S7304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 16, 2017 players who contributed to the 2017 regular Whereas the Houston Astros is an organi- family, community, and national responsi- season should be congratulated: Norichika zation of great character, determination, and bility; Aoki, Tyler Clippard, J.D. Davis, Dayan heart, and a reflection of the city of Houston Whereas the future well-being of the Na- Diaz, Michael Feliz, Mike Fiers, Reymin and the State of Texas; tion is dependent on the value placed on Guduan, Jandel Gustave, Teoscar Hernandez, Whereas, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey youth and the opportunities provided for James Hoyt, Jordan Jankowski, Tony Kemp, and the devastation along the entire Gulf youth to acquire the knowledge, skills, and Jake Marisnick, Francis Martes, Colin Coast in the State of Texas, the Houston abilities necessary to help youth successfully Moran, David Paulino, A.J. Reed, Tony Sipp, Astros as World Series champions personifies develop into safe, healthy, and productive Max Stassi, Ashur Tolliver, and Tyler White; the ‘‘can do’’ Texas spirit and signals to the adults; Whereas the front office, the clubhouse, world that, even after an incredibly difficult Whereas effective programs supporting and all of the supporting staff and team few months, the State of Texas is coming runaway youth and assisting youth and their members of the Houston Astros should be back stronger than ever; and families in providing safe and stable homes congratulated; Whereas the Houston Astros are the 2017 succeed because of partnerships created Whereas the Houston Astros won an in- World Series champions: Now, therefore, be among families, youth-based advocacy orga- credible 101 games during the regular season, it nizations, community-based human service which earned the team the American League Resolved, That the Senate— agencies, law enforcement, schools, faith- West division championship; (1) commends the Houston Astros— based organizations, and businesses; and Whereas the following 6 Houston Astros (A) for winning the 2017 Major League Whereas the National Network for Youth players selected to the 2017 Major League Baseball World Series championship title; and National Runaway Safeline are cospon- Baseball All-Star Game should be congratu- and soring National Runaway Prevention Month lated: Jose Altuve, Carlos Correa, Chris (B) for an outstanding performance during in November to increase public awareness of Devenski, Dallas Keuchel, Lance McCullers, the 2017 Major League Baseball season; the issues facing runaway and homeless Jr., and George Springer; (2) recognizes the achievements of the youth and to educate the public about solu- Whereas the Houston Astros became the players, coaches, management, and support tions and the role the public can play in end- first team in the history of Major League staff of the Houston Astros, which made vic- ing youth homelessness: Now, therefore, be Baseball to capture both the National tory possible; it League Championship pennant and the (3) recognizes the dedication, hard work, Resolved, That the Senate— American League Championship pennant; and persistence of the operations staff of (1) designates November 2017 as ‘‘National Whereas the Houston Astros bounced back Minute Maid Park in the city of Houston; Runaway Prevention Month’’; and from a loss in the 2015 playoffs to win the (4) congratulates— (2) recognizes and supports the goals and American League Championship pennant for (A) the city of Houston; ideals of National Runaway Prevention the first time; (B) Houston Astros fans everywhere; Month. Whereas Houston Astros center fielder (C) the mayor of the city of Houston, the f George Springer broke the record for extra Honorable Sylvester Turner; base hits in the World Series, including 5 (D) Houston Astros Owner and Chairman SENATE RESOLUTION 340—COM- home runs, and was named the Most Valu- Jim Crane and the Crane family; MEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- able Player in the World Series; (E) Houston Astros President of Business VERSARY OF THE 3D INFANTRY Whereas Houston Astros catcher Brian Operations Reid Ryan; and DIVISION McCann, in the first year playing for the (F) Houston Astros Executive Advisor Mr. PERDUE (for himself, Mr. ISAK- Houston Astros, hit a home run in Game 5 of Nolan Ryan; and the World Series, and guided the pitching (5) respectfully requests that the Secretary SON, and Mr. INHOFE) submitted the fol- staff for 7 games; of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of lowing resolution; which was consid- Whereas Alex Bregman is the first Jewish this resolution to— ered and agreed to: player to hit a World Series walk off hit, (A) Houston Astros Owner and Chairman S. RES. 340 Jim Crane; which led the Houston Astros past the Los Whereas November 21, 2017, is the 100th an- (B) Houston Astros General Manager Jeff Angeles Dodgers in a 13–12, 10-inning win in niversary of the organization of the 3d Infan- Luhnow; and Game 5 of the World Series; try Division; (C) Houston Astros Manager A.J. Hinch. Whereas Houston Astros pitcher Justin Whereas the 3d Infantry Division was orga- Verlander was named the Most Valuable f nized in 1917 as the 3d Division, with head- Player of the American League Champion- quarters at Camp Greene in North Carolina, ship Series; SENATE RESOLUTION 339—DESIG- NATING NOVEMBER 2017 AS ‘‘NA- and has been on continuous duty ever since; Whereas Houston Astros second baseman Whereas, from its inception, the 3d Infan- Jose Altuve— TIONAL RUNAWAY PREVENTION try Division and the component units of the (1) compiled at least 200 hits for the fourth MONTH’’ 3d Infantry Division have played a vital role consecutive year; and in the history of the United States by serv- (2) won a Silver Slugger Award for best Ms. DUCKWORTH (for herself, Mr. HATCH, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. ing in— American League second baseman; (1) World War I; Whereas Houston Astros General Manager LEAHY, and Mr. REED) submitted the (2) World War II; Jeff Luhnow joined the Houston Astros front following resolution; which was consid- (3) the Korean War; office in 2011 and succeeded in building a ered and agreed to: (4) the Cold War; World Series championship team; S. RES. 339 (5) Operations Desert Shield and Desert Whereas the Houston Astros fell short in Storm (commonly known as ‘‘the Persian Whereas the prevalence of runaway youth the 2015 American League Division Series, Gulf War’’); and homelessness among youth is stag- fueling a determination— (6) Operation Enduring Freedom; (1) to return to the playoffs; and gering, with studies suggesting that every (7) Operation Iraqi Freedom; (2) to win the World Series in 2017; year, between 1,600,000 and 2,800,000 youth (8) Operation Freedom’s Sentinel; Whereas Houston Astros fans followed the live on the streets of the United States; (9) Operation Resolute Support; triumphs of the 2017 season by tuning into Whereas runaway youth most often are (10) Operation Atlantic Resolve; and games called by Houston Astros television youth who have been expelled from their (11) a number of other named and unnamed broadcasters Geoff Blum and Todd Kalas and homes by their families, have experienced operations around the world; Houston Astros radio broadcasters Robert abuse and trauma, are involved in the foster Whereas elements of the 3d Division first Ford and Steve Sparks; care system, are too poor to secure their own went into combat in March 1918 at the begin- Whereas the Houston Astros played the fol- basic needs, and may be ineligible or unable ning of the German offensive efforts that lowing 3 excellent teams in the 2017 to access medical or mental health re- were designed to end World War I; postseason that should be congratulated: sources; Whereas, soon after the 3d Division was es- (1) the Boston Red Sox in the American Whereas youth who run away are at an in- tablished, the division began to gain prestige League Division Series; creased risk for exploitation and exposure to for its service during World War I; (2) the New York Yankees in the American criminal networks, such as domestic sex Whereas, in July of 1918, the success of the League Championship Series; and trafficking; 3d Division at the Battle of Chateau-Thierry (3) the Los Angeles Dodgers in the World Whereas youth who run away are more earned the division, and especially the 38th Series; likely to be recruited or coerced into partici- Infantry of the division, the legendary nick- Whereas the Houston Astros won the World pating in criminal acts, such as gangs and il- name ‘‘Rock of the Marne’’ because the divi- Series for the first time ever, filling with legal substance abuse, that lead to a higher sion held steadfast against German soldiers pride the people in the city of Houston and likelihood of involvement in the criminal who were marching toward Paris in what Houston Astros fans everywhere; justice system; would be the last German offensive of World Whereas the Houston Astros showed ex- Whereas preventing youth from running War I; traordinary steadiness, teamwork, focus, and away from home or from foster care and sup- Whereas, during the Battle of Chateau- love of the game; porting youth in high-risk situations is a Thierry, division commander Major General VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:38 Nov 17, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16NO6.032 S16NOPT1.
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