2ND PIANO PEDAGOGY SYMPOSIUM FEATURING MTNA COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS NOVEMBER 3 –4, 2012 www.pianosymposium.com November 3, 2012 Dear Colleagues: Welcome to the second Piano Pedagogy Symposium! The University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music Collegiate Chapter has planned an exceptional program for you to enjoy, broaden your knowledge and experience new ideas. Please be sure to take a mo - ment to thank your colleagues for their time and work in making this a successful event. Events such as this are a wonderful opportunity to renew friendships, meet fellow students from around the country and network with future colleagues. Take advantage of this time to discuss things that are unique to you as a future music professional. The networking doesn’t stop when this event is over. Your membership in MTNA connects you with a national collegiate network, in addition to programming and leadership oppor - tunities at the local, state and national levels. Volunteer to help in whatever way you can. Working and sharing together, we can impact the future of music in America! Also, we hope you will make plans to attend the 2013 MTNA National Conference in Ana - heim, California, March 9–13. It promises to be an outstanding conference, featuring high caliber artists and master teachers, as well as sessions and workshops emphasizing offer - ings for teachers in all areas. You won’t want to miss the pre-conference workshop on March 9, focusing on the needs of young professionals. We commend your commitment to professionalism, and hope that involvement in MTNA becomes a vital part of your career development. Sincerely, Benjamin D. Caton, NCTM Gary L. Ingle President Executive Director & CEO FOUNDED 1876 Coollege-Conservatoryl-lege Conservatory ofof MMusicusi c OOffficefice ofof tthehe DeanD ean PO BBoxox 221000310003 CCincinnatiinc-0003innati OOHH 445221-00035221 PPhonehoo6ne ((513)5-373713) 5556-37375 Fax ((513)5-333013) 5556-33305 6 GGreetingsreet inings Visitors!Vis ito rs! OOnn bbehalfe halff ooff tthehe UUniversity nive rsittyy ofof Cincinnati’sCinin- cinnat i’s College-ConservatoryCollege Co nse rvrvvfatory ooff MMusicusic ffafaculty,acultty y, staffsta ffff andand sstudents,tudenttmes, it isis a pleasurepleasure ttoo welcomewelcome thethe MTNAMTNA CollegiateCollegiate ChaptersChapters toto thethe hallowedhallowed hallshalls ofof nd CCCMCM ffoforor tthehe 2 PianoPiano PPedagogyedagoggyy Symposium.Symposium. I personallypersonally ccelebratee-ivlebrate student-runstudent run initiativesinitiatives suchsuch asas this,ththis, andan d supports upport youryou r missionmission toto betterbetter connectcon ne ct youngyou ng professionalsproffee ssiona ls in thethe fieldffieie ldld ofof pianopiano performanceperffo ormance aand nd ppedagogy,edagoggy y, ccreaterea te opportunitiesopportu nities toto presentprese nt research,researc h, meetme et withw itth facultyffaacult tyy fromffrrom aroundarou nd tthehe nnation,atio n, aandnd networkne twtw ork withwitth colleagues.co lleaggu ues. TheTh e UniversityUniv ers ittyy ofof CincinnatiCincinnati College-ConservatoryCo llellege -Cons ervatoryry ofo f MusicM u s icic (CCM)(CCM ) foundffoound itsits rootsroo ts in twotwtw o venerablevener abb– le CincinnatiCincin n ati institutionsin stitutions ––o theth e CincinnatiCincin nati ConservatoryCo nse rva tory ofof MusicMusic thatth at wasw as foundedffooun ded in 18671867 andand thethe CollegeCollege ofof MusicM usic ofo f CincinnatiCtincinn at i thatthana beganb e11yg 11 yearsye ars lalater.ter . TheThe twot wo schoolsschools mergedmerged in AugustAugust 19551955 andand becamebecame thethe 14th collegecollege ofof thethe UniversityUniversity ofof CincinnatiCincinnati onon AugustAugust st 1 , 1962.1962e. AsAs CCMCCM ccelebrateselebrates itsits ssecondecond half-centuryhalff--centuryry asas anan integralintegral componentcomponent ofof UCUC tthishis year,year, CCMCCM is hhoused oused in ttheh e ffofour-buildingour -bin u ild ing ccomplexomp lex knownk no wn asas thethe CCMCC M VVillage,illag e, a $93$9 3 millionmillio n dodollarllar complexcomplele,tx thatth at houseshouses overover 1,5501 5 50 studentss tudent s ofof music,mu sic, electronicelect ronicic media,me dia, dance,danc e, thethe theatricalth ea triiccal artsa rts andan d aartsrts aadministration.dmin istratio n. CCCMCM hhehasas lolongng bbeeneen a leleaderader in ppedagogy,edagogy, aandnd wwee areare delighteddeligghtttoed to h–thostost yyouo u – tthehe nextnex ggeneration eneratt–o ion ofof musicmu sic teacherst eachers – tot shareshar e youryou r vvisionis ion aandn d ppassionassionn wwith ith ooonene aanother.oth er. I wwouldoe uld likelik ttoo tthankhank Dr.Dr. MichelleM iche lle CondaCon da anda n d tthehe memembersm b ers ooff CCM’sCCM ’s MTNAMTNAA CCollegiateollegiate ChapterChapter forffoor ttheirheir hhardard wworkooinrk in organizingogrgan izins a successfulsucces ffuul weekendweekend forffoor you.you. I hhopeope y,youou enjoyenjoy thethe conference,conffeerence andand youryour visitvisit toto thethe UniversityUniversity ofof CincinnatiCincinnati andand thethe CliftonClifftton nneighborhoodeigghborhood tthathat hhousesouses thethe UniversityUniversittyy ofof Cincinnati.Cincinnati. SSincerely,ince rely, PeterPeter Landgren,Landgren, DeanDean ThomasThommaas JJamesames KKellyelly ProfessorProffeessor ofof MusicMusic Annm affirmativeaffffirmative action/equalaction/equal opportunityopportunity iinstitutionnstitution CCMCCM MTNAMTNA COLLEGIATECOLLEGIATEER CHAPTERCHAPTE 10/24/1210/24/12 DDearear SSymposiumymposium Participants,Participants, WWelcomeelcome toto thethe CincinnatiCincinnati College-ConservatoryCollege -Conser rvavatory off MMusicusic aandnd ttoo thethehe secondsecond annualannual PianoPiano PedagogyPedadagogy SSymposiumymposium ffororor MTNAMTNA CCollegiateollegiate Chapters!Chapter rss! I hope your timetime herehere isis productiveproductive andand alsoalso fun.fun. TThishis ssymposiumymposium startedstarted lastlast JanuaryJanuary underunder thethe guidanceguidance off Dr.Dr. JohnJoohnhn Ellis,Ellis, AssociateAssociate ProfessorProffeessor off Piano/PianoPiano/Piano PPedagogyedagogy aatt tthehe UniversityUniversity off MichiganMichigan SchoolSchool off Music,Music, TheatreTheatre andandnd Dance.Dance. DDr.r. JJovanniovanni de PPedro,edro, tthenhen MTNA/UM CollegiateCollegiate ChapterChapter President,President , ranran withwith thethe ballball andand mademade itit a spectacularspectacular event!event! I wwasas proudlproudlyy aann aattendeettendee fforor thethe inauguralinaugural symposium.symposium. I lovedloved thethe formatfformormat off chapterchapter presentations,presentations, posters,posters, ddiscussioniscussion groups aucandnd mmasterclasses.asterclasses. TThehe successsuccess off tthehe symposiumsymposium lleded toto itit beingbeing officiallyoffffificially recognizedrecognized asas anan MTNA-MTNA-sponsoredsponsore d eevent.vent. I wwasas humhumbledbled thatthahat CCM wwasas cchosenhosen fforor tthehehe secondsecond symposium.symposium. However,Howowever, hoshostingting anan eventeventt likelike thisthis takestakes a lotlot off hahardrd wwork,ork, off wwhichhich I’ve done vivirtuallyrtrtual ly nonenone!! TheThe kudos go toto CCMCCM’s’s sstudenttudent cchapter.hapter. I lookedloookeoked on withwith pprideride asas theythey dedevelopedveloped a website,website, a logo,loogo,go, developeddeveloped a scheduleschedule andand filteredffiiltered throughthrough proposals.proposals. ZZachach Lopes,Lopes, our sstudenttudent chapterchapter president,president, hashas beenbeen trulytruly awesomeawesome inin hishis leadershipleadership asas he pulledpulle d ttogetheroogegether our wwonderfulonderffulul CCM SStudenttudentt ChaChapterpter ttoo focusffococus on tthishis event.event. TheThe CCM StudentStudent ChapterChapter off MTNAMTNA hashas beenbeen eenthusiasticnthusiastic andand ttireless.ireless. I havehave beenbeen giftedgifftted withwith “student”“student” pianistspianists whowho teachteach well,well, performperfformorm well,well, andand workwork wwellell ttogether.ogether. TheyThhee!y areare our future!ffuuture A thankthank you goegoess ttoo DDeanean PeterPeter Landgren,Landgren,n, whowho ssupportsupports tthehe symposium,symposium, andand toto thethe CCM SchedulingScheheduling StaffStaffff andand FFacilitiesacilities SStaff,tafffff,, whowho foundfound a “hole”“hole” inin thethe CCM scheduleschedule inin orderorder toto put thisthis eventevent inin place.place. ThisThihis isis not easyeasy inin a schoolschool thisthis large!large! FnjFinally,inally, plpleaseease enjoye oy CincinnatiCincinnati whilewhile you areare here.here. YourYour “must“must do” listlist shouldshould include:include: 3-way3 -wa y aatt SSkylinekyline CChili,hili, GraetersGraeters IceIce Cream,Cream, a gamegame or twotwo off corncorn hole,hole, withwith a littlelittle goettagoetta on thethe side.side. SSincerely,incerely, Michelle Conda PProfessorroffeessor off PPianoiano CCoordinator,oordinator, SSecondaryec ondaondary PPianoiano andand PianoPiano PedagogyPedagogy https://www.facebook.com/groups/MTNACollegiateChapters/https://www.facebook.com/groups/MTNACollegiateChapters/ Corbett Center for the Performing Arts 3000 Level Mary Emery Hall 3000 Level Saturday, November 3, 2012 8:00–8:30 A.m. Registration and Breakfast Baur Room 8:30–8:45 A.m. Opening Remarks Baur Room • Gary L. Ingle, MTNA Executive Director & CEO; Timothy Shook, NCTM, MTNA Board of Directors and Collegiate Chapters Forum Chair; Zachary Lopes, CCM MTNA Chapter president; Jovanni-Rey de Pedro, Co-Founder and Advisor, MTNA Collegiate
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