JazzWeek with airplay data powered by jazzweek.com • March 9, 2005 Volume 1, Number 16 • $7.95 In This Issue: Michel Camilo Scholarship at HEADS UP AT 15 Berklee . 4 Brubeck Festival Lineup. 5 A look at the label’s Playboy Lineup origins and future Announced . 5 with president and Savoy Parker Collection . 6 founder Dave Love page 10 Baker and Gillespie Career Box Sets . 8 Reviews and Picks. 20 ARTIST Q&A: Jazz Radio . 22 RUSSELL Smooth Jazz Take The ‘Z’ Train: FERRANTE Radio. 27 OF THE Radio SMILE: THE JAZZWEEK Panels. 31 YELLOWJACKETS DAVID SANBORN pageINTER 15 VIEW p10 More News . 4 Charts: #1 Jazz Album – David ‘Fathead’ Newman #1 Smooth Album – Dave Koz #1 Smooth Single – Soul Ballet JazzWeek This Week EDITOR Ed Trefzger When you look at the success Dave Love has had in his career, CONTRIBUTING EDITORS you might say that the Heads Up founder and president has been Keith Zimmerman Kent Zimmerman lucky. But I’d say that he proves the adage that successful people Tad Hendrickson create their own luck through their hard work. We feature Dave CONTRIBUTING WRITER this week as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of Heads Up, and Tom Mallison take a look at the origins and the future of the label. Dave’s ap- PHOTOGRAPHY proach to his business – his focus on quality, his attention to de- Barry Solof tail, the great love he has for the music and his artists – is not only PUBLISHER a great model for running a record label, but for running any busi- Tony Gasparre ness. ADVERTISING: Contact Tony Gasparre We salute Dave and all of the hard-working folks at Heads Up (585) 235-4685 x3 or and Telarc on this milestone. email: [email protected] Heads Up joins many independent labels in signing artists SUBSCRIPTIONS: Prices in US Dollars: that formerly were with major labels. That label scored what Dave Charter Rate: $199.00 per year, Love calls a “coup” in signing Michael Brecker; another coup was JazzWeek w/ Industry Access – Charter Rate: $249.00 per year inking the Yellowjackets. With a new CD on the way, Tad Hen- To subscribe using Visa/MC/Discover/ drickson had a chance to catch up with the group’s Russell Fer- AMEX/PayPal go to: http://www.jazzweek.com/account/ rante. This electric/fusion/smooth/jazz group has been around for subscribe.html more than a quarter century, and doesn’t neatly pigeonhole in ei- ther the traditional or smooth jazz categories as they create their own original sound. AIRPLAY MONITORING BY Next week, Tad catches up with another fascinating artist, Ravi Coltrane. Mediaguide A quick reminder that registration is ongoing for JazzWeek 1000 Chesterbrook Blvd. Summit 2005 in Syracuse, N.Y. Festival producer Frank Malfit- Suite 150 Berwyn, PA 19312 ano is lining up some exciting music for the Syracuse Jazz Fest, which happens concurrently with the Summit. All registrants JazzWeek (ISSN 1554-4338) receive VIP passes to the festival, and all subscribers receive a is published weekly by $50 discount on registration. Early bird registration runs through March 31 at jazzweek.com/summit/, or you may use the registra- tion form inside this issue. 2117 Buffalo Road – Ed Trefzger, Editor Suite 317 Rochester, NY 14624 phone: (585) 235-4685 fax: (585) 235-4685 [email protected] Copyright ©2005 Yellow Dog Communications Inc. jazzweek.com • March 9, 2005 JazzWeek 2 Contents March 9, 2005 News . 4 Michel Camilo Scholarship Created For Dominican Student At Berklee . 4 Fourth Brubeck Festival Lineup Announced . 5 Playboy Jazz Festival Announces Lineup . 5 Savoy to Release Two-Disc Charlie Parker Retrospective . 6 Chet Baker and Dizzy Gillespie Kick Off the Shout! Factory Career Series . 8 10 Birthdays . 10 Features Heads Up International Celebrates 15 Years . 11 Artist Q&A: Russell Ferrante of the Yellowjackets . 16 Reviews and Picks . 20 Joel Forrester and People Like Us . 20 Los Hombres Calientes. 20 Hot Club Of San Francisco . 20 16 Editors’ Picks . 21 Jazz Charts . 22 Jazz Album Chart . 23 Jazz Add Dates . 24 Jazz Current CDs . 25 Jazz Radio Panel . 31 Smooth Jazz Charts . 27 Smooth Album Chart . 28 22 Smooth Singles Chart. 29 Smooth Current CDs . 30 Smooth Radio Panel . 31 27 Cover Photo: Dave Love, courtesy Heads Up International JazzWeek Volume 1 Issue 16 jazzweek.com • March 9, 2005 JazzWeek 3 News MICHEL CAMILO SCHOLARSHIP CREATED FOR DOMINICAN STUDENT AT BERKLEE BOSTON, March 4 – Grammy award- Dominican musician for several years Michel’s mission to bring a young mu- winning pianist and composer Michel now,” said Camilo. “I have been ex- sician from the Caribbean to Berklee, Camilo has announced that a full-tu- tremely fortunate in my life and in my and we are honored to participate.” ition, full room and board scholarship career, and I feel equally fortunate to Students wishing to apply for the to Berklee College of Music in Boston have partners, in Mike Dreese, and scholarship should contact Berklee will be presented to a student from the Berklee College of Music, who share College of Music at 617-747-8681, or Dominican Republic this year. my dream, and have helped me make on the web at scholarships@berklee. this scholarship into a reality.” edu and ask for a Michel Camilo As a young man growing up Scholarship application. An applica- and studying piano in Santo Domin- tion and guidelines for creating an au- go, Camilo came to know the college dition tape will be sent out that day. through jazz lessons he studied by mail, A web-based application is available at using Berklee books and recordings. www.berklee.edu/scholarships/cami- In more recent years, he has enjoyed lo. a close relationship with the pioneer- Fascinated with music since child- ing Boston music college, giving clin- hood, Michel Camilo composed his ics and master classes for its students. first song at the age of five, and studied In 2000, for his many and enduring for 13 years at the National Conserva- contributions to the world of music, tory in Santo Domingo. At 16, he be- Camilo was presented with Berklee’s came a member of the National Sym- honorary doctorate degree. He is cur- phony Orchestra. In 1979, he moved rently serving the college as an Alpert to New York to continue his studies Visiting Professor, sponsored by the at Mannes and Juilliard, and shortly Herb Alpert Foundation. thereafter his tune “Why Not?” was Telarc After Camilo created the scholar- recorded both by Paquito D’Rivera, Michel Camilo ship, Mike Dreese, founder and CEO and the Manhattan Transfer, the lat- of Boston’s nationally-known New- ter winning a Grammy for their vocal The Michel Camilo Scholarship bury Comics record store chain, and a rendition. will be presented to a young musician, member of Berklee’s board of trustees, The 1980s brought Camilo’s either Dominican-born, or of Domin- decided that he wanted to make a ma- Carnegie Hall debut with his trio, re- ican descent, with both exceptional jor contribution to the fund, to allow cordings for Sony, and awards from talent and a passion for a career in mu- the recipient to attend the college for a Billboard, and Gavin for his jazz work sic. The scholarship recipient will be full four years. as well as many commissions and per- able to attend Boston’s Berklee Col- “Michel is one of the great stars formances of his classical work with lege of Music, alma mater to such mu- of this music, and one of the most ar- major symphony orchestras. In 2004, sical luminaries as Quincy Jones, Juan dent advocates for music education Camilo won the Grammy for Best Luis Guerra, Diana Krall, John May- that I’ve met,” said Dreese. “Berklee Latin Jazz Album, for his Live at the er, and Danilo Pérez, with all tuition is dear to me, in large part because of Blue Note disc on Telarc, and was Jazz- and housing paid through graduation. the amazing opportunity it represents Week’s Artist of the Year. His brand “It has been a dream of mine to for students from all over the world to new disc, Solo, also for Telarc, debuted help create a scholarship for a young meet and play together. I felt moved by Jan. 25. JW jazzweek.com • March 9, 2005 JazzWeek 4 News Fourth Brubeck Festival Lineup Announced STOCKTON, Calif. – The Brubeck ic Jazz Ensemble, The Young Sounds in Stockton, Calif., the Brubeck Insti- Festival 2005 will present the work of of San Joaquin, and The Joe Gilman tute includes an innovative jazz stud- legendary pianist and composer Dave Trio celebrating the release of their lat- ies program designed to identify and Brubeck, as well as new compositions est CD: Time Again – Brubeck Revisit- train the next generation of great jazz by artists he has inspired, in diverse ed Volume 2. musicians. Christian McBride, artistic settings – from symphonic pieces to In addition, the University of the director, said, “Thanks to Dave Bru- chamber music, small-group and big- Pacific Library will present an exhib- beck and the University of the Pacif- band jazz, to ballet and academic sym- it from the Dave Brubeck Collection ic for realizing what’s important – giv- posia. Marking its fourth anniversary including original musical scores and ing young musicians an atmosphere in with an array of world-class artists in photographs documenting his career which to grow.” five venues, the Brubeck Festival cel- as a composer. All festival details can be found ebrates diversity, crossing musical and Established in 2000 by Dave Bru- online at http://www.brubeckinsti- performance boundaries and reflecting beck and the University of the Pacific tute.org.
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