MUShare The Phoenix Campus Newspaper Collection 10-20-1971 The Phoenix, Vol.XXXVI, No.5 (October 20, 1971) Marian University - Indianapolis Follow this and additional works at: https://mushare.marian.edu/phnx Recommended Citation Marian University - Indianapolis, "The Phoenix, Vol.XXXVI, No.5 (October 20, 1971)" (1971). The Phoenix. 274. https://mushare.marian.edu/phnx/274 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Newspaper Collection at MUShare. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Phoenix by an authorized administrator of MUShare. For more information, please contact [email protected]. New Faces On Campus HOUSING POLICY FORUM 'Dates and place don't mean much." say Mr. Robert McGin­ On Thursday, Oct. 13, a Phoe­ then becomes a financial consi­ nish as the number of students ni • who i another new faculty nix-Carbon initiated Housing Fo­ deration. Dean Brames gave six in the dorm diminishes. An 11 % member to the Psychology Dept. rum was held in the SAC Audi­ possible reasons for decr"eased en­ increase in Room and Board His background is very exten­ torium at noon. Dean Brames rollment at Marian. They were: costs has occurred in the past sive and makes him very qualified and Colonel Wagner were present 1) less people are going to col­ five years; the Colonel, in com­ for his position. He was born and lege; 2) Marian is competing to answer questions concerning paring this to the costs at I.U., raised in Greenville. Penn~ He the present housing policy and with three other schools in the Ball State, etc., demonstrated served in the US infantry in Italy, issues involved. Student John area; 3) expense; 4) curriculum; this to be a minimal increase. attended Theoloirical C'ollege and Costerisan presided over the dis­ 5) many college students choose Concerning Clare Hall, C_ol. Wag­ Heidelburg College, taught at Tay­ cussion. to attend a community or ju­ ner said that there is no mort­ lor University, did ocial work for Many of the questiorrl, posed nior college in their area, and gage or bond issue involved now, one year, coun eled juvenile de­ had previously been discussed 6) general decrease in enrollment yet this dorm does not operate linquents, and held a pa torate. in the publications. However, in private schools. Dean Brames on a clear profit. The Colonel He received his Bachelor's degree some new ideas and points were also mentioned the fact that the indicated that there is a consi­ at Case We tern Re erve. his Mas­ touched on. Dean Brames stated part-time-full-time issue is under deration of changes in the Hous­ ters' degree from the Univer ity that last year and so far this reconsideration at the present ing Policy. He also offered a few of Pittsburg, and from Ball State. year 26 students had applied time. thoughts for students to consi­ He is presently working for his for off-campus housing; 21 were Colonel Wagner had some in­ der. They were the possibility of PhD at otre Dame. granted permission. He said that teresting thoughts to contribute. McGinnis i a very complex a 51day-meal week, instead of RANDALL ADAMS in this year alone 7 students have He stated that the entire campus the traditional 7-day week, and and mystic man who trie to in­ Dr. Randall Adams, one of the applied; 4 were granted permis­ was mortgaged in order to build the possibility of reducing the tegrate theology, philosophy, and many new faces at Marian, has his sion. The Dean publicly recog­ Doyle Hall; that 224 studen,ts in telephone service, which costs psychology. He enjoys teaching first teaching position this year. [t nized that there is a diminishing Doyle Hall are needed in- order the school $35,000 per month. and feels that students at Marian is a big responsibility, too, as he is educational value of dorm living; to break even financially; and are taught to integrate the trands head of the Psychology Depart­ once this factor is discounted, it that utilities' costs do not dimi- of philosophy, science, and li­ ment. He received his Bachelor's beral arts. degree from UCLA and his Mas­ ter's and PhD degrees from Iowa State. Adams has a wife and three childr.en - 14, 13, and 10. Two attend Attucks and the other at- tends Jr. High o. 90. .. .. As department head, he sald he has no definite plans but has intentions of getting gerbils, and possibly a monkey. · When asked his impression of VOLUME 36 UMBERS MARIAN COLLEGE OCTOBER 20, 1971 Marian, he said, "Great! I°like it!" He also stated that it had good at­ SELF STUDY mosphere, and likes the students. Committee On Faculty In our ever-changing ociety, mong the areas of tudy wa uating his work and recommend­ policie and circumstances in col­ the l fothod of Selection of the ing increases in salar or promot­ lege and univ rsiLics are under Faculty. When a faculty vacancy ion work. Marian College policies constant questioning. One of the occur , the Dean of Academic of promotion are acceptable and DENNIS CLARK satisfactory to the committee. most frcquen l categories under Affair and the President contact Dennis Clark especially like study is the faculty. ft i impor­ numerous . ources for potential Salarie for each new year are "Marian's mallne s." He is determined by the availability of tant that the Marian Coll~ge fa. candidate . After names are col­ engaged in teaching general bi­ fund . The present ystem for culty consist of a well-balanced lected ome are called in for in­ ology and ecology thi fir t ~me - ni tribution of sa laries seem to group repre en ling the whole col­ terview . From the e interview ter here at Marian. be working out fairly well. How­ lege. a new member i cho en for the Mr. Clark i a native of ever, the Committee tend to The elf- ludy and Planning faculty. It was the view of the Mar hall, lllinoi . He attended committee that thi ystem favor alary adjustment primarily Committee on Faculty, in their Indiana tale University in Terre work very well and hould be on a meri t basis in contra t ta 1970-71 e ion have gathered Haute and received hi Bachelor continued. the Department Chairman giving data nece ary to explain the Degree from there in 1966. He i Once a member of the faculty out the money in equal distri­ pre ent situation. The committee JlresenLly a candidate for hi PhD or academic staff has received bution from what is available. headed by ister Florence Marie at I.S.U. and hopes to have it an appointment, his department In the area of Right and Res­ Rose, looked into 13 categories before the end of this year. assume responsibility for eval- ponsibilities, the Committee de­ dealing with the faculty. ROBERT MCGINNIS Mr. Clark and wife, Janice, fined fiv e formalized rights of live in the Seven Trails Apart­ all faculty: Philosophical ment complex . ] ) Right to have a clear state­ ment of appointment. 2) Right to annual evalua_tion Gathering of performance of profe sionaJ The Marian College philosophy Dr.Marra growth by the departmental department will host the annual chairman. Such reviews allow op­ fall meeting of the Indiana Phil­ Dr. William Marra, a di tin­ portunity to work at overcoming osophical Association this Satur­ guished Catholic philo opher and weakne ses and give faculty mem­ day in the Library Auditorium. educator, will peak on "The bers a realistic estimate of the The gathering will begin with Failure of Catholic Education" likelihood ~f obtaining promot­ coffee and doughnuts at JO: 00 at a free lecture on Friday, 1 ion and/or tenured appointment. followed by a paper entitled '0n October 22, 197 l at the Library 3) Right to reque l review of Referring with Ti ties" delivered Auditorium al 8:00 p.m. hi case by higher admini trative by Leslie Griffith of ISU. This paper attempts to differentiate authority or appropriate faculty A profes or of philo ophy at committee if a faculty member between descriptions, proper Fordham Univer ity, Dr. Marra feel unfairly treated in matter names, and titles. At 1:30 Sam has " lectured and debated aero s of promotion. Combs, an undergraduate from the counlry on uch topics a 4) Right lo a clear definition JU, will deliver his paper concern­ sex educa·tion and the growing of the policies and condition ing certain aspects of Marx's con­ claims of the late over parents' under which tenure may be ception of dialectic in Capital rights and responsibility for the gained. The meeting will be concluded .education of their children. He 5) Right of an individual fa­ with a panel on teaching in has appeared opposite Mary culty member to eek and report undergraduate philosophy. Calderone on TV." truth as he interpret it in hi area of competence--rigl]t to aca­ Dr. Marra al o holds the po i­ demic freedom. NOTICE: To those who wish tick­ tion of national vice-pre ident In conclu 'ion, of their 1970- ets fof "All the Way Home". of Catholics nite~ for the Faith 71 report, the Faculty commit­ Marian full-time studen_ts pick up After a week-long campaign. the Freshmen held their class elections and the ew Jersey chairman of tee of the elf- tudy Commis- your tickets in Auditorium lobby last Frida~. The ne" officer , from left to right, are: Standing- Joho the Interstate Council for Paren­ ion feel that it ha gathered Wed.--Fri.
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