2018 Comprehensive Plan City of Bloomington 2 City of Bloomington, Indiana Table of Contents Acknowledgments 4 &KDSWHU7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Executive Summary 6 2YHUYLHZ *RDOV 3ROLFLHV INTRODUCTION 7 3URJUDPV Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan 8 2XWFRPHVDQG,QGLFDWRUV Plan Framework 10 Vision Statement 10 SECTION TWO: LAND USE 79 Objectives 10 &KDSWHU/DQG8VH &RPPXQLW\3UR¿OH Overview 80 'HYHORSPHQW7KHPHVIRU/DQG8VH SECTION ONE: POLICY OBJECTIVES 25 &ODVVL¿FDWLRQV Chapter 1: Community Services & Economics 26 0L[HG8UEDQ5HVLGHQWLDO Overview 26 Downtown 85 Goals & Policies 28 1HLJKERUKRRG Programs 30 5HVLGHQWLDO Outcomes & Indicators 32 8UEDQ9LOODJH&HQWHU Chapter 2: Culture & Identity 34 8UEDQ&RUULGRU Overview 34 5HJLRQDO$FWLYLW\&HQWHU Goals & Policies 38 Employment Center 93 Programs 40 Institutional/Civic 94 Outcomes & Indicators 40 Parks/Open Space 95 Chapter 3: Environment 42 Focus Areas & Strategies 96 Overview 42 Goals & Policies 46 APPENDICES 101 3URJUDPV Outcomes & Indicators 49 Chapter 4: Downtown 50 Overview 50 Goals & Policies 55 Programs 56 2XWFRPHV ,QGLFDWRUV Chapter 5: Housing & Neighborhoods 58 Overview 58 Goals & Policies 63 Programs 64 Outcomes & Indicators 66 2018 Comprehensive Plan 3 Acknowledgments Mayor Plan Commission (2011-2017) John Hamilton Current Members 0DUN.UX]DQ Beth Cate Andrew Cibor Common Council (2011-2017) 7URKQ(QULJKW5DQGROSK Current Members Joe Hoffmann Allison Chopra Nick Kappas Dorothy Granger Jillian Kinzie Isabel Piedmont-Smith Heather Maritano $QG\5XII Susan Sandberg 'DYH5ROOR Carol Stewart Gulyas Susan Sandberg Brad Wisler Jim Sims Chris Sturbaum Past Members Stephen Volan Jack Baker Scott Burgins Past Members Susan Fernandes Tim Mayer Darryl Neher Darryl Neher Milan Pece Marty Spechler Isabel Piedmont-Smith $GULDQ5HHG Common Council Staff Tom Seeber 6WDF\-DQH5KRDGV Chris Smith Dan Sherman Chris Sturbaum Travis Vencel &OHUNV2I¿FH6WDII Pat Williams Nicole Bolden 6WHSKHQ/XFDV Director of Planning and Transportation (2011-2017) Planning and Transportation Staff 7HUUL3RUWHU SUHVHQW (2011-2017) )UDQN6DEDWLQH Katie Bannon &KULVW\/DQJOH\ Josh Desmond -RVK'HVPRQG Neil Kopper 7RP0LFXGD $PHOLD/HZLV Nate Nickel Economic and Sustainable Development -DPHV5RDFK Staff 6FRWW5RELQVRQ Alex Crowley %HWK5RVHQEDUJHU Jacqui Bauer Sean Starowitz 4 City of Bloomington, Indiana Vision Statement Steering Consultants Committee RATIO Architects, Inc. Jack Baker • Plan Commission Bill Holladay Doug Bruce • Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce Scott Burgins • Plan Commission Photos John Carter • Monroe County Community School Visit Bloomington Corporation &LW\RI%ORRPLQJWRQ6WDᎮ /\QQ&R\QH,85HDO(VWDWH Mark Stosberg Susan Fernandes • Plan Commission 'RQ*ULI¿Q%XVLQHVV2ZQHU The Bloomington Community Dave Harstad • Historic Preservation Commission Of course, the Comprehensive Plan could not have been Doug Horn • Monroe County Apartment Association written without the assistance of the citizens of Bloomington. Gwen Jones • Business Owner Individuals and community organizations alike dedicated 0LNH/LWZLQ(QYLURQPHQWDO&RPPLVVLRQ many hours of their time to take part in the development Jim Murphy • CFC, Inc of this Plan. The efforts of the entire community are much Patrick Murray • Prospect Hill Neighborhood appreciated. $QG\5XII&LW\&RXQFLO Jacob Sinex • Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Commission /L]6OXGHU%URDGYLHZ1HLJKERUKRRG Jan Sorby • Bryan Park Neighborhood Chris Smith • Plan Commission Steve Smith • Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce Phil Stafford • Evergreen Institute of Elder Environments Maggie Sullivan • Commission on Sustainability 7RP6ZDIIRUG8WLOLWLHV6HUYLFH%RDUG Kerry Thompson • Habitat for Humanity 5RQ:DONHU%ORRPLQJWRQ(FRQRPLF'HYHORSPHQW Corporation /DUU\:LOVRQ0RQURH&RXQW\3ODQQLQJ'HSDUWPHQW Carl Zager • Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Commission 2018 Comprehensive Plan 5 Executive Summary 8QOLNHLWVSUHGHFHVVRU*URZWK3ROLFLHV3ODQVWKH%ORRPLQJWRQ Within a framework of sustainability, our Vision Statement Comprehensive Plan addresses not merely the physical growth establishes core principles to achieve and maintain civic of our community, but recognizes the variety of human and HQJDJHPHQWKXPDQÀRXULVKLQJDQGDKLJKTXDOLW\RI natural systems interactions necessary to achieve a sustainable life for our community as we develop into the future. These community with a high quality of life for our residents. principles serve to guide us in decisions concerning our major objectives within the Comprehensive Plan. We acknowledge that healthy natural systems are the foundation IRUÀRXULVKLQJKXPDQVRFLHWLHV*OREDOO\WKHVFDOHRIKXPDQ The Bloomington Comprehensive Plan is a tool used by impact is undermining this foundation, and we must reverse the the mayor, City staff, Plan Commission, City Council, course of environmental degradation to ensure a livable future. developers, and other community leaders to guide decisions Our community has resolved to do our share to protect the about investments and resources. Though primarily a tool biosphere, and critical to this protection is recognizing that of the City’s Plan Commission, the Plan is also used by LQ¿QLWHJURZWKLVQHLWKHUSRVVLEOHQRUGHVLUDEOHLQD¿QLWHZRUOG others considering land use, transportation, and education decisions and business investment in the community. To track our community’s progress toward greater sustainability It can foster consensus, highlight important issues to and resilience, we require measures of success that are inclusive address, and offer a platform as strategy for the greater of environmental, social, and economic well-being. Measures %ORRPLQJWRQDUHD7KH/DQG8VH&KDSWHULVWKHSROLF\ RITXDOLW\RIOLIHEDVHGRQHTXLW\KXPDQIXO¿OOPHQWDQG chapter of the Plan. It describes the pattern, character, and community resilience should replace inadequate progress intensity of development across the City and its planning measures based on aggregate growth in conversion of our natural MXULVGLFWLRQ:KLOHSODQQLQJGHFLVLRQVIRUVSHFL¿F]RQHV world to built capital, and corresponding increases in resources or parcels may evolve over the long term, these land use and energy. policies are the overall consistent framework guiding Bloomington’s development to 2040. The success of the Bloomington 2018 Comprehensive Plan will be measured in part by the application and practice of the objectives and recommendations contained within. The Bloomington Comprehensive Plan includes seven chapters that work together to provide an implementable guidance document, summarized on the following pages. 6 City of Bloomington, Indiana Introduction 2018 Comprehensive Plan Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan The Bloomington Comprehensive Plan is the city’s long- Comprehensive Plan Mandate range plan for land use and development. It is a set of goals, ,QGLDQD6WDWH6WDWXWH ,& SURYLGHVIRUD policies, maps, illustrations, and implementation strategies comprehensive plan prepared by each Plan Commission that state how the City of Bloomington should address to promote the public health, safety, morals, convenience, development: physically, socially, and economically. This RUGHURUWKHJHQHUDOZHOIDUHDQGIRUWKHVDNHRIHI¿FLHQF\DQG is the third edition of the City’s comprehensive plan; it economy in the process of development. renames and replaces the Growth Policies Plan of 2002, 3HU,&DFRPSUHKHQVLYHSODQPXVWFRQWDLQ which in turn replaced the Growth Policies Plan of 1991. • a statement of objectives for the future development of the jurisdiction; While the Bloomington Comprehensive Plan has a • a statement of policy for the land use development of the horizon of 2040, it should be reviewed periodically and jurisdiction; and updated regularly in response to land use trends, changes • a statement of policy for the development of public ways, LQSRSXODWLRQRUDQ\VLJQL¿FDQWHYHQWVWKDWPD\DIIHFW public places, public lands, public structures, and public Bloomington’s future. These updates will ensure that the utilities. Plan and its individual elements remain relevant. ,QGLDQD6WDWH6WDWXWH ,& DOORZVLQFRUSRUDWLRQ of additional sections to address issues and goals distinctive The Plan establishes the framework and provides direction to the jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, natural IRU&LW\HOHFWHGDQGDSSRLQWHGRI¿FLDOVDQGVWDIIWRPDNH features, parks and recreation, economic development, decisions regarding the desired location and intensity of multimodal transportation, and redevelopment growth, development and redevelopment opportunities, opportunities. transportation facilities, parks, and other public services. Methods to help foster a healthy local economy, actions to How Public Input was Taken protect and enhance the natural environment, and providing In October 2011 the City announced ImagineBloomington, a equitable access to housing and delivery of public services rigorous public outreach process, as the initial step in revising are also integral parts of the Plan. the comprehensive plan. ImagineBloomington’s purpose was to review the City’s existing 2002 Growth Policies The plan also provides a similar framework for coordination 3ODQWRGHWHUPLQHZKDWPRGL¿FDWLRQVPD\EHQHFHVVDU\DV and collaboration with other agencies and organizations Bloomington continues to grow and change. over a wide range of topics. The City of Bloomington recognizes the services Monroe County provides to residents 7KH¿UVWDVSHFWZDVDYLVLRQLQJSURFHVV$PHPEHU DQGWKHPXWXDOEHQH¿WVJDLQHGWKURXJKUHJXODUFRRUGLQDWLRQ steering committee advised staff on community engagement and collaboration. efforts, helped to identify key groups and emergent topics for discussion,
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