'I•• . .. .. by OAARELL .... PEHR . guidelines. He said a meeting would two elevators and complimentary withdraw the application and submit News stEin Writer . take place to discuss wbeth~raheight breakfasts and afternoon drinks for a reworked application. variance would be rec()mmended for guests. Sbaw said the hotel would be In other business, the commission: Discussion of a hotel project plann­ the project. serviced,J>ya fire protection sprinkler -Approved a seven-foot, two-inch ed fQr midtown Ruidoso highlighted Also discussed was traffic conges­ system. front lot line variance for· a lot in . the Monday meeting of the Ruidoso tion that might be caused in the area. Commission members voiced en- Ponderosa Heights, as requested by . Planning and ZOning Commission. Commission members indicated they thusiasm for the project. Jerry PusJey. Pusley reported that a 1 A 125-room American Guesthouse would take a close look as the project "I think it would be a model for mobile home was placed on the lot in ubed and breakfast" type hotel is in progresses at the potential impact oC future development in Ruidoso," 1977. When plans for an addition to the .. -. the preliminary planning stages, pro­ the hotel on the intersection of Sud­ commented member Bill Carrigan. home were prepared, i.t was ject engineer John Shaw reported. derth Drive and Country Club Drive. Also during the meeting, commis- discovered that the encroachment by Shaw'indicated the project is planned Planning and Zoning enforcement sion members accepted the the mobile home existed. The ;t; for tracts B, C and D, block 13, of the officer Paul Davis said village and withdrawal of a sign application by variance passed unanimously. ..... amended plat of the Riverside Addi­ State Highway Department plans to Ron J\nderson an~ Dan Wimberly for _ Voted to request that the Ruidoso tion subdivision. locate a stoplight just a block west of the WIld West SkI Shop. Village Council pursue efforts to for- The property is directly across Sud­ the project may be affe¢ted by place­ derffi Drive from the Gazebo Shopp­ ment of the hotel. Enforcement officer Davis earlier- mulate a new zoning classification for ing Center. bad denied the sign application for the parks and recreational' use land, ,Shaw said the project was being John Shawsaid a concern ofhis was shop on the grounds that it called for public or private. The request came to save as many of the "landmark" too much signage. The two as a result of committee reports on presented to gather commissioners' pine trees on the site as possible. He businessmen then appealed. the denial zoning recommendations for the Cree feelings on placement of the hotel on said severa] hundred of the large the site. Shaw noted that a height to the commission. Meadows Country Club golf course trees are on the site. Most are 65 to 80 the planned 45-100t According to Anderson, another and the airport pr?perty. variance for tall feet tall. hotel may be requested. It was learn­ sign r-ecently was erected on the site -Directed. DaVIS to. g.ather. feed­ ed at the meeting that village regula­ Shaw said to allow the hotel to rise in the belief that the business still was ~a~k from Vll!age .adml!U~tra~lOn of­ tions presently limit buildings to a 45 feet-four stories tall-would save below the maximum signage flClats, regarding tll~e bml~tJons on maximum height of 35 feet. many more trees than to spread the allowable. Davis disagreed, setting Planmng and Zonmg project ap­ Commission member Don Shaw hotel out with three floors, He said the maximum allowable at 66.88 provals. suggested that the height limitation plans show the hotel to be surrounded square feet. The new sign, the third at -Designated member Karon Petty may be tied to fire protection on three sides by the tall trees. the business, covers 125 square feet as vice secretary of the group. guidelines, and so would not be flexi­ The engineer said the developers of itself. -Heard Davis report that planning ble. Other commissioners questioned the hotel are well aware of the mid­ Anderson volunteered to cut off the firm BRW wouJd bring recommenda­ whether the recent acquisition of a town parking problem, and are plann­ border of the offending sign and com- tions for a comprehensive plan for the ladder truck by the Ruidoso Fire ing about 130 parking sites for the pro­ mission members agreed to figure in village sometime in March. Department might enable some ject. Other features of the hotel in­ a length of visible roof area in the sign -Directed Davis to begin an ad­ leeway in the restriction. clude an enclosed atrium aroUnd determination calculations. It then ministrative review of the commer­ Contacted Tuesday, Ruidoso Fire which hotel rooms will front. A swim­ was estimated that the three signs cial areas along Sudderth Drive Chief Virgil Reynolds confirmed that ming pool is planned in the atrium. could conform to the sign ordillflnce. beginning at the east end of the Put Up your dukes! the regulation is tied to fire protection The hotel also will feature a sauna, The two businessmen agreed to village. Coral Morel, who Is helpjng organize the AfI­ American Pro Ski Classio. models the wool socks that were sent to members of more than 70 major news media to promote the race. Media people receIved one sock, and were Invited to pick up their Mid Winter Madness to start Saturday other sock when they arrive to cover the event. Those who decline tooome were told their one sock by GARY BROWN paying the $25. and report to parade marshal Jerry DeOssie and Cornwell will be at the would make a nice. hand puppet. News Staff Wrtter Competition events will include Perry. Special Olympics competition in cross-country skiing, (equipment will The Mid-Winter Madness Mas- Cloudcroft next Monday and Tues­ Saturday's Mid-Winter Fun Com- be provided>, snowball throwing, querade Ball will be a t The Carrizo day. petition will be at Oak Grove cam- snowshow racing, snow shovel sled- Lodge, starting at 7 p.m. A fee of $5 j'he rest of the players will arrive in ~rea rt 'T pgro~ .instead of Cedar Creek ding, snowman making and dog 8100- will be,c;Qa:.ged at the d.oor for singles. town Thursday. January 31. Three of "ame ~ ~ Rt:eA!a~....,..,. ~"""plt I.~ tJ,tng-.'(team-m~bertJ.will~ledJth Ski . (;LL. -.....La. _.t..I.~. ateci",_ "P, ,. fJOupletfWiB-be"dltl!'~"~~9¥-tb.e-pJ;aj eJ"""~-aHTiple- Crown uTberet8 "1Ws1 more snow there~f ';A bonfire ~d hat ~riks win be An entry fee of $5 per person will be Condos, two will stay at Shadow Wendell Chino, president of the Lincoln National Forest land that eon- said Pat Bteedlove, president of avaUable to help people keep warm. charged for competition in the Mountain Lodge and two wiJl be at Mescalero Apache Tribe, confirmed tains most of the ski area. Spirit of Ruidoso, which ls sponsoring The White Mountain search and amateur ski races next Tuesday. Carrizo Lodge. Tuesday that the name of Sierra BJan- Chino said the name change will the event. "It's just a bigger, better Rescue team will be there with first- Teams can enter for $20. Each team There will be a reception for the ca Ski Resort will be changed to "Ski become effective at some future date. area all around." aid equipment. must consist of three men and one players at 6 p.m. Friday, February 1. Apache." A spokesman for the tribe said the The competition originally was Bus service to the Oak Grove women. at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Con- Chino said the decision on the name change would be phased in gradually scheduled for Cedar Creek. It will be festivities will be provided from the Competition will start at 11 a.m. ference Center. There is a $35 admis­ change was by unanimous vote of the over the next year or so. a kickoff for Ruidoso's Mld-Winter Saleway store on Highway n. The bus The youth awards will be presented at sian per couple. PeopJe who pay the Mescalero Tribal Council. The pr-esi- Reason given for the change was Madness Festival and the All- will depart for the campground at Jerry Dale's Bowling Center at 4:30 $35 become sponsors of the Cowboys dent had proposed the name change the desire for a closer identification of American Pro Sid CJassic. 9:45 a.m_ and return at 2 p.m. There p.m, The adult awards will be given and get admission to the reception in 8 January 11 speech during the in- the ski area with the Mescalero Besides the winter fun competition. will be a $2 round-trip fee. out at 6: 30 p.m. at Kelley's Saloon. plus wine and hors d'oeuvres. auguration of incoming Tribal Coun- Apache Tribe. Spirit of Ruidoso is sponsoring Satur- The Mid-Winter Madness Parade All proceeds from the amateur Spirit of Ruidoso has 100 sponsors cil members. Chino was unsure of the exact wor- day's MBdness Parade and Mid- will begin at 4:3() p.m. at the Pioneer races will go to the Sierra Blanca but needs 120 more. People can spon­ Sierra Blanca Ski Resort is owned ding of the new name. He said he Winter Madness Masquerade Ball. Savings and Loan office an Sudderth Handicapped Skiers Association. sor the Cowboys and a team at the and operated by the tribe on Lincoln would be meeting with ski area Tuesday's adult and youth amateur Drive.
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