XLDB Asia 2012: the First Extremely Large Databases Conference at Asia Xiaofeng Meng Fusheng Wang Renmin University Emory University Beijing, China Atlanta, Georgia, USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT on building extremely large databases; and trends and The Extremely Large Databases (XLDB) series of confer- strategies for surmounting current hurdles. Different ences/workshops have been held successfully six times in from traditional technique conferences, XLDB confer- recent years. The First XLDB Conference at Asia (XLDB ences are based on invited premium talks by pioneers Asia) was held at Beijing, China on June 22-23, 2012. The and leaders in the field, especially those who are owners conference attracted nearly 200 participants. XLDB takes a of real extremely large data from industries and scien- fresh format on the organization through invited talks, light- tific research, practitioners who are handling the real ning talks and open discussions. Most invited speakers are data, or DBMS researchers who are researching new so- also owners of real extremely large data from industries and lutions. scientific research, practitioners who are handling the real The program of XLDB Asia 2012 consisted of four data, or DBMS researchers who are researching new solu- sessions: reference cases from scientific communities, tions. Based on the enthusiastic embrace and positive feed- reference cases from industries, research topics on big backs from participants, we believe the conference series data management, and lightning talks from a wide spec- will continue as a venue for the discussion on the manage- trum of topics. The conference also provided stimulat- ment and analysis of extremely large data sets with increas- ing discussions with three intensive panel discussions ing popularity. entitled \the Challenges and Requirements for Han- dling Extremely Large Scientific Data", \NoSQL: the 1. INTRODUCTION Cure for Big Data?", and \Evolution or Revolution: Database Research for Big Data". The Extremely Large Database Conferences (XLDB) [1] were established by people with highly demanding data challenges, and researchers and solution providers 2. INVITED SPEAKERS who are developing systems to address such challenges. To provide broad discussions, invited speakers came Encouraged by the success holding of the conferences in from scientific research communities, industries, and the the past five years { four times in the USA and twice at database research community. Speakers include Alexan- Europe, this year the XLDB conference was extended der Szalay from John Hopkins University, a pioneer in to the Asian community. The First Extremely Large astronomic data management, who builds one of the Database Conference at Asia [2] was held at Beijing, largest scientific databases together with Jim Gray from China on June 22-23, 2012, which brought together pre- Microsoft; Joel Saltz from Emory University, a pio- mium speakers around the world and attracted nearly neer in biomedical informatics, who works on extreme 200 participants. scale data analytics and queries of biomedical data; There is no strict definition of \XLDB" [5], and in Kian-Tat Lim from SLAC National Accelerator Lab- many cases it represents a major trend of increasing oratory, Stanford University, who works on designing scales of data and the associated complexity and chal- and building the petabyte-scale data management sys- lenges on managing and analyzing the amount of data. tem for the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope project [3], The goals of the conferences are to provide a meeting one of the coming largest scientific databases; Chenzhou place for database researchers, for businesses with ad- Cui from National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese vanced solutions, and for people from many research Academy of Sciences; and Lizhe Wang from the Cen- disciplines, industries and organizations who need to ter of Earth Observation and Digital Earth, Chinese urgently address real data challenges. Topics include: Academy of Sciences. the state of the art data handling technologies on ex- Industry speakers include Milind Bhandarka, Chief tremely large datasets; practical use cases of current Architect of Greenplum Labs in EMC; Tomasz Nykiel and anticipated data challenges; lessons and innovations from Facebook; Zhengkun Yang, senior scientist from 1 Taobao, the largest online bidding company in China; his talk entitled \Distributed Online Machine Learn- Masaya Mori, the founding director of Rakuten Insti- ing Framework for Big Data" presented Jubatus, the tute of Technology, Japan; Shohei Hido, co-leader of Ju- first open source platform for online distributed ma- batus, Preferred Infrastructure, Inc., Japan; and Eddy chine learning on the data streams of big data. Ju- Cai, Manager of Data Platform Engineering, eBay. batus takes a loose model sharing architecture for ef- Academic speakers include Laura Haas, director of ficient training and sharing of machine learning mod- IBM massive data, analytics and modeling research at els, by defining three fundamental operations, which IBM Almaden Research Center; Martin Kersten, one of matches the Map and Reduce operations in Hadoop. the founders of MonetDB, and a pioneer of column store Milind Bhandarkar reported the results of the \Work- and array database; Xiaodong Zhang from the Ohio shop on Big Data Benchmarking" [4] held at San Jose State University; and Haixun Wang from Microsoft Re- on May 8-9 2012, in which a large number of companies search Asia. and institutions agreed to work on establishing a bench- Besides invited talks, the conference also accepted a mark framework for big data. Zhenkun Yang intro- set of high quality lightning talks and poster presenta- duced Oceanbase, an open source distributed database tions about XLDB related research and systems. system which supports extreme scale of transactions for Taobao. Oceabase provides a hybrid architecture which 3. SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITIES combines high throughput transactions on current data This session featured five invited talks from scientific and large scale analytics on history data. Tom Nykiel communities. Alexander Szalay in the talk entitled \Ex- reported the scalability challenges and solutions of the treme Data-Intensive Scientific Computing" presented Hadoop Distributed Filesystem at Facebook, driven by use cases on data intensive scientific computing. He in- the extreme scale of data, for example, the Hive based troduced the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) project, data warehouse stores tens of petabytes of data, in hun- in which large amount of star data from sky images dreds of millions of files. Eddy Cai presented how eBay were collected, analyzed and managed. He also dis- handles big data with low cost way and how to resolve cussed a cheap, yet high performance multi-petabyte business question based on technical solutions. system currently under construction at John Hopkins The Panel discussion entitled \NoSQL: the Cure for University. Joel Saltz introduced their work on high Big Data?" had a broad discussion of a variety of topics performance pathology image processing pipeline with on NoSQL, and the panelists shared their experiences hybrid CPU/GPU architecture to support feature ex- on the difficulty to find a single perfect solution, and traction, machine learning, and querying and compar- their visions on how NoSQL and RDBMS could inter- ing results on \big image data". Kian-Tat Lim from play. SLAC introduced an open-source database management system \qserv", which aims to manage massive amount 5. THE DATABASE COMMUNITY of astronomical data. Preliminary experiments have The session of research on big data management fea- demonstrated the feasibility on managing and process- tured four invited talks. Laura Haas analyzed four ing 32TB data with a cluster of 150 nodes. Lizhe Wang types of data integration problems, and introduced the presented their work on data intensive computing for challenges of integrating extremely large data. Xiaodong earth observation, and outlined their major focuses and Zhang introduced a scale-out model for big data soft- challenges. Chenzhou Cui introduced projects on vir- ware development in distributed systems. The model tual observatories, and increasing data challenges for generalizes critical computation and communication be- coming projects in the area at extreme scale. The ses- havior and computation-communication interactions for sion was concluded with the panel discussion \the Chal- big data analytics in a scalable and fault-tolerant man- lenge and Requirements for Handling Extremely Large ner. Haixun Wang in his talk entitled \Managing and Scientific Data", in which the panelists discussed the Mining Billion-Node Graphs" presented the challenges challenges, the experiences and prospectives on analyz- posed by big graph data generated from Web and social ing and managing big scientific data. network applications, the constraints of architectural design, the different types of application needs, and the 4. INDUSTRIES power of different programming models that support The industry session featured six invited talks. Masaya such needs. Martin Kersten presented a new query lan- Mori presented a real case of utilizing Hadoop and cop- guage SciQL to support powerful queries on top of the ing with BigData in Rakuten, to support business data array database MonetDB, and introduced use cases to mining, product ranking, product search and online ad- support scientific applications. vertisement for e-commerce. He also introduced the This
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