Index References to figures and tables are printed in italics. acoustic impedance analysis 95-7 Faeroe-RockaU Plateau 145--6 Aegir Ridge 272, 278 basaltic tuff aegirine 190 Faeroe Island Shelf 182, 184-5, 189, 192-3 Amazon Cone 200, 201,203 correlation with North Sea 193-4 amphibole 189, 190 Bear Island Trough Mouth Fan 173 amplitude of seismic signal Ben Nevis Formation 6, 7, 19 Galicia margin studies 76-8, 97-9 Bill Bailey Bank analogue modelling basement 126-9 lithospheric stretching 86-7 sediment deformation 133-4 Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) 208-12 seismic stratigraphy 129-32 Antarctissa whitei 220 setting 125, 272 Anton Dohrn Seamount 161, 272 subsidence history 134-7 apparent uplift/erosion 262 biostratigraphy Arctic Bottom Current 154-5, 155 Atlantic Ocean (North) radiolaria 217-20 Argo Formation 5, 7 Faeroe Island Shelf sediments 186, 187-8, 189, 190, Ascension Fracture Zone 200, 201 192 aseismic ridges 281 St Kilda Basin 232-3 Atlantic Ocean (Equatorial) biotite 190 bathymetry 201 bioturbation 16, 192 palaeoceanography Biscay, Bay of 274 Cretaceous 207-8 Bjorn Drift 272 Jurassic-Cretaceous 199-201 Blosseville Group 191 Tertiary 208-12 Bonnition basin 4 plate reconstructions 203-7 break-up unconformity 1, 2, 78 seismic stratigraphy 201-3 burial depth studies 258-61 Atlantic Ocean (North) continent-ocean boundary 273-7 palaeobathymetric reconstruction 271-2 14C dating uncertainties 227, 241-3 backstripping methods cap rocks, Faeroe-Shetland basin 67 isostasy effects 288-9 Catalina Formation 7 removal of sediment 284 Ceara Abyssal Plain 200, 201 sea level effects 288 Ceara Rise 200, 201 sediment decompaction 285 Central Ridge 54 thermal subsidence effects 286-7 Chain Fracture Zone 200, 201 boundary conditions used Chalk Group 255 lithosphere thermal age 272-3 Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone 276 plate boundaries 273-7 Chemehuevi detachment 98 plate reconstruction 277-9 CIPW norm 237 sea level 273 Clair basin 53 stratigraphy and lithology 272 Clair Ridge 53 lithosphere age reconstruction 281-4 clinopyroxene 182, 189, 192 lithosphere subsidence effects 280-1 coal, Faeroe-Shetland basin 65 previous research methods 279-80 collophane 189 results of reconstruction 289-97 compaction analysis, Moray Firth (Inner) 253-8 plate setting 277-9 compression Avalon Formation 6, 7, 19, 20 events in Eocene Faeroes 153, 155 Norwegian Sea 195 backstripping 271,280, 284 in lithosphere 265-6 application to N Atlantic reconstruction 284-9 structures in Faeroe-Rockall 142, 215-16 Balder event 65 continent--ocean boundary Balder Formation 191, 193 Galicia margin Balder Tufts 65 segmentation 72-6 Banff fault 250, 254 structural analysis Banquereau Formation 7 methods 76-8 Barra Fan 161,163 results basalt volcanism 275 lower layers 79-82 Faeroe Islands 125, 134 seismic Moho 82-5 304 INDEX upper layers 78-9 Edoras Bank 272 results discussed 85-8 Eirik Drift 272 GIN Sea 273-7, 287 Eocene Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean (Equatorial) Atlantic Ocean (Equatorial) circulation 209 circulation 207-8 reconstruction 206 reconstruction 204, 205 sediments 202 sediments 202 Atlantic Ocean (North) reconstruction 293, 294, 297 Atlantic Ocean (North) extension 277 Bill Bailey/Lousy Banks subsidence 134, 137 Jeanne d'Arc basin 6, 7, 33, 45-7 Faeroe Bank Channel 155 deformation 11-12 Faeroe Island Shelf dredge 189, 189-90 unconformities 14-19 regression evidence 195 lithosphere rifting 72 transgression evidence 194-5 Porcupine basin 33, 45-7 Faeroe Plateau and Channel sediments 149-50, 153 seafloor spreading 4, 23-5 Faeroe-RockaU Plateau compression 215 Cretaceous rifting model Faeroe-Shetland basin, stratigraphy 65-6 North Atlantic/GIN Sea reconstruction 298-97 GIN Sea reconstruction 293, 294, 297 Cromer Knoll Group 256 Eocene-Oligocene boundary crustal studies Lousy/Bill Bailey Bank subsidence 135, 137 Galicia margin unconformity 132-3 ocean-continent boundary segmentation 72-6 Eriador Seamount 272 structural analysis erosion studies methods 76-8 Moray Firth (Inner) results compaction analysis 253-8 lower layers 79-82 driving mechanisms 264--6 seismic Moho 82-5 uplift analysis 261-4 upper layers 78-9 vitrinite reflectance data 258-61 results discussed 85-8 Eurydice Formation 5, 7 GIN Sea 287 continent-ocean boundary recognition 273-7 see also lithosphere facies analysis Cuillin Package 64 Jeanne d'Arc basin 36-41 currents, Faeroe-Rockall area 141-3 Porcupine basin 44-5 Cycladophora davisiana 219 Faeroe Bank 125, 272 Faeroe Bank Channel 142, 145, 148, 161, 272, 289 Eocene 149-50, 153, 155 Dawson Canyon Formation 7 Miocene 151 Dead Mountains detachment fault 98 Oligocene 150 decompaction effects 271,280, 284, 285 Recent 153 Demerara Abyssal Plain 200, 201 Faeroe Block Demerara Plateau 200, 201 continental crust thickness 276, 287 Denmark Strait 272, 289, 296, 297 Palaeocene-Eocene boundary 191 detachment faults 93, 104-5 reflector sequence 194 Devensian see also Faeroe Island Shelf NW Britain slope-aprons 163, 165 Faeroe Channel Knoll 147, 148, 153, 155 diatoms, Palaeocene 60 Faeroe Channel Knoll Escarpment 147, 148 dinoflagellates Faeroe Channel Knoll Plateau 149 Faeroe Island Shelf dredge haul 186, 187-8, 189, Faeroe Drift 272 190, 192 Faeroe Islands St Kilda Basin 232-3 basalt lavas 125, 134, 146-8, 215 Voring Plateau 194 seismic study of basalt 112-22 domino fault block model 103 setting 111-12 Downing Formation 7 Faeroe Islands Platform dredge haul studies basaltic basement 146-8 Faeroe Island Shelf sediment stratigraphy methods of sampling 179-80 Eocene 149-50 results of analysis 181-4 Miocene 151 sample ages 184-92 Oligocene 150-1 results discussed 192-5 Pliocene 151 Dunrobin Group 256 Recent 153 sediment thickness 148-9 setting 145-6 East Faeroe High 147, 149 Tertiary evolutionary history 153-7 Eastern Shoals Formation 7 Faeroe Islands Shelf 160, 272 INDEX 305 dredge haul study 179-95 Porcupine basin 43 setting 179 Gardar Drift 272 see also Faeroe Block gas, Faeroe Islands 112 Faeroe Ridge 289 Geikie Escarpment 161,162, 163, 164 Faeroe-Rockall Plateau 142, 215-16 geochemistry Faeroe~Shetland Basin Faeroe Island Shelf dredge haul 183-4, 185, 189 correlation with North Sea 66-7 St Kilda Basin tephrochronology study hydrocarbon prospectivity 51, 67-8 methods 229-30 plate tectonic environment 54-5 results 233-5, 244-6 seismic mapping 56-7 George Bligh Bank 272 sequence stratigraphy 55-6, 58-66 GIN (Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian) Sea 271 setting 52-4 palaeobathymetric reconstruction 271-2 structure 57-8 backstripping effects 284-9 Faeroe~Shetland Channel 142, 145, 148, 155, 160, boundary conditions used 272-9 161, 272, 289 lithosphere age reconstruction 281-4 dredge haul 184 lithosphere subsidence effects 280-1 evolution previous research methods 277-9 Cretaceous 125 results of reconstruction 289-97 Eocene 149-50 see also Greenland Sea; Iceland Sea, Norwegian Sea Miocene 151 glacigenic sedimentation see ice-sheet sedimentation Oligocene 150 glauconite 182, 192 Pliocene 151, 165 Gloria Drift 272 Recent 153 Goban Spur 274 palaeobathymetric reconstruction 289, 295, 296, 297 Grand Banks-Iberia seafloor spreading 4 Faeroe-Shetland Escarpment 147, 148, 153, 272 Great Glen fault 250, 251, 253, 254 seaward dipping reflector 275 Greenland (East) fans see slope-aprons continent-ocean boundary 276 feldspathic sandstone 182, 190-2 marginal fans 173 Fladen Group 256 Palaeocene-Eocene boundary 191 Flett Ridge 54 Greenland Sea 271 flood basalts 275 see GIN Sea foraminifera Greenland-Norway Sea see Nordic Seas Atlantic Ocean (Equatorial) 207 Greenland-Scotland Ridge 276-7, 278, 297 Faeroe Island Shelf 182, 192 Grimsvrtn 241 Faeroe-Shetland Basin 58, 61, 65 Guinea Fracture Zone 201,202 St Kilda Basin 232-3 Guinea Plateau 200, 201 Fortune Bay Formation 7 Foula Wedge 161-2, 163, 172 Four North Fracture Zone 200, 201 Halibut Horst 250 Fugloy Ridge 147, 149, 150 Hatton Bank 272, 287, 289, 295, 296, 297 Fur Formation 193 Hatton Drift 272 Hatton-Rockall Basin 277 Heather Formation 256 Galicia margin heavy mineralogy, Faeroe-Shetland basin 63-4 crustal structure Hebrides Shelf 160, 161, 163 enigmatic terrane (ET) 79 Hebrides slope-apron method of analysis 76-8 lithology 168-71 results 78-85 setting 160-2 results discussed 85-6 time of formation 162-3 summary of characteristics 88-9 Hebrides Terrace Seamount 161, 272 modelling formation 86-8 Helmsdale fault 250, 251, 253, 254 OCB segmentation 72-6 Hibernia Formation 6, 7 S reflector study Hidra Formation 255, 256 amplitude 97-9 Hod Formation 255, 256, 257 analysis of polarity and waveform 95-7 hot spots 54-5, 62, 65, 265, 275, 281 relationships with faults 99 hydrocarbons, Faeroe Islands 112 results 101-5 relationships with peridotite ridge 105-7 significance of 94-5 Iberia Abyssal Plain 72 summary of features 107-8 Iberia~3rand Banks, seafloor spreading 4 Gambia Abyssal Plain 200, 201 ice-rafting 159, 184, 236 gamma ray logs ice-sheet sedimentation Jeanne d'Arc basin 40 slope-aprons 159 Moray Firth (Inner) 256 NE Atlantic 173-4 306 INDEX NW Atlantic 174 thickening, role in uplift/erosion of 264 NW Britain 160-5, 168-72 Lopra- 1 well 112 Iceland, tephra formation in 238-9, 240-1 Lossiemouth fault 250, 254 Iceland Hotspot 265 Lousy Bank (Outer Bill Bailey Bank) 272, 297 Iceland Plateau 272 basement 126-9 Iceland Sea 271 sediment deformation 133-4 radiolarian abundance 220 seismic stratigraphy 129-32 see also GIN Sea setting 125 Iceland-Faeroe Ridge 272, 276, 277, 281,287, 295, 296 subsidence history 134-7 ichnofacies 16 low angle detachment faults 93, 104-5 ilmenite 182, 189 inertinite 189 Inner Moray Firth see Moray Firth (Inner) magrnatism,
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