r p- j Partly cloudy tonight LAST Wednesday iil t EDITION and i u t rl NUMBER 4779 WASHINGTON TUESDAY EYEING JULY 16 1907 PRICE ONE CENT WEIGHT FRAUDS KILLS ELF Dozen of Battleship jeorgia s Wounded IN ICE TRADE AFTER READING Are Hovering Between Life and Death TO BE HALTED HERTESTAMENT I UNITED STATES BATTLESHIP GEORGIA I x List of Dead Now Num- ¬ Official Mystified by His Miss Nellie Castle Turns bers Eight With Own High Bill Intends on Gas in Aunts More Likely Investigating House Deeds of Hero ¬ When the matter of short weight in So that ye come behind in no sift Many ice alleged to be practiced by the waiting for the coming of our Lord wagonmon oC the large and small ice Jsus Christ ism Shown By Vic¬ companies on the public was called to Who shall also confirm you unto the the attention of ono of the high officials end that we may bo blameless in the of the District government ho looked day of our Lord Jesus Christ tims of Explosion puzzled as he pulled ° hls chock book With a small testament opened to from his desk Corinthians I on her dresser and the above verses carefully marked Mies He carefully scanned the stubs and Nellie after studying one he had picked out Castle twentytwo years of age was found dead early this morning in a he looked up and said room on Awful Scene in the Look here Last week paid a bill the second Poor of a house at I 415 Second street norihwcst where she for a supply of two months lee at m y lived with her aunt home furnished by one of the largos Turret Described by ice companies in the city and here is Gas Flowing From Jet what I paid Look at it 8060 cents Gas was flowing from a Jet directly Midshipman When I paid this bill I thought the over the young womans head and both amount too much and said so to my windows had been ckad and th door wife She said that we had used only locked Deputy Coroner Giazebreok r the usual amount of ice consumed by a save a certificate of death by suicide small family and that she could not un- ¬ Mias Castle was found by her aunt derstand why the bill was so large Mrs Fulmer shortly before 7 oclock Had Ordinary Refrigerator lying on the bed fully dressed After THE DEAD cutting off the flow of gas sire Fulmer Asked what amount of ice he received telephoned for Dr Louis J Battle wife LIEUTENANT GOODRICH dally he could not say but said that pronounced life extinct t his refrigerator was the ordinary family Miss Castle came to Washington about New York size and could not possibly hold over four years ago from Fort Wayne Ind 3IIDSHIP3IAX GOLDTHWAI- She had been In one of the sixty or seventy pounds It was pointed large department stores since coming THopkinsrille Ky out to him that if his ice box had a to cU Her aunt and other rola WILLIAM BURKE seaman capacity of HH pounds and that amount fives said they could attribute no motive J t was supplied daily the bill for two for her rash act Quincy Mass months of thirty days each would have Love Affair Denied lYILLLDI 3L THOMAS sea¬ been only MOO She never went out at night and I man Newport R It He said it was Imp eable to get 100 am positive was pounds or there no love affair GEORGE MILLER ordinary ke in the ice compartment said Mrs Fulmer My niece was a ot hi refrigerator He expressed his member of the seaman Memphis Tenn purpose First Presbyterian to look into the matter He was Church and took an active Interest in lYILLLOC 3L THATCHEB convinced that he had boon systemat- ¬ all matters connected with the church chief turret captain Wilmington- ically robbed by short weight She seemed happy when she went to Del Ice by the Pound bed last night and had never mentioned t GEORGE G HAMILTON or-¬ tons been suggested that she intended killing herself I It in the office of On the of weights a table in the room was a stamped i dinary seaman South Framing- Mlr and measures that addressed to Mr Earl Rico this annoyance in short weight of lee Adamstown Frederick Md ham Mass can be avoided It purchasers will ask Mrs Fulmer explained that Rice was THLLLOT F PAIR seaman for their lee by pound a young man whom Miss Castle met the and not as summer last Brooklyn N Y so many cents worth Instance I l- For the No arrangements have been made for retail price of ice of all the companies the DIAGR Ml iLoE AETER TCJKRET OF TNT CEORG3R is cents a hundred If you want 5 + US cents worth of ice tell the wagonman KS WEE Ot Gl WAS tGtt l that you want twelve and a halt pounds 1 of you want 10 cents ask n EIGHT for tw pounds if you want 15 a f List of Wounded cent wo Jl klrty seven and g half JS cents worth ask for fifty pounds And the InjuriesT- Sealer HaakeHj Opinion- STILL CENTERS IN In his roport of the complaint flu ed with the Commissioners of the short he list of injured from the weight in ice Sealer of Weights and SAN FRANCISCO explosion on the b t tJaship Geor- i Measures Haskell says today gia together with the condition The matter of tho Inspection of the of each as to Navy sale of ice has received the attention furnished the of this office dally in connection with Department is as foHows- the regular work and frequently has Mictehipoum Cruz hand and been given special attention and the NB YORK July J aan Francisco close supervision has resulted in notice- still remains the crucial point in the face serious ably Improved conditions struggle between thotelegraph operators John Aruthur Bush seaman and If a dealer is selling ice at n cer-¬ their employers The local union face arms and chest fatal tain price per ono hundred pounds In ¬ was still holding itself today ready to- tended purchasers can ask for say go out at a moments notice and the John Allan Pone seaman twenty thirty or and if a j leaders wore only waiting the word from less amount is delivered seller the Western city to call out all their arms back neck and face prob ¬ would bo liable under tho present law men from the New York offices of the Western Union and possibly tho Postal ably fatal Possibility of Prosecution company also The strike will be delay ¬ e James Patrick Thomas ordi- ¬ If a person inquires the price of ice until it Is absolutely sure that af per 100 fairs in cannot be settled nary seaman face arms chest pounds and the seller names the without trouble but it was said today price of say 40 or 6d cents per 100 and that just as soon as the operators fool and back serious tho customer asks for M or 35 cents that there Is no hope of peace they John Malek ordinary seaman I worth and does not receive fifty pounds will coil the men out the follow The strike order Is expected to come face arms and back serious would be liable to prosecu ¬ Chicago in over one wires of the C Where Powder Bag Exploded in tionIf the comma able to William Francis Pair seaman a person asks for a 5 or 10 cent use and the moment it a signal Gunners Hand piece of Ice the dealer can give any will be given to each chapel of or whole body burned fatal amount he and men will Im BWhere Powder Was Lifted From I desires if the price per 100 walk out Everything down Edward Joesh Walsh seaman pounds is not given to Hoist the smallest been ar face cbestr I In the instance cited the complain ¬ I arms and shoulders ants should ranged and the local organization only have received v n needs word from the West to start the AjHoist on Which Powder Was serious and onehalf pounds of Ice strike wheals in motion driver was to and the Lifted From Magazine to Turret Ing prosecution for sell Word will surely come It was said Frank Schlapp boatswains short weight The office will bring this unless the union and the action J the name ° companies got XShows Where Fragments Were mate back chest arms face delivered t the driver who in San Fran and the ice is furnished The lo ¬ cIsco toda Commissioner Neill Is Blown Into Lower Turret cality mentioned will be given special working hard to get the opposing parties serious some sort an agreement but the Louis Muse ordinary J companies refuse to consider the unions seaman GINGER ALE demands and the operators are not sat ¬ arms face and chest serious t EXPLODES isfied with the concessions which the companies have agreed to make INQUIRY Orly Tagland chief yeoman YOUTHS ARMS CUT BEGUN arms face and back serious B the of a bottle of singer Samuel Louis Rosenberger or¬ D shortly before noon today TaYlor FOUR OF INJURED I seventeen years old em dinary seaman arms face and ployed at the Metropolitan Hotel was INTO THE CAUSE back serious painfully cut on both arms mid rlsts was taken to the Emergency ¬ pita 1 Hos HAVE SMALL Harold Lean Gilbert seaman HOPE twothirds body burned serious THE WEATHER REPORT OFEXPLOSION 1 II rX Charles Levi Rich ordinary seaman right hand and both There have been local I all showers over OF RECOVERING sides of face favorable districts east of the moun ¬ Diagrams Showing Cross Section Views of the Big Turrets on the IT S S tains except in New England and the Gulf States West of the Georgia Charles Hansel gunners mate mountains ¬ I and How the Disastrous Explosion Took Place weather was fair in ¬ ton Washing Alarming Record of Dis forehead and left arm favorable Temperature changes were small Commandant The Snow of the or weather will be partly cloudy to ¬ Boston night ana Wednesday navy yard wires the Navy Department asters on American said that nothing definite has been heard naval officers here possible in the and as to cause on about the South showers probable In the condition of the Georgia injured the of the the cause of the disaster is as much In the 9 a Georgia Some officers poohpooh r BOSTON the South Atlantic States It will 1 e a m as follows naval
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