'Let's have a party;' Last for '57 . New ideas arrive; Today's issue of the EVER- GREEN will be the last one of 1957. "Because Christmas va- CUBfunction today cation starts tomorrow," said Christmas goes Dee Norton, "the regular Fri- day today. Today in the CUB fountain, stu- dents will sing "Auld Lang Syne" day issue has been canceled." BY' Shirlee Newell to .get everyone into the New It is the year 2000 AD. In an- Dean Velma Phillips, Dr. W. H. dents sipping free coffee and the Regular publication will re- Year's spirit, according to Sylvia cient times (1957) people on earth Veatch and Edith Celette spoke appearance of Mr. and Mrs. San- Ormsby, CUB publicity committee sume Jan. 8, 1958. were planning Christmas festivi- to WSC students Wednesday, Dec. ta Claus, mistletoe and g a i Iy chairman. ties, a completely outmoded holi- 18, 1957, at the popcorn forum, wrapped packages will add on what life would be like in the Christmas spirit to the annual year 2000 AD. Although the i r , views conflicted in several ways, CUB Crhsitmas party. they all agreed there would be no During the day, campus digni- Christmas in the year 2000. But taries including Bill Stuart, ASS- here is the way the panel por- CW president and other WSC stu- trayed the future-43 years from dent leaders and faculty members . now ... will pour free coffee in the CUB Dean Phillips made her en- fountain area for students relax- trance carrying a broom, wash ing before vacation. board, rocket device to use in washing and two books Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will clothes she wrote and had published in roam through the fountain area the year 2000. passing out free candy and ques- "We' are ahead of R u s s i a," tioningstudents about what they Pullman, Washington, Thursday, December 19, 1957 NUMBER 48 Dean Phillips announced. "Rus- hope to find under their Christ- sian colleges contain 3 out of 100 mas tree Dec. 25. Toll climbs students, and WSC now has cut At 4 p. m. today, in the CUB enrollment in order to be Rus- fountain, the Christmas movie, sia's equal. "The Littlest Angel," will be "Housing has been made simp- shown to the "coffee drinkers." People continue ler by following Russia's lead in The CUB christmas fountain spe- Think for a moment ... imagine your mother lifting the housing six people in one room," cial, a fudge puff, is featured to- phone to hear a grave voice tell of your death in an auto she said. Her book "Cooperative day for 15 cents. It is a concoction accident . your father serving the sad holiday meal Family Living with Six in a of a cream puff', soft ice cream with an empty seat at the table. to die in'traffic Room" supposedly gives pointers and chocolate sauce. on the modern life in the year A once gay Christmas spirit ended forever with a hollow Five people died last week on The annual Christmas party, 2000. heart. Washington's streets and highways "Christmas at the CUB", will be Dean Phillips' other book, "Best held between 8 and 10:30 to- as the result of excessive speed, Career-Street Cleaning" exem- night in the CUB grand ball- says the Washington State Safety. plified tactics of the important room. Dance music before and job for the people of "modern Council. days" (2000 AD). after the intermission at 8:45 Suds inks new $15,000 pact Road and weather conditions "Street cleaning has become p. m. will be provided by the continue to become more hazar- important," she said, "Because of Pastels, directed by Jim Wat- WSC Football mentor Jim Suth- for young people." dous, and until such time as the many parades and campaigns son. Punch and cookies will be erland signed a brand-new three Athletic Director Stan Bates drivers become aware of this, on the WSC campus. served at the party. year contract yesterday morning said the college was particularly pleased with Sutherland's signing deaths will continue to be re- Dr. Veatch insisted that Dean During intermission, the WSC which calls for a salary of $15,- and added, "Jim is not only a ported. Failure to adjust speeds Phillips' report on the year 2000 Choir and Madrigal Singers will 500 per year. This a raise of $3,- great football coach but is the sort to compensate for poor road sur- was a bit fantastic, so he offered sing Christmas carols, and the 500 over his first Cougar contract. of person we need in our over-all face conditions causes many of to give the practical viewpoint. choir will lead the students in Sutherland, who still had one athletic program. We are looking our fatal traffic accidents, adds "The Russian problem is over popular carols. At this time the year remaining on his old con- forward to many happy years to- the Council. because the Venitians and Mar- President's Christmas tree will tract, appeared quite pleased with tians have joined the U. S. to gether." During the last week, nine traf- be presented by the CUB Pro- the new offer. conquer the countries behind the Sutherland displayed a great fic deaths occurred in seven fatal gram Council. The tree, which is "It's terrific to know that Iron and Bamboo Curtains. Af- fast becoming a tradition at- WSC deal of optimism for Cougar accidents, four less than reported ter Russia is surrounded by fly- WSC has this confidence in our in the corresponding week in De- displays cards from all of the liv~ program,"'he said. "We (mean- football fortunes in the future. ing saucers, which will stop all cember, 1956. This reduction link- ing groups on. campus. It is lo- ing he, his wife and two young electric power, transportation, "We improved this year over ed with that reported so far this cated near the fireplace in the sons) love living in Pullman the past season, we will be much and factories, the entire group month, gives the state a reduction CUB lobby. and think WSC is one of the better next year, and we will con- of conquerers will destroy other of eight deaths for the month and Before the party ends, the stu- finest schools in the country tinue to improve," h€ ·said. galaxies. year. "In 1957, the college of WSC The economic loss from traffic was small. Today, (2000 AD) WSC accidents, so far this year, is es- covers Whitman county and part timated to be $62,750.00. This av- of Idaho. The main function of erages approximately $180,000 loss the college is to prepare and de- per day. velop new food capsules and ed- ucation pills to keep the popula- Other violations causing acci- tion healthy and to aid the stu- dents were disregarding a traffic dents to 'A' tests without study- light, failure to yield the right- ing. of-way and disregarding flag- "The fast development in garments is a liquid synthetic man's signal. material' which washes off in The holidays are yet to come. the shower, Dr. Veatch said. The number of vehicles on our Edith Celette disagreed with the streets and highway'S is expected two other authorities. Students to exceed previous records, which absorb their education through increases the dangers and your the powers of mental telepathy, chances of being involved in an she said. Bridge cards are dealt accident. Only by expert driving, by slaves, and a thinking machine will you be around for the New does thinking for the player, so Year! he knows what cards to play. Here are last week's statistics: Football went out with the PCC, Edith said, but the new 1957 1956 sport of watching space races Deaths during week 9 13 from Roundtop has become popu- Deaths in December 18 26 lar. Candidates for Tolo King are from left, row one: Jack Prince, Deaths in 1957 502 510 Dates are no problem at the Ole Hoffmann-Fischer, Don Ellersick, Chuck Keltch, Chuck Fry, World U (replaced ancient WSC), Jan. opens Larry McKay, Gail Strait, Norm Scott and Arnie Pleasant. Sec- as an electronic brain matches ond row: Jack Fanning, Dale Wunderlick, Kenny Webster, Roger couples according to h e i g h t Emblen, Stan Granberg, Charles Smart, Dick James. and Paul Bus line files weight, and interests, Edith said: Peterson. Back row.: Bob Gribben, John Remington, Gary Fel- Santa Claus, a peasant tradi- tolo season tion, can still be found in some man, Andy Henrfksson, Bruce Canova, Dick Rail, Neil Prater, suit; union areas where the population is That time of year when the Dean Naranche, Ernie Schick, Chuck Lucas, Ray Fossum, Doug uneducated, Edith said, but due girls "officially" go boy-chasing MacDonald and Stan Murphy. Not shown is Dean ASpinwall. to modern transportation facili- is just around the corner. cou nter -files ties, there is now only one. This "Phantasmagoria," this win- Greyhound Inc. has filed suit eliminates the Santa Claus Un- ter's sophomore tolo, is schedul- ion popular in 1957. ed for January 11 in the CUB lAWS officers Mobiles deck against the Motor Coach Employ- ballroom. Dancing will be from ees union, charging the union 9 to 12 p. m. to the music of the home ec hall with violating its contract. Court Esquires. to plan confab History faculty This week and the first after Yuletide spirit glitters through- proceedings will be held Dec. 27 Miss Barbara Gay and Miss vacation, women on campus out the home economics building in the United States district court Betty Engvall, regional officers of with two striking 22 foot mobiles will choose a Tolo King from in Portland, Ore.
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