JUBILEE NUMBER £oretto. ~ucalypfus ~lossoms. - 1 fore/!() Co1JJ1e1JI Mal)''s Mount. Ba/Iara!. December .J913 • • - • .. tJ!tr · • JUBlLEE NUMBER ~oreffo ~-:> c~ ~µcal!2pfus "";:) ~Iossoms. c'1ib---- Loreto Con\len t, December, 1913 . Marv 's Mount, BallaraL HALLARAT :- /OHN FRASER, PRINTER, ALEERT ST. r.:1 Table of Con ten ts. s z ""7 • PAGE A Mother's Letter to Her Children 5 Editorial 7 A Mosaic of Jubilee Wishes 9 Chris Kevin (a Tale of 1839) 11 Patriotic Mosaic of Heroes aml Heroines 14 Make Sure of Prayer 16 Cootamundra 17 Along the Goldfields' Line 18 School Chronicle, Loretto Abbey , Mary's :\Iount (Part I.) 20 A Letter from Calcutta 22 Answer to the Letter from Calcutta 23 A Van Dyck Evening 24 A Welcome Home to His Lordship :\lost Rev. Dr. Shiel 25 Literary Evenings of 1913 28 A Geographical Expedition 31 School Chronicle 32 Foreign Notes and Correspondence 40 A Welcome t'J His Grace the Coadjutor .\rchbishop 43 School Diary 44 School Chronicle, Loretto .\ bbey, Mary's Mount (Part 11.) 45 Nlemories 47 Convents of the I.B.V.:\L in Australia 55 In Memoriam 56 Results of Public Examinations 57 List of .\dvertisers 61 OUR I LLUSTRA TIO NS For our Illustrations we are indebted to the .kindness of the following Friends a nd Pupils, whom we thank most gratefully : 1. His Lordship Most Rev. Joseph Shiel, D.D . The Community, Loretto Abbey. 2. The Grotto of Lourdes. Maggie Hogan (Mrs. Murphy) 3. In the Recreation Grounds-Archery. Annie Hogan. 4. In the Recreation Ground-The States. May Riley. 5. On the Broad Walk. Kathleen Dixon. 6. St. Cecilia's Hall, Loretto Abbey. The Misses Thompson. 7. St. Cecilia's Hall (looking towards Stage and Orchestra. Mr. Fraser 8. Piano Back Screen (Art Work). Annie Hogan. 9. Groups in Gronnds. Community Loretto Convent, Dawson St. 10. Two Groups. Central Catholic Training College. The Community 11. Loretto Convent, Albert Park . The Comnmnity. 1.2. Loretto Convent, Hamilton, Victoria. The Community. 13. Three Views from Loretto Convent, Nonnanhurst, Sydney. The Community. 14. Four Views from L oretto Convent, Kirribilli Point, Sydney. The Community. 15. Our Indian Girls. Loretto H ouse, Calcuaa. \\"e also thank :\Ir. :\!arks, who gives each year a valuable prize, for a handsorne Gold :\Ietlal, his gift for 1913. II ~A Mo\her's Letter to Her Children,~ s.s. " :\Iooltan," near Aden, rst December, 191 3. My Dearest Children,- .~ o~d call s them to Himself, and they hear HE\', manv ,-ears ago, I promised \\ell done, good and faithful serrnnt ,1· ou a n -a1inual letter fo r the en t:"r in to the joy ot the Lord!" ' w"Euca lyptus Blossoms" so lon g 1 he \1· ord welcome reminds me dear as I \Y as able to write one, I thought I c!1 ildren_, of the welcome that I a1;d the should, long ere this, be where letters :\uns \nth me, missed bv not beina able are nei ther \Hit ten nor recei,·ed. Yet to reach Ballarat in time -to ce l e bra t~ with here I am writing to >· ou , of all places in you the Feast of Our Lady of Loretto the world, from the Red Sea near deso­ \Ve did our best to secure berths for o u~ la te-lookin g Aden- \\·here, because the ra ther large party; but, although we ap­ trees \\·ere cu t down and none planted in plied as early as July, ,,-e could not suc­ rneir place, the \Yant of rain is so felt ceed un til we at last got placed in the tha t ,,·ere it not fo r some ancient reser­ s ._ s . " \Iool ta n "-a splendid boat. It is a voirs, or tanks-still in good presen a t10n dr sappomtment to ha\·e to arri,·e so late -the inhabitants would be badly off for almost Christmas Eve when vou will all tresh water. These reservoirs ar-e called be a:vay for the h o lid~ ys. It-was a dis­ "Solomon's Pools," although what Solo­ app01ntment, too, not to be able to stay mon had to do with them is not quite for some time at our dear Convents en clear! One thing is certain: Aden is a route; but truly life is full of disappoint- warning to Australians to preserve their 21ents, as you will find when you a-row forest trees. This is my eighth visit to 1lder- and the right thing to do f;, to Aden, and e1·e rv time it has been a new neet them bravely, and to accustom your­ wonder to me ·h ow people could choose sel1·es from your earlv years not to a ive to li1 e in su\h a place for the sake of way to brooding o,-ef' "what might have getting a little more money, rather than ~een "-or to useless regrets that can 111 some of the beautiful countries of 111 no wise mend matters-but in the Europe, \\"ith less of this world's goods. spirit of Faith, and Hope, and Lo~e strive What a mount of mere money could repaY to ha\·e tha t child-like trust in God ' years of life spent there! - ' " That hears a Father's •·oice in all, T here is one thing in Aden, thouvh, Directing for the best." thaL merits our a dmiration; it is the heroism of those who, for God's dear and pray sake, sacrifi ce home and country, with " For the peace of a perfect trust, all their beautiful surroundings, in order T hat look s a\1·av from all to teach these poor children of the East That sees I-I.is Han.cl in every'thing, to know God and all that He has done for In great events and small. " their immortal souls-and to gi\·e them Your prayers, dea r children, and those the blessed hope of the beautiful home of so many good and holy people offered He has prepared for them in the fair fnr us tra\·ell ers, ha,-e been graciously land of Hea,·en, if they lead pure and heard, and our voyage has so far been holv lives in this world. wonderfully good. We have met with The only recompense these heroic men nothing but kindness on sea and land and and women look forward to is the g-lad if we could have accepted all the i~vita­ welcome they will receive when ou r Divine t1ons from Convents in the Old Land to EUCALYPTUS BLOSSOl\IS. go a nd spend a little time in each the dren, esp~cia ll y if they are poor and very New Year would be far ad\·anced b~fo r e youTJg. God grants their petitions very we a rrived home. Here let me mention quickly, I believe. tbe kindness of E\·a and Bessie Gilchrist And now, dear children, a lthough I ~ J old .\fary's Mount pupils, now in London'. have already th a nked you for all your ---=-:< '•ax::--::--- They met us on our arri\·a! in June and prayers, cards, and spiritual bouquets, I KV! EDITORIAL. /\S:X as_ one of our I;:uns remarked- " did ~ ve ry~ wish to do so a gain, fo r your remem­ thmg for us -takmg us uo our kind brances of your old absent ..\Iother hostesses, the :\azareth Nu ns a nd look- touched my heart, and in my thanks I 111~ after busin ess matters for' us. They in clude not only my children in Victoria, HE "Blossoms" of 19q, m­ kindnesses. Mo ther Provincial insisted were to the fo re also wh en we \·isited but equally you, my children, in New stead of makin g its ap­ 0 1'. gi\·in g "a party " to her young enter­ London on our wav back to Australia South Wales, in West a nd South Aus­ pearance amid the " tintin­ tainers. O nl oo k ers - ~uns and Yisitors­ taking several of ·our party of yo ung tralia, in Queensland, Tasm ania , and New abula tion" of jubilee bell s, were delighted with the scene in the Con­ people to s_ee the s ights of London, and Zea land. I had hopes of being able to does so now, with an \·ent gardens , when the terrace slopes accompanyrng us from and to the boat. thank you in person on a rrivin g in Aus­ apobgy for its late a rrirnl. were co\·e red with tiers of bright-faced Julia Yo ung, Naomi Bell a nd Emil\' tralia ; that cannot be now for some time \lanv and \·anous are the children. The little ones on the last row, Freema n \\" ere also \\·i th us \\"hi le Lena as, before we meet, Christmas will h av~ reaslm s \Yhi ch could be a l­ seated on the soft green Irish g rass ma de Donnell y ( \Irs . Coghlan), he;self too ill to come a nd gone, and a new year will leged fo r tile delay, but we a p icture of happy, expecta nt childhood, come, sent her little son to see us and ha\·e begun. I sha ll in the meantime pray shall not occupy \·a]u able a nd t he_1· fully appreciated the da inties , ..\Ii ss Susan Garnn-Duffr e\·er faithful most earnestly tha t the Divine Babe of space with a li st of ex­ which were ma ny a nd \·arious.
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