PAGE THIRTY-TWO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4; 1971 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock lEttraing li^rald Coast Guard Petty Officer SC ahead of schedule and, barring AARP Chapter Average Daily Net Press Ron About Town J (^ A. Ansaldl, son of Mr. and a strike, may^ be ready by mid- The Weather Mrs. Bklgar Ansaldl of 101 Snags Delay Work September. For Hie Week Ended Bcandia Lodge, Vasa Order Princeton St. Is serving with Plans Picnic Clear and cool tonight; low Robertson Is behind slightly Puffing on fhe Dog Jnly 81, 1971 o< America, will have a picnic the U.S. Coast Guard Oceano­ because of some delays with near 50. Patchy fog in early Saturday at Vasa Parle, South graphic Unit located In Wash- masonry, but the target date The 18 Connecticut Chapters Hot dogs cut in fancy shapes turn plain food into morn. Tomorrow sunny and Meriden. A poUuck will be Ihgfam D.C. He Is m arried to On Nathan Hale for completion is still January of the American Association of party fare — and fun. Try putting the dog on such iianrlfTHtpr lEupnittg llrraU i pleasant; high about 80. Satur­ served at 6 p^m. A fter supper the former Holly Hooker, Mankey said. Retired Persons (AARP) will 14,890 day’s outlook . sunny. there will be a meeting with compatibles at macaroni and cheese, cabbage, or daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ The Keeney St. School and Robertson School addi­ have a picnic Aug. 11 at the Manchester— A City of Village Charm a class'of candidates entering liam Hooker o f 77 B rie St. tions are about on schedule, but renovations to the ex­ creamy potato salad, served with a tomato half filled the lodge. A building will be Injured Rider Lake Quassapaug Amusement with pickle relish, plus carrot curls, romaine leaves available In case rain. Mem­ isting building at Nathan Hale. have hit a snag and VOL. LXXXX, NO. 260 ot Members of South United Park in Mlddlebury. (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1971 (Classified Advertising on Page 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTB bers are reminded to bring food cannot be completed bv September as planned. and black olives. Methodist Church will have a Leaves Hospital Northeast Chapter, AARP, has dishes for the potluck and That was the assessment given fair worksh(^ for the holiday arranged fo r a bus that vtiU Come to Plnehurst for Oscar Mayer Franks, 1st Prise or Grote knives and forka to the Town Building Committee men have 'found concrete floors Mrs. Lucy Burke of 412 Porter booth tomomrar at 0 a.m. at the last nlg^t by Richard Mankey, leave Field’s parking area, on and Weigel or Dubuque Franks. are 22 inches thick and inter­ St. was discharged from Man­ Silver Lane, Bast Hartford, at 'nie North Manchester Al-Ancn home o f Mrs. Peter McDotisUd architect for the three projects. laced with steel bars every few chester Memorial Hospital yes­ 10 a.m. for the picnic site. ’Those family group will meet tonight of 37 Philip Rd. Those'planning He said It appears the timetable Grote’s available in 10 lb. boxes at 1.09 ^ In­ inches, causing the work to pro­ terday, after a three-week stay planning to attend may bring a EUsberg Ordered at 8 at the Second Congregation­ to attend are reminded to bring for Nathan Hale will have to be boxes at 1.12 lb. 1st Prize in 6 lb. boxes 99^ ceed very slowl' for Injiules received from a car lunch or buy it there. Reservar al Church parish house. The scissors, needles and glue. pushed back to the last week in accident. Astronaut Takes 'The whole thing is built like tions may be made by cwitact- Buy what^yoii want, one or a dozen or a box. 'nuin^py group will meet at October. The accident occurred July 12 There will be a midweek serv­ a bank vault,” he said, ‘"niere’s ing Mrs. John V. Gregan, 63 8 ;80 p.m. at the Pathfinders Club That school w ill alsou. have a been a phenominal amount of at Highland and Wyllys Sts., Schaller Rd. Save by the Box I To Face Charges at 103 Norman St. Both groups ice of Bible study and,.prayer new addition at the VHht end of debris, nothing is plumb, and when a car driven by Chris­ The chapter Is also arranging Oscar Mayer Franks lb. 8 9 ^ meet weekly and are open to tonight at .7:80 at Calvary the existing building vMch great deal of furring has been topher S. Cunningham, 46, o f for a bus that will leave Sept. 9 friends and relatvles living with Church. Ing renovated throughout. The needed. But they’re working Rockville, struck a car driven Dubuque Sldnless Franks lb. 7 8 ^ for the AARP Area 1 Conference A Walk in Space a drinking problem. original schedule called for fhi' by Dolores F. Coulombe of 147 On West Coast eJong and nobody is loafing.” at the Statler-HUton Hotel In First Caiurch o f CSirist, Scient­ Ishing the renovations in time Bdgerton St. Mrs. Burke was a We have 8 new Snac Paks from Hunt . Bpan Salad, Potato ist, will hold its regular testi­ Bartlett, Brainard and Bacott Boston, and return Sept. 10. Tlie for use by Nathan Hale’s 350 passenger in the Coulombe ve­ Salad and Pork and Beans. BOSTON (AP)—A federal judge today ordered Dr. By HOWARD BENEDICT "It’s remarkable,” Worden could discover nothing wrong mony meeting tonight at 8 at of Bloomfield is the contractor national oigranlzation will ad­ pupils at the beginning of the hicle. Daniel EUsberg removed to California to face charges AP Aerospace Writer exclaimed the breathtaking vis­ with the sensor. First Class Shoe the church, 447 N. Main St. The on all three school projects. vance part of the transportation fall term. ■ Mrs. Coulombe was charged of illegal possession of secret government documents ta of sun, stars, sky and moon At the request of Mission Repairing of meeting Is open to the public. Mankey said a strike In' the cost for this trip, and hotel and The Better Kind! with failure to yield the right of SPACE CENTER, Hous­ around him. He was about 197,- School Superintendent Donald sheet metal trades has had wi­ bus reservations are necessary. GIVING HAMBURGER ITS DUE in the Pentagon Papers case. Control, Worden made a third Quality Work at Hennigan, who attended the ses- way to a vehicle not obliged to 000 mUes from earth and 48,000 ly a minor effect so far but Mrs. Gregan Is In charge of ar­ Bllstotg,' 40, a research asso- —------------------------------ :------------ ton (A P)— Astronaut Al­ trip to Inspect the camera bay Reasonable Prices stop, and the case is scheduled from the moon. ■Farm Increase 31^c slon, said he wolud defer judg-. /could prove serious If it dregs rangements. elate at the Massachusetts In- t fred M. Worden took for anything imusual. He re­ Shoes Made Longer, meht for a while on whether on. Also there is potential for a for Circuit Court 12 next Mon­ Jiiicy, flavorful, all-meat goodneu, stHute of .» . Pentagon Papers were He looked back at Irwin, sil­ ported nothing. or Shoes Made li^der day. LOS ANGBLBS—’The average the problems would delay the plumbers’ strike, with a decis­ The National Association re­ enhanced by a cto^ed ^th ^ ^ S K .f the ^ Defense^part man’s first walk in deep houetted against the fast-reced­ The tel evl slon cam era “Waiting Jobs Are cently announced that a NRTA- secret Penh.J»ri or,.x» ment study on the origins of space today, floating like Oiir Specialty!” number of acres per U.S. farm opening of classes at the school. ion due Aug. 20 wi whether 3 ing moon and said: "You look showed the apace walker mov­ Increased by 31 per cent be­ "At this time it’s not a fore' there will be a walkout. If a Cotton Exports Up AARP Pharmacy Is being estab­ savory sauce or topping has said S l y 1^ leaked ^ ^olvement In the Vlet- a feather nearly 200,000 absolutely fantastic against ing rather clumsily at first as lished at 237 Asylum St. in Hart­ tween 19S9 and 1969, but the In­ gone concluslwi,” he said. strike materialises, all three DALLAS — Forecasters expect th ^ contents to the news o, the documents miles from earth as he re­ that moon back there. Hiat is he moved cxitslde. SAM YUYLES ford. The opening date will be A good hamburger deserves to be treated like a good steak, crease In California w as 77 per The main setback has been schools would be affected, he U.S. cotton exports In fiscal 1971 and when we say "good” we mean the kind you get at Pine- Tii/tffe nr A-rf-h.... m_ _ T were first published by the New trieved two film canisters really the most unbelievable, As he accustomed himself to , 38 Oak St., Manchester , cent, 'the average U.S. farm In caused, Mankey said, by having Bald, announced later. ’This is the fifth hurst . remarkable thing." the strange, eerie environment, to total at least 3.6 million bales, such facility in the United from the rear of the I A F ew Steps Frw n Main 1969 was 378 acres, but in Cali­ to tear out too-solid construction ’Hie additiwi at Keeney compared with 2.8 million In The television pictures he floated easily In a world vis­ States.
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