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Before she melts (,A (,A (,A (,A (,. ~ = Deprotecting under Pascal & rI1 -I ~&j~~~ ~ i ® l ...... unClassifieds 23 (Elvira tips) 9 ProDOS 19 Using Non-Maskable-Interrupts The Product Monitor Vendors •.••...•.••...•..•............••.... 9 , ., , (NMI) 20 ~ O'cn 2- ~ ~ Q ~ ~ I Reviews Answers: c mW(1 • ""1 (1)'' Ii !i "" !r a 4 + 4 encoding/nibbilizing 20 C ~ ~ ~"I :II mwo I ] 8. ~ Buck Rogers: Countdown to J. c 22 Cracking BASIC protection . m ... CD 01\)35: I ~ Si I Doomsday 7 Paul A. Johnson 22 (') (I> ...., schemes 20 :II m CD ~ ~ Crystal Quest 7 til o ..... -c I 0 8. • Robin Locksley 22 Half and quarter tracking 20 o 3: (:l. tI.l • CL :II I Donald's Alphabet Chase 6 CD :II =oc: "C ~'er Self-modifying code 21 .. (I> ll:> CIl -""t-l c I Features, Notes & such: m I -l ~ ~ Elvira, Mistress of the Dark 5 EOR & disk encryption 21 ~ C'D<- - :::.::1 I ~ I CJ) - 0 Jam Session 4 til Speeding up Rocket Ranger 9 VTOC and the catalog track .. 21 - o ;:e=en -l ~:I I m)( Z I :I C " Learning DOS 5 Rocket Ranger Decoder CDA 10 () :II :J>i'"-t <.) (:l.Vl I FINDER(a nibble count and ::r m I 0" Loom 4 til <.) C5 I Converting source code from gray byte fmder) 21 :I U):IJ ~ ~ (Q c: I 5i I OmniKey/ULTRA 5 m CD 0. ORCA/M to Merlin 11 CD " I m i". I ~ ORCA/M 6 Curing the"Control Panel Lockout Softkeys: m ~m • 0 ~'~ I c Reach for the Stars III: Blues" 11 In Search ofthe Most Amazing CD • :< ~ ~ I I (0 -1 e:. I The Conquest of the Galaxy 6 The Basics ofKracking (part 3) Thing 16 :::D .... f:l IQ.[4~ I Sword of Aragon 6 Memory Moves, Binary Files & Lava Pits of Asnar 19 Worlds ofUltima VI: I ~ i[ I Kramming for the Finals 12 Muppets on Stage (3.5") 16 - .., _. dl I The Savage Empire .4 I o 1:1 OS g A few helpful hints 13 Robocop 21 :::J 0'" a; I I s. ::.::= Fast Frames, Updates, Etc. The Basics of Kracking (part 4) Silpheed, v. 1.09 11 I g ~~ ~ I Lo-Mem Boots on a PC 7 "Where do I begin?" 13 l:Eg~ APTs: £i I Omega 7 4 + 4 Conversion Chart 14 ~ I CD• ::r_(')(:l. ll:> I "Load Runner" Virus Fix 15 Rocket Ranger 9 ,1<.)t50'co I Indianapolis 500: The II.) Z! ~ Simulation 8 Pirates or Saviors? 15 IQ)Sf" • Playing Tips: Update on Ultima V DCS 15 00 Pro Tennis Tour 8 I _ g(I> ~ t:'l I Robocop 22 .~6g Tangled Tales/PC 8 A Crash Course in Deprotection '0 I Rocket Ranger 11 1.$ ~: I The Passion 8 Hardware & software Q)w ""1_ 0""1 I Wing Commander 8 requirements 16 I NO .... IBM Softkeys: .. .., I cm I I How to: basic deprotection 16 "'a" I w - tTl Samples from the Boita ~ ~ ':-0 in ~ Where in Time is Carmen Company 8 Deprotecting single-load ~ =e "h. "C " Sandiego 22 - tn ~ 0 ~! z--tn:::D : i : Super Quest Champs? 8 programs 17 o:::J OS. ~ I I I Nibble counts & checksums .. 18 ':E'en. ca-l(Om I ~ I I I I , ,~ ••••••••••••••••I ..... Software recommendations Typing Source Code binary files. We have programs to convert them to the proper fonnat for printing. If you are TheStarter Kit containsmostoftheprograms The source code is printed to help explain a sending source code files, and you are not using that you need to "Oet started". In addition, we program's operation. To enter it, you need an COIVIPUllST the SoC Assembler, send them as nonnal text recommend that you acquire the following: "Assembler". Most of the source code in older files. Charles R. Haight Editor o Applesoft program editor such as "Global issues is in SoC Assembler format. Ifyou use a Karen Fitzpatrick Circulation Program Line Editor (OPLE)". different assembler, you will have to translate When to include a printed letter Jeff Hurlburt Reviews oAssembler such as "MerlinlBig Mac". portions of the source code into something your Dave Goforth BBS oBit-copy program such as "Copy II Plus", assembler will understand. Don't include hardcopy (printout) unless: COMPUTIST is published by SoftKey "Locksmith" or "Essential Data Duplicator". a. You are writing about a bug or other printing Computing checksums Publishing. Address all inquiries to: oWord-processor (such as AppleWorks). error. Checksums are 4-digithexadecimalnumbers COMPUTIST o"COPYA", "FlD" and "MUFFIN" from the b. You are writing to ask for help. 33821 East Orville Road DOS 3.3 System Master disk. which tell if you typed a program correctly and Eatonville, WA 98328 helpyoulocate any errors.There are two types of c. You are answering another readers help re­ (206) 832-3055 Super lOB and Controllers checksums: onecreated by the CHECKBINpro­ quest. gram (for machine language programs) and the d. You are writing about your SUbscription or oCOMPUTIST does NOT purchase editorial This powerful deproteetion utility (in the other createdby the CHECKSOFT program (for sending an order for back issues or software. material. The entire editorial contentconsists COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various Con­ of infonnation submitted to COMPUTIST BASIC programs). Both are onthe "Starter Kit". trollers are used in many softkeys. (It is also on Bugs, requests for help and answers to re­ for publication in the shared interests of all Ifyourchecksums do notmatchthepnblished each Super lOB Collection disk.) quests for help arebumped to the headofthe line COMPUTISTs. checksums then thelinewhere thefirst checksum and go inthe very next issue. All other letters are oUnsolicitedmaterial (manuscripts, letters to differs is incorrect. printed in the order that we receive them. the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s. playing tips, Reset into the Monitor CHECKSOFTinstructions: InstallChecksoft questions. etc.) are assumed to be submitted Softkeys occasionally require the user to stop (BRUN CHECKSOFT) then LOAD your pro­ Writing to get help as letters-to-the-RDEX-editorfor publication the execution of a copy-protected program and gram. Press & to get the checksums. Correct the with all and exclusive rights belonging to directly enter the Apple'ssystem monitor. Check When writing to request help, be sure to program line where the checksums first differ. COMPUTIST. the following list to see what hardware you will include ALL relevent infonnation. The more oEntire contents copyright 1990 by SoftKey need to obtain this ability. CHECKBIN instructions: Enter the monitor information you include, the easier it is to fmd a Publishing. Allrightsreserved.Copyingdone Laser128: YourROMincludesa forcedjump (CALL -151), install Checkbinatsomeoutofthe solution. There's an old saying that goes "A for other than personal or internal reference way place (BRUN CHECKBIN, A$6(00), and properly framed question includes 90% of the (withoutexpress written permission from the to the monitor. Press ctrl return reset. then LOADyour program. Getthe checksumsby answer". publisher) is prohibited. Apple 11+, lIe, compatibles: I) Place anInte­ typing the Starting address, a period and the oTheSoftKey Publishing assumesnoliability ger BASIC ROM card in one of the Apple slots. Ending address ofthe file followed by a ctrl Y. or responsibility for the products advertised 2)Use anon-maskable interrupt(NMI)cardsuch How to get mail in this newsletter. Although we are usually as Replay or Wildcard. SSSS.EEEE ctrl Y If you are interested in receiving mail from pretty much in agreement, any opinions Applell+, compatibles: I)InstallanF8ROM Correct the lines where the checksums differ. other readers, be sure that we have a current expressed by the authors are not necessarily with a modified reset-vector on the computer's address. If you use a pen name and want to those ofCOMPUTIST magazine or SoftKey motherboardas detailedinthe"ModifiedROM's" Writing to the RDEX editor receive mail, we need to have your address. Our Publishing. article (COMPUTIST#6 orBookOfSoftkeysIII RDEX (are-decks) stands for: Reader's Data readers privacy is important, so we will not print SUBSCRIPTIONS: Rates (for 8 issues): ) or the "Dual ROM's" article (COMPUTIST EXchange. We print what you write. When you your address unless you specificltlly say too.
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