VoL.XCVHrNo.ll. PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 JANUARY 26,1999 Trinity Community Baker Steps Down From Office community life," the con- Dean of Faculty position. BY IAN LANG straints of a, "full research Dobelle's decision to approve Honors Dr. King Editor-in-Chief agenda," permitting. Baker has been described as pri- Regarding the nature of his . marily a formality by a number Jackie Joyner-Kersee Celebrates In a letter to the faculty and departure, Baker stated, in an of faculty members. According administration on January 15, interview with the Tripod that, to Zannoni the President, his Legacy in Chapel Service 1999, President Evan Dobelle "when the President indicates "would be loathe to reject a opportunity and pave the road announced that. Raymond that the relationship is not unanimous recommendation BY RENAY SMALLCOMB so I too could follow my Baker was "stepping down" working, the Dean has no choice of a faculty committee," espe- News Editor dreams." from his post as Dean of Faculty but to enter at that time into a cially considering that, "the Jones continued to say, "I don't and would immediately be re- mutual agreement to step Dean of Faculty is the person Last Monday, the Office of know that we have made it to placed on an interim basis by down. I did so. Neither the who speaks for the faculty." Multicultural Affairs and the the mountain top yet but each Professor of Philosophy W. choice nor the timetable was However, Dobelle asserted that Trinity College Chapel recog- day we are closer to Dr. King's Miller Brown. Citing a need for, mine." upon receiving the recommen- nized Dr. Martin Luther King dream that his children will be "strong, exemplary leadership Baker arrived at Trinity in dation it was within his author- Day by presenting Lift Every judged not by the color of their in every area of the College's 1996 from Williams, where he ity to nullify the results of the Voice: A Celebration of the Mes- skin but by the content of their operations and mutually sup- had served as Chair of the De- search committee and ask them sage and Legacy of Dr. Martin character." portive cooperation across all partment of Political Science as to produce another candidate., Dean Jones then introduced divisions," Dobelle felt that a well as the Chair of the African an authority Dobelle chose not Olympic Gold Medalist Jackie change was necessary in order and Middle Eastern Studies Pro- to exercise in this instance. Joyner-Kersee, describing her as to remedy what the Board of gram. A five member search Despite his right to refuse the a woman of "speed, grace, talent, Trustees termed, "an unsatisfac- committee, chaired by Professor faculty's candidate, it is the intelligence, and leadership." tory situation." of Economics Diane Zannoni, opinion of Professor of Philoso- Joyner-Kersee began by dis- According to a mutual agree- was appointed by the Faculty phy Maurice Wade that Dobelle cussing the influence of Dr. ment, Baker will receive a year Conference to narrow the pool felt pressured to accept Baker. King on her life; growing up in and a half paid sabbatical. Fol- of approximately 200 candi- "In the course of a meeting [be- St. Louis, he was her role model. lowing that period he will re- dates down to three finalists, tween Dobelle, Wade, Professor "I never envisioned myself be- turn to Trinity as a tenured who were then invited to cam- of Philosophy Drew Hyland, ing who lam today, but Dr. King member of the faculty. In a let- pus. Following faculty input, and Director of International walked many miles to make it ter to the faculty, dated January the search committee unani- Studies Program Dario Euraque] possible." She described Dr. King 19th, Baker stated that he was mously voted to recommend Dobelle made it pretty plain as a "drum major for justice, looking, "forward to participat- Raymond Baker to the President that Baker was forced upon him peace and equality" and entitled ing actively in campus and as their candidate to fill the see Baker on page seven WWW.KEPPLERASSOCIATES.COM/KP- his legacy "an awakening of the Olympic Medalist JW*F% pijife Jackie Joyner-Kersee Joyner-Kersee also addressed Cave ReceivesFace-lift Over Winter Break Luther King Jr. The event fea- the current status of race rela- tured Olympic Gold Medallist tions, stating, "We must remem- &W?lf,- Jackie Joyner-Kersee as guest ber that the movement is speaker. always moving. We are still dis- Reverend Steven Charleston criminated against. We still opened the service by discuss- face racial issues. "We must cre- ing the importance of continu- ate a society where we treat ing to honor the memory of Dr. each other with respect." Martin Luther King. Charleston Joyner-Kersee concluded by stated, "What is it that separates reminding her audience, "We Martin Luther King from other have the power to continue to great political or social figures make a difference" and she of our time? One answer is clear: challenged those present to "ask he was a leader who publicly yourself how you can make a maintained deeply held reli- difference to society and make gious convictions. Dr. King's a commitment to reach your courageous commitment to dreams." civil rights came directly from Charles Botts '01, President of his own faith. Therefore, the Imani, offered closing remarks. Chapel is proud to honor him as "Martin Luther King's life was a a shining example of how our test of endurance, having en- spiritual faith shapes our lives, dured those things which he ANDY SHEPARD and potentially, the lives of was for and against. It's impor- The newly created Cave Cafe boasts carpeting, computer ports, countless other people." tant for those of us who have and a more intimate atmosphere. Assistant Dean of Students been affected by his life to en- Kimberlyjones followed Rever- dure the challenge of living his end Charleston's introduction legacy. His work is still not A AC Threatened By Flood with a discussion of the signifi- done." cance of celebrating Dr. Martin Reacting to Jackie Joyner- BY OLGA At 4:30 on Thursday after- to contact Buildings and Luther King Day, including how Kersee's presence as a guest noon, several people working Grounds, while the few who BOGADYRENKO late in the Austin Arts Center remained in the building tried her own life had been affected speaker, Reverend Charleston News Writer by Dr. King. Dean Jones stated stated, "Jackie Joyner-Kersee heard a strange noise and were to block off the water. By 6.PM "I feel so blessed to be here. I am brought a human touch to the astonished by the sight of wa- that evening, the flood had just so sorry that so many suf- celebration. Her presentation On Thursday, January 14, ter flooding the first floor. stopped and the employees of fered so much to grant me this see KING on page eight while Trinity College was pre- Quick investigation showed Austin Arts Center worked to paring to welcome students that the Music Center, located clean up the damage it had back to campus after winter beneath the first floor, was suf- caused. Workers who arrived break, an unexpected event oc- fering the brunt of the damage the next morning noticed only In This Week's Issue curred at Austin Arts Center. with the threat of being sub- a "musty smell and a mud sea While the incident ultimately merged under water. Water was in front of the building". Former Professor sues Trinity for sex discrimination remained unnoticed by most of also leaking under the door of "Don't ask me why this hap- News „ • - the Trinity community, it could ' the room where the college's art pened. We know only what Jerry Watts speaks out on Baker resignation easily have destroyed Trinity's collection is stored. happened," said Ezra Brown Opinion • • art collection, which is stored in Few people were on campus from Buildings and Grounds. Life without The View the basement of Austin Arts. at the time of the incident be- The flood was caused by a break Features - .'. .........pg.10 Thankfully, due to the efforts of cause most of thestaff had been in the water pipe coming into Winter Musicalsheat up Garmany Hall Buildings and Grounds workers dismissed early due to inclem- the building from the Northern Arts..,. • ...pg.12 as well Austin Arts Center em- ent weather. Pat Kennedy, Ad- side. The water leaked from the Men's SquashbeatsYale ployees, the situation came un- ministrative Assistant of northern side of the building, Sports.™ pg- 20 der control Austin Arts Center, attempted see AAC on page six PAGE 2 OPINION THE TRINITY TRIPOD —JANUARY26,1999 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Students Protest Gallows' Changes To the Editor: ized that comfort was no longer Ian Lang 99 Jennifer Antoniazzi '99 an option at the Gallows Hill One fine morning, we saun- Bookstore. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR tered into our favorite Trinity rest- Upon consulting the Trinity ing spot, the Gallows Hill College Student Handbook (yes, NEWS EDITORS BUSINESS MANAGER Bookstore, to procure a cup of some people do read this!), we Kristen Burns '02 Renay Smallcomb '00 Rocio Herrera '99 their finest French Roast. If time learned that theoretically, "the allowed, we planned on retiring to store provides a cafe setting FOR THE CAMPUS..." (p. 20) The FEATURES EDITORS BUDGET DIRECTOR the oh-so-fluffy couches for a pleasant yet slightly competitive word, cafe, beckons images of Dan Berman '01 Devin Ptorr '00 Quid M.Bennett'00 game of Mancala.
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