside. (Nässig et al. 2009). ups. upperside. 1 Studies in Eupterotidae no. 11 (no. 10: W. A. Nässig, N. N. Ignatyev & T. J. Witt (2009), Two new species of the genus Ganisa Walker, 1855 from Su la wesi and Flores, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Eu pte ro tidae). — Entomofauna, Ansfelden, 30 (25): 453–464). — Corresponding author. © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 206 1a 1b 2a 2b 3 Figs. 1–3: Pseudojana floresina sp. n. a = ups., b = uns. Fig. 1: ♂ HT, SMFL. Fig. 2: ♂ PT, ZFMK. Fig. 3: ♀ PT, ups., CRBP. — Photographs approximately to the same scale; scale bars = 1 cm. — Photos: W. A. Nässig (1, 2), R. Brechlin (3). © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 207 Pseudojana­floresina sp. n. (Figs. 1–4) Holotype ♂: Indonesia, Flores (W), Prov. Nusa Tenggara Ti mur, Gunung Ranaka (E), 3 km S Mano, 18 km SE Ru teng, prim. forest, 1270 m, 17.–21. iv. [19]96, leg./ex coll. Dr. Ron Brechlin, in SMFL, SMFL type catalogue no. 4253; BC B3279­WN­A03. (Fig. 1; lfw. 60 mm.) Paratypes (in total 7 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀): all Indonesia, Flores: 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ (♀ Fig. 3), same data as HT, in CRBP (lfw. ♂♂: 59, 60, 60, 61 mm; ♀♀: 70, 72 mm). 1 ♂, 7 km S Ruteng, Golo Lusang, 1750 m, 17./18. x. 1985, leg. M. Amin & F. Gaul, via U. Pauk stadt v. 1998 in coll. CWAN/SMFL, GP 1283/00 Näs­ sig/SMFL; SMFL no. 4254 (lfw. 55 mm); BC B3279­WN­A04. 1 ♂, [same data?], via U. Pauk stadt in coll. CTBC (lfw. 59 mm); GP 2086/09 Nässig (genitalia Fig. 4); BC B3279­ WN­A01, ­A02. 1 ♂ (Fig. 2), Ruteng, Mt. Potjo, iii. 2005, leg. H. Schnitzler, in ZFMK, Ein g.­Nr. 13/05; GP N. Ig na tyev: Bonn EUPT­055 (lfw. 61 mm). Derivatio nominis: The new species is named after the 4a In do nesian island of Flores, its only known distribution. Description and diagnosis ♂ (Figs. 1, 2). Lfw. 59.38 mm (± 1.92 [1 s.d.]; n = 8). Size average for genus. Antenna 14.0–14.5 mm in length; shaft scal ed to tip, consisting of ca. 75 seg ments; longest rami ca. 1.34–1.50 mm (difficult to mea sure be cause three­ dimensionally bent), bi pec tin ate. Ground co lour greyish­ brown with pin kish tint; ra ther bright in comparison with most congenerics. Fw. with com pa ra tive ly well­ 4b developed fasciae: a faint sub basal and ba sal line, followed by a small dis coi dal spot in di ca ted by a patch of blackish scales; median area bright, less suf fused with Fig. 4: Pseudojana floresina sp. n. a: ♂ genitalia, b: phallus se pa ra te ly dark scales than other parts of wing; a well­developed (at dif ferent scale); GP no. 2086/09 Nässig/SMFL; specimen in CTBC. postdiscal line, with post dis cal area ap pear ing darkened — Pseu do jana genitalia are symmetrical; the tegumen ring is damaged by suffusion with dark scales; postmedian line strong, here, and the left and right valva are seen under slightly different ang les. — Scale bars = 5 mm. — Photos: J.-P. Ko pel ke. black, mesally bor der ed by bright, pale line of similar thickness and inten si fied dark scaling of postdis cal area; pattern and lines in ante mar ginal and mar ginal area only Uncus with dorsal processes widely apart (not close ly weak ly de ve loped, without two ob lique fasciae as in many together as in P. obscura), with dis tinct mid dor sal gap (as other spe cies. Hw. with si mi lar pat tern of well­de ve loped in P. perspicuifascia). Gna thos very well de ve loped (as black lines and suf fused areas (usually no dis coi d al patch usual in Pseudojana, in con trast to Ganisa, see com ment visible), median area ap pear ing near ly black ish.
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