IN THE AVONDALE PLAYHOUSE MEADOWS JUNE 12—JUNE 20 Fred and Herbert Davidson express a sincere "thank you" for the confidence of their many loyal friends and customers. Your acceptance has made our growth in Glendale possible. Our 75 years as a local furrier represents our impeccable quality, outstanding values and superior service. Davidson's chic new salon features stunning mink coat creations and new Vassar Guild fashions in cloth, leather and suede. We hope you'll visit our new salon soon, specializ­ ing in unusual coats and furs. Whether you desire a fine mink boa, or a luxurious sable wrap, you'll find it at Davidson's. For Sophisticated Women glendale center 62nd. Keystone /%</ A HIT EVERY WEEK ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW June 23-28 June 30-July 5 July 7-12 FERNANDO LAMAS & WILLIAM BENDIX DAVID NELSON & ESTHER WILLIAMS "Take Her, She's Mine" JUNE BLAIR "Kind Sir" "The Happiest Years" July 21-26 July 14-19 VIRGINIA MAYO & July 28-August 2 HUGH O'BRIAN MICHAEL O'SHEA KATHRYN CROSBY & "Mr. Roberts" "George Washington JOHN LUPTON August 4-9 Slept Here" "Sabrina Fair" To Be Announced August 11-16 August 18-23 August 25-30 To Be Announced EDDIE BRACKEN, JOAN BLONDELL "Come Back Little Sheba" JEFFERY LYNN Sept. 1-6 "Tea House of the To Be Announced August Moon" TICKET INFORMATION The Avondale box office at the theater is open daily from 10:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. except Sunday, 1:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., box office phone LI 7-9627. For your convenience, tickets may be charged to your MORRIS PLAN CHARGE ACCOUNT (at the box office only). Tickets purchased under this plan must be picked up by 7:00 p.m. the day of the performance. ETOirpfiTY' CONVERSION I SC*% OUATTTR1 x/7fr a BUSINESS WITHIN our vast 217-acre Research and Devel­ Continuing a history dating back nearly 50 opment complex Allison scientists and engi­ years, Allison continues to turn out quantities neers are constantly seeking new ways to harness of Turbo-Prop engines . first and second the boundless energy of the atom . the sun stage rocket cases for Minuteman, the solid ... chemicals—and new ways to put this energy propellant Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile to work for man. The broad and far-reaching . Aeroproducts aircraft accessories . Torq- character of the work is demonstrated in the matic Transmissions for trucks and heavy-duty theme: ENERGY CONVERSION IS OUR BUSINESS. vehicles . diesel locomotive parts . and Direct conversion of heat to electrical energy, precision bearings. a space power system operating on solar energy, This proven manufacturing capability plus compact nuclear powerplants, revolutionary extensive research facilities are perpetuating power and propulsion systems for space and Allison's distinguished history of pioneering terrestrial travel—these are but a few of the achievement and advancement of powered projects currently under study at Allison. flight. But research is only a part of the total picture. ALLISON DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION ... BUT SERIOUSLY FOLKS If you like your western heroes stronger'n their deodorants . barns and outbuildin's condemned by the P.T.A. the bad guys in blacker hats . real kissy horses ... the villain's ranch done in early ugly ... saloon gals with hearts bigger'n a kettle of beans ... rustlers plain mean, not mis­ understood . and your sagebrush black and white . settle yourself in the bunkhouse 'long about 6:30 each evenin', Monday thru Friday for Channel 13's "Cheyenne Show." GEORGE BAHRE COMPANY 3519 SOUTHEASTERN AVENUE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Commercial, Industrial and Public Works Contractors AVONDALE in-the-meadows PLAYHOUSE One of the Nation's Foremost Summer Stock Theaters Now in its Eleventh Season LAURENCE FELDMAN presents SHELLEY WINTERS and ROBERT WALKER in THE WORLD PREMIER "Days of the Dancing" by JAMES BRIDGES featuring LOGAN RAMSEY VINCENT BECK LOUIS GUSS HENRY MADDEN BRUCE ROMAN BOB ENNIS ANN RAMSEY and introducing BRUCE SCOTT NORMA DONALDSON K. C. TOWNSEND MOLLY SCOTT Directed and Choregraphed by TIM EVERETT Assistant Choreographer—BRUCE ROMAN Scenic and Lighting Design—GARY ZELLER ZZZ, ^=f C_Jf T-~^> rsr~" -=• m PSJTED GWSTO 111 a i ofccAsKBfluprf p" AFTER •'"•",r» 1 IHUiS1 i-fM InH U III1 111 ^^^^J kta^^fc ... IN THE MEADOWS • COCKTAILS FROM 5-8 • NO COVER CHARGE • FINE FOOD FROM THE CHEF'S CORNER • CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT FROM 9 P.M. TO 2 P.M. • FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE LI. 7-6526 NOW APPEARING COMING JUNE 22 KING & MARY The Ike Cole Trio WITH THE JIMMY COE TRIO "NAT KING COLE'S BROTHER" Nothing catches on like the fun of owning a HONDA 50 HONDA WHEELS, INC. 4008 E. NEW YORK ST. FL 3-1835 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA OPEN EVENINGS — PHONE: Liberty 7-1379 helen m. ray's BEAUTY SALON 3725 EAST 38TH STREET - 38TH ST. and SHERMAN DR. Cast (In approximate order of appearance) Bikini Girl Sally Kirkland 2nd Shorepatrol Marvin Jones Ellis Roget...... Albert D'Annibale Dictionary Dan Logan Ramsey Nearsighted.... Marcia Strassman Betty Lou (Twinkle) K. C. Townsend Little Red Karen Smith Dusty.... Anne Ramsey The Motorcycle Kid Frank Cavestani Delores Goodwin.SHELLEY WINTERS Glamora. Bob Ennis Lifeguard George Spelvin Pistol... Vincent Beck Topo Bruce Scott Rick Brunner ROBERT WALKER Georgio Torrenti Henry Madden Florene Foster Norma Donaldson Peggy Torrenti Molly Scott 1st Shorepatrol Barry Hoffman Chippy Bruce Roman And Dancers and Drinkers in Bar THE NEWEST ORIGINALS NOW BUILDING IN: * • SHADY HILLS Whatever your Taste, Early American . Traditional • DELAWARE TRAILS # . Contemporary ... A Paul B. White "Quality NORTH Value" home will surely please the most discriminating • NORTHWEST MANOR home buyer. Authentic replicas . Original Designs • NORTHERN ESTATES # • IN YOUR . will reflect your particular personality. Visit our NEIGHBORHOOD # models and be pleasantly surprised. # PAUL B. WHITE & CO., INC. * The Ultimate in Fine Homes from $18,900 # # # # # # # THE NEW SALEM * THE WILMINGTON THE HOME ELEVATOR CO., INC. 1142 SOUTHEASTERN AVENUE • INDIANAPOLIS 7, INDIANA Indiana's Oldest and Largest 52nd iAnnWersary Oil Hydraulic Elevator Manufacturer Synopsis The place: Venice, California. The time: The present. The play is in three acts INDIANAPOLIS' TWO DISTINCTIVE RESTAURANTS KEY WEST SHRIMP HOUSE KENDALL INN Famous from Coast to Coast Old World Charm with for Seafood. European-American Cuisine. iey wesr TEES' Kendall INN m 2861 MADISON AVE. ST 6-14 41 5750 E. 38th ST. LI 7-9548 Anywhere you hang your hat is home- just turn in at Standard Oil Dealers where you see the sign—"As You Travel, Ask Us®." This friendly sign makes you feel at home for it stands for local information service . which road to take . where to get that special steak . where to stay . where to play. Make it a happy habit to ask us, as you travel. You'll be home. Free. P.S. When you travel outside Mid-America, check in with American Oil Dealers where you see the sign "As You Travel, Ask Us." STANDARD OIL DIVISION AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Who's Who SHELLEY WINTERS wards she appeared in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Dolores "The Great Gatsby" with Howard Da Only days before beginning rehearsals Silva, who directed her in "Cages." Drei­ for "Days of the Dancing," Miss Winters ser's "A Place in the Sun" also won her an was in Hollywood concluding the final Oscar nomination. "The Diary of Anne work on her latest film for Embassy Pic­ Frank" (for which she won an Oscar), tures, "A House Is Not A Home," the "Lolita," "The Young Savages" and "The movie treatment of Polly Adler's best­ Balcony" are some of the other films in seller. Miss Winters portrays the almost- which she has appeared. She will soon be legendary lady of questionable repute. seen in George Stevens' new multi-million Miss Winters was awarded television's dollar film epic, "The Greatest Story Ever Emmy for Best Performance by an Actress Told," as the Bible's Woman of No Name. for her tender portrayal of a lonely spinster in "Two Is The Number" on the Bob ROBERT WALKER Hope-Chrysler Theatre. A year ago, the Rick unpredictable actress sacrificed film offers For a while, Robert Walker considered to appear off-Broadway in a two-character photography as a career, but writing was double bill called "Cages," with Jack War­ definitely on his mind. With typewriter, den. Her faith in playwright Lewis John Walker settled down to the serious busi­ Carlino was rewarded with excellent re­ ness of playwriting. He soon decided that views and the sale of the movie rights of if he was to write for actors he should one of the plays, "Snowangel," a personal know more about them, their problems and dramatic triumph which she will repeat on acting itself. He enrolled with Lee Stras- the screen. Her first film, "A Double Life," berg, while attending the New School for with Ronald Coleman, won her initial Social Research for creative writing. But Academy Award nomination. Soon after­ the acting bug bit him, which led to a sea- Richard Arlen • Faye Bainter • Jeff Barker • Sidney Blackmere • Eddie Bracken • Mary Brian • Pamela Britton-* Joey Brown • Corinne Calvert • John Carradine • Gower Champion • Mi«-™> Champion • Marguerite Chapman • Ruth Chatter- ton • Jackie £«J*"^ x""™N,|>rio • Vicki Cummings • John Dall • Ann B. Davis yin • Francis Farmer • Dick Foran • Kay Fra iwa • Irene Hervey • Miriam Hopkins EdwsJ ' ! ' ! Ti • Claire Luce • Jeffrey Lynn • Hugh Marlowo ..ormic • Frank McHugh • Eli Mintz • Wayne Conrad Nagel • Pat O'Brjen • Dick Van Patton • Zasu Pitts • juyce .Randolph • Florence Reed • Buddy Rogers • Charles Ruggles • Sylvia Sidney • Sloane Simpson • K. T. Stevens • Carol Stone • Jeffery Stone • Lyle Talbot • Ruth Warrick • Ethel Walters • May Wynn • Jack Kelly • Hans Conreid • Yvonne DeCarlo • Pat Carroll • Reginald Gardiner • Marsha Hunt • Imogene Coca • Richard Arlen • Faye Bainter • Teff w~-'-~- • Sidney Blackmere • Eddie Bracken • Mary Brian • Pamela 3 Corinne Calvert • John Carradine • Gower Cha, Marguerite Chapman • Ruth Chatterton • Jackie uchman CLEANERS • FURRIERS LAUNDERERS Like the stars' wardrobes, your clothes demand command perform­ ance of exacting care.
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