JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SINCE 1932 The lockdown to contain the coronavirus outbreak has disrupted supply chains. One crucial chain is delivery of information and insight — news and analysis that is fair and accurate and reliably reported from across a nation in quarantine. A voice you can trust amid the clanging of alarm bells. Vajiram & Ravi and The Indian Express are proud to deliver the electronic version of this morning’s edition of The Indian Express to your Inbox. You may follow The Indian Express’s news and analysis through the day on indianexpress.com DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 2020, NEW DELHI, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `6.00 (`8 PATNA &RAIPUR, `12 SRINAGAR) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Govt push seesplayerslining NOMINATED FOR VICE PRESIDENT up to make solarequipment KamalaDeviHarris: D Gurgaon-basedRenewPower, PRABHARAGHAVAN E Boostfor Kolkata-basedVikram Solarand &ANILSASI home the Delhi-headquartered Biden’shistoricpick NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 PLAIN E Waaree Energies. ● industry EX This surge in interest in the IN AN indication that the domesticmanufactureofsolar Reflectsresponse Centre's ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ INDIA AIMS to setup100 equipment coincides with push could be yieldingearly re- GW of solarcapacity by measures initiated by the gov- to changing US sultsinthe solar energy space, 2022, up from 34.6GWcur- ernment to slap additional du- the Renewable Energy Ministry rently. Giventhat the costof ties on imports across sectors, in- society,politics Themob setfiretovehicles; 145people have been arrested . PTI has receivedproposals from a modules producedinChina cluding solar power. rangeofplayers forover10GW is up to 10%cheaperthan Powerand Renewable (gigawatts) of fresh solar equip- theones manufactured in Energy Minister RKSinghtold JONATHANMARTIN mentmanufacturing. India, the push forinput The Indian Express that the gov- &ASTEADWHERNDON Bengaluru mob violence The proposalsoverthe last manufacturing domesti- ernment's move toshiftfromthe WASHINGTON,AUGUST12 couple of months to domesti- callycould improvecost use of short-term 'safeguarddu- over social media post, callymanufacturesolar equip- competitiveness and reduce ties' to protect domestic manu- IN NAMINGKamala Harris as his ment in India include those from the dependency on imports. facturers to the imposition of running mate, Democratic Biden with HarrisinSept2019. AP FULLCOVERAGE,PAGE11 the US-basedFirstSolar, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Presidential candidate Joseph R 3killed in police firing Biden made agroundbreaking decision, picking awoman of Your mother would be proud: with alleged derogatoryrefer- Rajput account: 100DAYSOFLAC CRISIS colour to be Vice President of the JOHNSONTA ences to Islam. Withdrawals of United States and, possibly, a In Delhi, an uncle remembers BENGALURU,AUGUST12 Police said 145people, in- Indian envoy reaches successor in the WhiteHouse. cluding the MLA's relative,have Yetinsome ways,Biden's THREEYOUTHS were killedin been arrested and the situation Rs 55 lakh, ED choice, made public early on Early Wednesday, 80-year- police firing in eastBengaluru is under control. Karnataka Chief out, Delhiwaitsfor WednesdayIndia time,was con- SOMYALAKHANI old Gopalan Balachandran, a Tuesdaynight afteramob at- MinisterBSYediyurappa said the finds no big ventional: elevating aSenator &ARUNJANARDHANAN Delhi-based academic, sent this tacked apolice station and tar- government willconduct aprobe transfers to Rhea CONTINUEDONPAGE2 NEWDELHI,CHENNAI,AUG12 congratulatorymessage to his getedaCongress MLA's house by amagistrateintothe incident. Beijingword on talks niece Kamala Harris, soon after over perceivedofficial inaction “Thereare reports that the vi- “KAMALA,Iamsohappyfor you. she waschosenbyDemocratic in arresting arelative of the leg- olence is afallout of rivalry KHUSHBOONARAYAN CANDIDATE KAMALA Shyamala would have been very nominee Joe Biden as his islator forasocial media post CONTINUEDONPAGE2 MUMBAI,AUGUST12 PAGE 8 proud." CONTINUEDONPAGE2 AFTER QUESTIONINGactor Rhea Despitecourt order,ex-J&K Chakrabortyfor almost18hours, theEnforcementDirectorate(ED) Dy CM moves to new house is nowexamining cash with- Expert group plans digital drawalsmadefromSushantSingh BUSINESSASUSUAL Rajput'saccountsoverthelastone near Army ammunition depot year as the agency has notfound backend to track vaccine BY UNNY any “substantial direct transfers” from the lateactor'saccount to The Indian Embassy in China tweetedthis photograph of Sources told The Indian ARUNSHARMA Chakraborty or her familymem- Vikram Misri with Liu Jianchao KAUNAINSHERIFFM Express thattalkswereheld on JAMMU,AUGUST12 bers, sources familiarwith the NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 building adigital infrastructure case told The Indian Express. so that apotential vaccine, from FORMER DEPUTYChief Minister Thesewithdrawalsamountto in the CommunistParty of AT ITS firstmeeting on the severalbeingdeveloped,can of the erstwhile stateofJammu Rs 55 lakh and arefromRajput's SHUBHAJITROY& China’s Central Committee to try Wednesday, theNational Expert be administeredtoalarge popu- and Kashmir and BJP leader, primaryaccountwithKotakBank. SUSHANTSINGH and makeheadway in talkson Group on vaccine administration lation. Specifically, sources said, NirmalSingh, and his family Sources said the agency is track- NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 resolving the crisis along the Line forCovid-19held detaileddelib- therewas adiscussion on up- movedintotheir newlycon- ing the trail of these withdrawals. of ActualControl in Ladakh erations on modifying existing grading the existing eVIN structed bungalowatBan village, This account, sources said, INDIA’S AMBASSADOR to Beijing, where the standoffbetween technology platforms to track (Electronic VaccineIntelligence near the Army’sammunition had about Rs 15 croreatthe Vikram Misri, reachedout troops of the twocountries potential vaccines from procure- Network) —anindigenously sub-depot(ASD) on July23, Singh’s houseinNagrota CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Wednesdaytoakey interlocutor CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ment to last-mile delivery. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 New Delhi WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,THURSDAY,AUGUST13,2020 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUALSTORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS EXPLAINED:STUDYZEROESINONMOSTEFFECTIVEFACEMASKTOBLOCKCOVID-19 ■ CUSTOMIZABLE What does Pilot’s NEWS EXPERIENCE ThebestfacemaskforpreventingspreadofdropletswereN95maskswithoutvalveswhilefleececoverings WEB andbandanasweretheleasteffective return to Congress Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 mean forhis future? VIDEOOFTHEDAY EXPRESSTECH NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY WILL ENGLISH BE REALME SMART TV Todayonthe 3Things podcast, we unpack DISCONTINUED? 43-INCH REVIEW what has ledtothe truce between Sachin Higher Education Good enough to be Pilotand Ashok Gehlotand what it means SCANTHISQRCODETO SecretaryAmit your firstsmart forboththeir futures DOWNLOADTHEAPP Khareclarifies television model FROMPAGEONE Uncle in Delhi herIndian ancestrymuch, the India ForWorld Foundation and tutes, and Secretaries of connectwithhermother’ssideof Vividrage RhealityxPrivate Commerce, Finance and External running matefor the 2020 US thefamilyisevidentinHarris'sau- Limited,set up by Rajput. Affairs Ministries. presidential elections. tobiography. Shetalksaboutstay- HarrisisBiden’s V-P choice Theagencyislooking intothe Harris’s maternal uncle, who ingintouchwiththem,“ourperi- purchase of twoproperties by Solarpush is aconsultant at the Institute for odic trips” to India —Sarala says Rhea and her family. While Front customs duties has inducedthe Defence Studies and Analyses, Harris came onceevery three- who bringsgenerational and courses through the party and having startedher career in decidedtogiveHarrisahead IndiawasincorporatedinJanuary industry to “makelong-term Balachandran is awareofthe sig- fouryearswhenyoung—“letters coastalbalance to the left-wing challengers unseat the crucible of San Francisco startonbecoming the coun- 2020, Vividrage wasset up in commitmentsintermsof invest- nificance of Biden picking her as andcardswrittenbackandforth”, Democratic ticket andshares some incumbents.The mostly politics, wonstatewide office try’sfirstfemale President. September 2019. ments”. his running mateatatime when and “oursenseoffamily”. hiscentre-leftpolitics at a young protesters filling the in America’s largest stateand AcrosstheDemocraticParty On July31, the ED registereda Whilethegovernmentisyetto Americaisdeeplydividedonrace time of progressive changein streetsofnearly everyUScity sought the presidency herself. —formerelectedofficials,grass- moneylaundering caseagainst officiallyimplementtheproposed andgender.“Itwasexpectedthat Bengaluru mob the party. to decrypolicebrutalityand She has arelationshipwith rootsactivists,swing-state mod- Rhea and herrelativesbased on basic customs duty of around 20- my niecewould advanceinthe among local political groups but UnlikeBarackObama and President Donald Trumpare manyparty donors, lawmak- erates, and even muchofthe theFIRfiledbySushant'sfather,K 25% on solar equipment, the min- politicalraceandIamveryexcited we willnotcommenttillaninves- George WBush, who selected represented by twofigures ers, and activists.She has been progressive wing—thereaction KSingh, in Patna, on July25. istersaid a5%interest subvention as astudentofUSpolitics,” Bala- tigationisdone,” Home Minister veteranWashington handsas who have offeredsympa- scrutinisedfar more than waslargely asigh of relief. The FIR alleged
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