INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. {For index to these, see pages xiv-xv.) AAC AFR AACHEN {Prussia}, 977 ; technical Acarnania (Greece), 1000 schools, 979 Accra (Gold Coast), 245, 247 Aalborg (Denmark), 836 Accrington, population, 15 Aalesund (Norway), 1199 Acha1a (Greece), 1000 Aarau (Switzerland), 13!10 Achimota Prince of Wales' College Aargau (Switzerland), 1356 (Gold Coast}, 245 Aarhus (Denmark}, 836 Acholi (Uganda), 211 Aba (Belg. Congo), 258 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 277 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 277 Aconcagua (Chile}, prov., 763 Abadan (Iran), 1042 Acre (Pa.lestine), 195, 200; port, 201 Abaiang Island (Pacific), 297 Acre Territory (Brazil), 742, 743; Abanca.y (Peru\, 1226 rubber, 747 Abdul Aziz ibn Sa'ud, King of Sandi Adana. (Turkey), town, 1373 Arabia (Saudieh), 693 Ada.pasari (Turkey}, 1373 Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Sultan Adelaide(S. Australis), 390; airma.il, (Kedah), 192 360; port, 358 ; univ., 390 Abdullah Ibn Hussein, Amir of ADEN, Colony of, 87, 88 ; Protector- Trans-Jordan, 203 ate, 88, 89 ; area and popu­ Abdulla.h, Sultan (Pahang), 188 lation, 88 ; garrison, 123 Abemama Is. (Pacific), 297 AJmiralty Is. (N. Guinea.}, 425 Abeokuta (Nigeria), 240 Adrar (Ma.uritanial, 962 Abercorn (N. Rhodesia), 235 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1337 Aberdeen, burgh, population, 18 A.drianople (Turkey), town, 1372, -county, 18 1373 -university, 23, 24 Adygei (U.S.S.R.) anton. region, Aberdeen (South Dakota), 635 1284 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 651 lEgean Islands, 1000, 1085 sqq Aberystwyth College, 24 - Greek, minerals, I 005 Abeshr (Wadai), 948 -Italian, 1084 sqq Abidjan (French West Africa), 960 - Turkish, 1372 - wireless ~tation, 962 lEtolia (Greece), 1000 Abo-Bjorneborg (Finland}, 880 AFGHANISTAN, 683 sqq Aboisso (French West Africa), 960 Afgoi (It. Som.), 1084 Abruzzie e Molise (Italy), 1060 AFRICA, Central, Protectorate, see Abu, Mount (India), 140 Nyasaland Protectorate, 220 Abu Zenima (Egypt), 868 sqq ABYSSINIA, see Ethiopia - Colomes in, Belgisn, 259, 727 sqq Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1314 - - British, 206 sqq Acarigua (Venezuela), 1392 - - French, 263, 919, 920, 934 sqq 1411 1412 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1939 AFR ALA AFRICA, Colonies in, Italian, 211, Ain (France), dept., 892 226, 1084 sqq Ain Galakka (Kanem), 948 - - Portuguese, 1250, 1258 sqq Ain Sefra (Algeria), 936 - - Spanish, 1328, 1336, 1337 (see Aisne (~'ranee), dept., 892 also Morocco, Spanish Zone, Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 420; 1149 sqq) wireless station, 421 -East (British), 204 sqq Aix (France), univ., 898 - - (Italian), 213, 1066, 1078 sqq Ajk (Hungary), coal, 1030 --(Port.), 1258 sqq Ajmer, town (India), 117, 140 - Equatorial (French), 920, 946 Ajmer-Merwara (India), 112, 115, sqq 118, 126, 140 -North (French), 919, 920, 934 sqq - agriculture, 126, 127 (see also Algeria, Morocco, -area and pop., 112, 140 Tunis) -births and deaths, 112, 115 -- - (Italian), 1075 sqq - education, 141 - - (Spanish), 1328, 1336, 1337 - finance, 140 (see also Morocco, Spanish - forests, 126 Zone, 1149 sqq) -government, 110 -South (British}, 227 sqq -land revenue, 127 - - Union of, 430 sqq - - tenure, 127 - S.-West(British), 457 sqq -religion, 116 -West (British}, 238 sqq Akassa (Nigeria), 242 - - (French), 263, 264, 920, 952 Akershus (Norway), 1198 sqq Akjoujt (Mauritania), 962 - -(Port.}, 1250 sqq Akmolinsk (U.S.S.R.), 1306 - - (Spanish), 1336 sqq Akron (Ohio), 491, 618; univ., 619 Afrikya, see Tunis Akureyri (Iceland), 1036 Afyon (Turkey), vilayet, 1372 Alava (Spain), 1327 Agadir (Morocco}, ll56 ALABAMA, 487, 531 sqq Agalega Is. (Mauritius), 220 - agriculture, 533 Agana (Guam), 677 - area and population, 487, 532 Agar (India), 168 - cotton, 506, 533 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1202 -port, 533 Agder,Austand Vest(Norway), 1198 - production and industry, 506, 533 Agion Oros (Greece), 1000 - representation, 483, 531 Agra (prov. ), see United Provinces - univ., 532 - (town), 115, 162 Alag6as (Brazil), state, 743, 744 Agram or Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 1400, Ala'idin Sulaiman Shah, Sultan 1401 (Selangor), 188 -univ., H01 A.lajuela (Costa Rica), 808 ; town, Agri (Turkey}, vilayet, 1372 809 Agrigento (Italy}, 1061 Aland (Finland), 879, 880 Aguadulce (Panama), port, 1212 ALAAKA, 488, 661 sqq Aguascalientes(Mexico),1139; town, - area and pop., 488, 661 1139 -banks, 663 Ahmed{tbad (India), 115, 149 - commerce and communications, Ahmed ibn Jabir, Sultan of Kuwait, 663 697 - defence, 499, 500 Ahuachapan (Salvador), 1312 - education, 661, 662 Ahvenanmaa (Finland), 880 - finance, 662 Ahwaz (Iran), 1042, 1043 - fisheries, 663 Aidin (Asia Minor), see Aydin - gold, 508, 663 Aigun (China), port. 774 -government. 41l5, tlfil, 662 INDEX 1413 ALA ALM ALASKA, mining, 508, 663 Albuquerque (New Mexico), 606; - national park, 661 univ., 606 -ports, 663 Albury (New South Wales), 365 - production and industry, 507, Alcazar (Mororco), 1150 508, 662, 663 Alcoy (Spain), 1328 - shipping, 663 A1dabra Islands (Seychelles), 224 - troops in, 500 Alderney, government, 79 ; popu- Albacete (Spain), province, 1327 ; lation, 19 town, 1328 Aldershot Command (U.K.), 45 ALBANIA, 686 sqq Alemtejo (Portugal), 1250 - air routes, 690 Aleppo (Syria), 930sqq; cotton, 936 ; - alliance with Italy, 687 tobacco, 932; town, 932, 933 -area and population, 688 Alessandria(Italy), 1061 -banks, 690 Alexandretta (Syria), 930 ; Sanjaks, -constitution of 1928, 687 930, 931 - defence, 689 Alexandria (Egypt), 857, 858 - finance, 689 -education, 859 -justice, 688 - shipping, 868 -King, 687 -town, 859 -production and industry, 689 -trade, 867 - religion and education, 688 Alexandroupolis (Greece), 1000 Albany (New York), 491, 608 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1250 Albany (W. Australia), 395 ALGERIA, 919, 93i IHJ.(j Albay (Legaspi) (Philippines), 672 -area and pop., 919, 9:15, 936 ALBERTA (Canada), 300, 323 sqq - education, 898, 936 -agriculture, 'H1 sqq, 326 - faculties, 898 - area and pop., 303, 325 - finance, 937 - births, marriages, deaths, 305, -government, 919, 934, 935 325 -naval station, 905 - constitution and government, 324 - representation, 934, 935 - crops, 312, 313 - university, 898, 936 - education, 306, 325 AI Ghail (Yemen), 695 - finance, 307, 325, 326 Algiers (Alger), 936 - fisheries, 326 -naval station, 905 - forests, 313, 326 -university, 898, 936 -justice and crime, 325 AI Hazm (Yemen), 695 - Lieutenant-Governor, 302, 324 Alhucema Isles (Spanish Africa), ·- live stock, 312 1328 - mining, 313, 326 Alicante (Spain), 1327 ; town, 1328 -ministry, 324 Aligarh (India), 117; univ., 118, 162 - municipal districts, 324 Ali Faiz Khan Talpur, ruler - natural gas, 326 (Khairpur), 175 -- petroleum, 326 AI Jauf (Yemen), 695 - political parties, 324 AI Khamr (Yemen), 695 - production and industry, 311 Alma-Ata (U.S.S.R.), univ.,1287 sqq, 326 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1165 - railways, 326 Allahabad (India), 115, 162; uni- -- religion, 306 versity, 118, 162 - representation, 324 Allentown (Pa.), 627 -senate and house of commons, 301, Alliance (Ohio), 618 324 Allier (France), dept., 892 - telephones, 326 AI Matamma (Yemen), 695 -wheat, 311 Almelo (Netherlomds), 1165 1414 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1939 ALM ANG Almeria (Spain), prov., 1327 Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1165 sqq; - mineral•, 1332; town, 1328 forts, 1170; port, 1175; univ., Almirante (Panama), port, 811 1167 Alofi Is. (Fr. Pacific), 970 - (New York), 608 Alofi (N1ue Is.), wireless station, Amsterdam Island (Reunion), 953 421 Anaconda {Montana), 593 Alar Star (Kedah), 192 Anacostia, D.C. (naval air station), Alost (Belgium), 718 502 Alpes, Basses- (France), dept., 892 Anaiza (Saudi Arabia), 693 - Hautes- (France), dept., 892 Ancash (Peru), department, 1226 --Maritimes (France), dept., 892 Anchorage (Alaska), 661 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 221 Ancona {Italy), 1061, 1072 Alsace-Lorraine, 894, 975 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 110, - area and population, 894 112, 128, 141, 142 -forts, 903 -area and population, 112, 116, - univ., 898 141 AI Suda (Yemen), 695 -Chief Commissioner, 141 Altona (Germany), 977 ; port, 991 - forests, 128 Altoona (Pa. ), 627 - penal settlement, 141 Alvsborg (Sweden), province, 1342 - religion, 116 Alwar (India), 117, 169, 176 Anderlecht (Brussels), 717 Amala (India), 170 Andes, Los (Argentina), 702 Amapala (Honduras), 1020 -(Venezuela), univ., 1392 Amarah (Iraq), 1050 Andhra Univ. (India), 118, 154 Amarillo (Texas), 640 Andijan (Uzbekistan), 1286, 1308 Amasya (Turkey), vilayet, 1372 ANDORRA, 918, 919 Amazonas (Brazil), state, 7 43 ; Andover Staff College, 51 rubber, 747 Andros Island (West In die;,), 277 -(Colombia), 801 Anecho (Togo), 964 -(Peru), department, 1226 Anegada (Virgin Is.), 284 -(Venezuela), ter., 1392 Aneityum Island (Pacific), 298 Ambado (French Somali Coast), 955 Angadh (India), 169 Ambila (India), 117 Angduphodang {Bhutlin), 734 Ambato (Ecuador), 850 Angediva (Port. India), 1261 Ambeno (Portuguese Timor), 1262 Angers (France), 895, 900 Amboina (Netherlands Indies), 1179 Angkor {Cambodia), 926 Ambrym Is. (New Hebrides), 298 Anglesey, 14 AMERICA, see United States ANGLO-EGYPTIAN SUDAN, 252 sqq, -British Colonies, Dominions, etc., 946 in, 264 sqq (see also Bermuda, - area and population, 253 Canada, West Indies, etc.) - boundary, 946 - French cols. in, 920, 966 sqq - commerce, 255 sqq Amersfoort (Netherlands), 1165 - defence, 255 Amherst (Nova Scotia), 334 - education, 254 Amida (Turkey), 1373 - finance, 255 Amiens (France), 895 - frontiers, 946 Amindivis Is. (Laccadives), 155 - Governor-General, 258 Amirantes Islands (Seychelles), 224 - posts and telegraphs, 258 Amman (Trans-Jordan),
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