746 sea TRADES. [SOMERSET. ScHOOLS & CoLLEGEs-continued. Sexey's School (W. G. Burrough esq. SCHOOLS-PRIVATE. Chard School (William Arthur Thos. Wedmore, chairman; Edward Hy. Marked t.hus t a're for Boys. Jarrett M.A. head master), Fore Smith A...C.P. head master; Albert Marked thus 11 are for Girls. street, Chard Tucker, Wedmore, clerk), Black- tClarence School (William Franldin ford, Cheddar Marked thus :): are Boarding. & Rev. John Stewal'd Macnutt Sexey's School (William A. Knight Marked thus § ar~ Preparatory. J\f.A. pl'incipals), 8 & ro Clarenee J.P., F.C.S. head master; II. IIAdams Miss Alice Mary, r6 Castle road south, Weston-super-Mare. Crowther B.Sc.Vic., H. T. S. street, Bridgwater See advertisement Britton B.Sc., J. W. Hopkinson Aldwinckle Misses Gertrude & Convent of La SainteUnion des Sacres B.Sc., G. M Tinclmell B.Sc., S. Katherine, 6 & 8 Kewstoke road, Cceurs, boarding school for young Lane, S. W. Brown & R. H. Jones Weston-super-Mare ladies (Rev. Mother Mary Aid:1n, B.A. (Wales), assistant masters), llt.Archer Misses E.· A., M. & M. R. superioress ), Pulteney road, Bath Bruton (& day), Oakover, Berrow road, Convent of the Retreat of the Sacred Shepton Mallet Grammar School(WIU. Burnham-on-Sea Heart of Jesus Boarding School(The Aldridge B.A., B.Sc. ~ead master), Jl:j:Avery Miss Amy, Larchmount hall, Mother Superior), The Retreat, Shepton Mallet Yattrm, Bristol Burnham-on-Sea Shepton Mallet Technical School (G. Jl:j:§Badger & Stansfield, Beivedere, County & Borough School of Art H. Mitchell, art teacher; Mrs.Allen, Irnham road, Minehead (Taunton) (H. Byard Sheppard, handicrafts teacher),Council offices, II!Bailey A.M.& Pocock G.P.(Misses), sec. ; Frederick Mason, principal ; Market place, Shepton Mallet 15 Prince's road, Clevedon :Miss A. Stook, Mrs. Mason, Miss Sidcot S"chool (Society of Friends' II:J:Barford R. E. & Bidder G. H. M. G. Colthurst,Ernest Sprankling School) (Bevan Lean D.Sc., B. A. (Misses), W eirfield School for & W. ''Vebber, assistant teachers), Lond. head master; B. Christie girls, Staplegrove road, Taunton Corporation street, Taunton Burn M.A. Samuel E. Maltby & Bartlett Miss Lily, Mancroft, Gal- Crewkerne Grammar School (William Henry W. Priest, assistant masters; hampton, Bath Vardon Paterson Hexter M.A.Oxon. C. F. Spencer Smith B.A. master :j:Barton Frank H. (&day), I9 Mont- head master), Mount Pleasant, of Lower school; Henry R. Olark, pelier, Weston-super-Mare Crewkerne drawing master; Fredk.A. Goudge, Bateman & Bucknell, T7 Arundell rd. Downside School (Rev.Ralph Sigebert singing master; John T. Thomp- Weston-super-Mare · :;rrafford O.S.B. head mast.er; for son, games master; Miss Mary tiiBates Mrs. Mary,The Grange,North assistant masters see p. 241 ),Down­ Wilson B.A. senior mistress; Miss Curry, Taunton side, Stratton-on-the-Fosse Elizabeth K. Jones, mistress of Beaumont Misses M. Helen &; Ger­ Frame School of Art (in connection Lower school, & ro assistant mis- trude, Hermitage street,Crewkerne with the Science & Art Department, tresses; Joseph Lane, sec.), Rid- II!Bennet Mrs. Catherine C. 22 The South Kensington & under the cot, Winscombe Park, Yeovil management of the Frome District Somerset Cheese School (Miss Willis, IJJ~Blackdown School & Kindergarten Technical Education Committee) instructress), Webbington, Comp- (Mrs. Amelia Brooks & Miss Marie (Arthur Phillips, master; Rev. W. ton Bishop, ..A.xbridge Hyndman), The Grange, Wellesley F. H. Randolph, chairman; Mrs. Taunt-on School (C.D.Whittaker M.A., park, Wellington E. C. Porter, sec.), Park rd. Frome B.Sc., LL.D. head master; for as- 1/Blott Mr's. Elizh. I3 & 14 Ellenboro' High School for Girls (Girls' Public sistant masters see p. 426), Staple·- crescent, W~ston-super-Mare Day School Trust Limited) (Miss grove, Taunton I Briggs & Hebb Misses, 37 Blenheim Nicol l\I.A. head mistress), 4, 5 & 6 Wellington Art & Technical School road, ~iinehead Portland place, Bath (Agnew J. T. Ogden, art master), Bright Mrs. Elsie, Ubley, Bristol Huish Grammar School (Arnold Courtland road, Wellington Brinckworth Misses Doris & Glady~, Goodliffe M.A. head master; for Wellington School (Somerset)(George i 28 Bath place, Taunton assistant masters see p. 426), East Corner M.A. head master; for as- §Brown Misses Selina Jane & Rosa, street, Taunton sistant masters see p. 457; E. Lee Selwood ho. Market pi. Somerton Ilminster Grammar School (Lothar Michell, clerk), Wellington. For, II:J:Brownscombe Mrs. Elleri, Stream, Hugo Mermagen M.A.head mastr.), further particulars write for I Williton, Taunton Silver street, Ilminster prospectus & see advertisement Budgett -:\Iiss Maynard, 5 Cobur~ Ilminster Grammar School (girls) Wells Blue School (Edward B. Smitb villas, Camden road, Bath (Miss Pollard B.A. head mistress), M.A. head master; Miss Lilian A. §Bundey Miss Agnes, 2 Ashton villas, Ilminster Thomas M.A. principal), Portway, Portway, Wells King's College (Rev. F. H. George ·wells Burchell Misses Martha & Winifred, M.A. head master; for assistant Wells Cathedral Grammar School(Rev. 78 Shakespeare avenue, Bath masters see p. 426), South road, Rupert E. Lewis M.A. head Carter Miss Eliza, Wells way, Bad- Taunton master; Miss D'Oyly Watkins &; ~tock, Bath King Edward's Grammar School (Ed­ Miss Mawer, assistant mistresses), IIChaffey Misses Susan & Catherine, ward William Symons M.A. head North Liberty, Wells r6 Market street, Yeovil master), Broad street, Bath Wells High School for Girls (Miss /ltChant Miss Augusta Sophia, Mid- . King~wood School for the.._ Sons of Ethel Biles A.R.C.M. (successor to somer Norton, BatJI Wesleyan Ministers (W. P. Work­ Miss Amy Harrison), head mis- lltOleghorn & Clements Misses, I & 2 man M.A., B.Sc. head master), tress), Cathedral green, Wells Duke street, Bath. ·See adver- Lansdown, Bath W ells Theological College (The Right tisement . Langport Grammar School (Solomon Re,v. George Wyndham Kennion Convent of the Holy Union of Sacred George Day M.A. bead master), The D.D. Lord Bishop of Bath & Wells, Hearts (Mother Mary .A.iden, prin- Hill, Langport visitor; Rev. Robert Henry Light- cipal), Rose hill, Nore road, Fortis- Lewisham School (Leonal'd C. Com­ foot M.A. principal), Cathedral head, Bristol fort B.Sc. head mast€r), 9 Lande­ green, Wells Convent of the Sisters of Charity of man circus, Weston-super-Mare. Weston-super-Mare College (Charles St. Louis, Selbourne pi. Minehead See advertisement Henry Rollison, principal), 38 & 40 ti/Convent School of St. Louis (con- ~onkton Combe School Limited(Rev. Walliscote rd. \Veston-super-Mare. ducted by the Sisters of Charity of John W.Kearns M.A. head master), See advertisement St. Louis), Oork street, Frome Monkton Combe,Bath; for assistant Weston-super-Mare Government-School JICoombs Miss E. M. Wine st. Frome master~ see p. 344 of Science & Art (Peter E. Fry, lltCooper Miss M. 64, 65 & 66 Monkton Combe School(junior branch) hon. sec.), Lower Church road, Esplanade, Burnham-on-Sea (Edward Easterfield M.A. master), Weston-super-Mare IICouthard Mrs. Ann, 17 Stafford Td. Combe Down, Bath Yeovil County S.chool for Boys (Frank West-on-super-Mare Morgan's (Dr.) Endowed Grammar Chadd Rudd M.A. head master), II§Crundell Miss Rosa (& kinder- School (Rev. W. E. Catlow M.A. Kingston, Yeovil g-arten), 2 & 4 Ellenboroug-h park, head master; J. P. Templeman Yeovil Government Science &; Art Weston-super-Mare. See adver- B.Sc. second master & six assistant School (George Pritchard, master; tisement teachers), Mount st. Bridgwater · Miss A. C. Rodber, sec.), Kingston, I!Cruse Miss Marian, Eastern house, Queen's (Wesleyan) College (A. S. Has­ Yeovil 22 & 24 South road, Weston-super- lam M.A. head master; for assistant Yeovil High School for Girls (Miss F. Mare. See advertisement masters see p. 445), Trull road, S. Cobb, head mistress; W. E. fCuninghame Alexander Wilh<Jm, 33 Taunt-an Field, sec.), The Park, Yeovil. Grosvenor place, London rd. Bath Royal School for the Daughters of See advertisement tDaniels Mrs. Florence W. 8 <has­ Officers of the Army (Miss Ethel Tenor place, London road, Bath Steel M.A. head mistress), Lans­ Adelaide College (D. Warrell-Bowring Davies Misses Emma & Mary, 12 down road, Bath L.L.A. principal), Ilfracombe. See Silver street, Taunton advertisement -.
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