j ; September 19 1?74 L Prospects— ; above the HL-dw^o$H!fe-in$uniiiee-oferec^f6^Vlet^«i-J0B|f$_- Red Delicious, the leading Some 2.7 million Vietnam- military service since April 2,. veterans discharged prior to Washington St., Newark. variety, for several years, is bright for era veterans are eligible for_a_ 1970. ^ • .. - Aug. 1, 1974, are available, Applicant must furnish expected- to decrease 17 STRICTLY PERSONAL new low-cost veterans group The Jiew, Veterans from VA offices or from the evidence of good health but percent to 23 million .pounds VA-fated service-connected By Pal and Marilyn Davis life insurance program which Administration-supervised Office of Servicemen's Group fruit crop and be tied with Stayman, Life Insurance, 212 disabilities will be waived. The Zip Code aiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiumiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii .mtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtiuiiiiiiR offers as-much as $20,000 program also offers coverage in case of emergency Copley NPWS Service Cranberry and peach which increased 31 percent. coverage for $3.40 per month call is only 10 months old and I do in amounts of $5,000. $10,000 Dear Pat and Marilyn: Dear Dad: production in New Jersey-in Weather for all three fruit : to young veterans but they and $15,000. Rates for the 376-0400 for Police Department for Springfield is hot want people touching her. 17*1 nrt! oracled to be higher crops was generally fnvqrnhlf ..roust apply before Aug. X aximum $20,000 coverage or First Aid Squad pp^ iMrafflnMHu^IClfSrsM'.- 7-than lastyearpvhihrprospects—this—year—Althougrr-July- -i9ls:—. z—: -• are-?$3T4O—per -month for— —376-7*70-for-fHre-Departrrient than deserved it and here is family doctor. He can set up a I've readit before but I have ^,for the apple crop ore un-...rainfall.-was below normal, ' The nonrenewable five-year veterans aged 34 and under. why. Three years ago I would" properly balanced—diet- for -no solution. I ^mnt put a "Do ?hanged~fMnn973rMcordln^"_Aigus^ $OU for those'35-and" over. Salesmen! enjoy two or three drinks your daughter so that she-can - Not-Toueh" sign on the baby.— to Secretary of Agriculture moisture supplies. for veterans discharged "from" Application..." forms V for before dinner. Then I gotmaintain her weight. He can My .husband thinks I'm' Phillip Alampi. : — _ :—; : : C— ' Pubil»h.d Ev»r Tiiundoy by Trumor Publltbina Cotp. 41 Monnloln ov..", Sp'rlnoflalJ; N.J. 07081 - 686-770Q _ married and the number of also explain the lasting health fooliBh. The New Jersey Crop- DALE drinks increased with my new hazards of a starvation diet; '_ Rachel Reporting Service estimates responsibilities. Subicrlptlon R«t» S.cond Clo.. Po,io0.. Good luck,. Dad. Dear Racel: that the cranberry crop will Moiling Aildrill: 25 Cents Por Copy The stepped-up volume of VOL. 45 N<?. 51 , SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1974 •10.00 Yearly Paid oi SpHngll.U, N.J. When someone reaches for amount' to 230,000 100-pound P.O. Bos 69, Sprlnufl.ld, N.J. 07081 _^liquor was not noticeable to CARNEGIE Dear Pat and Marilyn: the baby simply say, "Please barrels. This compares with - me. -I could hold more, or so I don't touch my daughter." 228,000 barrels, last year. thought. No horrible trnuma My little girl ia very pretty. People often atop and touch That flhonlfrbe sufficient. I'm The peach crop is forecast made me drink. I just enjoyed at 95 million pounds, up three SALES her. Even complete strangers with you— adults should" keep it. The rest of the tale has been hands, off_tlny_childtenj_A_ percent from 1973's 92 million told a hundred times so I won't who have colds will pat her on the head or take her hand. She verbal compliment Is nicer. pounds and almost quadruple FREEPreviewi Court hearing spurs possible rent law repeat it. When I fell in the . COURSE 7the 25 million pounds door last night, my wife was produced in the disastrous gone. She simply couln) not .year of 1972. \ I ~take the forgotten dinners, i Mayor tells _ late evenings, drunken cur- Apple production is CRANFORD Contract let sing and general unhappiness. estimated at lOJLJDJllion I'm sober thia.mornlng andl pounds, the"same as lastyear. hope.I stay that way. Maybe -Rome-Beautyiisrespected to j Pmrntcil by (Oirdtn si.Pkwy Exit mj • WfS WESIHOM « AISOC need my little scenario will turn displace Red Delicious as the" H on repairing 10 ;il>llns ltd. somebody-off-the-booier-lt-i: state'sTIeading apple variety Watching; N. J. 070*0 MOHDAY drug, too. Beauty ig expected to . - - - . Loser account for 26 million pounds Dear Lbser: of total apple production. schoohfoo You quit being a loser when you quit drinking. Look up Trip to New England Alcoholics Anonymous in your to aid handicapped . telephone book and give then a reinstituted by board By AHNKH (IOI.I) tryrYou-might also inform- The SprinEfie[d Board of Education Monday your wife your new outlook. The Township Committee Tuesday night - night -6WflKled-an-$85;o()0-<forilf aoCToMecfllP began discussions on how best to retain the Here is a note to teen-agers atruction of the roof a^ the Thelma Sandmeier ijujo^are . turning to', liquor. local rent control ^ordinance in the face of a School to end recurrent leaks. The contract preliminary but unfavorable district court Alcohol is a drug-and. can he—I went to Max Buyroff of Bayonne, lowest of ruling on the ordinance. Mayor Edward N. — harmful. It is not an-innocent: three bidders, before an audience of 10 persons Stiso Jr. reported that the ruling issued last alternative to pot, pills or hard at the Raymond ;Ghisholm-Sehool. >lf drugs. - Michael Mclntyre, president, reported that --O-O- landlords and termed the present 2'_. percent the board is working to recover damages from limit on annual rent increases an un- Dear Pat and Marilyn: the bonding company for the original roofing constitutional deprivation of profits. How long can a growing girl firm which did the work when the school was go without food? I think that built in 1960. "In the meantime," he added, He added that a full trial is scheduled lo start '""my'daugliter isfryTrig'fdr^the" 'the jobjins. to bejtone.." _„._. „ late in November "unless the township-can— record. Either that or she is In other business^ the board approved dates" I _deyjse__an_ ordinance; jvh_ich will protect the fasting for some unknown (or the seventh graders at the Florence tenants and be agreeable to the plaintiffs/" Ifie -•• cause. She feels that at Sfeot 5•••..> Gaudlneer School to go on what had been their owners of the Short Hills Village apartments. inches she should weigh lip unnua|-trip-fo-places: of •historicaMnterest-m— Approximately R!> citizens attended tho pounds—even if .this . means New England. The trip was not held last year. meeting. that she lives on salads, Tills year the youngsters.will go in four groups, In other business. Springfield became tho carrots and nn occasional Oct 14-10, Oct. 21-23, Oct. 20-30 and Nov. 4-6. first-municipality in the stale lo pass an or- glass of skim milk. It is fine to Mclntyre expressed the board's condolences dinance requiring all future commercial and be slim, but she carries this to the family, of Mrs.~3uani(a Robertson," industrial-buildings-to-be free-of-arohitet'tural— thing too far. It has. to be bad physical education teacher at the Sandmeier barriers to the physically handicapped. for her health. I cannot force School, who died on Sunday. He noted that the food down Kerthroat. Howtio school flags would be lowered to half-staff until The unanimous vote followed a public other parents handle this? . the funeral yesterday. hearing featuring a brief- motion picture • Dad SISTERLY REUNION-^Mrs. Shem CarmarCTlght, wife The board also approved hiring of two ad showing some of the ways in which a person in •of-Oiarleft-Garman.-asslstont-to-tho president of- - -a wheelchair is barred from normal activities. the~Colonlal Savings'BnK of 'RosellePark, and her named'to serve fdur-fifths of-full-time as 'rnrfHrrrwab pi ewnted-lflrjRyelyii-Ai'onow—a— sistor, Mrs. Shirley Bishop of Rosanna, Australia, Spanish teacher at the Gaudlneer School. She local' resident and a leader in the statewide FiRNITURE great each other ot a reunion at Kennedy will continue as the school's "dancer-in- drive for barrier-free buildings. Following the vote. Miss Aronow presented Jflcantly. Mis _CorjrAgg.jwhb residence," a post to which she was named this J Mayor Stiso with a certificate of recognition is originally from Melbourne, Australia, and her —summer—. • Mrs. Frledler holds . degrees from Smith , froin-tlitN.J-Eastex.Scal SQciclyJJShe_was.ahl(>_ sisier-_had_oal_seen_oach.x>ther.Jor_3Q_years.-The to attirtid the meeting only after being carried Carmans are residents of Irvington. ~X;olIegeTw1thhonf3riflrrEngllshrand-fronrKean College, where she is studying for a master's 'up"thc'Town"Halrstcps-in-her-whcelchair: degree. She has also studied at colleges in r-o--o- Below Retail 2 Civil Defense courses . -•_..,.. ,T ~7~"'~(ConiFnai3fon"page1iSy RENT CONTROL might be rescued. Stiso with clear.hardship provisions/If landlords free by correspondence could open to their books to the Rent Leveling on Name Brand Board, he said, each development's case conld Two Civil Defense-Disaster "Radiological Monitoring." bedecidedonan individual basis". He rinted_the_ Control free home study "CD USA" is a general course court had suggested a link tn.the.Consumer , Furniture correspondence courses are to show the student the effects Price Index, which, the town ended last year available to New Jersey of natural and man-made are sought for because it felt-that-figurc-was rising loo Call 964-1834 residents,- says- acting- state.
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