A ~ I 15cr alued 'C nearly $2.LXX) x.'~ operalor Molen tron~ he F- ngIrIeerInj~ Scwn.e~ blihidiuM W Iliam~ said I he I.i~e,- ~ uwd br (he tiver the ~eekend. according o Jim Shuler iemon~cracion ot optical phenomena. University Police Dtpartnicnt (LJPD) in IFs beyond ne why anyone' "ould '.ant formation officer. '0 steaL I. he said. $2,000 gas laser Shuler said the theft ~.as reponed to IIPO by Ilarty Stroud. *ho 'aid he secured the SHULER SAID here were no signs of room containing ~he laser at b p.m Friday breed entry at the went of the theft, but that and discovered it stolen at 8 an,. Monday. latent fingerprints were found on the stand ACCORDING TO David Williams, a .here the laser stood, and on the duct tape professor in the engineering science depart- securing the laser. stolen from UF ineni, the laser is not powerful, but could Shuler added that several people have keys cause eye damage in the hands of a careless to the rcoin where the laser was stored. The Independent THURSDAY NAYS, 1975 Florida VOL. 67, NO.130 L Itch shed by toap~. Comnunicoons Inc Go n.vll. Flondo No, ofliciolly og.oc.t.d wit, 91, University ot Flortdo UF preparing for lump sum funding Dy SFUAfl EMNNIcU dealing with the increased flexibility Wed- University System. fectiveiy)tluatwebetterbeableto face upto." A~, Slat WiSe n~ay. TUE EDUCATION subcommittee of the TUE STATE SCHOOLS will have almost Th. Florida Hun. of Representative Senate Way. and Menu committee also total freedwn with the E&G budget a With hump sum Ihndlag hr tIme state ap1wond the funding change - a part of a approved the lump sum funding concept in its allocating funds, but there wilt be scene unlynkle "IN ~ a miSs" hr next 1250 millIon allocation to the Educational appropriations bill passed Wednesday. restrictions o the salary rates. yet. Ul~ officials Matted the p.m. of and Carnal (E&43) budget of the Stat. The full senate Is expected to pass the A House bill stats that the average facuky funding method. pay rate cannot exceed 523.772; the cast UP President Robert Q. Marston said the service employ. rate cannot exceed 15,441; flexibility created by lump funding "it the and the admInistrative and professiwial rate single most important thing to be done hr the cannot exceed 516,255. universities.*' The bill *3w stipulates that no employs INSTEAD OF itemizing each allocatacs, can be given a pay increase. unles, they are the change will allow the universities to transfer funds fron, within the 5W budget to promoted. meet special needs caused by a tight budget Lump sum funding was also approved foe t year. the Institute of Food and Agleultural UP Executive Vice President Hatold Sciences budget. 532 million. and the l.HWIs Hanson puedleted that will be a "lot of Milk. Health Ceuts budget, $19.6 .11th. UP Vice MtaAn '-S. wgging and pulling" In the budget p.". h~a he A~&. ~ college and department thkklng Robert Bryan said budget homing for each of they en hater use hinds apprupriad it. college would bqh I. abcs two nuts elsewhere. and the deans .bonld be pr.pned to discus He added the lump sum flexibility will how they would use any flexIbIlIty given to produce new challenges (in using funds 4 them. Fall apartment rates to increase due to rise The in non-electric utilities By FRANK RINELLA apartniern should be around LID. Smith said. U Mflgater SlaM WiSer Eighteen of 30 apartment complexes polled by the Alligator said that their water and Apartment rental rates for fall quarter will sewagebillahadyoneupat least ISOpercent. increase an average of 110 to $15 a month They also said that increased maintenance over last fall prices, due to increased costs in costs were forcing rests to n.e. pnce water, sewage and maintenance. Randy Greene. resident manager of the Profit from electric rates formerly made up French Quartet and Village Park and the the deficit In treating water and sewage, Mary Gainesville Apartment Association president, Anne Smith. Regional Utilities Board (RUB) said water and sewage rates have more thait Consumer Services representative said. doghied, foe Isis eseiples you "It (water and sewerage treatment bills) "MY LATEST water end sewage bill is was depending - the electrical side of bills to 53.2W. Ott bills used to be aiciad SlSfl pay for it and it was always in the red. Smith Greene said. said. Greene said he expects to pays Slated UNDER TIER NEt structure, a flat rate of 125.000 in water and sewage Sb ca the I- ~ cents per l.~ gallons of water plus a neat year. 51.50 service charge detet-minesthe water bill. The old structure had a six level sliding Twenty-five of 30 complexes polled will be pa scale for large consumers. Under that breed to raise .ents. An average increase of structure, a minimum rate of 53.70 was 130 for un*n4shed and 515 for furnfled chpged for every 4.0W) gallons used. For the apartments will go Into effect. "us 16*0 gaI~.S0 cans was charged for Of apmnmeiws polled, the average moqiuly every l.UOhuIheswd. After *0W gallons. vans weiw as follows: - bedroom ga- 47 cents was cb~i. for every IOD gallon fqarnlshed. 5365; furnished 1350. two .med. bedroom one bath waftiruiuimed. 1215t*- In addition a water hike. RUB has started cbaraW~ for mev~bss~,. r .piflrqS t$,t. Thu AV~ ,unI lacing. per N,. 2.1%. tn&~n&g4 N.M. MlIar. Th.sd.y. Mq 6. 1976 Legislature okays stiffer gun use sentences TALLAHASSEE Ha. (IWD-The Senate ignored warnings judication of guilt or suspend sentence in the cases of youthful guilt after the jury finds him guilty, the House cqght ~ today the state will have to spend 550 million for new prisons offenders or other unusual circumstances. error. Its lame to fish or cut bait, whose SIde Sit yOu on. the and agreed with the House that judges should be fatted to Call this foolish rehabilitation and bleeding for the people criminal or the law abiding citizen?" sentence crinuinuls using fining to at least three years in jail. '.l.o violate the law. The people on the street are not going to Sen. Buddy MacKay D-Ocala. estimated thai the state .ould have to spend 550 million to provide more prison space The Senate approved for the second time a measure by Sen. put up with it." said Senate President Dempsey Barton. D Panama City. and judges. Prosecutors and defenders with the appeals eoug~ Jim Gliso. R-Eustis. setting a three year minimum sentence load doubling or tripling. for murder, sexual battery, robbery, burglary and other major "We didn't realize the court can withhold adjudication of crimes if "a firer. ordsructlvedence is used. It accepted a major amendnuemt added by the House which appro.'ed the bill last week prohibiting judges froni withholding adjudicatio, or sumnding the sentence because. Ford will ask for GI Bill cuts according to Glisson. Lawyers and judges have been making their deals and running the country." WASHINGTON(UPD- In - act AlthoughFord called due Cl bill "a The Senate struck manslaughter from the firearm crimes niarking the end of the Vietnam era. wartime benefit." Congress in 1967 getting the minimum sentence and made other changes. so President Ford Wednesday canceled voted to extend the benefits to the bill (5355) goes back to the House. some wartime benefits and asked peacetime soldiers who saved bet- The crucial fight. taking up about two hours, was over Congress to eliminate the Cl Bill's ~.ten the Korean and Vietnam wars. education program for future ser- whether judges should have discretion to withhold ad- vice-en. Press Secretary Ron Nessen said Ford's aenwi signals "~he end of the Service connected death and Vietnam era." Thursday disability benefits continue in full lowe. But the decision may have started a And in a message less than happily new war between Congress and the White House. Veterans benefits get capsule recehed by Congress. Ford asked the pre*rred treatment in Congress since lawmakers to end Cl bill education benefits for those entering the rice they are knows to be excellent tote July I or late. rttws ad the various veterans groups an powerfkal lobbyists. Sea-borne evacuees Almost everyone who has saved in the military sInce 1940 has beat In a statement handed reporters by pull into Asian ports eligible for the GE bill's payments to Nesawi. Ford said his actions will not offset the oat of - education. More affect benefits of the 7 millIe. men SUBIC BAY, PHIUPPINES (UPD-A 'ghost fleet" of than IS million men ha,'. take. and women who saved in the South Vietnamese Navy ships steamed into pat Wednesday ninloinaTmm cut advantage of the benefits and they Vietnam War or who stiU serve hi the *avorworllm.' veffims benefit jammed with refugees. Dow of fishing boats and merchant will cot $4.2 billion, this year. amid Ibrees. vessels loaded with Vietnamese evacuees straggled into other Southeast Asian ports. The 24 navy ships. now under the command of American officers, were tRue last big wacue conwy to arrive at the American navel bas, ft.t Urn South ~iaa S. where the Early consumer bill action seen t7.al S.fl .mvatto. floe Visas, was staged. The 20.~ refugees aboard due fiotWa were immediately WASHINGTON (UPU - Legislation to create a eginsintier Orighafly. Allen and odin foes of the spicy had not zr.n.hnd to six waiting U.S.
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