Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 4-24-1947 April 24, 1947 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "April 24, 1947" (1947). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949. 12. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UME 46 LITTLE ROCK. ARKAN SAS. APRIL 24. 1947 NUM BER 17 -H. Armstrong Roberts. "He that ploweth should p~ow in hope." PAGE TWO ARKANSAS BAPl'I!'T MEETING PERSECUTION * TRENDS AND EVENTS * A Devotion by B. H. Duncan A condensed summary of trends and' events taken from publications and original sources each "And now, Lord, behold their· thre~ten­ week by Porter Routh, Secretary of the Department of Survey, Statistics and ings." Information of the Baptist Sunday School Board. There are powerful forces abroad in the world, forces which would drive us out of the business of carrying out our Lord's com­ Facts of Interest survey showed that the average Negro woman spengs 150 per cent more of her income for missions. Our sec:ular work would consume According to the latest U. S. Census Bu­ , our time and exhaust our energies so that we reau estimate, there is now an excess of 470,­ toiletries and personal care than does the av­ erage white woman. would have neither time nor energy to serve ooo females over males in the 141,228,693 our Lord. The social whirl would distract our population. In 1940, there was an excess of U. S. food store sales reached $23 365 - attention and interest away from Christian 424,188 000,000 in 1946, 24 per cent above 1945. ' males. I service. Temptation and sin would stifle our The population under five years of age In February, 1946, there were 5 070 000 fam­ impulses to serve our Lord. increased from 10,542,000 in 1940 to 13,- ilies with both husband and wif~ in the labor These forces threaten us with economic dis­ 417,000 in July, 1946, a 27.3 per cent gain, force, a 2,000,000 increase over 19.40. Of the aster, social ostracism, and a life void of the compared with a 7.3 per cent total popu­ 37,900,000 families reported in February, 1946, thrill of adventure. These threats are in­ lation gain. The 5-9 age group gained 28,800,000 were "normal families " 2 500 000 tended to intimidate and confuse and unman from 10,685,000 in 1940 to 11,633,000 in families with head widowed, divor~ed, 'or ~ife the Christian forces so that they shall be un­ 1946. absent, and 6,600,..000 families with female able to render effective Christian service. The Latest population estimates show a loss in head. success of these threats has robbed the the 10 to 14 age group and the 15 to 19 age In the World of Religion churches and the kingdom of the service of group, but a gain in the 20 to 55 section. Be­ President Truman_ said Myron Taylor · many a timid or careless Christian. tween 1940 and 1946, the number in the age would return to the Vatican only if necessary. The early Christians formulated a policy group above 55 grew 3,200,000, or 16.3 per by which they successfully met the opposition cent. Church World Service will undertake to provide warm clothing for 100,000 war.,. and dulled the edge of their threats. They Despite the increasing birth rate, the first asked tne Lord to "behold their threat­ orp~ned Russian children. A complete median age has climbed from 29.0 in 1940 outf1t for a boy or girl costs $21.50. ening." The knowledge that our Lord sees to 29.9 in 1946. the forces which oppose us, and hears their Of the 9,454 ministers reported by .the The number o{ marriage licenses issued in threats, is our strongest support. Pre.sbyterian ~urch, U.S. A., only 6,826 are The second request of these early Chris­ major cities during February was 27.5 per active: The:re are now 2,186 vacant pulpits. cent below the number issued during Febru­ tians was "and grant unto thy servants that ~ maJor Presbyterian seminary reported that ary, 1945. It had 806 graduates during the past 15 years: with all boldness they may speak thy ~ord." At the end of 1945, there were 517,989 Of these 68 had joined other denominations, The only way for the Christian to keep up his persons in mental hospitals, a new high. 45 were in schools or administrative work 71 courage in the face of the opposing forces of There were 10,200,367 men drafted during were missionaries, 28 had died, ' 86 the world is to keep on testifying and serving ~-oreign the Lord. the six years Selective Service operated. w~r~ m secular work and 501 were active "And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: American Indians ·of Southern Cali­ mmisters. and grant unto thy: servants, that with all fornia have organized to fight intensified M~handas K. Gandhi tol_d 25,000 at­ racial discrimination against their group. tendmg the Inter-Asian Relations con­ boldness they may speak thy word, by stretch­ ing forth thy hand to heal; and that signs A recent study of the $10,000,000,000 earned ference in New Delhi, India, that Chris­ tianity, · "an Asiatic religion, had become and wonders may be done by the name of by the 14,000,000 Negroes shows that $700,- the thy holy child Jesus" Acts 4:29, 30. 000,000 goes for tobacco and beverages. The disfigured" when it was taken to the Western world. He said Asia must win --------000-------- the West with love and truth. Reliltion is a conservative force; it suggests the distant past and the infinite future. It _Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam of the Metho­ creates and constantly enriches traditions dist .c~urch has received a certificate of ap­ which embody the finest aspirations of the preCiatiOn from the Navy for. his services in human spirit and the profoundest assurance ~~rid War II. Bishop Oxnam made several YOU become a benefactor to our aged and of divine kinship. ~ . The church finds it infirm preachers and their wives or widows VISits to war areas and was a member of the crucially important to embody in its very S~cretary of Navy's Civilian Advisory. com- and orphans through our ANNUITY PLAN. __.. m1ttee. structure and design, suggestions of and con­ fidence in the agelessness of man;s depend­ At the same time you secure a gene~ous . The fifth annual convention of the Na­ ence upon God. - Harold M. Fishel', Detroit, income during your entire lifetime. tional Association of Evangelicals will be Mich., church architect. held in Omaha,. Neb., April 14-17. A gift_on the ANNUITY PLAN helps oth­ Edward J. Flanagan, Catholic priest and ers and provides guaranteed income. founder of Boys Town in Nebraska has gone ARKANSAS BAPTIST to Japan as a representative of the War De­ 213 RADIO CENTER, LITTLE ROCK Help brighten the eventide for the old Official Publication of the Arkansas Baptist state partm~nt to advise the Japanese Government 1 Conventlan. preachers. What more blessed service could _on child welfare programs. C. E. BRYANT_________ ____________EOrroR you render? Frank Sinatra will play the role of Father Paul, a Roman Catholic priest, in IONE GRAY EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Fill in this coupon and mail to: the screen version of "The Miracle of the PubHeatfon Committee: B. H. Duncan. Hot Springs, Bells." Chairman; Charles F. Wilkins. Newport; C. E. Law­ rence, Little Rock; 0. L. Gibson, Fayetteville; Bruce RELIEF AND ANNUITY BOARD Baptist Hig'f!lif!.hts H. Price. Texarkana; Reece Howard, Brinkley; J. P. Emory, Story. 206 Baptist Building Dr. 0. P. Gilbert, editor of the Georgia Dallas 1, Texas Entered Post Office, Little Rock. Arkansas, as sec­ Christian Index, died Sunday, April 6. ond class mall matter. !Acceptance for ma111ng at spe­ cial rate of postage provided 1n Section 1198, Octo­ Please sen!f me information concerning your Rev. Ellis B. Evans is the new Sunday ber 1, 1913. School secretary in California. ANNUITY FJ..AN. Individual subS"Crlptlon $2.00 per year. Church Bud­ Dr. J. D. Franks has resigned as pastor of gets 11 cents per month or $1.32 per year per church the First Church, Columbus, Miss., to join family; Family Groups (10 or more paid annually 1n advance). $1.50 per year. Subscription to. foretgn ad­ Name ---------------------------- the staff of Church World Service in Geneva dress, $2.50 per year. Advert1slng Rates on Request. Switzerland. ' The cost af cuts cannot be borne by the paper Street Address'-------------- The Sunday School department reports except those It has made for Its Individual use. ~ 19,140 training awards in February as ~olutlons and obituaries published at five cents compared with 11,970 in February, 1946. per word. One dollar. minimum . City'----------- State __ . The 1947 Maritime Convention of Baptists Artlcletl carrytng the author's b¥-llne do not neces­ sarHy reflect the ecHtortal potlcy of t he paper. Date of Birth.__________ _ m Canada will be held at Wolfville August 28-29.
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