Sunday, June 21, 1942 DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY. SSOO) PART 1, PAGE 5 Michigan Men . YOU can he^Tl Rate High With V) with RUBBER fl %lkC.K'\_ |tiril\.VnC Sell your scrap rubber to A - your nearest gas atation— c ‘ Pacific Fliers NOWI I Writer Visits U. S. Base With Gen. Royce, Meets Afjune Sale fyeatu/ie.! Lt. Pickering of Flint By LEE VAN ATTA In* I Nrwi Vrvtr# »U> ( MELBOURNE. Juno 20.—There \# and cX \ 1* an intangible spirit of fight Living among the front- 9-Piece determination Room Outfit; line airmen in this southwest \ 2-Piece Suite Pacific area which is almost, im- Oisfr possible to describe but which is k\ Matching Rocker magnificent to behold. There iNo The smallest, and sometimes jtkj JJ m\ And Arm Chair m MM insignificant, things are seemingly ' Federal T« «• appreciaied by officers and men vl f \ Coffee Table, ' End W 1. M jfjSSßlw alike and one must see the results L \ Tii , I LI # FURNITURE to believe these same men were Table and Lamp Table X<guy».- living in the comparative luxury Extended Payment, 211 of United States Army posts only n Junior Lamp a year ago. Bookcase One Miaaea \\ Ch.rg. L A No W nK ? WW Morale among the American officers and men is truly remark- able. A massive, two-piece lounge suite with No one misses in the per- A ide, v flk W^'mk formance of missions, including w welted arms and carved arm f ronts. ‘fart* t j •+**¦ mth the usually jK-rmanently grounded 5 Covered in fine, solid tone ribbed tapestry. A . pEA^ supply officers and jiersonnel offi- -rrQ \ matching pair of too, flying occasional chairs—rocker and cers. They, are their arm chair, with lovely tapestry. hearts out and liking it. covered Coffee The morning this correspond- *' table, lamp table and end table with walnut with i, -... ,jl:•'¦¦.¦¦> 9 IK m ilJr ent's party nisi ted the base nUßnil 1 r>»* \ veneer tops and lieautifully carved hardwood Brig. Gen. Ralph Royce we ar- bases. With fine junior lamp in bronze finish. rived just in time to see Capt. riiV get everything John Bridges of Oklahoma City, You listed! Sale special! and Lieuts Claude Leffingwell of wMwH *°" e Taft. Cal.. George Walter* of Den- 1 So ver. Adrian Sampeck of Cheyenne, and Cecil Knudson of I»* Angeles ' muH> fly in from a minion over New Guinea I V m Their thumbs were cbeerfulh IIHi188 W jßmm * %S3MMMI^MMtRr^ waving from the cockpit windows after a successful mission from tVnUmMHMv .*¦ Kp v MSA yWr "jmMHhHk WWHHi which all hands returned safely fySt* :fyg/gfSas? ; [|^^M|i|iHWß ; iiNii| 60-Hour Flight Exciting Values! vmi ' "“T IV 1 TfkwOH: They popj>ed out from their m ship* after almost, fib hours of w i MMM steady flying, wolfed down great COAT CLEARANCE helping of ham and eggs and then went off for one day of rest. 5 Their routine afterward was to fill 16? in at round jobs for two days. Then comes their turn again to Extended Payments take off into the air. Meanwhile a new hatch of pilots. Our regular $19.95 and Capt. Jerome Tarter of Minton- $24.90 coats. All colors—- villx. Ka and Lieut*. Rex Lewi*, styles. Rayon - and - wool Jackson Mo.. Henry NuDeT, Si-' fabrics. Sizes to 52. Cal : Robert Thnmj>- 12 erra Madre JH&t cXis , --\ son. Ashland Wis. and John No Carrying Charge Pickering of Flint. Mirh., were su- pervising a quick servicing job and i lit fjiiWi the loading of bombs Before nightfall their lelhal let- » m ters were to he en route to the Japs. I LINT BO* IN AUSTRALIA kcnng Flint, i|l ~ T.t John IV of who I V ' wa« in dispatcher *¦« ~~ ’ ygjjg- ’ If ¦ recently arriving at a bomhard- iL JS ment field in Australia is 23, a graduate of ('entral High Srhool in Flint and Flint Junior College. He attended Michigan State Col- Sport logp for one year and then enlisted Wool Coats in the army air corps MAy 1. 1941. He was awarded his wings last Januaiy and left for Australia. 1595 The family home is at 1213 Ma- Extended Payments son street. ADVPKTirrMKNT llerrinjrlxmes _____ and bold plaids. Solid tones of tan WHEN and teal. Jnpures, too! BACKACHE STABS! Sport Slacks $6 50 Because of need of a Lace p a nel Curtains diuretic aid, try famous GOLD MEDAL CAPSULES! i i?' ¦ ¦ If you’re mixemhle from a nagging h*ck- I » *'*•, or have to get up night* often-- ~ du«» to slow-funrttoning kidney*—try 89* >1 Save Monday on This hour sunny Gold M<-d*l f'apMule*. H nhmulnnl diu- designs in f JJ retir \\ hen kidney function lag*, rxrw beige. 10 in. wide, 2 1-6 »asie may a<rumulate in the blood 6-PIECE GOLF OUTFIT /#. / < aiming ai he* j»nd pain*; and flow may yds. long. Ix>op tops. be highly concentrated causing pawmge* • No Phone Orders, o hef'i-rjueni but scanty,often to*mari Please -J. brassie, midi ron, painfully, with resulting lack of ’'pep" 4iLSS /nn If a and nervous, "low'* feeling*. \v, BROADLOOM mashie, niblick, put- /*r * RUGS ? To relieve the diatre** of auch *ymp- v tom*. million* have demanded Gold Medal Capsule*. (Jet a box today. Only You save remarkably. 35 cent* at any drug atore —but insist |fj\ \ in this special sale of fine on the real article, used for over 80 rugs! You year* by million*. Get original GOLD tf ja can turn them MEDAL MfSW CAPSULES. Si tha Gold - over and get double wear. Medal* on the box! ¦fSHSmr-siu* l 6^S Solid tones and Early fUT_N» ' American hooked rug Send (he I’tMToA ; Y--^effects. Grand value! or six® Ward robe Case ' TIMES - B Bl ' vVv • » ¦ O*. llr \ ./ .Mat. % • to Your Half ICOATFLAT PAINT Over-Night Case ¦ y- > 4 m . ' at Camp A sturdily constructed 2988 . .2*V- wardrobe case for $11.95. I hanger ka v iK.95 DETROIT TIMES, A single coat seals and It has fixtures to w**\ ix6-ft Mr K or Circulation Dept. finishes any interior wall hold 10 dresses. Wt 'li 9x15-ft.... 46.95 /[\\ 1.170 C»»* Avr., Detroit, Mich or ceiling. Oil base. Covered in striped can- X 7».,x9-ft... 23.95 \\ f’leame nrrid The Detroit Time*. »« bound lOijjxll-ft.54.95 indicated Hrlow. Tha proper re- vas and with J* V \V No Carrying Charge * mittance i* enclosed. leather. Over-night case * 12x15-ft.. 64.95 'Njj I NAME to match is $6.95. Both are rayon lined. Special. COMPANY People's Extended Payments \ a Extended Payments illMni REGIMENT ' No Carrying Charge \ A No Carrying Cha r ge I VRuv. CAMP 1 STATE ARMY CAMP RATES„ NG co * Daily )^ ' (I 1 Month .. $ .75 Jltitce \nV AT SHELBY 3 Months .. 2.25 ~ 0 r I 6 Months ... 4.SC Postage Included PARKING MNAVt An attendant at our I Daily and Sunday 3 PEOPLE’S entrance will park your \ 1 Month ...$1.25 BOTH STORES car. Yo-ur ticket OK’d 3 Months for 2 hours when you 3.7 S jAJgf BRING YOUR 6 Months 7.5 J FlllED make a purchase. ¦ Pottage Included J STAMP BOOKS FOR \_-— Jnvi DtA«»ORN Tv i Wall remittance to Detroit Time /'J CONVERSION INTO BQt PS XT STOCt OKN V/ <le»tan*tini’ to wimm to rend «no 'iJV \\ ramp EVE*V MONDAY WFONCSOAf. *fldre»« Any nrrriaart, outskb. Completely oir conditioned change of adore** ran he made \\ WIOAV ANO SAfUtDAV CVfMNG **me dav of notification Nrw or- »«> r*«B*«>*»d. *r. 0" der* can he filled for the United l\ ¦ J Canada and M*xiro ONI.Y. -«• »i'Play - > 40--*>¦«*-- t-s tfe«e • v-wiv,.-.. %-X*. m- -¦+. - t j£si •«.'.
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