54 THE WEST SHORE. December HUM Ul'H BBONZ& THE PROSPECTOR. But even there the restless brain refuseas to be TELEPHONES IN' MINES. quiet, aud carries the weary dreamer on the A correspondent of the London Miniinj Ifmm ihe Minim ami Msotlfa Yrvm wings of imagination to scenes of splemlor, The telephone which has been placed iu the Journal vert the formula for comjiound where science vies with art in contributing to is Volumes have been written in times past set- Consolidated Virginia mine doiug its regular bronze, which he tielieves will be found of wants and wishes of those who worship ut ting forth th claims the duty like any other part of the apparatus wiile Usefulness to tneUl workers. The process to public esteem of the mammon's shrine, and he, for the time imagines of the from the otKce is invented by Mr. James Webster. .Mr. Web DUDieroui heroes of every age and clime. The himself a "bonatuta king, before whom all the mine. It runs down to the bot- object M to produce metallic alloys of shaft t suita- orators, poets, philanthropists itateamon, war- lesser lights in the financial firmament bow with tom the at the level. A fine ble with or without the addition ami admixture a Battering obaequlouaneaS ; hut he awakes in is used which is riors and othera who havo figured more copper wire insulated ami cov- of other metals or alloys, as required, for the orkss the morning with a headache, and "stubborn conspicuously ered with India rubber or gutta pereha. casting of cannon ami other large articles, also in the life drama of nations or facts and stern realities" staring him in the The ingots, slabs ami the like for rolling ami for localities, and whose deedi or words have been face. instrument operates perfectly and orders from general purposes; ami for the production of considered of sufficient importance to occupy a To theifl restless, unsatisfied nomads the the oliice to the bottom of the mine are trans- supuri- 1 allow for thl manufacture of articles country is indebted for the discovery of nearly place on the pages of history. Hut there is a mitted distinctly This saves a good many usually made of metals or alloys of metals. all the valuable mineral deposits which have in lass of men wliose claims trips of the cages, and in case of an For unking the hard bismuth bionzo or alloy, to public attention the last 'JS years contributed in so marked a accident can bismuth, 'A; have be matte of very great he takes part; lead, zinc, (i; hitherto been almost entirely overlooked. iegree to the wealth of the nation and the service. It will un- motel, aim antimony, m parts; ' we be introduced cpier, z.j; who, althoiigli their entrances or exits 4'rld. lieu reflect upon the vast amount doubtedly iu nearly all the mim upon 19 iromsne before long and replace tlinroiii-hl- the active aceoes of Ufa have never hen. '" :"nam- uun the obi bell and cord IhaMina tim,. IffllllMnMhl llu.l., mine on this aoast ami put into circulation, tin signal. and then runs the amalgam, alloy or bismuth " inut meteoric splendor tnat is nlnuist countless number of men to whom it, bronze thUI produced Into molds Of any COO- - io often seen in the transit urou tin- initial both directly and dvM nlnvmant The instrument is being also utilized in the or form for future use, aa desired, firmament oi venlsntahape some favored son or daughter of the stimulus tt has riven to commeroe. and the same region for other purposes. The Enterprite lus bismuth bronze IS a hard metallic alloy fortune, who, through some great achievement incalculable benefit this great says: An instrument was attached to the wire and may he made into reflectors for of sword or has mirrors, peii, excited the admiration of region was to the nation in its recent terrible leading from the office, of the Virginia ami QoU tamps ami ins iiM ami into oiuer articles wie worm, .inn whom nave Hnan- - praises been suns by struggle for existence, and the resulting Hill Water Company, south B street, to the requiring a high degree ol harmless or polish; ten thousand tongues words elo- in of burning cial crisis, we have but a faint conception of farthest point on said company's works, near also axle uml shall Hearings, vttHcs uml by - lor loi qticiicc, lia.e tneir persover- the magnitude ol the benellts lowing from lite luo luaieiu oiioiu oi iaiioe. 1 his similar articles or purposes. also lke wire hae other It may ence, contributed in no small degree to the labors of these unappreciated men, of whom so heretofore been need for working a Drintfno and be let lie ground into bronze powder used for wealth of the world and very largely to that ot many people, with little wisdom and less re- urauht V similar purposes to those in which ordinary the I'acilic coast. yp6, uvertoo. flection, apeak in tones akin to contempt. There- - ouiwrinteuaeni 01 toeu"r'anautoi the oomnanv. epesa . , r,, ' is tne mining lore i say ail honor ami praise to ttiose adven tttok a telephone ami started out along tho Iin 11 wui,.r m m vi tuu unit gvanguaril ot on turous of toil, who, wnm wu hmi Mw; '"jwnur, civilization sons unsatisfied with th uwu mi ou uo is t iiearu irom at the kind would be too costly to come into general this coast, who has, for tho 28 lad years, slower methods of courting the fickle dame, at- reservoir on the dividing ridge between Aineri-ca- use, to the high pen intage of antimony, witli steadfast owing purpose and unfaltering steps, tempt to win her smiles by the less certain but Flat ami Wiishoe valley, some six and I am Inclined to think so myself, except for through summer's heat and miles winter's storms more romantic and exciting avocation of a Proa- - from the city, lie having there halted ami the purpose of bronze powders, but he also pro traversed every desert, con- ascended every mountain jHe.tar. nected his instrument with the wire. Every hjscs a softer bismuth bronze, which would lie and prospected in every stream from Cariboo to word that he spoke could be distinctly heard iu as cheap as copper ami might he advantageously Mexico, ami from the eastern base of the Kocky KHIZOPODS. the oliice here. He then went to Lake View on used for a variety of purposes. The softer kind mountains to the Pacific ocean; often contesting the further side of Washoe valley, near the consists of blimUtll, part lead. 6 zinc, S IKmm the IUnlO iMitl BohmUfla I'ress.l thognmudfootbyfnutwithitssavageoceiipaiits, foothills of the Sierras, and over 20 miles from nickel, 'Mi; ami copper, .VJ parts; tin- atualgama sometimes vanquishing anil sometimes van- I'rof. Joseph l.cidy, the eminent cuinparative this city, following the course of the wire. tion of the several nn:tals being effected m the quished. K it fuw, if any, who have never ex anatomi-- t ami Again he connected with the wire and again he same wav as in the c;ise of the bard alloy. perienced it, 030 fully realized the mlarosooputt, made his second was aa distinctly heard as though he had lieen forms a very tough metallic and visit to the West latter admixture privations that many of them the past season, under tho but a few toils a WAV. ft nKmkZ) tt alloy ami is cast into ingots ut once, to be after tUVe undergone and are still experiencing ill auspices of the Havden survey lie made a tains and was next lieard talking from this t t . " end wards nmelted and cast or rolled or otherwise ir troi'irle t1.; 3" of the long tunnel .i . 9,7 .... " ,,'""- caretul exploration of th tuntry about Fort that runs through the Sooner dealt with as required. These alloys will be oemrc io strike it rn i. I'ha mm. ... ir Brldger, tho Utah divide this side of Lake Tahoe. Finally he found to resist oxidation ami keep their color pector must have a of hope mountains ami the Salt Lake went to the station at the end of the line, . better than any other similar alio) hitherto m his soul" for none but of basin, in search of rhflopodl. en- those the most He has been nines irom tne omoe in tins city, ami fast made and can be produced at less cost. hopeful disposition can long continue in the gaged for a long time on a memoir on this sub- - was talking from that point away up in the Sierras, where ho says there is a fool f PltDtxa Mink Lamm with Commumud snow. When at the terminus every word could An We read in an exchange that an Unproved be as distinctly heard as one sitting in the Con. safety tamp is at presentbeing manufactured by Virginia otlicc can hear what is said on the Mr. A. It. Boollenot, Sr., of level of the mine by means of the telephone in near Pans, tlie leading principle of which i use there. Wires will probably that Hit! compressed air which is furnished to yet he run from this city to the mills and big flames in thu lamp in quantities just sufflolenl up the mountains; also to the mills to Insure perfect combustion is taken on the Cat a ui river. from outside the mine, or at least from This really practical invention will be of the a part of the mine which is free from greatest utility iu the mining regions iu the lire damp.
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