— . J . — —— —— — : v• T'TUnsip \\\ MARCH 24-. I8U. VOLUME aXVI--~NUME£U 3438. /"ft -fc.UC-.lt _C(, BOSTON, (Massachusetts) Printed by «rU^AM6 oc R-HUA&E&j, Publishers of' the Laws of the United States, htMd»i but on theirs who excited it. we from thofe I Lincoln^ Hancock and Washington But who arc ornaments of hitman Hal lire, detriment of l,ioi»n. and have flnt t-niered that of ^laiTafjjuBtt^'iSDmmatton. is redeeming Spirit i (1 " coxvisntion. Mult, there a MaSTachufeiu by tho'n be honored and by thecn bemourn Simplon, Our enrpt ii reinforced by the gairiSou To fbren that will faYe ner from an evih We ed,"and that cold hearted, calculating policy, vf Geneva, and by troops which arrive from di- AT Urge and rcfpeiSUbte meeting of Republi- iruft lha< die height profnect of aafjimsl peace, which would leave their boi.^ uohonured, Shall verfc points. eder.ilifls, the Supporters cans and American i (hat das begun tn illumine our ho rise no, and cc.-iSe to be. Mr. Dbxtsr, fiom I lie town* of Camden, Bo«m, of which is btigliieninj; every <fcy, will not he Place befide Mr. DFXT£R m power, the Jan. 2.—A recanuiteringpariy of rwoRtt. H-ne, Thotralt-m, St Qjoofee, and CuShiag, flian lon'p oblcured by clouds portending Inch '•al- Hon. WILLIAM GRAY, he knows molt Se- baUaflibtwajad Some Coflacks, with iwo piece! atfemli'ed at the honSe of Cam. Jacod Ui-MSii, nf c*nnon, advanced toward* amities. 'I* he good pe.iple> of thin itate, have verely the deep wo»nd& war indicts on com- this city, which i* oc- in J'ljomsfton, on Thu.fcUy, the 17iii March ^-,., cupied by a [()Q much fct] change! doivc>ftie peace and merce. Inreicfted in more commerce thsn any Exjjvf Gen. Sebaftian', c«.pt_ Gen's Albert and liqtrinat went id meet or for man in America, h<- know, full well Uie inteieft (he n wmy with John Mouniux. Mercury, when the 1 * halldlinn mn, md , , _ and a few Squadron*, «(td atucked D wit f )f cjvj| „ ifl i Wte(ntc and the rights of Commerce nod Peace. him following Preamble and Resolutions were read „_._, inftantly wiih the greiieft impetuo&ty. The Resolved,.. That to chei_k and aiTuage party A« friends of our union, our country and its whot« and accented : of that pariy have bfcen made prifunets of wnr — Spirit: to unite the moclcra'eand reflecting men rights, fupport as your Senators—the glory of The trfa piece* r»f t^iinon and ine commanding Matticluifetis, once the pride and of all parties, to preveO> civil war. and to ref. RuS- Hon. THOMAS KITTREDGE, iiafi Major haoe been taken. V e have hid unite*! dtbVricit; hai for Sometime paft, exh'ib- torn M.ifTichu'ettE to her former high rank and only 1 nine political folly and Hon. B. W. CROWN1NSH1ELD, men wounded. This encounter dees great ited a finking pi<Stare of influence in the councils nf ihe nation, we will Hon. honor to the 5th regt of chaSSeurs and the battalion ruadncSs. Patriotic and u sited, this State then give at the enfuingaieclion, for the DANIEL KILHAM, our furnaces of the 35th. poSfelfed a large (hare of political pnwc and Hon. SAMUf-'L for Governor, and MOSES LITTLE, Esq. DEXTER Gen. Sobaftiani, whose head quarters Sacrificed are at Co- ! having influence in the Union ; but the Hon. WILLIAM GRAY for Lteut Gov- NATHAN B. MARTIN, Esq. logna, hat fent u dctacluneni of cavaliy in purfuit TICKET. her unanimity andI patriotism at the Ihrine of REAL AMERICAN ] ernor, as patriots worthy our confidence and And for the Treafurer of your County, of another enemy's patty „, the direction of Tre- party prejudice and animoSity, her power and Support. [for APRIL 4TH, 18 14. I have vanifhed. Her vritoe, then raif JABEZ FARLEY, Es©.. ™*~~ influence Retolvel, That we will Support the Hon'ble". rights, the liberties, and cil in fupport of the MARK LANGDON HILL; the* Hon. MAR- Voted, That the above Address and Nomina-* M'tz, Jan. 5i— an uimsually large, and very The M/rfhal Duke of Valm* AT t |, eindepefl den Ce of Amcica, w aB heard and the lions he printed in the Essex Register, the Bos- TIN KINSLEY, and Hon'Me JAMLS has put olar place and thofe of l.u*eo>hurg Tliim- Convention or. Republican . in indiscriminate and respectable re <p ec[e;ci but employed CAMPBELL, an Senators for the Diltriet oS ratriot, the Independent Chronicle, and The ville, and Longevy in a fiate nf liege.— - " A confidera- the State, assem- ' of the Citizens from all parts of unceaSing clamor againft: every mealure Lincdn, Hancock and Washington, fof the en Y.mk JOSfc;PH ROPES, President. hle cotps is collecting at Nanci, to vindi bled in &osion,it was unanimously agreed | naiional government, and every effort fuiiie year. cate the violated rights and honor of our conn- Aix la Chapellc, Jan. to support BZEKTKli G. DODGE, Chairman. Latebt Foreign Intelligence. 4— On the '.ft inft at proflituted in palliating the wrongs and II P. M. the enemy THE HONORABLE try ; Attest*- John Miilinhix, Secretary. landed near Remogeo, depart- pre- outrages, and advocating the unfounded rtS» JJJJJJO s» ment of Rhine and MoSelle, aud was beat en bet weeri longer FURTHER TRANSLATIONS SAMUEL DEXTER, Esq. tentions of a declared enemy, it is no rhis diftrict and thai of Seozig 300 prisoners, are ADDRESS Fiom FrtHtb Pj{nri per lis Crittrioti, Jiaat La Ttttt taken J 60 r{ whom regarded. —*,«— ; RuCians aud I'ruffians, ere al- . FOR GOVERNOR ; Party fphit, inseparable fiom all free govern- Of the Republican Delegates of Essex ready arrived at Cohgne, m AN'P THE HONORABLE * ments, when confined within narrow limits, to their Constituents,, INVASION OF FRANCE. tends to preferve them in health and vigor.— CbaoMont, Jan. 4c—The Count SegSr, Renatoi Es^. FBLLQW CITIZUNS! Pams, Dec. S3.— All the accounts from AlSace WILLIAM GKAY, But when it overleaps ltd proper bounds, and and Commiffary Ealiaordinary .f his JvWfty.ar- Actuated by the fame views, and governed and tranche Conipte,anncuu:e (hat at llic firft Signal fupplies the plaXe of every political virtue, it rived laft evening in our city. A numerous stetaeh FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR ; the S.Tne principles, which inducedihe G-.n. oi the enemy's iuvalton, (lie Sentiment of national wife enlight- bv ment of tbe national ia the duty of a government and honnr and Of the common defence country guaids had been out to meet The Friends to eral Republican Convention to Select ihe Hdn of the at the ensuing election. aod reftrain it, But it !" him. Before leaving iheciiy ened people to check hi' united all Frenchmen. She cry —t to akms he addrefSVd to the Uie 3 A MUfcL DEX TE K, aJ the candidate for your Order; and the Constitution ; object of the policy inhahitanis of Upper Marne a Proclamation, L±\v, appears to be a peculiar ii - refaunoed fromatl pari*. Military men, whole fr.0E^ tates Suffrages as Governor of this Commonwealth which We notice the S ; following supporters ofthe Union of the of this State, to foment and chcrifh an un- Services had expired, have rallied and thiotvn ihcn- pafl>ge fur the year enfuing. We cordially aqrefe with will fcagerly fpirit of political hatred, which, ftlvet into "The Enemy in France! You ate fenfible, French.. -the heal Washington! ans; bounded die cities to defend it* approach. It is *'«'' ^-ntait them in the. peculiar propriety og Supp orting men, of the duties thia Bugle ^nd give their socage, jo,, if not a!3'iJB«d. >*ill orodu^a « — wn - ill hie (u find word* in depicture ihcT»t1,<ifi«fni word implies on press forWtrd, thin gemle-.-in for that rk-vaied omCC, rrtfti DEXTER The S.isech of the Governor, at the opening of Which the »ni»a1 of a column of cav/lry command- you ! the AMtiucu' Cakdidaies, than any other citizen of this Comuionweabh, But dnnot the Lift felTion of our Legislature, thf Anfwera eat by Gen Milhnuct, ha- excited in tile department apprehend they will dare venture in- . rWom- and GRAY. At the fame time that we mud fioc»n*^y , to the interior of to that Speech, the Report of the joint com- of Upper Rhine, Thi« imnulfe communicates iiSelf a country armed to ftop them. mend him to your warmeft Support, it is our The Emperor's mittee on the remonftrances againft the embar- to all point*; a few days longer, and the whole of army of BO.OOO, which will foon Nominations. duty all'othat you ihould not be milled, by our arrive amongft you, wnuid crufli Senatorial go, and the various fpeeches fit their advocates, France will be railed, and the hour of triumph is them; Ui* arm# recommendation, with the idea, that in electing of the Rhine woold cot ——i were calculated to inflame, -inftcad of allaying about to be founded. Numerous bodies are advan- otTtheir retreat, and tbe na* tiofial him, you will place in the chair of ftate, a gen cing from every guards would lakeanay all means for Mi-Idle sex- paily fpirit. The affumptioa of the direct tax fide ; the cnenly will have to com- of SubCs. respecting the pol- tencS frrm them. would have faved the people of this State near- tleman who agrees with you bat our arms and the whole nation united under The Emperor's Hon. SAMUEL HOAR, icy of the administration of the general govern- tbe orders of it* Sovereign.
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