Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 9-1982 UA66/16/2 Ogden Instructional Computing Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1 WKU Mathematics & Computer Science Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Databases and Information Systems Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Mathematics Commons, and the Public Relations and Advertising Commons Recommended Citation WKU Mathematics & Computer Science, "UA66/16/2 Ogden Instructional Computing Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1" (1982). WKU Archives Records. Paper 5196. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/5196 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. O GDEN 0GDEii CO LLEGE €O~?UTER LABORATORY WESTi~N KENTUCKY UNIVEKS I TY JI[ NSTRUCTI ONAL BOULING GREE~ . KE! ~T UC KY 42 101 (: OMPUTING NEliSLETTER Vol u me J, Number September 1982 The Ogden tn st r~ctional Coep uting llcwsletter i s published from time to time t o provide pertinent inf o rm a ti o n to the u se r s of the comp ute r se rvices provided in the Ogden Col l ege Comp uter Laborato r y . T his i ssue will r e p ort o n the ins t a l lation of a new timesha ring com put e r system , acqu i sition of new t e rminals , summ r y of CAUSE project activities , report on g rants which in c lude approximate l y $ 1 00 , 0 00 o f comp ut e r equipwent , r ecen t developments in the comp uter science p r og r ams , a nno un ce ACM St ud e nt Chapte r officcrs a nd su r vey int e re s t of al l WKU faculty in the CAUSE project sho rt cours es on instructional use of comp ut e r s . CONTENTS PAG t: Summa r y of 1982 Jla rdware AcquiSitions 2 Compu t er Sc i ence En r o llme nt 2 New Comp uter Science Fa c ulty 2 Status of NSF CAUSE P r ojec t J Professional Activities Ilela ted to CAUSE P r oject 4 Papers Wr itten 5 Proposals Writ tell 5 llew Office r s Elec t ed for ACM S tudent Chap ter 6 Ogden College Compute r Labo r a t o ry Staff 6 Survey of Facult y Inte r est in Short Cou r ses 7 O~de n Co llege Com put e r Lab Fal l ilou r s MON-THU 8 : 00 a. Ill . - 10 : ) 0 p . m. FRI 8:00 a . m. - 4 :3 0 p . m. SAT 10 :00 a . m. - 2 : 00 p . m. SUN 2 : 00 p . m. - 1 1 : 0 0 p . m. 1 1/' SUILIma ry of 19H2 Ilardware Acquisitions , " j'" * PDf' 11/44 Times h a ring Comp uter System , 512 K bytes memo r y . dual RK07 ~8 M byte diskd rive s , 16 line asynchronous multiplexer fo r EIA terminals , 285 LPM line p rint e r, RSTS/£ opera tin g system * Te r minal s - 15 terminals have been o rdered fo r the new sys t em . Inc lud e d a r e : (8) LA 34 DECw riters , (2) nEC VT 100 Vid eo Termina l s , (5) Zenith H- 19 Vi d eo Te r minals . I n addition, (5) GICI Color graphics video-terminals a nd (4) LA3a DECw r iters Ilave been received as part of two Digital Equipment Corporatio n Spec ial Eq u ipment Grants . * Location - TCCW 1 17 has been added to TCCW 116 as til e l ocat i on of the expanded Ogden College Computer Laborato r y. Twenty eight t e r minals are located in tll ese rooms . Eight Telex 276(276) video terminals connected to the IBM 4341 a r e l oca t ed in TCCW 115. TCCW 128A, in which (5) 029 keypunch machines have been i nstalled , is the new Ba t c h Job Preparation Room . Batcll jobs are submit t e d to the comp ute r operato r s in TCCW 11 7 . Othe r timesharing terminals a r e located in seven of t il e ten departoents of Ogden Co llege . Computer Science En r ollment The number of entering freshmen compute r sc i ence Inajors enro ll ing ttlis fall is 185 . This is about 10% more than the 168 who enrol l ed in the fa ll of 198 1. In addition , 27 computer science Inajo r s have transfe rred to Western f r om other univers i ties . There were 423 majors and 75 mino r s in computer science in the spring semester of 1982 . En r ollment in compu t e r science classes th i s fall is 1091 which i s 24% more than the 88 1 enrolled in t he fal l semeste r of 1981 . Nine faculty members contribute full t i me t o th e compu t e r science prog ra m. Another eight faculty membe r s from mathematics, phYSics and and library science teach one or two compute r science courses each . New Computer Science Facultr Ronald Linton is a n ative of Lou isville , Ken t ucky . He r ece i ved h i s B.A. degree in Mat hematics fro~ the University of Louisvi lle in 1966 and completed a M. A. in Ma thematics at the Unive r sity of Kentucky in 19 68 . He then taught for a year a t Bellarmine College in Louisville before resuming graduate work in matllemat i cs at Vanderbilt Unive r sity . After completing the cou r se ~ork for his Ph.D , he ~as employed as an assistant professo r at the University of South Alabama, Mobile , AI . where he taught mathematics and comp uter science . He received llis Ph . D . in Mathematics in 1974 from Vande r b il t and continued to teach at South Alabama until 1973 . ~ince tllen ll e has resided in Mobile, Alabama , wh ere he has been an independent computer consultant , served as Manager of Data Processing at Cooper 3tevedoring , held the pOSition of Cont r oller at Chin Indust ries , worked as a system analyst for Teledy n e Con tinental Moto r s and held the pOSitio n of Directo r of MIS at Quality Mic r o Systems . Ron and his wife Hancy have two children , Ka r en and Bobby. Ka r en wil l be a f r eshmen at the University of South Al abama and Bobby will be a j uni o r at Allen County - Scotts ­ ville Iligh School . 2 Status of IISF CAUSE Project May 1980 - October 1983 itle : A Project fo r Imp r ovement of Undergraduate Science Instruction by Incorporating an Lmphasis on Compu t e r Literacy and Use of Compu ter Modules in the Departments of Chemistry , Industrial and En ginee ri ng ~echnology , and Geography and Geology , Mathematics and Compu t e r Scie n ce , and PhYSics and Astronomy Project Team : Chester L. Davis, Director , Math & Computer Science John Crenshaw , Associate Director, Math & Computer Scie n ce John Chamberlin , Chemistry Departme nt Wil l iam Ploore, Industrial and Engineering Technology o . Glenn Conner, Geography & Geology Robert Bueker , Math & Comp u ter Science Dudley Bryant , Physics & Astronomy William Pfohl , Evaluator , Psychology Department Project Goals : There a r e two important product goals : (1) the imp r ovement of the effectiveness and efficiency of undergraduate education using compu t ers and multimedia and (2) the promotion of computer literacy as a basic component in the undergraduate education of science students . The process goal is to develop an instructional syste~ involving multimedia, computer hardware and software , and the requisIte faculty competence fo r attaining the product goal . Specific goals include completion of the following by June 3D, 19B3. 1. At least 20U computer modules will be developed or acqui r ed and adapted for classroom use . A module is defined as a computer p rog ram o r application for supplementa r y use o r demunstration in one class session . *** Through April 1932 , 181 modules have been developed a n d 281 adap t ed . 2 . New compute' modules will be int,oduced in at least 40 cou,ses . *** Last year computer modules we r e introduced in 47 cou r ses . 3 . At least 3000 students will use one or more of the new modu les. *** Last year 2593 science st u dents received some instruction usin g computer modules . 4 . At least 30UO students will participate in an attitudinal and compute r literacy testing program using pre - tests and post- tesls . *** This was accompllslled for approximately 240 students last year . 5 . A minimum of 30 science faculty members will participate in s ummer workshops on instructional computer applications scheduled in the s u mmer sessions of 1980 , 1931 , 1982. Educational sCholarships will be p r ovided for 30 participants . 6 . Additional faculty members will be invited to participate in the summer workshops on a non-scholarsllip basis . *** At the end of the third workshop , 50 Ogden College faculty membe r s had participated. 3 7 . A mInimu m of LO full time faculty SU ldrn e r a SS ignments will be made in s ummer of 1931 a nd 19;J2 to develop more extensive departmental project fo r int r oduc ing compute r mo dules i n the in s tructional program .
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