John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 2-8-1963 The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 7 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 45, No. 7" (1963). The Carroll News. 231. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/231 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The l;arroll Gala Collegiate Caper • • • promises prizes~ twists NEWS B~ WILUA"l COOK ~rand prize a round-trip ticket dance without an activities card University Heights 18, Ohio Headlining John Carroll's to the Mardi Gras or $150. Cash unless she has proof that she is prizes of S5 and S10 will be either a senior in high school or Jist of events on the spdng awarded respecti\'ely to the lOOOth 18 years of age. No exceptions will Vol. XLV, No. 7 Friday, February 8, 1963 social calendar is The Col­ and 2000th pet'l;ons to enter the be made unless that girl is accom­ legiate Caper. This mixer, to dance. Admission is 99 cents. panied by an escort. be held in the Gym tonight, Carroll rnixet'S will have a first Individual letters have been sent with the introduction of activities to all girls in the Catholic colleges will provide ample opport unity cards. These cards have been sent of the area and group invitations Salem admonishes to get back into the swing of out lo au local girls' schools, and have been sent to t he sororities or lhe new semester after the no girl will be adrni ned to the the secular schools. long grind of exams and the junior candidates retreat. THIS IS A Sponsored by the Studen t Union By JUCHARD CER~lAK JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY ''We need candidates. There is enough ability in the pre­ to raise money for the John Car­ sent junior class, but little enthusiasm," stated Union presi­ roll Band's forthcoming trip to the Activities Card dent Charles Salem at last Tuesday union meeting in an ap­ Mardi Gras in New Orleans. the praisal of the fol'thcoming campaign for Student Union dance will offer several fea­ officers. ture~ for four hOUI'S, 8 p.m. to mid­ Presented ot the door, with the price of odmission, Elections Committee, rose to night. A fifteen piece dance orch­ THIS CARD ENTITLES Commen~r) on the present s!)('ak in place of Albert Thomas, estra Frank Hillenbrand and his st~te.of affa1n. begun when Ro~rl chairman of elections, during com­ Ambassadors plus a twist band O ~etl, a membe•· of thl• Umon mittee reports. '·I hope we can get will entc•·tain patrons. Nam•a___________ ______________________________ moving in this election," he ob- served. "for it would be a. shame During the course of Lhe eve­ TO ENTER ALL JCU SOCK HOPS AND MIXERS ning, five transistor radios will be pre• lenten ballI to go back after the Umon has <Th is Cord is Non-Transferable.) come so far." given as door prizes; in addition Salem continued by noting that to thiS there will be a drawing at 10:30 p.m. for the Band Raffle's theme stresses one year ago there was furous HERE IS A PHOTOSTAT of the 1.0. which must be presented by activity in the Union as various all females to gain entrance to sockhops. The card insures groups campaigned for their man. 'Gay Nineties' II that only high school seniors and college coeds gain admission. He contrasted this wilh the little II Bowlers and derbies will be campaigning this year. Reviewing Pix again the qualiCicaLions necessary for the There wlU bo a compulsory in season once more when the various positions, he observed, "It Mardi Gras Ball, ''Marquerade convocation for an j onJors in isn't so much ability that is nec­ t lto Gym today, at 10 :45 p.m. University reveals 1890," is held on Saturday, c~ary, il is just that little extra Coat and tie m ost be won• be­ Feb. 23. The sixteenth annual bit of motivation." <'U.Use pictures for the Oarillon pre-lenten dance will he held Attempting to discover the pos­ will be tnlten. Senionr must also ~ible candidates. the News has attend this con\'o to fill ou t; ac­ '64 dorm deadline in the Student Activities compiled a list of those who have tivities t.J• eets. Another compUl­ GTound has not yet been broken for the new residence Center ft·om 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. announced their candidacy or who sory conv.ocatlon w iU be held Both the CnfNc·ria and the ar·c reported in the running. A p­ ror &ophomores at 1:80 p.m., on hall, but September 1964, has been set as the earliest date O'Dea-Faculty Lounge area will parently contesting the presidency Monday, Feb. 18, In the Gym of occupancy. The limits of the structure will extend from be used due to the !'i:lc of lnst arc Matthew McFadden, forme1· ror yearbook pictures. the rear of the Union Building and Dolan Hall to ~a.. .a.I&u )'ear's crowd. The Hilly Lang Or­ (Turn to Page 8. Col. 5) chestra. which nppenred a t Ohio Washington Blvd. The hall will house 400 men ,but the State, Akron, and Detroit uni­ administration has not as yet stated definitely ~h ich class \'Crsltic" lnst sl'meslcr, \\ ill play will be the first resident. I in the Caf~tcrln. Thc Tops C'ir· Strikers continue Ground plan.~ del>cribe the build- F} f h doni Trio will Jli'O\ ide the cntcr­ ing as a double T, approximately e C er opens tnimnent in the O'Dea Room. the size and shape of Dolan and Highlightmr, the mtcrmission Pacelli Halls placed side by sid.e. Student um·on pl'Ogrnnt ,,;11 bc the judging of the record picketing Two prefects on each level w1ll float contest. nb:tndoncd last ycnr f01 a co-.tumc contest. Floats an' By PAUL KANTZ ~~~~~~O:r~tivity in their h alves lecture series enterro and c.onsht~ctt'd b} the Pedestrian traffic in front of Cleveland's str ike-bound Recreation area and laundry fa­ \arious campus orgnnizations and Idailie:'!-the Press and Plain Dealer-is beginning to look cilities of twelve washers and Bramwell Fletcher, the re­ twelve driers will be centrally lo­ classes to clnbornte the thcmc or l'k1 T' S are at rush hour. nowned theatrical luminary the dance. Ftrst and second place C Imes qu cated on the ground level. Tvl·o TV \\'carin~v out the pa\'ement 24 striking unions. Including the of boih America and E ng­ ('r nrn tn l>nl!'•' X. Cnl . 2) " lk lounges, a chapel, and the recrea­ _ Ihours a day are pickets from five Teamc;ters who began the wa ·out tion room will be air conditioned land, will grace the stage of a~ainst the publishers nearly 75 for students comfort. Each floor the Auditorium with his pro­ day::; ago. will be divided through the center gram "Parnassus '63" on Sun­ The Machinists Union, which of the building by accordian cm·­ day, Feb. 10, at 7:30 p.m. tains. joined the slt·ike effort early this This is the first in a series wct'k. is the latest to station pickets. The prmters, mailers, and of Student Union celebrity the Guild art' the other unions Class directors forum8. invoh·ed. "Pamassus '63" is a one man FrequE>nt meetings between rhe prepare stunts Guild und publi~hers at Mayor Ralph S. Locht'r's office have Class leaders have recently he­ failed to provide the hOP£·d-for gun initial preparations Cor Stunt impetus to'' ard settlement o£ the Night 1963. The annual campus stl'ike. A meeting to discuss a wage contract ts slated for rhis fun-fest will be held on Saturday, March 16. at 8 p.m. in the audi­ morning. torium. In a telephone intct·,·icw with Co-ordinating the event is Rich­ Norman Melnick, a Plain Dealer ard But·ns, chairman of the Union Guild representative, the carroll Stunt Night committee. The com­ News sou~ht clarification of the mittee has started to obtain jud~··s Guild's outlook on the litrike. The and to draw up a format for the following is the convet'l;ation which affair. took place: Various chaitmen have also been selected to guide the class commit­ Q. Is th~ present ba.rgnin in;: !'iluatlon any bettor than wht> n tees. Har\'ey Firestone will plan tht• strU<.c began two months ago? lhe Evening College present:ttion while P hillip Collins will direct A. No definite answer can be the senior effort . J unior hopes t·cst given to that question. It is a on Michael McGannon a nd H.obert Bramwell Fletcher fiction to believe that what the McLo1.1ghlin. R i c h a rd Cermak PETER BElLAMY Cleft), son of the late editor of the Plain Guild docs will settle this strike. and co-chairman William Welch performance centering aoout the Oeoler, Paul Bellamy, and brothers James and Robert Far­ The Guild is on ly one of the are in charge of the sophom ore indestructible spirit of man. Mov­ rington ( rightl, employees of the Plain Dealer, a re shown on striking unions.
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