The Spectrum VOLUME L. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1934. NUMBER 3. Bison Encounter Gophers Tomorrow Seven Schools Work Started Thirty Players Show Increase On Year Book Make Trip For In Enrollment Work on the 1936 Bison, North Gopher Opener Dakota State's yearbook, is well un- Entering into competition With the increased enrollment of der way with a theme chosen and with 159 over last year's total of 1148, persons decided upon to whom the leading schools of the Big Ten for seven schools boast increased num- book will be dedicated, according the second time in four years, a to Cathryn Ray and Chester Perry, bers, four have slightly lesS than Bison squad of thirty men will jour- last year, and only one, the school editor and business manager, re- spectively, of the yearbook. Miss ney to Minneapolis, where they will of pharmacy records no change. encounter the highly touted Uni- The school of agriculture with 150 Ray urges that all students interest- ed versity of Minnesota Gophers to- as compared to 83 for last year, in securing a position on the staff shows the largest increase although get in touch with her the first part morrow afternoon. the schools of science and literature of next week. With seventeen lettermen return- and civil engineering rank close on Both the editor and business man- ing from last year's strong outfit, a percentage basis, having increases ager are qualified for the posts Bernie Bierman and his men are of 62 and 18, respectively. which they hold. Miss Ray is as- Men students, as usual, outnum- sociated with Phi Mu sorority, a not only expected to whip the Bison ber the women by almost a two to member and secretary of Sigma Tau but are the prohibitive favorites to capture the bunting in Big Ten cir- one ratio, 867 boys and 402 women Delta, honorary English fraternity, CHESTER PERRY having enrolled previous to last CATHRYN RAY a member of the Lincoln Forensic cles this season. In 1931 when these Monday. The junior class was the club, and has actively participated two teams last met, Finnegan, Lowe only one to decrease this year, hav- in intercollegiate debate, as well as Women Conclude & Co. gave the Gophers a scare ing only 194 as compared to 252 Hartwell Sights being associate editor of last year's when they held them to a siy point during last year. The record-break- Bison. margin, yielding by a 13-7 count. ing freshman class has 395 men and Military Changes As assistant business manager of Formal Rushing This time, however, Minnesota has 164 women, an increase of 144 men the 1935 Bison, Terry has had much the strongest potential team in many and 28 women. practical experience which has pre- With Sunday Teas years and threatens to snow under In Italy, Germany the Thundering Herd. This herald- Other schools showing increases pared him for his present position . He is a member of Alpha Sigma Social functions today and tomor- ed avalanche of scores is not with- are science and literature, home "Even small boys of grammar out foundation either, as Pug Lund, economics, chemistry and engineer- Tau fraternity, treasurer and mem- row are concluding the sorority for- school age use the Nazi salute when ber of Alpha chapter of Gamma Tau mal rush week activities to be cli- high scoring back of All-American ing, education, and architecture. addressing one on the street," said fame, is in the best shape possible The schools of chemistry, architec- Sigma, honorary journalistic frater- maxed at the preferential teas and Leon Hartwell in commenting on the nity, and a member of Scabbard bidding to take place Sunday and and is likely to open up the sched- tural engienering, electrical engi- militarism movement in Germany, ule with a scoring sprint. neering, and mechanical engineering and Blade. be followed by pledging Monday. where he visited this summer en But then, there are the fervant show slight decreases which are far The remaining rush week activi- route to Italy to attend the bi-an- Fargo fans, who predict that the offset by the larger enrollment in ties consist of: the Chinese lunch- nual art exhibit at Venice. eon given this noon by the Phi Mus Gophers will have a full afternoon's other schools. Independent Group work to pound out a victory, and The college high school with 22 The increased militaristic spirit under the direction of Faith Stock- and the greater - importance of Hit- ton; the Gamma Phi Beta gypsy some of the more radical Bison fol- men and 16 women has an increase Greets 150 Guests lowers even speak of such things of two, while only eight graduate ler in political circles has caused party with Allen Blair in charge of many changes in Munich, where he this afternoon; the Kappa Delta tra- as a deadlock or maybe a Bison students have reported as compared win. While the latter is highly im- to 18 last year. studied three years ago and revisit- "The Cosmopolitan Club's purpose ditional Hotel party planned by La ed during his trip, according to Mr. is to meet with the social needs of Vernis Hidde this evening; and to- probable, the Herd mentors are pre- Hartwell. "There is an omni-pres- all college students, who do not, for morrow, at noon, the Phi Omega Pi pared to put on the field a high- powered and well trained football ent awareness of the presence of one reason or another, belong to plantation party headed by Lucille NDSC Debating military troops. some Greek letter group," declared Bolstad; the afternoon earthquake machine. They also have seventeen monogram winners to choose from There was, however, no feeling of Lawrence Bue in a talk last Mon- bridge with Eleanor Isaacs and besides a promising crop of new- Prospects Good oppression or discourtesy shown to day evening to 150 freshman guests Grace Cole of the Alpha Gamma corners. tourists, excepting the rule that no gathered in the college YMCA for Deltas making arrangements; and With the beginning of the debat- foreigners are allowed to leave the the first meeting of the club this the evening Kappa Kappa Gamma Both elevens have suffered losses ing season only two weeks in the country with more money than they year. pullman diner which Helen Sim- through injuries with the North Da- offing, the return of many veteran entered with. The Nazi regime does mons is sponsoring. kotans probably hit the hardest. This organization is not anti- Captain Acey Olson is the biggest debaters and the appearance of not touch the tourist. The customs The preferential teas Sunday will Greek in any respect, according to loss of the Aggie coaches, although several promising freshmen on the officials are courteous and not ex- be held by the various groups at Mr. Bue, who directs general pub- Let Dohn, tricky halfback, and NDSC campus caused Don Hay, actingly strict. designated places between the hours licity for the club. It merely pro- Beverly Hill, husky tackle, would speech instructor, to express optim- of 3:30 to 4:30 and 5 to 6. It is un- From Germany, Mr. Hartwell went poses to offer entertainment and have been extremely useful in this ism in regard to a successful sea- (Continued on page 3) to Italy, another dictator-controlled good fellowship at a minimum cost encounter. Bierman, having a larger son in this field this year in a state- state. "From the standpoint of the to its members. The club has offi- ment to the Spectrum yesterday. squad, is not so easily handicapped tourist, the Fascist movement has cers, a constitution, by-laws, and by injuries and reports his men in Definite program plans for colle- made many worthwhile changes. affiliations with the North Dakota giate debate await a meeting of the Bis on Brevities good shape. Railroad rates are lowered as are university club at Grand Forks. The game will be broadcast over student board of public speaking hostelry charges. There is an in- Regular meetings, held every Mon- control, who determine the alloca- • To Be Different the Minneapolis stations and every- creased efficiency in the railroad day evening, term parties, and reg- thing points to an exciting battle. tion of student activity fees for this schedule due to national interfer- ular dances feature the entertain- purpse. Horace Spaulding, corn- ence and control of the system. ment side of the organization. The Bison Brevities of 1935 will missioner of public speaking, Freida EXTENSION OF HOURS Street begging is prohibited under At the open-house party last differ from the Brevities of the past Panimon, and Jane Nichols corn- DECLARED BY LIBRARY the new government, a • change Monday evening, a varied program two years in that instead of being prise this board. Intercollegiate, (Continued on page 3) was given by the old members, the strictly a musical comedy the 1935 interclass, and community debating freshman guests performed stunts, show will combine the characteris- will offer an outlet for the talents Better service to the student body and games were played. Refresh- tics of a musical comedy with those and faculty is now available through of local arguers this season. ENGINEERS ADDRESSED ments were served by Mrs. Psyche of a revue, according to John Ham- the extension of library hours ef- BY EARNEST HARTFORD Gooden, the club's sponsor. let, manager of the production. fected by the library staff recently. COMMISSION TO SEEK Blue Key, men's national service The library will now be open dur- HOMECOMING THEMES Earnest Hartford, assistant secre- fraternity and sponsor of the Bison ing the supper hour.
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