BBaacckkgrgroouunnddss ooff FFaaeerrûûnn:: TThhee SSmmaallll FFoollkk EEnnrriicchh yyoouurr cchhaarraacctteerrss wwiitthh tthhiiss ssuupppplleemmeenntt ccoonnttaaiinniinngg bbaacckkggrroouunnddss for sixSample of the Forgotten Realms gnome and halfling subraces: the file ffoorr ssiixx ooff tthhee FFoorrggootttteenn RReeaallmmss ggnnoommee aanndd hhaallfflliinngg ssuubbrraacceess:: tthhee hhiiddddeenn ddeeeepp ggnnoommeess,, tthhee wwiillyy ffoorreesstt ggnnoommeess,, tthhee iinnvveennttiivvee rroocckk ggnnoommeess,, tthhee eetthheerreeaall gghhoossttwwiissee hhaallfflliinnggss,, tthhee ffrriieennddllyy lliigghhttffoooodd hhaallfflliinnggss,, aanndd tthhee ssttuurrddyy ssttoouutt hhaallfflliinnggss!! Welcome To The Realms n the "Backgrounds of Faerûn" supplement, we focused on the human kingdoms. In each of these On the "Backgrounds of Faerûn" smaller supplements, we investigate groups of the The supplement "Backgrounds of Faerûn" is another title other races that inhabit the world. Thematically, written by myself on the Dungeon Master's Guild. It's they'll be grouped by family such as Dwarf, Elf, or intended to be a supplment for the human dominated Gnome. kingdoms of the realms and is otherwise the same as this book. It's not a books of racial specific backgrounds, as many I cities in the Forgotten Realms allow all sorts of different folks Each supplement will contain races both old and new, their from different backgrounds. equipment, their spells, and many other features for these If you don't own it, don't worry. The rules contained in each races. Existing races will be given the regions they're native of these smaller supplements are more than enough to use to with bonds for each. If you're picking one of these races, for your characters. they're intended to work with the existing backgrounds in the If you do happen to own it, then the rules here are easily Player's Handbook or with the backgrounds from the combined with those rules. Instead of just having a "Halruaan "Backgrounds Of Faerûn" supplement. Bounty Hunter", you could mix the Halruaa background with the star elf background and the folk hero background to have If you use a new race, they'll include the race as well as a a star elf folk hero that's native to halruaa, with the bonds, background specific to that race. Additionally, they'll come traits, ideals, flaws, equipment and features of all three with extra content to help you get into the mindset of playing backgrounds! these rare and unusual races. As with the "Backgrounds Of Faerûn" supplement, the backgrounds for new races are intended to be mixed with another background or can be used as is. Art Credits Cover: Cottage and Hilly Landscape by Thomas Hand Page 1: A Male Dwarf by Wellcome Collection Page 3: Nisse d apres nature ill jnl fal by Jean-No l Lafargue ë Page 6: Meret the Gnome Rogue by Courtney Hilbig Remember to always check with your Dungeon Master if you Page 7: Sintel (Old Portrait) by David Revoy wish to play one of these races. As this supplement contains Page 10: 4e_MM_halflings by Wizards of the Coast no full backgrounds, you only need to replace your chosen background bond with the ones presented here. However as Backgrounds from the Backgrounds of Faerûn can be combined with existing backgrounds as well as the bonds presented here, we've reprinted the rules for combining backgrounds from the The Dwarven Kingdoms below. How To Combine Backgrounds Let's say you wanted to be an arctic dwarf but you wanted to combine the "Hunter On The Ice" background with the "Folk Hero" from the Player's Handbook. First, you would choose which of the two backgrounds you want to take the skill, tool and language proficiencies from. This is the background you also take your equipment from. Second, you choose which of the two backgrounds you want to take your feature from. Either the hunting dog companion from the arctic dwarf or the rustic hospitality that the folk hero enjoys. Lastly, you'll pick one trait, ideal, bond, and flaw, one each from either background table. For example, you could choose the folk hero trait and ideal, but use the arctic dwarf bond and flaw. Sample file Backgrounds of Faer n - The Small Folk 1 û Deep Gnome Souls Tough As Stone Deepearth Deep Gnome Bonds The deep gnomes are a secretive bunch. Understandingly, d6 Bond when your surroundings are either filled with those who prey 1 We tried being secretive and defending our city or those who are prey, your society will adapt to be as hidden without assistance, but it was only thanks to the as possible. The svirfneblin have gotten very good at that. humans that we have been able to reclaim our lands. Svirfneblin are often between 3' and 3'9" tall, weighing Something I'll always respect their kind for. between 40 and 45 pounds. Their skin is typically gray or 2 When the allies of Orcus had displaced us, I had brown and hair is usually white (although it rarely grows on thought all was lost. Now when I come across the males). Almost all deep gnomes have gray or black eyes. undead, I show them what for! 3 Bloodstones are the most beautiful gemstone I've ever Choose one of the regions use those bonds with the laid eyes on. Anything I craft uses bloodstones background you chose for your Deep Gnome character. somehow and if someone has bloodstones, I'll often try to trade for them. Region: Blingdenstone (The Underdark), Deepearth (The 4 The surface dwellers are under a tyrants fist. When Underdark), Mantol-Derith (The Underdark), and The Sword given the chance, I like to slip into town and leave Coast North. small trinkets and even gemstones to help the common folk out. 5 Our kin have always had a good relationship with the dwarves of Damara. Wherever I go, I like to extend Roleplaying a Deep Gnome extra courtesty to any dwarves I meet. Most deep gnomes fall into one of three 6 The barbarians of the great glacier believe in the spirits categories: explorers, prospectors, or illusionists. of the land, air, and sky. Respect for nature is These roles directly fit in how to prevent your something I highly admire. home from being found, defend it if someone does manage to find it, and how to help your city grow. Deepearth is a city below Damara. Sullen, but not depressed. Deliberate, but not slow. Happy, but not festive. All these things are traits Mantol-Derith Deep Gnome Bonds that are easily attributed to the deep gnomes. d6 Bond Another trait many apply to the deep gnomes: dangerous. 1 The black market of Mantol-Derith is a great way to acquire goods you can't get elsewhere. That's why I have a Zhentarim friend who keeps an ear out for me. 2 While we have an uneasy alliance, the drow here still give me spine-shivers. There's one tall lady who particularly scares me, for she has specific interest in Blingdenstone Deep Gnome Bonds me. d6 Bond 3 The duergar will never lie to you, but I doubt the reason is anything other than they lack the imagination to craft 1 Our home was occupied by drow and wererats. I push stories. Not me, I write everything down that happens our kind towards uncharacteristic violence when we to me. You never know if it'll make a great book! deal with those foes. 4 Down here in the grotto, there are many secrets. I even 2 The other races of the underdark don't appreciate good have a secret friend no one can know about. She lives artwork. I like to leave small sculptures in empty deep in the waters around Mantol-Derith. tunnels in hopes to inspire others. 5 I've met a few of the Myconids in my travels, and I 3 We've lost our city once before, and since I like to be sincerly believe their kind and ours should have a prepared, I search for new homes while I adventure. symbiotic relationship. Maybe I can even be the Just in case we are ousted once more. diplomat that gets the ball rolling. 4 Ogremoch's Bane is a powerful force that affects earth 6 When Blingdenstone was taken back, the goldwhisker elementals. I have a suspicion that more of these clan was scattered. I helped move many of them forces exist for other elements, I just need to find them through Mantol-Derith, and was thanked by more than to prove it! a few of them with the promise to pay me back later. 5 Deep underground, we can ferment mushrooms but I dream one day of trying ales from the surface world. Mantol-Derith is a city below the Sword Coast North. 6 Keeping our home safe is all I've ever known. If I adSampleventure, it's always keeping that in mind. Gear I find file might be best used there, or spells to cloak our cavern. Regardless, that is what keeps me moving forward. Blingdenstone is a city below the Sword Coast North. Backgrounds of Faer n - Deep Gnome û 2 Sword Coast North Deep Gnome Bonds Mushroom Cap d6 Bond Helmet, uncommon 1 The surface world is no place for a proper Gnome, but I This oddly shaped hat resembles the cap of a have to admit that the people here are much friendlier mushroom, but for the deep gnomes it blends in than the Underdark. I've even come to find love up perfectly with the wilds of the underdark. However, here, in the daylight. gnomes on both the surface and underdark find the 2 As a craftsgnome, Silverymoon has been one of my magical benefit to be far more valuable than simple greatest sources of inspiration.
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