\ \ ADAM CLAYTON POWELL MUST STAND TRIAL .. Patronise Oar Adrertis- V ■ GOOD ■ I ■ I CONDUCT «ra — Their Advertising ■ A g^ B V MM A mM MM A M X M. WILL ALWAYS GAIN in this paper shows ■ B# B? MB Ml g B ■■ »# MB M* ^B T MM I YOU RESPECT. J dLJVoUll XlUYULdLC I '“s™1 ~ MISSISSIPPI, JULY 1958 VOLUME XVI—NUMBER 39 JACKSON, SATURDAY, 26, -PRICE TEN CENTS DARBY VOTING CASE GETS UNDERWAY HERE Crowd Packs Court Room As Hearing STATE BAPTIST EYE CONVENTION SESSION THIS WEEK Starts In Negro Vote Denial Case THIRTY WITNESSES TO BE HEARD GENERAL MISSIONARY BAPTIST The crowd packed the court room Norfolk School and left standing room only as FIRST hearings started here Tuesday STATE CONVENTION IN before a Board To Use morning three-judge Fed- eral Court, in the case charging SESSION SINCE HUME’S DEATH denial of Negroes right to vote in Assignment the state, brought by a Negro min- Leadership Faces Great Challenge ister, Rev. H. D. Darby, of Jeffer- Of son Davis County. Greenville, Miss., July 22—The Hume, taking the conservative po- Pupils The Bill of Complaint filed on eyes of Negro Baptist of Missis- sition. behalf of Rev. Darby, filed under towards this Resolution the federal civil sippi were turned The most important matter to Adopted rights law, seeks delta city this week where the Gen- to nullify as unconstitutional the come before the session, as seen by Despite Court Order eral Missionary Baptist State Con- recently enacted state voters quali- and is vention is holding its first session leading ministers laymen For Fall Integration fication law which its proponents in since the death of its widely known the election of the new President. the state legislature openly stated over Presi- — leader, Rev. H. H. Hume, who had While he has taken the Norfolk, Va. July 21 The was designed to limit the number since the death of Rev. Norfolk School Board served as President of the Conven- dency today adopt- of Negro voters in the state. Rev. West has made no ; ed a resolution a tion for more than ten years be- Hume, pub- setting up plan Rev. Darby was one among sev- lic announcement as to his candi- for of and eral fore his sudden death last year. assignment Negro hundred Negroes in Jefferson The death of Rev. Hume called dacy. There have however been white pupils to city schools. Davis County, already qualified to announcements Rev. H. S. The contains 10 “standards to the Presidency, Rev. C. L. West by Jones, plan vote, whose names were removed of and Rev. G. W. and criteria,” including health & from of Bolton, who will preside over Jackson, Spencer, the poll book during a purg- whom leaders of the considera- NATIONAL CHAIRMAN: Mrs. the convention, but also made it of Port Gibson, many safety children, ing of the voters records following Stutts of as a highly promising pros- tion of academic achievement, resi- Ruby Lyells, Jackson, the 1954 decisions in the necessary to elect a President dur- ragard integra- and moral fitness, Board Chairman, National Associa- ing this session. pect for the presidency. dence, physical tion cases, but who was subjected social emotional ad- tion of Colored Women’s Club, Leading Ministers and laymen The. chief project of the annual adaptability, to the newly enacted state law and justment and cultural background, j whose annual convention opens in denied see the sudden death of Rev. Hume convention is raising and allocat- the right to register in the A program of tests to be given | Detroit, Mich., next week. on as posing a great challenge to ing the money for the support of (Continued Page Seven) children who apply for transfer ; the leadership of the convention, Natchez College, the future of to a school attended by children ; which has been at times sharply which many see is at stake in the of the opposite race is required divided over the issue of integra- new challenge facing the leader- by the plan. House” For Teachers And tion and civil rights, with Rev. ship of the convention. “Open The resolution contains a state- (Continued on Page Three) MTA Friends To Follow MTA --n-... Southern Presbyterians Reject Move Executive Board Meeting VOTING CASE: Pictured above are the actors in the voting case of Rev. Negro Appointed PRINCIPALS IN principal All teachers and friends of the to visiting teachers who are en- Rescind a Federal Court here morning. are left to Integration Support H. D. Darby which opened before three-judge Tuesday They M ississippi Teachers Association rolled in the summer sessions at General Central Mississippi Presbyteri- asked last fall that the New York right, Mrs. Constance Baker Motley, lawyer, NAACP legal staff, R. Jesse Brown, lawyer, Vicksburg, are cordially invited to greet MTA Jackson State College and Touga- ans were told that the rescind its support of in- officers and MTA Thursday Assembly and Rev. H. I). Darby, the plantiff in the case. Executive Board loo Southern Christian College. Southern Presbytery General As- tegration, abolish its equalization T members at an “Open House”, Fri- The MTA officers and Executive a State sembly has rejected request to fund, and revise school literature. rooper day afternoon, July 25, 4:30—6:30, Board members, headed by Mr. rescind The 16.—Pewis W. its support of integration. Central Mississippi Presby- ALBANY, July according: to an announcement re- Wayne F. Calbert, supervising 1 Report of the Southern Presby- tery committee which attended the Mentis, a 28-year-old Negro Army Farmer Four-In-One Federal leased by Mrs. Gladys N. Bates, principal of the 33rd Avenue High 1 Negro Judge was the As- tery General Assembly made General Assembly reported veteran from the Mohawk Valley assistant executive executive sec- School at Gulfport, were elected in by a committee Thursday to the sembly rejected the requests. village of St. Johnsville in Mont- retary of the Association. the March convention of the Asso- the action With Funeral Held Refuses To quarterly meeting of the Presby- Reporting Assembly’s gomery County, has been assigned j Charged A special invitation is extended (Continued on Page Four) tery of Central Mississippi. were four ministers and four lay- to Troop A of the State Police. The Central Mississippi Presby- men, Rev. Erskine Jackson of The troop operates out of Batavia Murder In Land For Victims Of Quash Indictment tery meeting was held at Central Kosciusko, Rev. B. I. Anderson and in the western part of the state, j Church in Jackson. Dr. John Miller of and POLIO NAMES ASST. DIRECTOR Presbyterian Jackson, Trooper Mentis was appointed' In Tax Case on Auto Accident The Central Mississippi group (Continued Pape Four) in May. He is not the first Negro Lords Slaying to wear a State Police uniform, A Four-In-One the first Vaiden, Miss., July 22 (Special) Funeral, Charges Against OF INTERRACIAL ACTIVITIES but he is one of a few and the of its kind in local was Charges will be filed today aginst history, Grand Fails New York, N. Y., July lfi—Sam- first in some time. held here Tuesday afternoon at Jury uel B. RACE RELATIONS EXPERT NAMED a Negro tenant farmer who fatally Ethridge of Mobile, Ala. has Records do not indicate race or New Mt. Zion Baptist Church, for been stabbed a white man Sunday night, New York — Federal Judge Wil- appointed assistant director color, and officials said it was im- the victims in an automobile ac- of according to Dist. Atty. John E. liam B. Herlands Tuesday upheld interracial activities of the Na- Y. HOUSING AUTHORITY possible to state when cident that took place at Clarks- tional it was announc- BY N. accurately Aldridge of Winona. the validity of an income tax eva- Foundation, the last last Thurs- NEW YORK, July 19.—The City Negro had served on the Ray Herron, 45-year-old Negro dale, Mississippi, early sion indictment against Rep. Adam ed by Basil O’Connor, president of chosen a force. morning. the Housing Authority has tenant farmer, admitted to offi- day ! Clayton Powell Jr., (D-NY). organization supported by the A State Police were March of Dimes. special consultant on race rela- official said that cers that he killed Milton (Pete) The victims Stark Williams, Powell had sought to have i4 over the Mr. tions. He is Madison S. Jones, years appointments as Scott after the white man cursed Ora Mae Williams, Earlene Wil- ! thrown out on the grounds that Ethridge will assist in inter- who will assume the new, $15,000- troopers had been offered to a him, according to officers. liams, and Joe Anne Williams, of the grand jury had been steam- preting the program of the Na- number of were en- tional Foundation for a-year post on Sept. 1. Negroes who had passed Herron told officers that Scott Muskegon, Michigan who ! rollered by two outsiders, Thomas organized the He will serve national William Reid, chairman of the competitive examinations, but (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Seven) A. Bolan and William F. Buck- groups. headquarters and field staff as a authority, announced the appoint- frequently they declined, the of- ley Jr. ficial said, because a former assitant U. S. consultant on interracial activities, ment yesterday. For the last four usually they Bolan, j had found preferable of- attorney, presented much of the working closely with Charles H. years Mr. Jones has been a special positions, ten on the New York Police 4-H’ers To Attend evidence to the grand jury Bynum, director of interracial ac- housing assistant to the National City Top Camp; original force or with but from office during a tivities.
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