Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49633-9 — Judicial Selection in the States Herbert M. Kritzer Index More Information Index abortion decisions proposed constitution Kansas, 331, 334, 350 1970, 64–65 Oklahoma, 340 1980, 65–66 accountability. See judicial accountability Senate confirmation, proposal for, 67 Adamany, David, 29 Supreme Court, 62 African-Americans Armijo, Roberto, 186 concern about nonpartisan elections Arnall, Ellis, 129 (Mississippi), 155, 158, 163–164 Arrowood, John, 52 impact of selection system on number of African Askew, Reubin, 247–248 American judges, 355 Aspin, Larry T., 202 lawsuit as catalyst for change (North Carolina), 42 Australian ballot, 16, 59 opposition to Missouri Plan (North Carolina), 42 Ayres, Ian, 16 Alabama, 6, 11, 225, 354, 363 Alaska, 22, 358 Bailey, John, 205 Alexander, Lamar, 110 Baldwin, Ernest, 171 Alfini, James J., 147, 150 Bannon, Alicia, 355 Alozie, Nicholas O., 22 Barber, Frank, 147 American Judicature Society, 6, 20, 260, 354 Barber, Kathleen L., 29, 276–277 American Legislative Exchange Council, 339 Barbour, Haley, 150 American Tort Reform Association, 85, 157 Barkdull, Howard L., 279 Andersen, Seth S., 23, 318 Barnes, Jeb, 9 Anglin, Chris, 54 Barnett, James Arden, 146 antiabortion groups Barnett, Thomas, 262 Kansas, 332 Barron, William, 78 opposition to Missouri Plan Barth, Jay, 58–63, 71–72 Minnesota, 292–293 Batjer, Christina, 181 Pennsylvania, 299–300, 302, 304 Baum, Lawrence, 10–11, 13, 277–278 support for replacing Missouri Plan Baxter, J. R., 59 Kansas, 329 Beasley, David, 229 Arizona, 12, 17, 22, 354–355, 357 Becker, Daniel, 155–156 Arkansas, 4–5, 12, 19, 25, 58–74, 352 Behm, Margaret, 103, 110–114, 117 court modernization, 61 Benjamin, Brent, 79, 85–87, 89 filing fees, 61, 63, 68–70, 74 Bergerson, Peter J., 350 litigation, 63 Berggren, D. Jason, 256 Missouri Plan, proposals for, 64, 66–70 Berkson, Larry C., 15, 20–21, 128 nonpartisan elections, adoption of, 65–68, 70 Bevilacqua, Joseph, 217–218, 220 371 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49633-9 — Judicial Selection in the States Herbert M. Kritzer Index More Information 372 Index Billings, Rhoda, 35 Carlson, Arne, 288 Binder, Sarah A., 8 Carroll, John J., 66 Birk, Douglas D., 288 Carruthers, Gary, 197 Bitzer, J. Michael, 34–35 Carter, Jimmy (James Earl), 129, 137 Blair, Diane D., 58–62 Case, David W., 142, 150, 153–154 Blankenship, Don, 85–87, 89, 93 Casey, Robert, 299 Blass, Joel, 152 Castille, Ronald D., 302 Blatz, Kathleen, 288 Caulfield, Rachel Paine, 355 Bodenhamer, David J., 20 Celebrezze, Frank, 278–279, 281 Bonica, Adam, 121, 360–361 Celebrezze, James, 278 Bonneau, Chris W., 72, 121, 202, 302, 359 Chamber of Commerce, 85 Bowers, Michael A., 268 Florida, 245, 253 Bowles, Jesse G., 138 Ohio, 281 Bradley, Tom, 363 Tennessee, 122 Branam, Chris M., 59 United States, 160, 339, 364 Brand, George E., 276 West Virginia, 85 Brannon, Anthony, 39 Champagne, Anthony, 35, 296, 305–310, 363 Bredesen, Phil, 114–115 Chandler, David, 161 Brennan Center for Justice, 162, 364 Cheek, Kyle, 305–308, 310 Brennan, W. John, 191 Chiles, Lawton, 252 Brent, Benjamin, 92 Chilton, Adam S., 121, 360 Breslin, Darren M., 297–298 Chon, Su, 178, 180 Brey, Diane, 359 Clements, Bill, 308 Brisbin, Richard A., Jr., 76–77, 79, 84 Clinton, Bill (William Jefferson), 60, 360 Brock, David, 314 Cohen, Mark, 286, 289 Broderick, John, 314 Cohen, Richard M., 78 Brown v. Board of Education, 144 Coleman, Josiah, 162 Brown, Adam, R., 166 Colorado, 22, 358 Brown, Allen, 19 Commission for the Future of North Carolina Brown, Clarence J., 19 Courts, 40 Brownback, Sam, 325–326, 329–333 Common Cause, 316–317, 358 Bryant, Phil, 150 Florida, 258–259 Buchanan, Scott E., 128 New Mexico, 190, 192 Bullock, Bob, 309 North Carolina, 51 Bullock, Charles S., III, 34, 58, 129–132 Pennsylvania, 300–301 Bullock, Frank, 41 Rhode Island, 224 Bumpers, Dale, 60 South Carolina, 225, 230, 238 Busbee, George, 133, 137–140 confirmation, 2, 4, 12, 24 Bush, George (Governor of Texas), 309 adoption of Kansas Court of Appeals, 24, 26, 328 California, 10, 21–23, 29, 187, 355 Rhode Island, 25, 216, 222 retention elections, 363 Tennessee, 24, 26, 120–122 Callister, E. R., 170 Utah, 175 Callow, Keith, 18 proposals for Calloway, Howard (“Bo”), 129 Arkansas, 67 Calvert, Robert W., 307 Florida, 246 Campbell, Carrol, 229 Kansas, 325 Campbell, Robert, 306 Kansas Supreme Court, 328, 331 Cann, Damon M., 368 Missouri, 320 Canon, Bradley C., 22, 142 New Hampshire, 316 Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co., 85–86, 89 New Mexico, 196 Caperton, Gaston, 98 North Carolina, 37–38, 55 Caperton, Hugh, 85–87 Oklahoma, 338 Carbon, Susan B., 15, 20–21, 128 Rhode Island, 219 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49633-9 — Judicial Selection in the States Herbert M. Kritzer Index More Information Index 373 Tennessee, 119 democratic subculture, 7–13, 345, 368 Texas, 308 DePalo, Kathryn A., 256 Utah, 173–175 DeSantis, Ron, 259 Connecticut, 5, 24, 26, 204–216, 238, 352 Deukmejian, George, 363 constrained appointment (“merit selection”), Diaz, Oliver, 161 adoption of, 207–214 Dilger, Robert J., 76 death penalty, 215 Dixon, Eric D., 189–190, 195 nominating commission, 212–214 Donnelly, Thomas A., 185 scandals, 209 Douglas, James A., 351 constrained appointment, 25, 352 Downing, Rondal G., 2, 22, 319, 321 adoption for midterm vacancies, 354, 356 Drennan, James, 35, 37–39, 42 Florida, 248 Dubois, Philip L., 22, 29, 350 Nevada, 271 Ducat, Craig R., 23 Oklahoma trial courts, 336 Dunn, Vhoorhees E., Jr., 296–299 South Dakota trial courts, 262 Dunn, Winfield, 2, 102–103, 106–108 adoption of Dyckman, Martin A., 247, 249 Connecticut, 207–214 Dye, Thomas R., 242, 249–250 Rhode Island, 218–224 Dykman, Wilma, 144 South Carolina, 227–237 “merit selection” without retention elections, 24 Earls, Anita, 54 New Mexico, 193 Easley, Chuck, 160–161 proposals for Edmunds, Robert, 49, 51 New Hampshire, 311, 315–316, 353 Edwards, James, 229 Utah, 170 Eikman, Margaret, 23 Cooper, Roy, 51–53, 55 Eisenstein, James, 10 Corrigan, J. J. P., 19 Elliot, Charles P., Jr., 306 court modernization, 6, 351–352 Ely, James W., Jr., 20 Arkansas, 61 Emmert, Craig F., 23 Connecticut, 208 English, Arthur, 66 Florida, 245 Eskridge, William N., 9 Georgia, 127, 134 Esterling, Kevin M., 23 Mississippi, 148, 156, 164 Exum, James, 35, 39–40 Oklahoma, 335 South Dakota, 261 Fallin, Mary, 338 Tennessee, 105 Farber, Henry S., 350 Coyle, Arlen B., 149 Fast, Robert Ellsworth, 17 Craig, Stephen C., 242 Faubus, Orval, 60 Crangle, John, 225, 229, 237 Fay, Thomas, 219–221 Crist, Charles, 252, 257 Federalist Society, 358 Culver, John H., 363 Felice, John D., 280–282 Curry, Todd A, 324, 345 Fenton, John H., 77 Ferguson, Tee, 229 Daly, Richard, 192 Fins, Harry G., 192 Davis, Robin, 95–96 Fitzpatrick, Brian T., 28, 51, 120–121, 259, 359–361 Dayton, Mark, 294 Flango, Carol, 146 death penalty, 9, 363 Flango, Victor E., 23, 127, 351 Connecticut, 215 Fleer, Jack D., 35 Florida, 256 Flemming, Roy B., 10 Kansas, 324, 329, 333 Florida, 1, 6, 19, 22, 24, 142, 241–260, 283, 352–353, Mississippi, 153, 160 355–357 North Carolina, 36 Chamber of Commerce, 245, 253 Tennessee, 113 Common Cause, 258–259 DeBow, Michael, 359 Constitution Revision Commission, 242, 245, Delaware, 24 253–254, 259, 353 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49633-9 — Judicial Selection in the States Herbert M. Kritzer Index More Information 374 Index Florida (cont.) Gray, Cynthia, 312, 314 constrained appointment, adoption for midterm Gregory, Hardy, 139 vacancies, 248 court modernization, 245 Haden, Charles, 79 death penalty, 256 Hain, Paul L., 185 League of Women Voters, 255, 258–259 Hall, Kermit L., 13, 15, 19 litigation, 250, 254–255, 257–359 Hall, Melinda Gann, 56, 72, 202, 359 mandatory retirement, age increase, 260 HALT (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny), 195 Missouri Plan Hammock, Allan S., 76 adoption for appellate courts, 142, 249–251 Handberg, Roger, 242–243, 250, 256 proposals for, 241, 244–246 Hanssen, F. Andrew, 121, 350 rejection for trial courts, 252–256 Harpham, Edward J., 306–307 nominating commission, 251 Haslam, Bill, 123 nonpartisan elections, adoption of, 142, 243, Hassan, Maggie, 311 246–248 Hawaii, 10, 24, 357 retention elections, 251–252 Hawkins, Armis, 147 scandals, 249 Haydel, Judith, 35, 296 Senate confirmation, proposals for, 246 Haydel, Judith Ann, 350 term limits, proposals for, 257 Hays, Jack N., 335–336 Fones, William, 103, 108 Hays, Steven W., 351 Fordice, Kirk, 144 Hecht, Nathan, 310 Frederick, Brian, 56 Heggs, Owen L., 279 Friedman, Lawrence M., 14 Henderson, Thomas A., 128 Henry, Candi, 103, 110–114, 117 Gaffney, J. Brian, 208 Heritage Foundation, 359 Garcia, F. Chris, 185, 189–190 Herman, Stephen, 157 Garland, Merrick, 215 Hilder, Robert, 178 Garriga, Mark, 158 Hildreth, W. Bartley, 351 George, Tracey E., 164 Hill, John, 307–309 Georgia, 4–5, 14, 19, 25, 127–142, 344, 352 Hill, LaVerne W., 131, 133 appointment controversy, 138–140 Hill, Melvin B., 131, 133–134 court modernization, 127, 134 Holman, Craig, 364 labor, organized, 135 Holshouser, James, 34 League of Women Voters, 135 Hood, M. V., 129 litigation, 132, 139–140 Hooker, John J., 112 Missouri Plan, proposal for, 134–136 Horton, Sherman, 314 nonpartisan elections, adoption of, 133–138 Huckabee, Mike, 60, 72 Geyh, Charles Gardner, 8–10, 13, 15 Huckshorn, Robert J., 242–243 Gibson, James, 359, 364 Huff, Thomas, 231, 234 Gilbertson, Seth Forrest,
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