THECorYRIGHT, 18?8, BT Tni SPORTINS LIFE PcBLiramo Co. SPORTING LIFE.ENTIRED AT PHH.A. POST OFFICK As sucosn CLASS HATTIB. VOLUME 10, NO. 19. PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY 15, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. returned covered with glory. The boba were pro- which is a legal holiday in this State and mus t that year. In 1882-83 ho played with the fame club noutsced the finest in tbe land. be considered hereafter in making the schedule and Wfcs deservedly popular with his fellow-plajera GENERAL NEWS. T. J. Coakley, ot this city, an excellent third base- BASE BALL HEWS. Manager Leonard, who is a member of the schedule NO BLUNDER. and patrons of the g^nio in Detroit. Nut b- ing on tbe man and a g'.od hitter, is open for aii engagement with committee, aayn that he has a schedule already com­ reserved list of Detroit he Joined the Cincinnati a minor league team. lie can furnieh excellent pleted which should be satisfactory to all club*. It is Unions, plaving 35 gam^s with that club during the references iu reg«nl to his ability as a player, ar.d can for 112 games eight games at home and eight abroad season of 1884, ranking ^o. 8 in batting at the close be addressed care of Secretary Bowo, of the Star Asso- with each club. In this connection I will pive the of Ihe sermon. This was hia lattytar on the dia­ The First Rowing Regatta ciafi^n. The Cincinnati Team Off population of each of the cities which comprise the The Minor League Res­ mond, and when he retired he conU look bick with The local professionals will go into active practice International Association: Buffalif, 225,000; Rochester, pride to his excellent record und the m my friends he the first of hext week. 13o,000; Albany, 100.000; Toronto, 125,000; Syracuse, gained, both in and out of the profreslon, who will of the Year. Knneae City would te pleased to secure Manager for the South. 70,000; Troy, 65,000; Hamilton, 40,000; London,40,000. ervation Clause learn with sorrow of his death. Impaired health Hackett'e services for u xt season, but Syracuse will making* prand total of about 800,000 people to draw compelled him to give up base ball, and fur the past be more than pleaned to retain him. G. WHIZ. from. The distances of tbe cities are as follows: two years he has been engaged with his brother From London to Hamilton, 65 miles; Hamilton to William in business, in which he was quit* succeasfuJ. The Pool Championship De­ NO U& OUE. Base Ball Reviving in Toledo Toronto, 38 miles; Toronto to Buffalo, 112 mile,*; Defined by Col. Rogers, Chair­ Martin Powell was a modtl man, a kind friend, a de-* Buffalo to Rochester, 68 miles; Rochester to Svracnse, voted Catholic, loved arid respected hy all. The cided Bicycling News A The Proposed Oil Region League Won't Engagements An­ 81 miles; Syracuse to Albany, 148 miles; Albany to man of the Board of funeral ceremonies were at Ht. Bernard's Churchj Materialize. Troy 5 miles. Total from both extremes, 517 miles. and the interment at St. Beru;ini's Ometery. Htgft The roster of the Rochester Club Is Ihe same a-j last Mass of Kequiem was cele'-ratetl ou TtieiHlny morning* Turfman Dead, Etc. OIL CITY, Pa., Feb. 9. EditorSpORTiNGLiFE: nounced, Etc. week. There still remains to be signed a third base- Arbitration. The flora] tributes were beautiful designs. A cross, It is a settled fact that there wiil be no Oil man and another battery. Manager Leonard's surmounted by a lyre of white lillies, from George H. Region Base Ball League in the field this season. chances of getiing the man of his choice for third Crocker, a diamond of ivy and paimes with white CYCLING NEWS. The Bradford Sunday News sizes up the situa­ TOLEDO RKPIVrVTTS. base are, at present writing, rather dubious; still PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10. Editor SPORTING lillies iu the centre from his ball friends and othurs. tion correctly in the following manner: he has hia line out for a man who was engaged last A FRIEND. Information for Wheelmen From Official Putting in Big Licks for Admission to the mil by a prominent League club. Manager Leonard LIFE: In reply to your favor of yesterday "Alt the cities that are interested in the proponed Ohio League. thinks thirteen men are enough to start the season touching Mr. Caylor's criticism of the 10th Sources. League have been heard from, and «s a rule they arc "SOUTHERN SPRING TRIPS. Special to SPORTING Lira. with; he condemns the practice of some managers in article of Qualified Admi ^ion, I woul I say: Special to ?PORTIXO LIFT:. confluent that their respective towns will not have a signing eighteen or twentv men, only to release one- Their Advantages and Disadvantages Com* club, and if they had, not enough support would be TOLEDO, 0., Feb. 11. In all probability, He misquotes, unintentionally of course, by BOSTON, Fob. 11. The following official L. A. third of them before the championship series has fairly meuted Upon by Hall Players. extended to make it a nlnomiiif succees. Ben Able, in Toledo will be represented in the Ohio begun. substituting the word "these" tor "then" at the VI. news comes from tho League headquarters the Titupvillo IfmiM, siys that an oil region circuit ia State League this season. Zanesville shows The Londons have to date engaged twenty men, and end of fifth line of section 2, as follows: "A re­ DBS MOINES, Ia., Feb. 7. Editor SPORTINQ in this city: not meeting with much support, and believes that are still scouring the country for pitchers; can you serve list of players not excee ling fourteen in LIFE: Base ball news is fearfully scarce in thia Tiiusville will have no club. Oil City will have no no disposition to do anything, and as Toledo From Chief Consul BMwell, of New York: "I have is anxious to be admitted, she will place blame player a for demanding a large amount of ad­ number these under contract," etc. neck o' the woods. B;»so ball interest is plenti­ received ami accepted th-j resignation of Haymond S. club for the simple reason that her citizens would be vance money under euch. circumstances? The writer compelled to witlfc thieo or four miles to witness a a team in the field (is soon as any of them. The Kala- If he will consult THE SPORTING LIFE of ful enough, but real interesting news is very Coon, Troy, N. Y., as secretary-treasurer, aud he has mazoos are warnly in favor of Toledo, and will vote knows positively of several jvtayers In this association scarce. Some weeks ago there was an article in placed in uy ban<fe all Vtooks, papers and vouchers game, or climb up dark's Summit, which would be who have received one-fourth of their next season's January llth he will find the official text of ont of the Question. MeadviMe bus good grounds, but for Zaiio^vflle to be dropped, ami Toledo to be taken in these articles, published with the word "then" in THE SPORTING LIFK on Southern spring trips fo* connected with the office; also baUnco of Division her place. The slock has bet-n ail promised, aud the salary in advailce. Is there another profession in foods. Mr. Coin's resignation was niado Decenary on the strings Are drawn around the purse* of her citizens which an employe can gut pay six months before his its proper place, and the section reading thus: ball clubs. I bad a nice little chat with Ken­ o tightly that they would have the lockjaw if they grounds, already euclosed,with grand stands, have been *ccuunt 01" hia business calling him permanently to di >nated by the managers of Presque Isle Park, an island fitnplover pets any reluru for his money? THE SPORT­ "That the secretary of each association party nedy and Van Dyke some days ago, and both Boston, Mass, liis successor will bo elected at the next shottld become loosened. Corry can't be relied upon ING LIFE Millenium plan would do away with exorbi­ because her citizens are kept hasy tnrnlns out rail­ in tho bay, which id the most popular resort of North­ of tho second part shall on or before Mie 10th are loud in approval of the spring trip in the *n muti meeting of the New York State board of officers. western Ohio. Steamboat transportation has also tant advance money, a* well as many other evils. South. Van, especially, thinks it is almost In tho meantime, all communications for or relating road sandw'ches, and therefore would not have time to day of October of each year transmit to the sec­ attpnd a l>all game. Warren will not enter fur various keen promised, free. ZEPHYRS. to thfi secretary -treasurer's office may be sent to me, Jack Creegan, of last year's Rochesters, is stated to retaries of both the associations parties of the necessary to begin the season right to take a trip reasons, but the principal one Is tbe fact that her Jackson, Midi., and Dayton, 0., each have a team of, say, one month. Van thinks that a short »Ed will have prompt attention." ready to go in the State League, and if Zanesville have signed to play second base for Elntira this sea- first part, a reserve list of players, not exceeding From Chief Consul U.
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