Volume 13 DECEMBER Number 146 ~t. 3/obn ' ~ ~ari~b ~ontblp : 1934 - Subscr iption P r i c e: $ 1.00 p e r year, in adv ance. A dclress c onnn u n ications t o T . W. T urff, 154 Clif f C rest Drive. Scarb o ro B luffs, Ontari o, G Rover 4354. T r eas urer, F . M . Matlt ias, 35 Lockwoo d Road, H O. 6 652 · ~ +~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~· · Church of St. John the Baptist, Norway , K ingston Road and W ood bine Avenue. !$erbice.s; HOLY COMMUNION :-Ev e ry S u nday at 8 a .m . MATINS AND EVENSONG:-Matins 11 a.~o..... 1s t a n d 3rd S u ndays in e a ch month a t 11 Evens o ng 7 p.m., on Sunda ys. · a.m . Every T h ursda y ( with special inte r­ THE LITANY:- On the second Sunday of c essions f o r the sick) at 10.30 a.m. the m o nth at Mor n i n g P raye r. HOLY BAPTISM:-Every Sunday at 4 p.m. S UNDAY SCHOOL:-Sunday a t 3 p .m . CHURCHING:-Af t e r Baptism or by appoint­ The ~hur~h fa open dally for private Drayer, ment. res t and meditation. · ~+~1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..~ CANON W. J,. BAYNES-REED, D.S.O .. V .D.,L.Th., Rector, 156 King111ton Road. Howurd 140~. ARCHDEACON J. B. FOTHERINGHAlll, A ssistant, Trinity C ollege. MI. 8411. REV. F . E. FARNCOMB, B.A., Ce~netery Chaplain, 16 Beachview Cres. Gr. 6955. ~IISS MARY SHOTTER, Deaconel'ls. 500 Kingston Road, Grover 1236. A.DVISORY BOARD ....... ... Sec. A. ~[ . Stretton, 7 Ed&-ewood Avenue. Phone Howard 1654. A.. Y. P. A •... .. .... .. • . .. S ec., Miss Agnes F erguson. HOward 7151. CARII~ LONNEUR . ... .... .. llruf'e Ciarlo:, 289 Waverley Rond. Phone Howard 1035. CEMETERY OFFICE ..•..•. • •.••• • 256 Kinsrston Road. Howard 2965. Supt., Mellor Dnnha1n, 182 Ii:Ingston Road. Ho·ward 6113. CHANCEL GUILD . ... .. .. S.-c .. Mil'ls lU. Lon:;:;, 56 Columbine Avt-. Ho,vard 42fl5. CHOIR . .. ... .... ... .•Organist -Choir Master. W . H. Moulcl, I •. I .G.C.M., :no Willow Av. Gr. 0241 CHURCH AND PARISH ttOUSE .. Cornt"r King ston Road and Woodbine Ave. (Queen Car). Ho,vnrd 4560. f:HURCHWARDENS . .. .. ... ... Rector's Warden, Mr. F . M. Mathias, 35 Lockwood Road. HO. 6652. People's 'Varclen, T. W . Turff, 154 Cliff Crest Drive. GR. 4354 ECC LESIA. G IRLS' BIBT~ E C LASS ..Mrs. F. H . B . Saxon. 302 I .ee Avenue. GR. 1779 EVENING BRANCH W .A • . .. .. .. ,See.. Mrs. H . n. Collins, 281 Woodbine A'•e .. HO. 510~ . FLOWERS FOR ALTAR .. ... .. ... Flower Sec., MI!UI Robertson, 266 Wav erley Road, Ho. 2709. GIRL G UIDES . .. ... .... .. .. ..... Betty Jame son. 186 King111ton Rd. Howard 1600. JUNIOR BRANC H W .A • . .. ... ..... Miss Glaclys Collins. 281 Woodbine Ave., Ho. 5103. LADIES' LAWN BOWLIN G CLUB . See., Mrs. C:tunter, 2 H:trtford Ave., HO. 9177 LITTLE H E LPERS' BRANCH W .A • . Mrs. Gascoigne, 114 Oakcrest Ave. Gr. 7119. MEN'S CLUB . ... .... .. .. .. Se c .. R. S. S cott. 14 C orley Ave. HO. 1912. MEN' S BOWL ING CLUB .. J . lllcAdam, 5 Heyworth C rescent. MOTHERS' SOCIETY . ... .. .. .. ltirs. F. Wltittin~ton 21 Coxwell Avenue. HA. 3533. MOTHE RS' U NION . .. .. ... ••• . • .• See., Mrs. F. Walker, 2058 Gerrard St. E., Ho. 2966. NORWAY BEAVER CLASS .. ..•... Leader. Dr. E. A . Cu~n~nings, 2453 Danfort h A v e nue . G r . 0857. PARIS H A S S O CIATI ON .. • ... •.. • Sec., Mrs. T. H . Warrington, 159 Elme r A v e., Ho. 3664. SEXTON ... ..•......•..... .. Mellor Dunham, 182 Kin gston Road. Howard 6113. SUNDAY SCHOOL . ... ........ Sec., Alf. Nursey, 113 Bur&-ess Avenue. Howard 6285 . TENNIS C LUB . S ec., Mr. A r tltur G.reen, 1 5 1 Waverley Road. H oward 8 981. 35th TROOP BOY S C OUTS . .. Scout Maste r . A . W . Nursey , 113 Bursress Ave nue, HO. 6285. WOMEN' S A U XILIARY .. ... Mrs. Rex Pnnchard, 405 Kingston Roud. Phone HO. 5343. YOUNG M E N'S BIBLE C LASS . Leader, H . Bedford Beerman, 19 Key•to ne Ave. G rov er 6357'. lntperial Bank of Canada Open a Savings Account and deposit SPACE TO LET regularly. You will be surprised how it grows. Interest added twice a year. A aafe and easy way to remit money­ Small sums by Bank Money Orders Larger sums by Bank Draft Safeguard your valuables. Rent a Safety Deposit Box from $.3.00 a year up. Established 1895 Our Bond Department is at your service. Consult us before buying or ~oiling bonds. Elmes Henderson & Son REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Queen and Kingston Road Branch Specializing in Property Management H . S. HADGRAFT. Manarer. Elgin 4239 10 King St. East- Toronto G. C. Elgie, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, etc. SPACE TO LET 372 Bay Street ELgin 5418 Residence 212 Kingswood Road HO. 4112 Phone GR. 3351 We deliver Phone HO. 5712 Kenderdine's Bakery W. Kenderdine, Proprietor George H. Creber Home-made Bread, Pies, Cakes and Paatry CEMETERY MEMORIALS Schools and Parties Supplied 336 KINGSTON ROAD, TORONTO 208 Kingston Road Toronto KAAKE Phone HOWARD 8721 TEN BUSY SHOE STORES TORONTO and HAMILTON J. A. WEAR Main Store FUNERAL DIRECTOR 2002 QUEEN ST. EAST HO. 96g6 . Private Ambulance 873 KINGSTON ROAD PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS g;t~ ]1 obn's ~artsb Jlontbl!' Editor-THE RECTOR Asa10clate Editor-HEDLEY PEZZACK, 31:i Kenilworth. HO. 710 Volume 13 DECEMBER, 1934 No. 146 And opportunity always connotes responsibil­ l\ettor· ~ JLttttr ity. The Church has been open every day-the The Rectory, opportunity has been there, the lessons through December, 1934. God's word read and expounded, the gifts of grace Dear Brethren: through the Sacraments-and we have either ac­ Once again in the round of our Church Services cepted and used them or rejected them through we finish one Church year and begin on another. indifference of non-attendance. And the solemn We turn back our prayer books and begin afresh warning of the Advent . Call, with the notes of another year of God's Grace. death, judgment, heaven, hell, are sounding in I wonder if we realize that it is by the Grace our ears and warning each soul that the night of God that we are alive? Why is it that when is now far spent, the day is at hand, the night of others have been called home we are still here? this life is slowly waning, and the day is at hand Every week your clergy are called on several when each must give account of his life to God. times to minister to the dying and to say the last Repent, says Mother Church to her children, offices over those who are laid at rest. It becomes old and young. Change your life, mould your an ever present reality. And we who see the ranks character more and more after the ideal, wipe out of our friends get thinner, year by year, as we add the defects, clean out the cobwebs of neglect and year to year, feel a tinge of sadness and lone­ indifference, for the time is at hand. liness, despite our Christian faith and belief in "Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call the hereafter. ye upon Him while He is near: let the wicked But perhaps that is God's way of making it forsake His way and the unrighteous man His easier to go. We go on losing friend .after friend, thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and and the knowledge that they are waiting for us He will have mercy upon him: and to our God, on the other side of life should make us more for He will ·abundantly pardon." willing to join their ranks, despite all that makes this life attractive. When we come to think of And this second coming of Christ in judgment it, as a man passes the meridian of life, he has prepares us for His first coming in humility at more friends on the other side of life than on this Christmas. side. Relatives, friends of boyhood days, men who Christmas makes us all akin and we recall the have walked and talked and worked with us in happy days of childhood when "Heaven seemed every department of our life. Men who have had nearer to us." things in common with us and those whose views There is a spirit which the Christmas season of life have differed from ours. Yes, verily, when brings which we could wish extended through the we "cross that bourne from which no traveller whole year- thoughtfulness for others. This year, returns" we will not be strangers in a strange perhaps more than ever, we are called on to land, but will have many to welcome us and to share with others in appreciation of God's grac­ give us the benefit of their experience. ious gift to us of the Christ Child. Yes, it is by the grace of God that we still live The Deaconess has told us of the many in need and evidentally for some good purpose. and of our Christmas plans. Let each one try to The Church, in her wisdom, gives us, week by make someone happier at this season-for God week, some needed lesson for our spiritual profit works through us-and let us each seel{ grace at and it becomes an all important question for us, His altar throne when He comes to us on Christ­ as we begin another round of Church teaching, mas Day. have we profited by this last year of teaching? Are That the true joys of Christmas may be yours,.
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