THE OFFICIAL GAAZKTTE OF THE EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of East Africa. Vol. XVI.—No. 369.] NAIROBI, July 15th, 1914. PRICE 20 CENTS. Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Wednesday. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Govt. Notice No. 149—The Seal Fisheries (Crown Colonies and Protectorates) Order in Council, 1914... ©... vee Le a .. 765 » ” » 150—Circular Despatch re Officers of the Special Reserve Lee .. =—766 » » », 151—Kisumu Township Rules No. 3 of 1914 bee was .. =766 ” » » 152—Under the Infectious Diseases Ordinance, 1903 wee we 767 » 3 » 153—Registration of Documents Amendment Ordinance, 1914, (No. 8 of 1914)—Non-disallowance of vee ves 767 » a », 154—Appointment under the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912 we 767 ” 1» » 155-Appointments under the Native Authority Ordinance, 1912 ... 767 » ” » 156—Native Councils recognised under the Native Tribunal Rules, 1913... 768 » ” » 157—Appointment _ wee i bee vee ... 768 ” ” , 158—Declaration of Public Road, Kinangop Plateau... ves ... «768 Gen. Notice No. 558—<Auction of Crown Lands—Withdrawal of Farms vee .. 768 » ” » 559—Reissue of receipt underrevised tariff for Inland Telegrams ... 769 a a 3 060—Probate & Administration (Cause No. 13 of 1914) vee .. 769 ” » » 06] ” ” (In the imatter of Jutha Mandon, deceased) te vee we =769 9 ” » 062 ” ” (In the matter of C. T. Mitchell, . deceased) wee ves a. 769 ey », 563—Insolvency Jurisdiction (Cause No. 1 of 1914) ... .. 769 ” ” » 064—High Court, Cause List ves wes ses we 770-771 ” ” », 865—Currency Board Returns for month ended 10th July, 1914 we 792 ” ” » 568—Application No. 25/14 under tne Trade Marks Ordinance, 1912 ... 778 ” ” » 567—Registration of Brands for quarter ended 80th June, 191] .. 773 yy ” » 868—Dissolution of Partnership—Kurji Jamnadass & Co. see wee 704 UGANDA RAILWAY. Gen. Notice No. 569—Rates forMaize, Beans and Wheat for Export wee vee 774, ” ”» 5?70—Tenders for Table Rice ... vee tae see ase 774 571~-Tenders for Maize ase vee tee we wee V74 33 39 ” UGANDA PROTECTORATE. Gen. Notice No, 572—Ivory Auction Sale ves one tee wes aes 774 764 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 15th, 1914. Rates of Subscription to “ Official Gazette,”’ Rs. cts. For one year ves we we 10 00 > 6 months i 5 00 » 8 » (excluding postage) 3 00 » 8 455 (including a) 3. 50 Single copy (excluding wD ses 0 20 ” 3 (including a 0 25 Rs. Cts. Price of one copy between 1 and 3 months old 0 380 do do d8and6 do 0 50 do do 6 months and 1 year old I 00 do do 1 and 2 years old 1 50 do over 2 years old... 2 00 Rs. Cts. Price of a bound Volume of “ Official Gazette” p.a. bee Lee 10 =—00 do do Blue Book p.a. ... bee vee 10 00 do do Ordinances & Regulations ... vee 7 50 do Ordinances (per copy) . bee 1 50 do Insertion in “ Official Gazette” (full page) ves ees 16 00 do do do (half page)... ves 8 00 do do do (quarter page )... ves 4 00 do Chronological Index (1876-8-190) Le Les ves 5 00 do Census Return ves Lee ve 1 50 Code of Regulations... bes _ Lee ve 38 50 Labour Commission Report vee . 7 50 Matter for publication should reach the Editor not later than 3 o’clock on Monda afternoon in each week. ARRIEVALS. | . | From leave or Date of leaving Date of Date of arrival Name. Rank. on Ist at Mombasa, or | Appointment. England. Embarkation, Kilindini. Noel Monckton | District Commissioner Leave June 4th, 1914] June 14th, 1914 July 2nd, 1914 Hon. A. Bruce Asst. District Commissioner do » Ath ,, » i4th ,, » 2nd * DEPARTURES. On leave or Name. Rank. - termination of Date of Departure, appointment. Lieut. Col. B. R. Graham Officer Commanding Treops” Leave "| July Qnd, 1914 July 15, 1914, THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE — 765 EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE. Government Notice No. 149] AT THE COURT AT BUCKINGHAM PALACK, The 14th day of May, 1914. PRESENT, THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJHSTY EARL BEAUCHAMP SIR JOSHUA WILLIAMS MASTER OF THE HORSE LORD JUSTICE PICKFORD LORD CHAMBERLAIN SIR ARTHUR CHANNELL WHEREAS by the Seal Fisheries (Crown Colonies and Protectorates) Order in Council, 1913, hereinafter called the Principal Order, provision was made for applying Sections 3 and 4 of the Seal Fisheries (North Pacific) Act, 1912, to certain Colonies and Protectorates, including the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Protectorate, the Solomon Islands Protectorate, and the Somuliland Protectorate, and to Cyprus and to Zanzibar (all of which Colonies and Protectorates and Cyprus and Zanzibar were thereinafter referred to as “ Territories affected ”) : And whereas by Article 4 of the Principal Order it was directed that the said Order should be published in the Government Gazette of each of the Territories affected other than Zanzibar, and should thereupon come into operation in such Territory : And whereas there is no Government Gazette in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Protectorate or in the Solomon Islands Protectorate, or in the Somaliland Pretectorate : And whereasit is expedient to amend the Principal Order so as to make proper provision for bringing the said Order into operation in the said Protectorates: NOW, THEREFORE, His Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in this behalf by the Seal Fisheries (North Pacific) Act, 1912, the Foreign Jurisdiction Act, 1890, or otherwise in His Majesty vested, is pleased, by and with the advice of His Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows :— 1. This Order may be cited as ‘‘ The Seal Fisheries (Crown Colonies and Protectorates) Order in Council, 1914.” 2, The Principal Order shall come into operation in the Gilbert and Hillice Islands Protectorates, the Solomon Islands Protectorate, and the Somaliland Protectorate forthwith. 3. The Schedule to the Principal Order is hereby revoked, and the Schedule to this Order substituted therefor. ALMERIC FITZROY. Schedule. List of British Colonies, &c. to which Sections 3 and 4 of the Seal Fisheries (North Pacific) Act, 1912, apply :-— Bahamas. ' Leeward Islands—(contd.) Barbados. Saint Christopher-Nevis. Bermuda. Virgin Islands. British Guiana. Dominica. British Honduras. Malta. Ceylon. Mauritius. East Africa Protectorate. Saint Helena. Falkland Islands. Saint Lucia. Fiji Saint Vincent. Gambia Seychelles. Gibraltar. Sierra Leone. Gilbert and Ellice Islands Protectorate. Solomon Islands Protectorate. Gold Coast. Somaliland Protectorate. Grenada Southern Nigeria. Hong Kong. Straits Settlements, including Labuan. Jamaica (including Turks Islands and Cayman Islands), Trinidad and Tobago. Leeward Islands— Weihaiwei. Antigua. Montserrat. 766 | THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE July 15, 1914. Government Notice No. 150] CIRCULAR. (Vide “ Official Gazette,” 1913, page 275), Downine Srreet, sth June, 1914, Sir, With further reference to my Circular despatch of the 10th of February, 1918, I have the honour to inform you that the Army Council, having again had under consideration the conditions under which officers of the Special Reserve may hold permanentcivil appointments under Colonial Administrations, have decided that officers of that branch of the Army, while so employed, should be permiited to be seconded for a period not exceeding five years from the date of first appointment under the Colonial Government, including the period of probation (if any) : after the termination of the five years, should they continue to be so employed, they would be required to resign their commissions. 2. Officers so situated will, as already agreed, be under no lability of recall to Army service on mobilization, nor will they be entitled to draw pay from Army funds, whether for training or any other urpose, ® *3 The newrule is not to be retrospective in the case of officers whose resignation has already been gazetted, but applications received for reinstatement to the Special Reserve of Officers will be considered on the merits of each case. 4, The ruling as regards Officers of the Territorial Force and the Territorial Force Reserve, as communicated to you in the Cirenlar despatch of 10th February, 1918, is not affected by this decision. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient, humble servant, L. HARCOURT. Government Notice No. 151] RULES. The East Africa Townships Ordinance, 1903. Rules issued by His Excellency the Governor of the Kast Africa Protectorate under the provisions of the East Africa Townships Ordinance, 1903. Nairobi, H. C. BELFIELD, Dated this 8th day of July, 1914. Governor. 1. These Rules shall apply to the Township of Kisumu and shall be read with the Kisumu Township Rules dated the 11th day of November, 1908, and may be cited as ‘‘ The Kisumu Township Rules No. 3 of 1914.” 2, No person shall reside or remain in “CO” area of the Township unless such person is :— (i) the holder of a temporary occupation licence fromthe Crown and is residing on the land the subject of such licence, (ii) the holder of a lease from the Crown of the land on whichheis residing, (ii) in possession of a permit from the District Commissioner allowing such person to reside in the area, (iv) registered as being in employment in the Township, or is the wife or child of any such person described in (1), (21), (iii) or (iv). 3. Any African able-bddied male provided with a permit from the District Commissionerto reside in area “C” shall also be provided with au identification ticket by the District Commissioner in a form to be approved by the Provincial Commissioner, and such identification ticket shall be produced on the demand of a Magistrate, a Police Officer, the Medical Officer of Health or any officer authorised by the Provincial Commissioner to inspect such tickets. 4, Every person residing in area “C” who is employed within the Township shall be registered by his employer at the office of the District Commissioner.
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