THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2ND APRIL 1980 5137 Dorking, all in the county of Surrey. Court—CROYDON. LAYER, formerly residing at 80 Thornloe Gardens, No. of Matter—122 of 1974. Date of Order—7th Waddon, in the county of Surrey. Court—CROYDON. February 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's dis- No. of Matter—163x of 1974. Date of Order—10th charge refused. January 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. NOBLE, Joseph Albert, residing at 90 Cudham Lane North, Biggin Hill, Kent, MOTOR DEALER, and lately carrying BURNS, Maurice, of 6 Belgrave Street, Darlington, in the on business at 235-2327 London Road, Croydon, Surrey, county of Durham, MACHINIST. Court—DARLING- and formerly under the style of Kingsway Autos at 50-52 TON. No. of Matter—15 of 1974. Date of Order—24th Croydon Road, Hayes, Kent, and also under the style of January 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's Cricket Green Autos at 60 Cricket Green, Mitcham, discharge granted. Surrey. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—3 of 1974. Date of Order—14th February 1980. Nature of Order SMITH, Edward Minto (Described in the Receiving Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. as Mr. E. M. Smith (male)), Taxi Driver, residing and formerly carrying on business at 20 Wimbledon Close, PERRY. Frank Edward, a casual market trader, residing Redhall, Darlington, in the county of Durham, BUILD- at 58 Blyth Road, Bromley, Kent, previously residing and ING CONTRACTOR. Court—DARLINGTON. No. of carrying on business as a REPAIRER of DOMESTIC Matter—18 of 1974. Date of Order—24th January 1980. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, under the style of Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge granted. Bromley Service Centre at 32 Addison Road, Bromley, in the county of Kent (described in Receiving Order as an WEIGHTMAN, Alan, and APPLEBY, Laura Anita Electrician). Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—11 SA (spinster), both residing and carrying on business in part- of 1974. Date of Order—21st February 1980. Nature of nership under the style of "Alan Weightman and Co.", Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. at The Bungalow, Scotch Corner, Middleton Tyas, Rich- mond in the county of York, as MOTOR VEHICLE PRIOR. James Albert William (described in the Receiving BODY REPAIRERS, and also previously carrying on Order as James Albert Prior), a DRIVER, residing at business in partnership under the style of "Scotch Corner 14 Brockham Crescent, New Addington in the London Trailers" at The Bungalow, Scotch Corner, Middleton Borough of Croydon. Court—CROYDON. No. of Tyas, Richmond aforesaid, as CONSTRUCTORS of CAR Matter—71 of 1974. Date of Order—3rd January 1980. RECOVERY TRAILERS (Separate Estate of Alan Nature of Order made—Bankrupt discharged, subject to Weightman). Court—DARLINGTON. No. of Matter— consent to Judgment for £250, payable at £2 per week, 3 of 1974. Date of Order—24th January 1980. Nature of commencing 14th January 1980. Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. REVTS. Richard, of 16 Stanton Square, Sydenham, London HODGSON, Derek Harold, of 77 Newlands Road, Riddings, S.E.26. oreviously residing and carrying on business in in the county of Derby, and formerly residing at 33 partnershio with another as SUB-POST OFFICERS, Hamilton Road, in the borough of Derby, CONTRACTS TOBACCONISTS and CONFECTIONERS, under the SUPERVISOR. Court—DERBY. No. of Matter—24 of stvle of Walton Street Post Office at 36 Walton Street in 1974. Date of Order—18th January 1980. Nature of Order the Citv of Oxford, previously residing at 40 Eastlake made—Discharge refused. Road. London S.E.5, formerly at 15 Dewsbury Road, London N.W.10, and prior therto at 66 Grasmere HODGSON, Dora Alice (married woman), of 77 Newlands Avenue, Wembley in the county of Middlesex, Shop Road, Riddings, in the county of Derby, and formerly Assistant. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—142 of residing at 33 Hamilton Road, in the borough of Derby, 1974. Date of Order—3rd January 1980. Nature of Order HOUSEWIFE. Court—DERBY. No. of Matter—25 of made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. 1974. Date of Order—18th January 1980. Nature of Order made—Discharge granted. ROBERTS. Leonard Basil (described in the Receiving Order as L. Roberts (male)), a mini-cab driver, residing REDMAN, Ronald David, residing at 24 Repton Avenue, at 3*u Maberley Road, Upper Norwood, London S.E.19, Littleover, Derby, Hospital Theatre Technician, formerly previously carrying on business as a FLOORING residing and carrying on business at 106 Almond Street, CONTRACTOR under the style of C.I.A.T.C., and prior Derby, FOOTBALL POOL COMMISSION AGENT. therto in oartnershio with another under the style of Court—DERBY. No. of Matter—21 of 1974. Date of Southern Flooring (Contracts) at 283 Brockley Road. Order—18th January 1980. Nature of Order made- London S.E.4. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—107 Bankrupt discharged. of 1974. Date of Order—24th January 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. SMITH, Gordon Winston, of 4A Lower Dale Road, in the county borough of Derby, Milkman, formerly carrying on ROBINSON. John Joseph, of 18 Hardv Road. London business under the name or style of Smith's Sewing S.W.I9. lately residing at 23 Radcliffe Sauare. Putnev Hill. Machines from 4A Lower Dale Road, Derby aforesaid, London S.W.I5. FREELANCE FILM CAMERAMAN. SEWING MACHINE RETAILER. Court—DERBY. No. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—108A of 1974. Date of Matter—7 of 1974. Date of Order—26th October 1979. of Order—7th February 1980. Nature of Order made- Nature of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge subject to Bankrupt's discharge refused. consent to judgment for £500 plus £1-50 costs to be paid at £20 per month. ROWLES. Christopher John, unemployed, residing at 83A Nightingale Lane. Clapham South. London S.W.I2. for- WALTERS. Gerald John, residing and carrying on business merly residing at 54 Abbotsbury Road, Morden in the from Boulton Edge Farm. Back Lane, Chellaston in the countv of Surrey, and previously emoloyed as a countv of Derby, FARMER and formerly COMPANY TECHNICIAN in a FILM LABORATORY (Described DIRECTOR. Court—DERBY. No. of Matter—16 of in the Receiving Order as C. Rowles (male)). Court— 1974. Date of Order—18th January 1980. Nature of Order CROYDON. No. of Matter—80 of 1974. Date of Order— made—Bankrupt discharged. 7th February 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankruot discharged, subject to consent to judgment for £1.000 CHADWICK, Howard, of 3 Dene Terrace, Chilton Ferry- payable at £40 per month, commencing 7th March 1980. hill in the county of Durham, PRINTER. Court— DURHAM. No. of Matter—15 of 1974. Date of Order— TAYLOR, Edward Ernest, of 60 Rancliffe Gardens, 19th February 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt Eltham, London S.E.9, Milkman, previously carrying on discharged. business from that address as a PAINTER and DECORATOR. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—181 HUBERY, Clive, residing and lately carrying on business at of 1974. Date of Order— 14th February 1980. Nature of 84 Craddock Street, Spennymoor, in the county of Order made—Bankrupt's discharge refused. Durham, HAULAGE CONTRACTOR. Court— DURHAM. No. of Matter—14 of 1974. Date of Order— WILKINS, Matthew James, of 33 Foss Avenue, Waddon, 5th February 1980. Nature of Order made—Bankrupt Surrey, previously carrying on business as a BRICK- discharged..
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