1939 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1347 through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and that it The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so. ordered. has concluded that this is possible. There was no objection. In this connection I now wish to recall to the Congress the Mr. MARTIN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous amendment which I offered last February to abolish the Sec­ consent to extend my remarks and include therein a column ond Export-Import Bank of Washington in connection with by George Rothwell Brown in the Chicago American of a proposal that was up before us then to limit the loans of the October 23. Export-Import Bank of Washington to $100,000,000. It The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so. ordered. should be recalled that both of these banks were created by There was no objection. Presidential decree and later confirmed by statute. I wish to By unanimous consent, Mr. KEFAUVER was granted permis­ recall to you that I pointed out then that the law as it stood sion to extend his own remarks in the RECORD. limited the loans of the Export-Import Bank of Washington Mr. MARCANTONIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ only and not any loans that might be made by the Second sent to extend my own remarks and include a statement Export-Import Bank of Washington. At that time it was con­ from the Committee for the Protection of the Foreign-Born, tended by the opposition to my amendment that the Second as well as a speech delivered at the commemoration of the Export-Import Bank of Washington had been abolished, and fifty-third anniversary of the gift of the Statue of Liberty to therefore my amendment had no application. No proof was the United States by France. · given that the Second Export-Import Bank of Washington The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so. ordered. really had been legally dissolved. I communicated with the There was no objection. Reconstruction Finance Corporation to find out if the min­ Mr. SCHAFER of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ utes of their proceedings shows that this bank was liquidated. mous consent to extend my own remarks in the RECORD with They did not give me absolute assurance that it had been. I reference to Elliott Roosevelt's dealing in military planes to asked them to send me a copy of the minutes, but they failed the Communists in Moscow and a few excerpts from docu­ to supply this. ments and testimony. At that time I also pointed out the following: The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Let me call attention to another feature of this bill. As it stands There was no objection. at the present time, I contend that there is no limitation to the Mr. THILL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to amount of funds that may be outstanding at any one time, because the power still exists under this law to recreate by Executive order extend my own remarks and include a newspaper article this Second Export-Import Bank of Washington. from the Times-Herald. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so. ordered. Thus it is seen that, whether the Second Export-Import There was no objection. Bank of Washington was actually liquidated-or not, the fact Mr. RANKIN asked and-was given permission to extend his that it could be created by Presidential decree in the first own remarks in the RECORD. place still makes it possible to make loans in unlimited amounts through the Second Export-Import Bank of Wash­ ADJOURNMENT ington, if it still exists legally, or through another export­ Mr. RAYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do import bank that the President might set up by decree. now adjourn. The Wolcott amendment specifically provides for a pro­ The motion was agreed to; accordingly (at 5 o'clock p. m.) hibition against such a possibility. The importance of this the House adjourned until tomorrow, Friday, November 3, point cannot be overstressed. 1939, at 12 o'clock noon. Of course, there are still other ways through which it may be possible to extend financial assistance to the belligerents. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS The powers of the Executive over the money and credit of our Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions Nation are so complete as to make it possible for him to give were introduced and severally referred as follows: almost unlimited financial assistance to them. The power By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: which he has under section 8 of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 H. R. 7615. A bill authorizing the Bradenton Co., its suc­ to "purchase gold in any amounts, at home or abroad, with cessors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a any direct obligations, coin, or currency of the United States bridge across Sarasota Pass where Manatee Avenue, Braden­ authorized by law, or with any funds in the Treasury not ton, if extended, would cross Sarasota Pass, County of Man­ otherwise appropriated," and the power he has under section atee, State of Florida; to the Committee on Interstate and 9 to "sell gold in any amounts, at home or abroad, in such Foreign Commerce. manner and at such rates and upon such terms and condi­ By Mr. CRAWFORD: tions as he may deem most advantageous to the public inter­ H. Res. 323. Resolution requesting the Secretary of the est" makes it possible for him to give financial assistance to Treasury to report to the Ho"use all the facts within the the belligerents, limited almost only by the physical assets of knowledge of his Department relative to Japanese demands our Nation. that the United States customs officer salute a Japanese sen­ In the stabilization fund the Executive has another source try at Honolulu; to the Committee on Ways and Means. from which extensive loans may be made to foreign countries. I feel that the Congress has been woefully neglectful of the financial and economic interests of our country in failing to SENATE give proper consideration to the great dangers iJ;lherent in our financial and monetary set-up as these may be involved in FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1939 the bill before us. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the Nevertheless a few of us, including the gentleman from New following prayer: York [Mr. WoLCOTT], have striven hard to call the attention Eternal God, whose spirit of holiness and grace is the very of the Congress and the country to the importance and need breath of our souls: Make us to be deeply conscious of Thy of considering this whole problem. A great many of us in presence as we face the duties of this day. ·Do Thou sug­ Congress, as our records will show, have sought to take the gest, direct, control all that we design or say or do, that our powers over the money away from the Executive and return powers, with all their might, may be dedicated to Thee for them to the people. That which the gentleman from New the advancement of Thy glory and the benefit of our coun­ York [Mr. WoLcOTT] now offers here in this amendment is try. Bless, we beseech Thee, with the spirit of wisdom our merely in conformity with these efforts. I hope the amend­ President; may he be sustained by strength from on high, as, ment will be adopted. in Thy sight, he devotes his life to the fulfillment of the EXTENSION OF REMARKS exacting duties of his high and holy office. Guide us all in_, Mr. KELLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Thy way, 0 Christ, and mercifully show the fountain cff extend my own remarks and include therein certain short knowledge to our thirsting minds, that, being free ·from sor­ quotations from editorials and letters. row and heaviness,- we may drink in the sweetness of tt.s:e life 1348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE NOVEMBER 3 eternal. We ask it in Thy name and for Thine own dear · ing June 30, 1903, and for other purposes," approved July 1, sake. Amen. 1902 (32 Stat. 662), so as to provide uniformity in the pay THE JOURNAL of all civilian employees of the Navy Department appointed for duty beyond the continental limits of the United States On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, and in Alaska; the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, November 2, 1939, was dispensed with, and the Journal was S. 3015. A bill to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to approved. grant to the city of San Diego for street purposes, three REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES parcels of land situate in the city of San Diego and State of California; The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the report of S. 3016. A bill to amend the act approved February 15, the National Adademy of Sciences, transmitted pursuant to 1929, entitled "An act to permit certain warrant officers to law, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1939, which was re­ count all active service rendered under temporary appoint­ ferred to the Committee on the Library. ments as warrant or commissioned officers in the Regular PETITIONS Navy, or as warrant or commissioned officers in the United Mr. HOLT presented resolutions of the West Side Woman's States Naval Reserve Force, for purpose of promotion to Club, of Charleston, and of a convention of the southwestern chief warrant rank," so as to permit service in the National district of the West Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs, Naval Volunteers to be counted for purposes of promotion; held at Barboursville, both in the State of West Virginia, S.
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