HE DAILY SKIFF Volume 73, Number 32 Texas Christian University . Fort Worth, Texas 76129 Tuesday, October 29, 1974 —■——— ■ ■ ...... ______ Club will try to resurrect yearbook The University will have a the New Student Register, budgeted to sponsor a yearbook, faculty sponsor of the the Student Publications Com- yearbook this year after all. Gibson explained. It will include copies will be sold at $3.50 each. organization or the Office of mittee consider the large number Bryson Club, an honorary pictures of students, perhaps Students will also have to pay to University Programs and Ser- of students who want a yearbook, academic, social and literary only seniors, along with their have their pictures included. vices." said Gibson, who is also organization on campus, is names, degrees and a list of all Gibson said the book should be Mary Dudley, editor-in-chief of president of the House of Student sponsoring the book. , their -activities in the back. ready about the end of April. Representatives. Signatures of "We're glad we're going to Also, the annual will contain 16 "Image," said she had Dr. William Wiebenga, dean of previously stated if they 800 students were obtained, but have some type of yearbook, but pages with pictures of campus AddRan College of Arts and the goal is to get as many names it's not going to be great," said scenes, supplied by the Bryson (students) wanted a book of Sciences and a member of the organizations, they should get as possible, he said. Bruce Gibson, Bryson Club Club. Organizations may -buy Student Publications Committee, president. pages as was the case with the somebody else to do it. Bryson Club is sponsoring the said, "This is the first I heard of annual because, "we want to The book will be published by old TCU Horned Frog. "I question them being able to this." He said he supposed take a more positive step with the the same company that puts out Because the Bryson Club is not produce any kind of book in four "something like this would come yearbook this year. It's not the months," she said. "Image" is under a student publication and kind of yearbook we'd; like to published once every two would come under the Student have, but it's the best we can do," months. Psychologist to dispute Publications Committee." Gibson said. As to whether this yearbook A student publication is defined Although the book will contain bears any relation to the petition, parlor game astrology' in SPC policy as "those totally fewer pages and pictures than which proposes returning the the old Horned Frog and no Dr. Zipporah Dobyns, astrologer and clinical psychologist, will owned by the University and TCU Horned Frog from a written text, Gibson feels it will speak tonight at 8 p.m. in the Student Center Ballroom. Her visit is produced mainly by students." magazine to a yearbook format, be "successful." being sponsored by Forums and the Fort Worth Astrological Society. The 1973-74 General In- Gibson said, "There's no Dr. Dobyns, who is also an ordained minister in the Community formation Catalog states "copy question in the Bryson Club that He added, however, "We don't Church of Religious Science in Los Angeles, Calif., is highly critical of and photographs for publications there's a great demand for a 'feel this is an adequate substitute what she calls "parlor game astrology." of student organizations must be yearbook." for an annual. It's a remedy, not She has spec* 17 years working in astrology and has labeled much of cleared prior to release with the The petition is a "request" that a solution." what has been written on the subject as "pure garbage." Waldrep remains serious / By JOHN FORSYTH He was pushed toward the Alabama Sports Editor sideline, where be fell backward over a BIRMINGHAM, Ala-Homed Frog defensive player on the ground. He landed gridder Kent Waldrep was fisted in serious on bis head and four or five players fell on condition late Monday after being moved him. He was immediately paralyzed. to a private room in University of The offensive drive was the only suc- Alabama Medical Center in Birmingham. cessful one for the Frogs, climaxed by a Waldrep was injured Saturday in the field goal. Alabama won the game, 41-3. second period of the Frogs' game against Waldrep gained 21 yards on five tries, Alabama. Crushed cervical vertebrae for more than four yards per carry, best caused paralysis from the chest down. He average of the Frog backs. underwent surgery Saturday night. The team physician Dr. Ed Etier and Waldrep's vital signs were stable but the head trainer Elmer Brown headed a crew extent of permanent paralysis has not yet from bom benches and the Red Cross ad- been determined. Indications are that ministering to Waldrep near the Alabama Waldrep is not completely out of danger, sideline. since swelling still troubles doctors. Brown said one of Alabama's trainers Dr. Garber Galbraith, chief of tried to take Waldrep's helmet off, but neurosurgery at the hospital, said, "If Brown wouldn't let him. "It's just one of anything, Kent is slightly improved. There those things trainers always try to do, but I is more sensation of touch, but no more wasn't going to let Mm do it until we got motor power has been regained. him to a hospital and took some X-rays," "He has a little flection in his wrist that Brown said. is new," Galbraith said. Waldrep remains in traction, but Galbraith said he hopes to Brown said Waldrep asked him what have him in a neck collar within a week. was the matter with him when Brown first There is no evidence of hemorrhaging arrived. "I asked him to raise one leg and around the spinal cord. be said he couldn't," Brown said. He then Waldrep possibly could be moved to a touched Waldrep's legs, which the Alvin rehabilitation center in about eight weeks. native said he could not feel. Alabama Gov. George Wallace called He was placed on a portable stretcher Waldrep's parents, who flew in from New and rolled to a corner of the stadium where York Saturday night. attendants removed what part of his Waldrep was injured on his fifth carry of uniform they could. He was given a the afternoon after taking a Lee Cook tremendous hand by the 63,191 fans in handoff into the right side of the line for a Legion Field Stadium when he was WALDREP HURT—Team physician Dr. Waldrep to an nmbnlance in the two-yard gain. His forward motion had wheeled off. Ed Etier, left, helps roll a stretcher period of the TCU-Alabnma game been stopped, but he and the 'Bama He was taken immediately to University bearing injured Horned Frog gridder Kent Birmingham Saturday afternoon. tacklers continued to wrestle. Continued on Page.7 PnetobyJehnFonytn THE DAILY SKIFF Tuesday, October 29,1974 Reader feedback Mills' fracas hinders Petitioners want Most important of all is the administration's fear of what might happen at a concert. Just because an opinions heard audience for Joe Cocker (the well-known hard rock re-election chances band in the Oct. 23 article) left a lot of trash on the Editor: floor in Ed Landreth doesn't mean the University We are writing in regard to Ms. Crawford's will come tumbling down. A sheepish grin crept across the smug and scratched face of Wilbur Mills last week when a television reporter asked Mills if there was editorial Oct. 23 concerning the "Image vs. The drug traffic issue is also less sensational than Yearbook" issue. We feel it is time that the opinion it sounds. In 1971, a concert featuring Leon Russell, anything "between" himself and a Washington, D.C., stripper named Fanne Foxe. of the 750 students who have thus far signed the -Poco, Lee Michaels, and Badfinger was cancelled petition and the even greater number of students the day before it was to come off because the ad- Mills joked that at the age of 65 he should take such a question as a compliment. ,, who voted in last year's referendum be ministration had heard of a group of subversives represented. following the tour around other campuses in Texas It is doubtful, however, that the flattered Mills will be laughing about How can it be rationally stated that we are taking (Houston, Trinity, UT, and SMU) causing trouble the incident when his seat in the Hoylse of Representatives goes up for a step backwards by wanting a yearbook that would and dealing in drugs. Police from Houston, San grabs in Arkansas next month. j be representative of all TCU students? Antonio, and Dallas told the newspapers this was After initially claiming no part in a- carnival array of events in:/ We agree with the statement made previously in untrue. eluding drunkenness, police rescues, bosomy strippers, black eyes and an editorial by Mr. Gerst that the problem lies in a Our administration is afraid of off-campus people a dip in a nearby Tidal Basin, Mills' spokesman eventually)admitted discrepancy between what the "Image" is and at such concerts. I suggest they learn from our that the intoxicated, aging man at the scene was indeed Mills. ) what people expected it to be. But, defining the neighbors. UTA and SMU have concerts often, But the spokesman's account of the fracas leaves a few unanswered problem does not solve it. We recognize "Image" as which the public can attend (for the price of a questions One wonders how a Congressman of modest means is able to being an outstanding student magazine and are ticket, of course), and have been very successful.
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