V f" - t ' AM&t, ' - iv' 'vTw TT' "" PVj.$ 'fiSf' rrt'fr l;"". , ;' EVENING BULLETIN, DECEMBER 18 1807. What to Buy lor Mas and Where to My I " & E. W, Jordan J. T. Waterhouse, Pacific Cycle & Mfg. Company, N. S, Sachs Hawaiian Cycle & Mfg, Co, A, E. Mnrphy Company, Arlington lllock, Hotel .Street. 10 Fort Street. Orookory Department. Km. kin Iti.iio., KoiitKt. No. 520 Fort Street. For Oentlemen KOlt A LADY: A Hawaii Wcycle "NYtiro A Search Light Lamp FOIt MKN: Kino Leather Shopping and llandkur-ehlo- f "Wedgowood llemlngtou Dlrylc SSiOO FOWOKNTLKMKN: A Punching Hag Iligs A Sweater Congress and Oxford Ijieed Shoes Kmhrohlorcd llandker- Uiists Kangaroo ltenl I.aoo and I'uriun and Statuettes " Dny's " l")00 I'lnoSllkUinbiclhs A Peerless Typewriter. In Kroneh Patont Leather and ehiefs Ilandsouio Silk Scarfs II.t f'uir milt Vnnl Calf Silk Dress and Trimmings Queen Vietoriu. Jubilee Ore-ce- nt " 75 00 ' Homcos Busts Uox of I'ino Handkerchiefs For Ladies lllaek and Colored Work liaskets Uox SlipjHirs, lllaek and Colored. SeKsors, Out-glu- ' Hoy's " 50 (X) of Silk Socks. A Hawaii IJIdyela Cases of Ruinb(w ss A Search Light Lamp FOIt LADI1: " " 4o (K) KOIl AOKNTLKMAN: aiton VOll LADIIX: A Veader Cyelometer Cut-gla- ss A Dlcyelc Hell liuii and llutton Oxfoids Ordinnry pieces .Dloyele I.aiup (extra quality)... 5 00 French Kid, Dongola Kid leather Dressing Cases Ileal IjHcu Handkerchiefs A Tennis Dacket. ' Whlto and Urown Canvas lloinstltehetl Ilandkorchlefs Crockery and China " Saddle " " ... "00 IIiukIhoiiio Ulack Idico Sc.ufs Cloth Top Smoking Cap. Ware of a. ) , Colored Satin Sandals Irish Point Tea Cloths For Boy and XV Heels. Kmhroldered Sllpiwnt all kinds " 1 2o Stand.ud Iiuls Hose (per pair) ... Kino Silk Parasols Imperial Jr. Dlcyele Loiilhor Purses. Ilandsoiuo Hats and Toques AND M1SSKS. j Shot Guns SH) fH) to . 00 A lluse Dull OIHLS Royal Austrian China Ware llemlngtou Hanil Hags anil Purses I FOIt AOIItU . A Hat Ijico and llutton Oxford and Faiuilloro.y - I'll m Curtains Target Killi- 12 60 Jice DoxIng'Gloves Leathers, Fioneh Kids, with Doll's lledstead ' Mujolieu Flower-pot- s Drawn-wor- k Dollies Patent Indian Clubs. , , , , Cloth Top'and Silk Vesting Kleetrie (iiostlmior Tennis Itueticts 1 r.0 to 10 00 l.lnnn Tea Cloths and Table Itnuners Tip Couunon Senso Heel Tete-a-tet- e Tea Sets Lice Itcd-set- s a, latent Leather itfiijol leu Vases For Girl All lines at low prices. Happy Family Tlii; above imint'il articles an1 lnit a Imperial Jr. Dleyelo Doll llouso. FOIt CHILDltKN: A Dlcyele Dell KOH HOYS: Rodger's English Cutlery few f their large stock of sportlngDI-eytl- e TOI1A ItoY: Light Indian Clubs Laeo and Hutton Oxford Otirving Dells Sots sundries. Anything In tills tl no Pino Trimmed Hats Light Dumb Patent Loathors,Vicl, Kangaroo, Wateh and Chain (good tiluo-kcop- for Capos and Cloaks A Tennis Racket. Veal Calf, Common Sense and 81.00) llodger's Itazors will lie found at tlielr store at Hoy's Cloth Caps PE ARSON & HOBROX. Spring llenls. leather FiHitliall, Kleetrie llattory Infant's Cashtnero Cloaks MEN. Parlor Golf Set, Rigalello Hoard. "Diamond Hoad" Ware. Lowest Prices. Infant's I'ino Dresses. 312 Fort St. Telephone flirt. NEW IDEAS FOR LITTLE Benson, Smith & Company, Pacific Hardware Company, H, E, Mclntyre & Bio., Honolulu Bicycle Coppany, Chas. Hnstace, Cleveland Prices Corner Fort and Hotel Sts. Four 212 King Street. Stkkkt. Corner Fort and King. 40!) Fort Street. Tel. D0!i. K. ... If: Piano I.nmps F O M Cranberries Damiuet Lamps if A Stand Lamps Overland Specials Sfi5 Atinores jIinee Meat riuni Padding Silver Ivlugs 00 "-- Hanging Lamps r Sylphs SKX) grade 7o Condensed '' lib pkgs Silk Lampshades ', 1898. I Ladies' "Kensingtons" i Plum Pudding Pictures Millco Meilt L Picture Frames IWaplo Syrup The Most Elegant Wheel Ever Seen Here. Easels Nuts ' California Sweet Potatoes $60 Artists' Materials Burbank Potatoes . Hand Painted China Mrs. A. L. King Turnips, Apples, Dates C Henshaw's Plniitluntypcs Raisins Telephone .'!!). Layer Raisins 75 OH and Water Color Paintings. O ('luster Raisins Pocket Knives j. ier Lets, Cut Flowers and Floral Pieces, Cutlery Candied Peel Nuts L At short notice and delivered. 85 Itofrlgerators Razor Back Hums Noah's Ark Animal Croekers O Ice Cream Freezers The bicycle has no Morton's Candv in Bottles that JJIrd Cages 17 Hart & Company, Limited, equal. G Dreoding Cages Crvstulizcd Fruits Poha .lam r Hammocks H. E. WALKER, ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS. Fresh Crockery and (.lass Ware Crackers and Cakes Manager. A N Cleveland Agency, Alakea street, A Sewing Machines. Crniibcrrie.s Hams, Cheese, Etc. Masonic Temple. IJ Fine Caudles, Donhous, Chocolates. H. W. & Hawaiian Castle & & YOU CAN I1CY CIIKAPKII HOODS Schmidt Sons, Hews Company, Cooke, Limited, Henry May Company, MOST ANYWIIKItK THAN HKltK. Von Hiii.t Dliick. LKWISACO. Merchant St., Tel 100. .V.U'ort Street. ? Dept. HOW DID WHOiri'SCCIl A Hill UUS1-NKS- "For Household Supply ASK Ol'll OC.STO.MKlt.S. A LadiesWhite Sewing Machine LKWISitCO. b Fine Wool Dress Atiuore's Iinee jMeat .'1 and BIG- MOST HVKUYTllINO YOU HAT CAN Organdie Dress OFFERS THE II) , 111-- : Flue Automatic Sowing Machines 5 Jars ADI'LTICHATKD. llinTI'.U Silk Handkerchiefs Cuttings Alince 31 wit 2?, lb Frank J. Kruger, DUAL ICKHK. LKWLS ,t CO. New Table Coveis GEST Ourlauil Stoves FOOD XOVKLTIIIS AltlUVINfl DAILY. THING IX tins COMUTOSLKTIIFM. millions tmd Laees Dine Flame Stoves Corner Fort and Merchant Sts. A Pretty Fan. Iorton's IMuin Pudding 21b LHWIS ,: CO. THK WAY OF OUT Gasoline Stoves tins VKW NUTS, ItAISINS, FKiS, DAT1X, Gentlemen Kl.Iridge Dieyeles 1 AND SWK1-71- ' MK.VIX NOW. ForAn Aillake Camera Smyrna Fig lb boxes LFAVISACO. .'tj yards tine stilting RATES OX ROOKS Iron Stand Lamps Arabian Pates Wool Sweater X'uts Hanging Lamps Assorted Double No. Fine Over Shirt Jjiiyer ltuisins Waltham Tel. 240, Mochu Cups AXD TOYS, Sets of Carvers EVER Sultunii Raisins Lewis A CO. "For Grirls Table Cutlery French Prunes Same as for Ladles. TLMF. OF YF.AH TO KNTKHTAIN, YOU KXON'X IX,THIS Kitchen Ware Christmas Candles Watches NF.IOD US NOW. LEWIS A CO. For Boys Lawn Mowers lion lions yoi; may oi-:- hood nitoi'KHira Same as lor men, also Navel Oranges KLSKWHKUK HUT YOC AltU Clothing COUNTRY. COME Ulily Itefrlgorntors SUItKOFTlIKM IIK11K. Pants Meat Choppers Fresh Apples LKWIS A CO. Fresh Lemons TKA CHANKS AND COFFKK CltANKS Milrts AXD SEE FOB Quaker Dread Pan CAN UK PLFASKD IIKUK. Handkerchiefs Fresh Limes LKWIS A CO. Dlrd Cages S Itovorio Games Fresh Cranberries. KVKItY FOOD PHODUCINU NATION-I- Ktc, Ktc. F.te. YOURSELF. Dlcyele Supplies. Etc., Etc., Etc. ItKPItliSKNTKD IIKUK. LKWIS A CO. H. G. Biart J. T. Waterhouse, W. W. Dimoud & Company. Hawaiian Hardware Company, MMclnerny, . E. 0. Hall & Son, 401 Fort Street. !107 Four STJtmn anil Corner Grooery Department. A Few Things Under $2.00. Fort Merchant Streets. Fort and King' Streets. Sliver Shaving Sets Folt LA Dl MS: Sterling Child's Spoon $1 2.") Silver Tea Sets Bicycles, from ,10 to $1:1."). ulil mid Silver Hat Plus Fresh Oraubtsrrics CuKilassSte.llugTopShakcrs... 1 r.o --1 . HreaM I'ltis Almond Dishes, Cut Glass 1 75 Silver Water Pitcher Men's Scarfs, in hands lUrrlim-- Frosli Lemons Combination Table and l'rctty Chocolate and Tea Cups... 5(1 Silver Table Ware IUus Iix'sli Bows, club ties, Ilioxth'1, Orimtis Napkin Dings Sterling Silver I lit) Lamps of all kinds and sizes .Shelves Fresh Apjilcs Water set, 1 ilz. Tumblers and Ladles' Dieyeles Linen Handkerchiefs Foit !i:nti,i:.mi:.: Tankard 1 IHI Atinoro's IMinco Moitl Men's Dieyeles Aluminum Toilet Sets Austrian Glass Vases 25 Dress and fancy Shirts .Match Cases Doys' Dieyeles Cult' llultoiis Dutcs, X'uts, Figs Collars and Cutis Wiilclif.ih Girls' Dieyeles Kindergarten Desks , and Raisins, plain fancy Some Things Over 510. Cnlio and Havlland China Ware Straw, Fdtand Panama Hats N'lllf Plus, Cider, sweet Blackboards and boiled 1 do. Sterling Tea Spoons '$ pi Agate, ware of all kinds Silk Suspenders . roiKHKIIS: Dried I'ouelips, 1 18 Apples, IVnrs do! Cut Glass Dutters Ice Chests and Itefrlgorntors Fancy Sweaters Hammot'ks Class Plusaiid'ltiiigs Dried Aprieots, (Jlierries, I'it- - Cut Punch Dowl and Stand 75 Ice Cream Freezers .Watches' Carlsbad 20 Silk Umbrellas Ka'lllllg ted I'lunis Durcaii Set III rd Cages Fine Cutlery Sterling Jlrcakfast 27 ,;hiilii, Mliiek Fitfs Scl., Glass Ware Puggarees , Sterling VLockcl. Tea Set , 5o Cutlery Ritles, Shotguns, '.TV Orange, , Lemon, Citron and Valises, Trunks and Satchels Pistols '' I'Olt HOYS; Sowing .Machines JMixiid Peel Any number of beautiful things of Lap Cloths Steamer Rugs and Shawls Rird Cages and Receding Cull' Holloas IMimi outvalues (you know) from Harness Milil Minis I'liddiii", Kulisli and Underwear and Hosiery Cages. Stoves for Wood mid Coal Sviif FaMeum Anieriean rendv-to-we- (Hold llliiu Flume H Invert Men mid llnvs ar U'ntehiis .mil ICiilisli Alinee Ml el'), ileal. $2 to $10. Fancy Mantel Clonks, Clothing Continued on Seventh Pago. ' .unA, ..Aihiifcaiai i.JnAi, i&muuitiutdjtik,: K.-- .jL i..mLi. wuiliMtfatititt ill fl' . 4.
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