gg. '“3 BANKS ANb BANKINQ. V.Ti«,mir, PrwIdaDt. *■#. M. ImM, Vie.-PrwiWi.nl. Geo. 8. Hill, Oubler. [jEMOCRATX \ Result of Their THE RATIONAL BANK Convention at OF Williamsport Yesterday. 1AITIISIUBG, WEST VIRGINIA. Organised 1865; Capital, 9100.000; Surplus B. F. Fund. 926.000. HYEBS FOB STATE TBEASUBEB nils Bank has one of the best and most •oavenlsnUjr arranged Banking rooms in Terkea of tee State with new steel vaults and Corliss Buck*. Moorobood of WMtmor*. safe. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- land. Noth of NESS TRANSACTED. Collections made Warren, Smith of Laoka* on all accessible on all points. Exchange ®*ebtel of Schujlkm and U# ertoelpai cities of Europe famished on Macao eppMcattan. $1.50 A Year. A Republican Newspaper. In Advance. NomlnaUd 1% Jadraa. DIRECTORSWm. T. Stewart. A. R. Mo- Qi tifctu. O. B Le Fevre, M. A. Snodgrass, WauAS.Srow, Pa., Sept. t9.-Tho Dm,,. Decatur C. \. Hedges, Weaver, W. W. West- S**8 oonreuttao adjourned lart phal.Geo. M. Bowers.H. H. Emroert. VOL. XV. 1895. Xo. 8. night after DlSCOUNT DAY MARTINSBURG. W. YA.t SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, making tcoao nomination* TUESDAY. For Blank sale notes free on application. state tr.asuror, ei-ConcWMman Brn- Myarsof Harrisburg by arclar.\'i~ HILL AND WHITNEY. OHIO ELKINS’ OPINION STATE NEWS. tion; for rKOrCSSIONAL CARDS. ALREADY ASSURED. SENATOR judges of the superior court, B ■- A. J. THOMAS Prssident. n.on \ erkea of Buck* county, J. S. Moora- H. J, SEIBERT, Vice President. Hinton’s high school has 274 pu- hotul of \S ctmarctand. C. H. Nora* of Forrest Will Cleveland Qorman Of Candidates and Policies Which T IS DEFENDER'S P. B. Cashier. w. Broth. Gko. W. ?—Iowa’s of RACE. WILSON. Johhkoh. Help Politicians Predict the Election P. pils. ^ arren, I*. Smit h of Lackawanna. Ol- A. D DARBY, Assistant Cashier. iver P Bechtel of Brown & Favorite—Boss Bowler. Bushnell by a Good Majority. Will Win Next Year. Northwest Morgantown has a build- Schuylkill and Chrlsto- Johnson, Louisville Soldiers Killed the Magee of A1 leghtiny. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. and [From our regular correspondent.] From an Interview bv Frank G. Carpenter. boom. Che Committee Decides in Favor by pljorThe Attorneys Connsellors-at-Law, A special dispatch to the Philadel- ing convention was held iu the Lyrom- : of a Ing MARTINSBORQ. W. YA. Washington, D. C., Sept. 9.—A phia Press from Cleveland, Ohio, “How about the Vice-Presidency, Supreme Court is in season at of the Protest. Explosion Caisson. Opera Ifotwo, and the peculiar interest Practice in all attached to the in the State and Federal New York Democrat who is in a po- Senator? Charles Town. proceedings conse- Courts. says: quence of the vigorous contest for places sition to know whereof he said “I am not a candidate for the Vice- Ceredo claims that there are too LALKYBIE VIOLATED THE BULES. BIX DEAD AND SEVERAL INJURED. on the judicial ticket J OFFICE—Over Snodgrass’ Drug Store. speaks General Bushnell is demonstrating attracted a larg© PEOPLE’S crowd. Th >* was to a Washington lriend to the of Ohio the tact Presidency,” Senator Elkins. many there. nearly a score of candi- concerning Republicans replied dogs uates for th*' Evidence Taken bj tbe Committee m to Th* Accident Occurred in the Residence superior bench and each on© the that Senator Hill and ex- "I don’t know that I would like to H. & G.. stockholders meet in hj»i a NATIONAL POOLE, report that he is. an excellent campaigner C., host oi friend# in his inter- ^ of working X How the Accident of Tuesday Happened, Portion the City, and the Victims would have a the six of Senator- New York 11. est. 1 ATTO RNEY AT Secretary Whitney and that he thoroughly understands give up years my Sept. • LAW, and It Was Shown That the English Were Members of a I.oral I The was bitter for the which I am now assured for Artillery ftghi waged between the coun- BAf415- Will attention fight control of the com- the art of There was ship, of, State Council Jr. O. U. A. M., at give prompt to all busi- vote-making. Yacht Had Disregarded Rules. Company. try dclegnt ions and those from Philadei- M -DIRECTORS.- ness entrusted to his care. ing Democratic State Convention, some little doubt about this at the four years of the Vice-Presidency, Piedmont this week. and H. J Setbert, Geo. 8. Ronsch.G. WJMcKown, Pittsburg. The Philadelphia New York, 12.—The com IiOrisviLLR, 12.—A horrible acci- knnnphla A. J. Thomas. J. Gaasman, L. C Gerllng, and consequently of the Democratic time of his but it has even if I were sure I could have it. The Fourteenth West Infan- Sept. regatta Sopt. collapsed early iu the day, but Mr. Jas. K. E. C. attention to nomination, Virginia nittee of the Kerr York Yacht club has dent, in the death of six and tho Thompson, Williams, Special given conveyancing wounding Mivnv was victorious, after an from that The in is an active exciting Jr., W. W. Housewortb.G. L. and the settlement of estates. delegation State to the worn away until every member of the position the Senate try will reune at Fairmont Oct. 2, 3, lustainod the entered by Defender of several members of the Louisville Le- xmtests Hensel, E. W. Vanme* protest defeating Calvin M. Dower, of Office—8. E. National reason. n race. Tlie committee occurred the a tre.J. C. Fraser. Corner Public 8quare. convention: "It is simply party in the State, who has met or one, and I like it for that I and 4. Tuesday’s gives gion. by explosion of cais- Centre county, by a vote of 178 to 143. was taken son. Tho he race to Defender. Evidence accident took place on Broadway i Apart from tho tho rot. Why should there be a seen would not like to up a The Ceredo Intellectual and judicial contest, f»t*- OISCQVET DAY DAILY. fight? has him. is well satisfied that give possibility Social, the and it was between Third and Fourth where mri's of resterday by committee, streets, the convention were the adoption W. FEIDT, Hill, who controls and will continue of which I think I has closed its had the First >f a QEO. the choice of the convention could doing something, Improvement Society dearly shown that the English yacht Kentucky artillery were stationed platform Prv-t- for rigorously ludo-dug H.T. President. to control the Vice-Presi- riolated the rules of racing. the purpose of a salute. lent Cleveland and tho Cushwa, ATTORNEY AT LAW. State machinery, does not have fallen on a better man. have as Senator, to that of doors. firing prim .pies of tim J. H. Smith, The races for America’s cup of 1895 Two of the bodies were blown over the Democratic Chas, Thumel, not where I could do but yacht party, and arraigning the pres- W. Va. antagonize Whitney's candidacy Whatever be the issue of the dency, nothing Central-City- people want the side- remain In as the most house and were nt state 1st Vice-President, 2d Vice-President, Martinsburg, may vill history exciting tops, horribly mangled. administration, and a personal for the Presidential nomination. On a hat ever took to date. Not that the The wounded have Ix'en removed to the uttick J. B. WILSON, Cashier, Office in Eagle Hotel Building, North campaign the measure of Republican preside. walks fixed up. They also want place up by John J. Molotty, one of tho ies of the boats have been so evenly hospitals. Two horses attached to the ED. KUTLKDGE, Assistant Cashier. tiueen street. Up Stairs. the he is “You are not the book store. capabilit Philadelphia delegates, upou William M. contrary, perfectly willing success will in no say you logical cannon were depend smalldegree watched as in some other races, such as so horribly mangled that iugerly, who was the Democratic candl- THE that Mr. should have the candidate for the Senator Whitney upon the part that Mr. Bushnell per- Presidency, John N. Boyd, ex-editor and promi- he second race of the Puritan and Genesta they will be put to death. AU the killed Utc for governor at the last election. 8. G. teries and the third between and wen? members of the First ar- Mr. U PITZER, solid delegation; also, the Democratic sonally takes in it. With this idea in Elkins. Who is?” nent lawyer, who formerly published Vigilant Kentucky Molocj brought about his ears tho Valkyrie II, but in the enthusiasm which tillery .of Louisville, which has always f»ecn ilsses and shouts of the he doesn’t be- “That I cannot was the angry delegatee avid CIOTS NATIONAL BAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. nomination, although mind, the committee is a yet say,” the Fairmont Yidette, died at Chilli- the from the considered the finest in the state. arranging las prevailed among people pectatore by declaring ho “would rath- r lieve he can about was made. Those killed are: CAPITAL JIOO.OOO.OO. Martinsburg, W. Va. get that, even with the schedule of meetings that will take reply. 'The talk myselfcomes, cothe, Mo. rery time that the match Corporal A1 Robinson. uke his Democracy from Mr. Sellers than It is true that there has not been very Privates Charles Oestrich. Charles '•om the earnest of his own State dele- him in addition to what I have said before, The sixth of the West Wood, worst beaten IVmocrnt in Pena support into every county in the State, year Virginia the but is Howanl Prosecuting Attorney. nuch betting on event, that Irwin,— McBride, -Hutch ylvania, Mr.
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