NORWALK GAZETTE NORWALK GAZETTE. Terms fox" Advertising, "* 5 . : lunn<i every 'iueslay .alteraoon at $8 per Year Famished on application Liberal, .ifonn. nun in Advance: Single copieB 5 cts. to lone time aud Isste space lilmil—» *.-?*& , The Oldest, Largest and. most Widely Circulated Transient advs 1 square (1 inch) Ltime ILtO newspaper iri this section of the State. Subsequent Insertions, per week, _ B0 . t U the Best Advertising Medium, and lias the •""ii Funeral and Mbiiuary Notices, time rata*. Most Advertising, because it is read by the fh'lhapref? BlrtBiSarrlages and Death*, Inserted free Dest People. ' Q—riorible advrta.,not inserted at any pnn. Entered as 2d class matter and Postage prepaid to An Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local News.and Interests. - AUBiUs OoUectaible Monthly and »ar% all subscribers not served by carriers. r l l . ActoimU ai pro rata RaUt • l.Ulrcss Slips indicate time when Subscriptions by ESTABLISHED 1800. \ mail expire. Job Pirlotin* of«rtry V*. iMf ^ : NORWALK, CONN.,TUESDAY JANUARY 27,1885. Camber 4r. « iHiiPLi I'm 11m K. S. BYIWGrTOW, Volume ®;-4 Editok avi> Phoprietob. AGRICULTURE IN GRRECE. A m*STERiOUS liAKE ANB ITS THE SEA OF GAIiIIiEE. APPLICATIONS Or CBLLCLOIO. KAMCHATKA. JUUN HJllVKIM!). « YSTERIOCSINHAattTAflTg. Including both the Ionian and th< Riding by the foot of Hattin, over the An exoellent illustration of the industrial place where, yean ago. Saladin anni- With the help of a negro king he took a The hUlfl^are covered with JSgesn Islands, the Kingdom ol Greect A contribution of l4gh<feportance to the 700 tots on Franklinf Afti., and commercial- benefits that may arise, flr.larch, olaar, b.i£>W etc., and in these eontdns about 14,500,000 acres. - Nearly geog»|>hy of C*^-^&%\6asjustbeen hilated the Crusader'a power in Palestine, Or twoiohArClt street, and one on FriakHnave.. town containing 8,000 people,but "no truth from new products, whether gleaned from : aa may be, desired, for sale very low. Apphrto in negroes;" his black accomplice in this rob­ areio^iji^n^imjMiousi wild <a^imi»l8,sucli one-half of this - total. area is- occupied by made by:the account of ' we at' length reached a ridge where we 9mt H. B. CBAUFCKD, 51«atn St the unturned stores of nature or created by as tfie' fiiraablG, tho otter,-of all forests,.marshes, or rocky tracts^ and ii the ekpediQorltf 48H by tt Bondan ioficer, " looked out on the distant hills Of Banhwn, bery refused to share equally with the piou9 the skill of the inventor, is famished by colors; and 'ilie: h«ar, which Utter, on nojt at present susceptible of cultivation. ColctaeV^V[i^7P mjfstet&lua Lake and down to below us upon a dark blue je.f English thief. This was the beginning of :tl-2 * For Sale Ch^ap the wide and various utility of the com­ account of th^lgrieat [supply of food, at* An inquirer who -asks what ptvportion ot Iiobnor. About four years ago this ex­ pear or harpahaped sheet of water, lying SCife- "many miseries," for the Spaniards attack­ pound of oellulose and camphor known as ILL be sold at a Bargain, if uplied (or seoa ed him at San Juan de Ulloa,an'd after many tack? neither, hum? .nor the domestic the total area is actually under cultivation plorer, whp ajddajto tjie spirit'of adventure shugly in a deep enolosure of high bniwn W- a small,:neat Cottage, of slzi ooms, in good celluloid. Thpugh scarceljrten years have ; hills. Though less than 18 miles long and "-'"••iborhood, dud three-minutes' walk of the misadventures he had to land a, hundred animals^ Tt ls ourionn to note that the h surp'risedat first sight by the discrepancy the knowledge tiir^n exaet scientist, made The agressive war waged the Baking Powder Appl/atfiAZETTK OFFICE. passed since the Hyatt bfpthers suspected sqajaxel,' tirliiqti .is uiiiverai ip Siberia, is of th^ different iuiswers. Thus, to take a long journey fijim Siberia across the Gobi 7 miles broad, yet, measured by the events % ROYAL .menonthe Mexican coast and make for that this componiid might used proflt- Thome with the remnant of the crew. not- foixnd iiere at all. Swans, wild two extreines, M. Mansolas says "neariy deaeti, though Mongolia and Western it has witnessed, it is a kind of Pacifio Company against all forms Of adulteration in baking powder ably in the arts, acd only B?e yean sines j duqks,; eta. Are fouud in great: qnanti* one-third," Mr. Tuckerman says "one Ghift to the bOlders of Thibet He has Ocean. It was the Sea of Galilee. As we J" The castaways fell into the hands of the they began to manufacture < it successfully, ! has produced a good effect manufacturers of the lovr OH OICSS ties in'the lakea' and marshes in the in- seventh,'! though it must be remembered just started on a tfeiid expedition, with the moved over the long way downward to its . THE Inquisition, who treated them as they had it has become the basis of several thriving ' : teiior,' and their oirgs, as well as the that Mr. Tuckerman is writing six year* purpose to - penstrMe Thibet and reach level—650 feet below the Mediterranean grade cheap adulterated and poisonous powders have been i • treated the negroes, or even worse. "Sev­ industries, and novel applications of it are , , , : birds ^ thi^naselvee. ttre taken in great earlier than M. Mansolas. ' The chief Lassa and return tyrit oirduitous route, be­ Sea—we had time to grasp and fix its whole eral were tortured," says Mr. Markham, being made almost daily. driven into n attempted defense of their goods wherieita uuiribiers bytfopeaple. source of such diurepahcles is that the ing absent tWo yean. Lassa is a^ moun­ aspect and surroundings. It lacks boldness & , "and most inhumanly mutilated. Some As now made celluloid is a composition throng the rivers iii enormous nttmbers. higher animates include the fidlcwB, while tain town nonh of the main Chain' of the of outiine, for its hills slope griulually back of were burned, and a few were sent to Spain of fins tissue paper and gum camphor,; they have exposed their names and the character their in tlteSummer from the prinoipal food; the lower, exclude them. SL Tombasis, Himalayas, on a branch of the Brahma­ from the shore, or leave a narrow plain, 1 ? and left to die of hunger in the Archbishop treated with chemicals by a patented pro­ powders to of the i^tvea For the inost. part they: who has written especially on Greek agri- putra; put-down on the map at an.elevation as at Gennesaret and Butiha. But the the public. " * ^ of Seville's dungeons." cess. When crude it looks like a trans-; ! of 11,700 feet'above the sea. It ia in lati­ lights and shadows lie sweetly on the hill­ These were times, in which men, as a parent gam, and its,color is a light yellow are. Balinon, (&»feio sato»',) aud. aw dried culture, ia probably a safe authority on I®.The Koyal Company set out upon this crusade several this point. Aooording to him, one-fourth tude about Sp degrees north and about sides at night and morning; the northern rule were pitilecs, except to persons of their brown. Itcan betnadeaa hardu ivory, mid stored np for the Winter, but owing of the total *r«a is up<W cnlt!Tuiiw ^j hvi 91. degrees east longitude. This region, end is broken into^leasant little bays, and years ago. It was the first to bring to light the use of alum own tribe and faith. The dealings of the but is always elastio, and can be readily to the scarcity and dearness of salt the'' vr this nearly one-half is always fallow. through which' he will pass, is already trap­ Hermon looms gnndly np beyond, far off, On Wilton Avenue Spanish and English with each other, with moulded into every conceivable form. fish frequently become rottein, and the for this purpose, and to expose the infamous practices of Hence not much more than one-seventh of ped out With" Somo approach to accuracy, yet seemingly near. The whole aspect of negroes,and with Indians,almost tempt one' With equal ease it con be colored in any people Miffer great privation. The the total area Is -productive at any given but it is practically the moBt unknown tho lake is one that suggests the thought those manufacturers who were endangering health and life - ; Apply to: to think that there was something in cos­ tint desired, the dye running through the rigor of Winter is mfioh aoftenod by time. One-fotiuthi. therefore, of the terri. "region in the world. MTe know very little and the lack of beautiful homes. It was mopolitanism. entire substance, and being, therefore, in. warm ooean currents, which create that more profit might be derived from their powders. The those thick oontinous fogs that render tory which mij^t'be' cultivated is not un­ about Thibet and tho people, and less of still a long ride to the lake. The region we n. J. 8TURGKS, mr O. E, WILSON, pis® John Hawkins, on his retum. home, tried effaceable. expooui%a--4kea made, ^-tUsgustel -piib1ic,-Aad -tbe influence der cultivation at all. But it is satis­ thegreat regionbet^eenlXib&trChiatrMKU wero.j?afi8ing,.once briififul of . life and ac­ OAZETTK BUIIJJING, 4tf vainly to betray the Spanish into a trap. Asa olose imitation of ivory, oelluloid the coast so dangerous to navigation. The total popnhriou of both sexe? is factory to .learn from M.
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