A Special Report from the Southern Poverty Law Center Montgomery, Alabama JULY 2010 Nativists, Environmentalism & the Hypocrisy of Hate GreenwashNativists, Environmentalism & the Hypocrisy of Hate A REPORT BY THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER By Heidi Beirich • Edited by Mark Potok MEDIA AND GENERAL INQUIRIES Mark Potok or Heidi Beirich Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Ave., Montgomery, Ala. (334) 956-8200 www.splcenter.org This report was prepared by the staff of the Intelligence Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC is supported entirely by private donations. No government funds are involved. © Southern Poverty Law Center. All rights reserved. SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER Table of Contents Executive Summary 4 The Hypocrisy of Hate: Nativists and Environmentalism 6 An Early Battle: Defending the Sierra Club 11 The Foundations: Funding the Greenwashers 12 The Greening of Hate: An Environmentalist’s Essay 13 Nativists and Environmentalists: A Timeline 16 Appendix: Key Groups and Individuals 24 About the Southern Poverty Law Center 27 3 SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER Executive Summary By Mark Potok, Editor A quarter of a century ago, John Tanton, a white nationalist who would go on to almost single-handedly construct the contemporary, hard-line anti-immigration movement, wrote about his secret desire to bring the Sierra Club, the nation’s largest environmental organization, into the nativist fold. He spelled out his motive clearly: Using an organi- zation perceived by the public as part of the liberal left would insulate nativists from charges of racism — charges that, given the explicitly pro-“European-American” advo- cacy of Tanton and many of his allies over the years, would likely otherwise stick. In the ensuing decades, nativist forces followed Tanton’s are organized into an anti-immigration caucus whose script, making several attempts to win over the Sierra members have even worse environmental voting records Club and its hundreds of thousands of members. That than the beneficiaries of Mary Lou Tanton’s PAC. John effort culminated in 2004, when nativists mounted a seri- Tanton’s U.S. Inc. (USI), a foundation set up to fund nativ- ous effort to take over the Sierra Club’s board of directors, ist groups, spent about $150,000 on a highly conservative an attempt that was beaten back only after a strenuous fundraising agency whose client list includes several campaign by Sierra Club members and groups includ- major anti-environmental organizations. ing the Southern Poverty Law Center. The attempt was This new wave of greenwashing attempts, in par- a classic case of “greenwashing” — a cynical effort by ticular the formation of Progressives for Immigration nativist activists to seduce environmentalists to join their Reform as a purported group of “liberals,” is only the cause for purely strategic reasons. latest attempt by nativist forces to appear as some- Now, the greenwashers are back. In the last few years, thing they are not. The white-dominated Federation right-wing groups have paid to run expensive adver- for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the most tisements in liberal publications that explicitly call on important of the groups founded by Tanton, has been environmentalists and other “progressives” to join their behind the creation of three other front groups that sup- anti-immigration cause. They’ve created an organiza- posedly represented African Americans (Choose Black tion called Progressives for Immigration Reform that America), Latino Americans (You Don’t Speak for Me! ) purports to represent liberals who believe immigra- and labor (Coalition for the Future American Worker). tion must be radically curtailed in order to preserve In fact, FAIR had its own white spokesman double as the American environment. They’ve constructed web- a press representative for the first two organizations. sites accusing immigrants of being responsible for urban Another group unrelated to FAIR, Vietnamese for Fair sprawl, traffic congestion, overconsumption and a host Immigration, turned out to be led by a white man who of other environmental evils. Time and again, they have used a fake Vietnamese surname and whose only connec- suggested that immigration is the most important issue tion to that country was that he liked the food. for conservationists. The arguments being made by the nativists today — in The hypocrisy of these come-ons can be astounding. a nutshell, that immigration drives population increase The group headed by Roy Beck, one of the key activists and that a growing population is the main driver of envi- leading the efforts, has given close to half a million dol- ronmental degradation — have in the last 15 years been lars to a far-right news service that has described global rejected by the mainstream of the environmental move- warming as a hoax. Tanton’s wife, who works hand in ment as far too simplistic. The allegation that immigrants glove with her husband, runs an anti-immigration polit- are responsible for urban sprawl, for example, ignores the ical action committee (PAC) that funds candidates with fact that most immigrants live in dense, urban neighbor- abysmal environmental voting records. The congressional hoods and do not contribute significantly to suburban allies of John Tanton, Beck and the other greenwashers or exurban sprawl. In a similar way, most conservation- 4 SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER ists have come to believe that many of the world’s most Environmentalists need to be aware of so-called “pro- intractable environmental problems, including global gressives for immigration reform” and their true motives. warming, can only be solved by dealing with them on a These individuals and organizations do not see protecting worldwide, not a nation-by-nation, basis. the environment as their primary goal — on the con- The greenwashers are wolves in sheep’s clothing, trary, the nativists are first and foremost about radically right-wing nativists who are doing their best to seduce restricting immigration. Environmentalists should not the mainstream environmental movement in a bid for fall for their rhetoric. legitimacy and more followers. John Tanton, the man who originally devised the strategy, is in fact far more concerned with the impact of Latino and other non-white immigration on a “European-American” culture than on conservation. Most of the greenwashers are men and women of the far right, hardly “progressives.” 5 SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER The Hypocrisy of Hate Nativists and Environmentalism By HEidi BEiricH In January 2010, national leaders in ecology, sustainable business, and the larger environmental movement gathered in Washington to grapple with the prob- lem of building “The New Green Economy.” Hosted by the government-funded National Council for Science and the Environment, the event was a prestigious one. But one of the invited speakers was hardly an Immigration Reform (PFIR). They’ve built a series of environmentalist. websites aimed at “progressive” environmentalists — and Roy Beck, who participated in a panel enti- many of those sites are run by people who are also prin- tled “Perverse Incentives, Subsidies, and Tax Code cipals of right-wing nativist groups. Impediments to a Sustainable Economy,” is the head Time and again, the hypocrisy of their claims comes of NumbersUSA, an anti-immigration group that was to the surface. PFIR was originally registered by a largely responsible for sinking a comprehensive immi- Republican activist who was also involved in efforts to gration reform bill in 2007. Beck has spent nearly 20 denounce overly liberal professors — hardly a “progres- years relentlessly attacking American immigration pol- sive” position. Its leader is a former attorney for one of icies, even editing tracts like The Immigration Invasion, the country’s leading nativist organizations and agreed a book so raw in its nativism that Canadian authorities to be interviewed for a cover story in a far-right nativist banned it as hate literature. More to the point, perhaps, journal. A nativist political action committee controlled purported environmentalist Beck’s group not long ago by Mary Lou Tanton, who is married to the primary paid nearly half a million dollars to a far-right news ser- architect of the strategy of appealing to environmental- vice— an outfit that has described global warming as a ists, has given money to an array of politicians whose “religion” that is “impervious to evidence” and has pil- environmental voting records are miserable. loried conservationists as “anti-mankind.” “The nativist movement is clearly attempting to split So what was Beck doing talking about “greening the the environmental movement in order to advance its own tax code”? white nationalist agenda,” said the Rev. David Ostendorf, Roy Beck is part of a sweeping, renewed attempt by who heads the Center for New Community, a Chicago- immigration restrictionists in America to convince envi- based interfaith group dedicated to “building community, ronmentalists that they, too, must oppose immigration justice and equality.” “The greening of hate is not about if they are to save the environment from the ravages the environment, conservation or population. It is about of a growing population. Because such efforts typi- preserving the dominance of European Americans.” cally have been organized by anti-immigration activists whose leading concern is not the environment — men Early Efforts and women who attempt to recruit conservationists Nativists have been working since the late 1960s to enlist and other “progressives” to their cause, sometimes even environmentalists as allies in their struggle to drastically while simultaneously working with nakedly anti-envi- limit or end immigration (see timeline, p. 16). And, in fact, ronmental forces — this strategy has come to be known a great many early environmental leaders, including the as “greenwashing.” powerhouse Sierra Club, did endorse the argument that In the last few years, key nativist groups have population had to be stabilized and that immigration had increasingly been taking up this strategy. They have to be reduced.
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