Cafeteria bill tries to S W Career Services helps -—INSIDE—— 'Ml S Elsili open dialogue between IB «f students look ahead Marist community.....page 2 dining services and 231 to employment or Opinion......................page 6 t- students B^S^H graduate school Featurei.....................page 8 A&E....;.......„.............page 11 -page3 •page 8 Sports .......page 14 THE CIRCLE Volume 50, Issue 2 The student newspaper of Marist College September 25,1997 New library creates space problem for Humanities byBENAGOES anyone knows exactly...." News Editor He said the problem stems from the lack of space available Faculty and staff in Fontaine on campus. Whereever they put Hall are in limbo because, col­ us, he said, will mean others will lege administrators have not yet be disrupted. decided where to put them dur­ "It's really a difficult process ing construction of the new li­ to do when there isn't a-nice brary. readily available space you can Structure Tones/Pavarini Con­ house somebody in," he said. struction Co. from Greenwich, "Somebody would have to be Conn., will level the building displaced. The president talks sometime after Commencement about the domino effect, just all 1998, but no one knows the fate the different kinds of dominos of the nearly 150 Marist employ­ that would have to be moved to • ees who work in the building. keep from toppling on each There are about 40 full-time other." employees and 100 adjunct pro­ He said President Murray met fessors that will be displaced for with division chairs and Tom a minimum of 14 months while Daly, director of physical plant, the library is built. last week to discus options, but Reginetta Haboucha, dean of Circle Photo/Michael Gool nothing concrete came from the Humanities, will soon lose her . The new library will occupy the space of the current library and Fontaine. The destruction of meeting. office in Fontaine. She was part Fontaine will display 150 Marist faculty and employees who work in the building. Anderson said he was told of an ad hoc committee that met that there would be more defi­ during the summer to discuss of concern and I would like to of the options include using eryone will go. nite answers within a month. Rose DeAngelis, assistant temporary housing options, but see it settled. There are a couple trailers, the Cabaret or other "It's just very very uncertain she said nothing definitive ^professorof'jBrtgiish^said she js-± of options. rooms in the student center- or lif tlifiTpbint," Anderson said " came from those meetings. Donald Anderson, English rooms in Donnelly Hall. : "I think there are too many 'ifs' ' worried about where the faculty "Where we are going to go is department chair and assistant But, he said, no one really right now. A lot of things will still up in the air," she said. It is professor ofEnglish, said some knows for sure just where ev­ have to fall into place before See FONTAINE, page 4... Tenure process controversial and complex for faculty by AMANDA BRADLEY to express their opinions on the three categories, and a let­ Asst. News Editor popular issues without fear of ter written by the candidate as losing their jobs." to why they feel they should be The tenure process is very granted tenure. Every year Marist loses an­ complicated with its many lay­ The next step is the Rank and other few professors. ers of faculty, administration, Tenure Committee. This commit­ A look at the past ten years and student involvement. The tee is made lip of six members of has shown that, out of 55 pro­ final decision is based on the Marist professional commu­ fessors, requesting tenure, al­ whether the tenure candidate nity. Each member is an elected most 30 percent were denied. fulfills the categories of teach­ representative of a particular Manst has always followed a ing, scholarship, and service. In school or division on campus. tenure process and Dean of the eyes of the committees, the This committee examines the Faculty and Academic Vice candidate must be a "notewor­ candidate's files, meets with the President, Artin Arslanian, does thy" teacher, have a record of dean of the department, and in­ not foresee abolishing the pro­ published works, and be active terviews the candidate to deter­ cess in the near future. He feels Circle Photo/Strom Goulct in their communities at home or mine their recommendation. that the granting of tenure is in the Marist community. The academic vice president A $150,000 upgrade to the radio and television studios will important to the college's repu­ replace the aging equipment seen here. The tenure process begins in attends the Rank and Tenure tation. the fall semester of a professor's Committee meetings, but his fi­ School of communications spends "The faculty define our sixth year at Marist. The final nal decision is separate from institution's future," Arslanian decision is made in the spring their vote. Then, the president $150,000 for equipment upgrade said. semester of the same year. of the college makes a decision Tenure is a vital right to a pro­ The candidate is first looked fessional staff for many reasons. by T/HEA OMMINO for the Plant Fund is provided at by tenured colleagues in their See TENURE, page 4... Vernon Vavrina, associate pro­ StaffWriter through annual savings in the department. This is the begin­ college's budget. The fund, he fessor of political science, said ning of what Vavrina, a newly THE CIRCLE POLL said, typically goes towards he thinks that tenure is very im­ Marist will upgrade the Lowell elected member of the Rank and upgrades such as the ones portant at the university level. Thomas television and radio Tenure Committee, called the Do you think the slated for Lowell Thomas. "It is evident that tenure is "peer review process." studios and will also create a extremely important," he said. "It tenure system for multimedia lab this year with 'The College Plant Fund is Three professors make up the faculty at Marist is funding set aside to deal with is important for academic free­ "peer review committee." They $150,000 from the college's dom. Faculty can say what they fair? Physical Plant Fund. facility renovations, property each separately visit the candi­ and accusations," Merolli said. believe without penalty or fear The multimedia lab will be in dates' classes twice during the "They are reserves set aside to of disagreement." semester and write up a report LT 209, but right now the room preserve the physical plant." Arslanian said that tenure is Yes--64 is empty and waiting for 19 new on their performance in class. The lab will be used for teach­ an important right for faculty This committee has access to computers that will arrive some­ ing multimedia classes, and will members because it ensures time in November. Other equip­ the candidate's files, which in­ No-69 be accessible to students put- freedom of speech and job se­ clude student evaluations done ment for the television and ra­ side of class for working on in­ curity. dio studios is not installed, but at the end of each semester. dependent projects. "Tenure is a right that guaran­ They also include letters of as­ Don't Know/ has been ordered. tees faculty positions on cam­ Marist Executive Vice Presi­ sessment from their department NoOpinion-50 pus," he said. "It allows faculty academic deans with respect to dent, Roy Merolli said money See UPGRADE, page 4... THE CIRCLE The Marist Community September 25,1997 THE CIRCLE News September, 25,1997 Students unhappy with life in Talmadge Court New bill will give students a voice in food services What's-Cool byMICHAELGOOT survey will be distributed about with food presentation. by CHRISTOPHER THORNE Editor-in-chief a week or so before Thanksgiv­ "The presentation of the food oil Campus v ing. was a concern from last year Focus Editor • * & fHf: " "We're putting a lot of that we've addressed from our It's only been in use for little over a Students may now get a say thought to how we want to very first new meal and we've year, but already Talmadge Court has irvAvhat they eat.: phrase the questions," he said. got some noted comments," he Friday: entered the arena of student criticism, Earlier this month, the Student Lundy said his committee's said. both good and bad. Governrhent Administration goals are to keep the freshmen Among the changes are cook­ Day: Communication Arst Soci­ According to Sue DeVito, a junior com­ senate unanimously passed a eating at the dining hall and to ing hamburgers more closely to ety trip.to Montel Williams Show munications major living in Talmadge bill that will try to increase stu­ try to bring back those sopho­ order, changing the cleaning Night: Coffehouse with Paul court, there are problems with parking. dent input jni the dining services mores who had been alienated process so there are fewer dirty "There's not enough parking, and you at Marist College. ^i . by the cafeteria. utensils and improving the con­ Strowe. ,\- ';.- have to park in the street," DeVito said. Senate Speaker Kevin Lundy" the bill will also look into the diment bar. Night: Black Student Union Back DeVito said that parking in the street said the impetus for the bill origi­ possibility of "double swiping"- Binotto said dining services to School Jam\ ;/ could get you a ticket. nated when he was a member of -;that is having a student use his will also work with SGA to cre­ "If you park in the'wrong spot, you get trie student life councillast ser card to pay for a guest.
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