CHAPTER 32 TANNING OR DYEING EXTRACTS; TANNINS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES; DYES, PIGMENTS AND OTHER COLOURING MATTER; PAINTS AND VARNISHES; PUTTY AND OTHER MASTICS; INKS NOTES: 1. This Chapter does not cover: (a) Separate chemically defined elements or compounds [except those of heading 3203 or 3204, inorganic products of a kind used as lumino-phores (heading 3206), glass obtained from fused quartz or other fused silica in the forms provided for in heading 3207, and also dyes and other colouring matter put up in forms or packings for retail sale, of heading 3212]; (b) Tannates or other tannin derivatives of products of headings 2936 to 2939, 2941 or 3501 to 3504; or (c) Mastics of asphalt or other bituminous mastics (heading 2715). 2. Heading 3204 includes mixtures of stabilised diazonium salts and couplers for the production of azo dyes. 3. Headings 3203, 3204, 3205 and 3206 apply also to preparations based on colouring matter (including, in the case of heading 3206, colouring pigments of heading 2530 or Chapter 28, metal flakes and metal powders), of a kind used for colouring any material or used as ingredients in the manufacture of colouring preparations. The headings do not apply, however, to pigments dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints, including enamels (heading 3212), or to other preparations of heading 3207, 3208, 3209, 3210, 3212, 3213 or 3215. 4. Heading 3208 includes solutions (other than collodions) consisting of any of the products specified in headings 3901 to 3913 in volatile organic solvents when the weight of the solvent exceeds 50 per cent of the weight of the solution. 5. The expression “colouring matter” in this Chapter does not include products of a kind used as extenders in oil paints, whether or not they are also suitable for colouring distempers. 6. The expression “stamping foils” in heading 3212 applies only to thin sheets of a kind used for printing, for example, book covers or hat bands, and consisting of: (a) Metallic powder (including powder of precious metal) or pigment, agglomerated with glue, gelatin or other binder; or (b) Metal (including precious metal) or pigment, deposited on a supporting sheet of any material. Heading H.S Code ITC(HS)Code Description Unit No. 3201 TANNING EXTRACTS OF VEGETABLE ORIGIN; TANNINS AND THEIR SALTS, ETHERS, ESTERS AND OTHER DERIVATIVES 3201 10 00 Quebracho extract KGS 3201 20 00 Wattle extract KGS 3201 90 Other: 3201 90 10 Gambier extracts KGS 3201 90 20 Myrobalan fruit extract KGS 3201 90 30 Gallotannic acid (tannin, digallic acid) KGS 3201 90 90 Other KGS 3202 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC TANNING SUBSTANCES; INORGANIC TANNING SUBSTANCES; TANNING PREPARATIONS,WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINING NATURAL TANNING SUBSTANCES; ENZYMATIC PREPARATIONS FOR PRE-TANNING 3202 10 00 Synthetic organic tanning substances KGS 3202 90 Other: 3202 90 10 Inorganic tanning substances KGS 3202 90 20 Tanning preparations, whether or not containing KGS natural tanning substances 3202 90 30 Enzymatic preparations for pre-tanning KGS 3202 90 90 Other KGS 3203 COLOURING MATTER OF VEGETABLE OR ANIMAL ORIGIN (INCLUDING DYEING EXTRACTS BUT EXCLUDING ANIMAL BLACK), WHETHER OR NOT CHEMICALLY DEFINED; PREPARATIONS AS SPECIFIED IN NOTE 3 TO THIS CHAPTER BASED ON COLOURING MATTER OF VEGETABLE OR ANIMAL ORIGIN 3203 00 Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin (including dyeing extracts but excluding animal black), whether or not chemically defined; preparations as specified in Note 3 to this Chapter based on colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin: 3203 00 10 Cutch (Catechu) extracts KGS 3203 00 20 Food colours other than synthetic KGS 3203 00 30 Lac-dye KGS 3203 00 40 Natural indigo KGS 3203 00 90 Other KGS Heading H.S Code ITC(HS)Code Description Unit No. 3204 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURING MATTER, WHETHER OR NOT CHEMICALLY DEFINED; PREPARATIONS AS SPECIFIED IN NOTE 3 TO THIS CHAPTER BASED ON SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURING MATTER; SYNTHETIC ORGANIC PRODUCTS OF A KIND USED AS FLUORESCENT BRIGHTENING AGENS OR AS LUMINOPHORES, WHETHER OR NOT CHEMICALLY DEFINED. SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLOURING MATTER AND PREPARATIONS BASED THEREON AS SPECIFIED IN NOTE 3 TO THIS CHAPTER: 3204 11 Disperse dyes and preparations based thereo n: Disperse Yellow: 3204 11 11 Disperse yellow 13 (Duranol Brill yellow 6 G) KGS 3204 11 19 Other KGS Disperse Orange: 3204 11 21 Disperse orange 11 (Duranol orange G) KGS 3204 11 29 Other KGS Disperse Red: 3204 11 31 Disperse Red 3 (Serisol Fast Pink B) KGS 3204 11 32 Disperse Red 4 (Celliton Fast Pink RF) KGS 3204 11 33 Disperse Red 9 (Duranol Red GN) KGS 3204 11 39 Other KGS Disperse Violet: 3204 11 41 Disperse Violet 1 (Duranol viole t 2R) KGS 3204 11 42 Disperse violet 4 (Duranol Brill Violet B) KGS 3204 11 43 Disperse violet 8 (Duranol Brill violet BR) KGS 3204 11 49 Other KGS Disperse Blue: 3204 11 51 Disperse Blue 1 (Duranol Brill Blue CB) KGS 3204 11 52 Disperse Blue 3 (Duranol Brill Blue BBN) KGS 3204 11 53 Disperse Blue 5 (Celliton Fast Blue FFB) KGS 3204 11 54 Disperse Blue 6 (Celliton Fast Blue FFG) KGS 3204 11 55 Disperse Blue 14 (Duranol Brill Blue G) KGS 3204 11 56 Disperse Blue 24 (Duranol Blue 2G) KGS 3204 11 59 Other KGS Other: 3204 11 91 Disperse Greens KGS 3204 11 92 Disperse Browns KGS 3204 11 93 Disperse Blacks KGS 3204 11 94 Disperse Brown mixtures KGS 3204 11 95 Disperse Grey mixtures KGS 3204 11 96 Disperse Black mixtures KGS 3204 11 99 Other KGS Heading H.S Code ITC(HS)Code Description Unit No. 3204 12 Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised, and preparations based thereon;mordant dyes and preparations based thereon: Azo dyes: 3204 12 11 Acid yellows KGS 3204 12 12 Acid Oranges KGS 3204 12 13 Acid Red KGS 3204 12 14 Acid Violets KGS 3204 12 15 Acid Blues KGS 3204 12 16 Acid Greens KGS 3204 12 17 Acid Brown KGS 3204 12 18 Acid Blacks KGS 3204 12 19 Other KGS Acid Greens (non -azo): 3204 12 21 Acid Green 17 (Solacet Fast Green 2G) KGS 3204 12 22 Acid Green 27 (Carbolan Green G) KGS 3204 12 23 Acid Green 28 (Carbolan Brill Green 5G) KGS 3204 12 24 Acid Green 38 (Alizarine Cyanine Green 3G) KGS 3204 12 25 Acid Green 44 (Alizarine Cyanine Green GWA) KGS 3204 12 29 Other KGS Acid Black (non -azo): 3204 12 31 Acid Black 2 (nigrosine) KGS 3204 12 32 Acid Black 48 (Coomasie Fast Grey 3G) KGS 3204 12 39 Other KGS Acid Blues 2, 14, 23, 25, 45, 51, 52 & 78 (non-azo): 3204 12 41 Acid Blue 2 (Alizarine Brill Blue PFN) KGS 3204 12 42 Acid Blue 14 (Solacet Fast Blue 4 G1) KGS 3204 12 43 Acid Blue 23 (Alizarine Light Blue 4 G1) KGS 3204 12 44 Acid Blue 25 (Solway Ultra Blue B) KGS 3204 12 45 Acid Blue 45 (Solway Blue RN) KGS 3204 12 46 Acid Blue 51 (Alizarine sky blue FFB KGS 3204 12 47 Acid Blue 52 (Alizarine Light – 5GL) KGS 3204 12 48 Acid Blue 78 (Solway Sky Blue B) KGS Acid Blues 93, 112, 127, 138, 140 and others (non - azo): 3204 12 51 Acid Blue 93 (Ink Blue) KGS 3204 12 52 Acid Blue 112 (Coomasie Ultra sky SE) KGS 3204 12 53 Acid Blue 127 (Brill Alizarine Milling Blue G) KGS 3204 12 54 Acid Blue 138 (Carbolan Blue B) KGS 3204 12 55 Acid Blue 140 (Carbolan Brill Blue 2R) KGS 3204 12 59 Other KGS Mordant dyes: 3204 12 61 Yellows KGS 3204 12 62 Oranges KGS 3204 12 63 Violets KGS 3204 12 64 Blues KGS 3204 12 65 Greens KGS Heading H.S Code ITC(HS)Code Description Unit No. 3204 12 66 Browns KGS 3204 12 67 Blacks KGS 3204 12 68 Red II (Alizarine Red) KGS 3204 12 69 Other KGS Other non-azo acid dyes: 3204 12 91 Acid yellows KGS 3204 12 92 Acid Oranges KGS 3204 12 93 Acid Red KGS 3204 12 94 Acid Violets KGS 3204 12 95 Acid Browns KGS 3204 12 99 Other KGS 3204 13 Basic dyes and preparations based thereon: 3204 13 10 Basic azo dyes KGS Basic yellow (non -azo): 3204 13 21 Yellow 2 (Auramine O) KGS 3204 13 29 Other KGS Basic Red (non -azo): 3204 13 31 Red 1 (Rhodamine 6 G) KGS 3204 13 39 Other KGS Basic Violet (non -azo): 3204 13 41 Violet 1 (methyl Violet) KGS 3204 13 42 Violet 10 (Rhodamine B) KGS 3204 13 43 Violet 14 (magenta) KGS 3204 13 49 Other KGS Basic Blue (non -azo): 3204 13 51 Blue 9 (methylene Blue) KGS 3204 13 52 Blue 16 (Victoria Blue B) KGS 3204 13 59 Other KGS Basic Green (non -azo): 3204 13 61 Green 4 (Malachite green) KGS 3204 13 69 Other KGS Other non-azo basic dyes: 3204 13 91 Basic Oranges KGS 3204 13 92 Basic Browns KGS 3204 13 93 Basic Black KGS 3204 13 99 Other KGS 3204 14 Direct dyes and preparations based thereon: Direct Yellow (azo): 3204 14 11 Yellow 12 (Chrysophenine G) KGS 3204 14 19 Other KGS Direct Red (azo): 3204 14 21 Congo Red KGS Heading H.S Code ITC(HS)Code Description Unit No. 3204 14 29 Other KGS Direct Blue (azo): 3204 14 31 Blue 1 (Sky Blue FF) KGS 3204 14 39 Other KGS 3204 14 40 Direct Oranges (azo) KGS 3204 14 50 Direct Greens (azo) KGS 3204 14 60 Direct Browns (azo) KGS 3204 14 70 Direct Blacks (azo) KGS Direct Dyes (non -azo): 3204 14 81 Yellows KGS 3204 14 82 Oranges KGS 3204 14 83 Reds KGS 3204 14 84 Violets KGS 3204 14 85 Blues KGS 3204 14 86 Greens KGS 3204 14 87 Browns KGS 3204 14 88 Blacks KGS 3204 14 89 Other KGS 3204 14 90 Other KGS 3204 15 Vat dyes (including those usable in that state as pigments) and preparations thereon: Vat yellow: 3204 15 11 Vat yellow 2 (GC) KGS 3204 15 12 Vat Yellow 4 (Indathrene Golden yellow GK) KGS 3204 15 19 Other KGS Vat Orange: 3204 15 21 Vat Oranges 3 (Brill orange RK) KGS 3204 15 22 Vat Oranges 15 (Golden Orange 3G) KGS 3204 15 29 Other KGS Vat Red: 3204 15 31 Vat Red (Brill Pink) KGS 3204 15 39 Other KGS Vat Violet: 3204 15 41 Vat Violet 1 (Brill Violet 2R) KGS 3204 15 42 Vat Violet 3 (Magenta B) KGS 3204 15 49 Other KGS Vat Blue: 3204 15 51 Vat Blue 1 (Synthetic Indigo) KGS 3204 15 52 Vat Blue 4 KGS 3204 15 53 Vat Blue 5 (Blue 2B) KGS 3204 15 54 Vat Blue 6 (Blue BC) KGS 3204 15 55 Vat Blue 20 (Dark Blue 30) KGS 3204 15 56 Vat Blue 29 (Indanthrene Brill Blue 4G) KGS Heading H.S Code ITC(HS)Code Description Unit No.
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