The lerrutlli (onpujN Calendar Air 1S«1, —The “ Royal Cock-a-too Cigar” is —The “Royal Cock-a-too Cigar” is the Music. Circuit Court. Rosaline During Mu month we will JANUARY. pleasing all the boys. best in the market. The gigantic amouut of work accomp­ The following are the cases disposed Rings, Pins, Ear Rings and Scarf Pins, giveoui army of custom­ At A llison ’s. 8 M T w T 1 F 8 ers, goog Bargaint in Winter —When men are as good as their —Clark & Hulse are making some im­ lished by Madame Price, in a short space of in the adjourned term of the circuit 1 2 8, Qoodi, in all our depart ­ obituaries and women are as good as the portant changes in their store. of time was manifested once more In the court, up to the hour of going to press Hand kerchiefs I 4 5 6 7 8! » 1U ments, especially in Cloaks production of the “Visit to Grandpa last evening : Handkerohlefs! hi 12 13 14 15 16 17 men think they are, then it will be time —O. E. Wilson will soon be nicely U nderware.Knlt Boots and W. L. B. Dunham vs. Sarah A. Pierce. As­ Handkerchiefs! 1H 19 20 21 22 23 24J for the recording angel to take his long- settled in his new shop on West Walker and Grandma, ” on Friday night last, at 25 20 27; 28 29 30 31 Rubbers. Bargains for all. Newton hall. Forty-six little pupils in sumpsit. Trial by Jury. Verdict for plaintiff, and Mufflers. ' _*_! •. JC Read ad. on last page. needed vacation. street. •34.50. More than a million of all stvles, just re­ her private singing class, after a little Joseph O. Standard ot al vs. Almond Partlow ceived at K endrick ’s for the holiday —Influenza is having wide sway in — There are 15,000 brass bands in this and Albert W. KUssell. Attachment Judg- over three weeks rehersal, presented ineut, on withdrawal of plea and by consent of trade. More thau was ever before shown this country. It is milder in form than country, with 150,000 performers. The this charming cantata to the considera ­ attorneys, for •828.39. in any one store in St. Johns. the grippe of last year, yet. is attended insane asylums are full. tion of as large and appreciative an aud ­ Rufus W. Gillett et al vs. Almond Partlow.— To Our Readers and all Others. with fever and great weakness. The Attachment. Judgment, on withdrawal of plea 1847 Rogers Bro.’s —Chapin & Co. are making some big ience as ever graced the hall on any oc­ and by consent of attorneys, for $568.10. Knives, Forks and Spoons doctors advise the liberal eating of on ­ cuts in prices on Ladies ’ and Children ’s casion. From the moment the curtain At A llison ’s. When otTered what is styled “Bargains,” for ions as a preventive. BUSINESS LOCALS Home, 8tate, National or Foreign Papers or cloaks. See their ad. on last page. rolled up and the opening chorus, herald ­ Try the Ma-No-Ken Magazines, do not place your order until you —The masquerade ball at Newton —An old lady by the name of Wheel­ ing the coming visit of the forty grand ­ Inventory Saie, brand of Oysters and you will take no have first seen me. You will always be satis­ hall New' Year's eve, was not as num ­ er, living north of the railroad, fell Mon ­ children to their aged grand-parents at Commencing Thursday, January 8th, other. Graham has them. 1260w4 fied by heeding this request. erously attended as it was hoped it Christmas tide, till the time when the we will put on the market some of the We Keep With the Market. Especi Respectfully, day, and fractured her right wrist. She greatest bargains that have ever been ally on Sugar. GEO. 8. CORBIT. w'ould be; however, those who partici­ is now with her son in Owosso. carriages are announced for the depar ­ offered in Cloaks, Dress Flannels and Sugars have been going down steadily Independent oflice, over Wheat Bros.’Cloth­ pated had a good time. —From present indications progress­ ture, the interest grows apace. Underwear. Our system of doing busi­ ness, is to Slaughter all unseasonable for some time and yet some advertise ing Store. —The event of New Year’s day at ive tiddledy-winks wull be the great so­ Caddie Ilalleubeck, as grandma, lent and sell at the same old prices. Call IfAn extra first-class paper will be given a sweet quaver to her voice, as befitted goods at cost , and less, sooner than to every new yearly subscriber. • Pompeii, was the wedding of John E. cial game this winter. It is not an high­ carry them for next season. and see our New Orleans Sugar. 20 Henderson, late of this village, and now ly intellectual pursuit, but it is an an old lady with the awful responsibili ­ All our 25c. Dreg* Flannels to go at................... 20c. pounds for$l. St. John ’s Mekchantile Co . of the mercantile firm of Kunday & amusing game, and is rapidly growing ty of possessing forty lively grand ­ All our 51.00 Uundewear to go at..... ......... ...... 75c. HOME MATTERS. children, as an heritage, while Veva All our 81.25 Underwear to go at...................... 92c. Henderson, of that place, and Miss Mary in favor. We are Bound to Close Out Re-opened, Perrin, as grandpa, ably assisted her, I have re-opened the meat market Brevities. Prince, Rev. J. II. Thomas, of Ithaca, —“ A right smart sprinkling ” of St. every Cloak and Jacket in the house, despite the whitening locks and the ir­ first south of Leland ’s grocery and shall t —Smoke “ Royal Cock-a-too Cigars.” officiating. Johns democrats attended the inaugural and with this object in view, have keep for sale a complete line of choice ritating “crick’’ in his back, and wel­ marked a great number at 10 per cent, fresli and salt meats and poultry, at —The six Decatur Bross pigs shown proceedings at Lansing yesterday. In comed the children lustily. less than actual cost. —Sheriff Pennell has appointed Mart, the four-handed contest for the speaker- prices which will please purchasers. I in Church’s recent fine display of The gay little costumes made a bright 8 7 00 Cloaks to go at......................................... 83 00 solicit your patronage. in Smith, of St. Johns, Under Sheriff. ship, P. B. Wachtel, of Petoskey, cap­ 10 00 Cloaks to go at....................................... 7 00 dressed meats, were not 7 years old, as picture, and the situations throughout, 15 00 Cloaks to go at....................................... 9 00 J. II. McCloud . —Fowler & Ball have been issuing tured the prize on the 7tli ballot. Full eroneously printed, but 7 months old, were very pleasing. One of the best This sale will last till January 24th, ’91. to their patrons some very pretty calen ­ and being of the Berkshire breed, were particulars next week. Gold and Silver head Canes dars for 1891. features was the life and vim sustained Always the Cheapest, At A llison 's. very fine and much leaner and tenderer —Dr. G. W. Topping, one of Clinton by the chorus, while many of the solos Tiielen & D enku . —Orrin W. Miller and family moved Livery and Feed Barn. than other varieties. county ’s oldest and most successful and duetts are deserving of special men ­ Cabinets $2.50 per Dozen into their new residence on Cass street, I am in every wav prepared to furnish —Edward Acre and J. M. Doyle, of practitioners, who has been a regular tion. Grandma ’s lullaby song to little for the next 10 days, at Plunkett's, West first-class livery, single and double, for last week. Duplain township, put their fine Man ­ patron of this paper since its birth, Ruthie, and the duett by the grand ­ Side Gallery, St. Johns, Mich. 04-2 pleasure and Business, and especial use —Newton L. Webb is Edwin Pennel's chester colts together on {Saturday last in making his accustomed annual re­ parents, “ Passing Away,” were both The Mercantile Co, of commercial men. at reasonable rates. successor on the present board of super­ My public Feed Stables In connection, and exhibited them upon our streets. mittance, in advance, adds : “I always very touching. Thirza Judd and Mamie invites evPry ones attention to their ad. are roomy, safe and pleasant, and always visors, as member from DeWitt. They are both beautiful dark browns want to see The Independent . It Fedewa, in quaint white caps, sang ever “on last page,” this week. It will pay supplied with clean and well cured feed. seems like an old friend ’s face.” you to take advantage of their bargains Charges low and regular to everybody. —It will pay you to read every word and should go to-gether. “What will so sweetly of their dear dollies ’ virtues this month. of the Mercantile Co.’s ad. They are you give or take,” is the question. —Ow’osso Times : St. Johns is one of and graces, while Alice Malthouse, as Give me a trial. J. H. Fitts. J. W. Hllllker’s Restaurant —On the Corner of State and Brush streets making everybody happy this month. —Frank L. Merrihew, tax gatherer the nicest towns in Michigan but it has “ Betty,” evinced marked talent and a European Plan. —The Baptist church is being papered, for this township, informs us that on only one post-office and two persons who splendid voice in her solo, and for which I wish to announce to my former pat­ Marmalade Jars and in consequence there will be no ser­ Monday last, with the commencement would be post-masters.
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