Numismata Graeca; Greek Coin-Types, Classified For

Numismata Graeca; Greek Coin-Types, Classified For

NUMISMATA GRAECA GREEK COIN-TYPES CLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFICATION PROTAT BROTHERS, PRINTERS, MACON (fRANCb). NUMISMATA GRAEGA GREEK GOIN-TYPES GLASSIFIED FOR IMMEDIATE IDENTIFICATION BY L^" CI flu pl-.M- ALTAR No. ALTAR Metal Xo. Pi.ACi: OBVEnSE Reverse V\t Denom . 1)a Pl.A Ri;it:iii;n(:i; SlZE II Nicaen. AVTKAINETPAIANOC. Large altar ready laid with /E.8 Tra- II un teriaii (]oll Jiilhijni:t. Ileadof Trajan r., laur. wood and havin^' door in 20 jan. p. 247, Xo 8. front; beneath AIOC. Ves- Prusiiis AYTKAilAPIIEBAI EniMAPKOYnAAN. P. I. R. .M. Pontus, etc, pasian, ad IIy])ium. TnOYEinAIIAN KIOYOY APOYAN- 22.5 12 p. 201, No 1. A. D. Billiynia. Headof Altar. nnPOYIIEII- eYHATOY. 200 Vespasian to r., laur. \:i .Aiiiasia. (]ara- 10, \o 31, AYKAIMAYP AAPCeYANTAMACIACM... , , p. Ponliirt. ANTnNINOC-Biislof in ex., eTCH. Altar of 1.2 caila. Caracalla r., laureale two stages. 30 A. n. in Paludamentum and 208 ciiirass. 14 l ariiini. Hust of Pallas r., in hel n A Garlanded altar, yE.5 H. C. R. M. Mysia, p. 1(11, Mijsiu. niet ; borderofdots. 12.5 P I 200 No 74. to Au- gus- tus. 15 Smyrna. TIB€PIOC C€BAC- ZMYPNAICON lonia. TOC- Ilead of Tibe- lePGONYMOC. Altar -ar- .E.65 Tibe- B. M. lonia, p. 268, rius r.,laur. landed. 10 No 263. 16 .\ntioch. BOYAH- Female bust ANTlOXenN- Altar. ^E.7 Babelon,/»^. Wadd., C.nria. r., veiled. 18 p. 116, \o 21.')9. 17 ANTIOXeWN cesAC CYNAPXiA AFAAOY .E.6 Au- ,, ,, No 2165. TOY- Nil^e staiiding. TOY AfAAOY. Altar, 15 gus- tus. 18 .\nliochia. ANTIOCH.Bustofller- AUar. iE.55 COLONIAE. ., p. 195,No3575. Piaidia nies r. 14 19 Mopsus. l-ucius \'erus .E. Ijucius A- AYP. AAPIANMOyeATnN 9 p. 245, No 4387. Vcrus. ,, Cilicia. standing 1., holding-, AMC- Altar; crab. 22.5 Nike. 20 .\pollpnis. Rust of Artemis r. AnOAAnNIAenN. Altar. yE.6 , 282, No4865. , p. Lydia. 15 21 Caesarea. Sept. AYKAIACen ceoYH MHTPO KAICAP. Allar .E. R. M. (jalalia, etc, Seve- Gappadocia , CA. Head of Se- ffarlanded. 1.15 PP rus. p. 77, No 244. ptimusSeverusr.,laur. 29 Year 13 22 cen ceovHPOCAV. /R. MHTPO KAICAPIAC CT , No 246. , , , Similar. altar. I r on 1.15 29 23 Zeugma. veiied zeYrMATenN- Te. -Vltar, above. A^. 6 Mionnet, \', No 77. Coiiiniarjene. and lurreted head tor. HK. 15 24 Antioch Head 6f ANTIOXEnN. EP.AIP(114). Altar adorn- /E.75 R. M. Galalia, etc. acl Oron- (^ity veiled and turre- ed with garlands. 19 p. 161, No.85. tem. led. Seleucis and Pieria. ALTAR No. ALTAR Metal Reverse Wt. Denom. Date Pr.ACE Refebi.nce No. Place Obverse SlZE 35 Alexaiiclri;i, Wreath of laurel, eiiclos- In cx .:2EBAIT»2- Altar, iE. 8 Egtjpl. KAIIA ing. roiiiid, l)ound with gar- 20 P02- land ;oneitherside,Iaurel. 36 KAI rAP- Double cor- CEBA-CT»C- Altar, round, nucopiae. inscribed K 37 Wreath of laurel, enclo- KAI 2A P»2- Altar,round, sing CEBA ins ribed IKH- CT»V 38 eECOKAPCOCeB-Head AOI6PC0CIC- Circular of Carus r., laur. altar flaming on base, adorned with two branches of laurel bound crosswise; above ^. ALTAR .\o. ALTAll Xo. ALTAH No. ALTAU Mi;iAi t)B^EnSE Reverse VVi Denom. 1 )ate Reference No. Placi: Sizi; Allar with Figiircs 69 Tarsus. AVTKANTrOP TAPCO VM HTPOnO JE. Gor- B. M. Lycaonia, clc. Cilicitt. AIANOCC€B and in A€nC <in'l in l'6ld alxJveA 1.5 dian p. 215, No m\. liekl nri- l^ust of Gor- TMK ;j7..") III. dianus III. B .\n altar Avith humped bullljinff beforeit; l)ehind Ihe altar, upper parts of two draped ligures with heads r., between Ihem a column with the cullus imaijfe of .Vpollo I.ykeios holding wolves; on the r., Perseus slands l.,over I., arm, drapery which co- vers part of body , in !. harpa,inr. phiale; on 1., city Goddess to r., hands raised holding torches. 70 AVK€rMECKOVA TACPOV MHTPOnO- a:. Tra- Pl. I p. 223, p. 304. €KIOCTPAIANOC€V A€nC and in lield MKA 1.4 lanus 7(» €VC€B iii licld TTTT l>ust aboveinex. rB(?)s'milar. 35 of Decius. cius. Altar for Fire witli conical cover 71 Smyrii Mead of Kybele r., luire- IMYPNAinN- Portable JE. 5 lonin. led. altar, witli threelegs, nar- row waist, two handles, and conical cover. AnOAAnNIAHI- 72 Similar. innATPOI. Similar. 73 Similar. Similar altar varied IMYP AHMH- 74 of Myndus Ilead A|)ollo?r , laur.; MYN Portable fire-altar, Cariii. b. ofd. AinN- with conical, top, two handles , iiar- row waist , hroad base, and three feet ; b. of d. 75 <15AVCT€INA 0€AC€ MVNAinN. Small fire- BACTH. Ilead of Faus- altar with semi circular tina sen. r. or conical cover and en- circled with a wreath, placed on the top of a larger square altar, appa- rently also wreathed : on either side a branch of olive ? ,; ; ALTAR Mktal Oii\ Ri:\ ERSl. \\'i 1 )kno.\i . D.^TE Plate Ukkeri.nce Sizi- Allar Fire Persian (Atesh-g-ah) Salrap. Kiny: of l'ersia kneeling Linear square containing a JEAo B. M. lonia, |). :i-2i. Uncerlain r., holding' spear in r., smaller one ; on one side 11 NoU. lonia. and in 1., strung Ijow. of the larger square a straight line joins it at ri^rht anffies. Altar-Incense Piindosia. Headof Hera Lakinia,fu]l- TAN. Incense altar. ^.45 B. C. B. M. Italv. p. 371, nnillii. face, lowards 1., wear- 11 400 No 5. iiig earrings, necklace with acorn pendanls and stephaiios orna- mented with rosettes; hair loose. Allar ol' Isis Laodicea. AAOAlKEnN- Ilead of riYOHZ .Vltar, round which .-E. 6 Tinie Phrygia. .Apollo r. , laur., with riYOOY ser])ent twines 15 Ivre at neck ; bord. of on Ihe to[) of the altar clots. is the head-dress of Isis, plain-border. Same inscr. beiieath AI2 .K.55 similar. 14 Same inscr. Bust of lOVAIOCKOTVC- Altar /li. 7 bearded Denios r. surmonted by Ihe head- 17.5 hair bound with tae- dress of Isis ; bord. of nia, shoulder draped dots. border of dots. ALTAll 10 Metai, Rhference Rkverse Wt. Denom. D.VTIv Pl.vte No. Vl.M-.E Obverse SlZE .\nto- p. 6, No 36. Flaming altar, garland- 86 Crete AYANT(n)N€INOC- K K ninus of .\ntoninus ed, on stand. 16 Busl Pius. Pius, r., laur. ^.45 B. C. Pl. II B. M. Mysia, p. 1( : border 87 Pariuni. p^emale head r. n A 200 87 No 75. |. .Vltar, lighted. 11 Mijsia. of dots. p to Aii- gustus c. PI.II 97, No 40 above, The Great allar of Pa A\.l B. Bull butling r., PA 88 rium, seen froni fronl 17.5 350 bunch of grapes. P I and side,garlanded, altar to lighted, in front Amphora. 300 M. 7 •> 1 5 89 Similar, benealh, buiich Similar. 17.5 of jjjrapes. ^.8 Pl. II 90 Similar, above, wreath. Similar. 20 90 .E.35 91 Similar (border). PAPI- Similar. 9 Pl. II .Ani- .E.i5 Bull r. A Similar wilhout 92 P 92 phora. 11 P I .E.45 Pl. II 93 Similar above, Al ? Similar. 11 93 4 94 Similar above, A- Similar. M. 10 Amphora. ^.45 95 Similar. Similar, in front, 11 % Similar. Similar. lE.i 10 .!•;.. 97 Similar. (P (A) '{5 Pl) 9 lighted with Ai. 85 98 n A iii laurel wreath. Great altar sq. 2 Pl two steps; in front bu- cranium. 99 Smyrna. CTPA CnCANAPOC €nil€ PnNYMOY.Light- /E.75 19 lonia. ZMYP in ex. ed altar; bord. of dots. BuU standing r.; bord. of dots. 100 Antioch. ANTIOX€C0NTHCMH Lighted altar,garlanded; in M. 65 16 Selencis and TPOri- Head of Tyche fieldr.;B; i" ex. €TOY- Pieria. r., veiled and turre- CASP (= 145 A.i>.). ted ; beneath, ram run- ning r., head turned back. ALTAU H Metal Pl.ACI-: ()bvi;hsi- Heverse Wt. 1)a SlZE Ref 286"' .Alexantlria Bust of Antoninus Pius Altar of Caesareum? having A. I). Pi. II t i n u n e r a n C o 1 1 121 I., laur, paludanien- elaborateiy decorated 18.54 151 101 p. i7-->, No 48(). tum overr., slioulder. liorns, and peristyle; four 31 AVTK... .€B6VC columns seen in fronl, willi jfarland han^ini,' belvveen them ; hetween central columns slands liffure of goddess ]., hoidin<; patera over smallaltar; the large altar is lighted; in field, L|€ (= 1,5I-I5-J A. D.). Allai' lighled gaflaiided Pautalia. ACE TETAC-K. Head OVAniAC nAVTAAIA!S'c) .45.7 Gela. Thrucc. of Gula r., hare. Lij;hted allar, garlanded. 17.5 Tnijano- AVT... nNEINOC.Busl TPAIANO nOAEIT .4':. (i5 polis. of Carac:illa r. , laur., flN. Lij^lite(laUar,garland- 16 Thraci:. wearing cuirass. ed. Slratoni- eni.c.AiA eeozcNOv. CTPATON€IK€nN.Light- .E.75 cea. Helleropiion nakcd. ed allar, garlandcd, bet- 19 Ca /7',i. standingtolronl.liold- ween two lighted tall ing galloping pegasos torches thebridle; border of dols. CTPAT0N6I Ke. Simi- CTPA TON€l K€GON. .li.85 lar type; border of Lighted allar, garlanded, 21 dots. belween two tall torches. B€A. Pegasos gallopping CTPA TONI K€nN Simi .K. 8 1., border of dots. lar type : border of dols. 20 .Aperlae. AYTKAIMANTrOP An€P AelT WN. (larlan- /E. LijcUi. AIANoCCtB. Hust of ded allaron podium,sur- 1.2 (iordian 111 r., laur., mounted l)y double can- 30 wear. palud. and cui- opy, beneath, llames. rass. .'\nliochia. A N Tl OCH. Bust of COLONIAE.Lighted, .4:.r) I'ixiili:i. llermes 1., behind border of dots. 15 shoutders, caduceus; border of dots. Zephyriuni. AAPIA NOnOAITflN.

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