p;' MONDAY, PEBRUABY 9. 1999 The Weather Average Daily Net Press Run Fonsmet of P . 8. Weutlior « * n a « PAGE FOURTEEN ‘ For the Week Endtng iMattrliPBtpr Euptttttg l^eralb February 1th, 1050 Shewem. poiiallily thunderelinW- c ; Andwaon, Mrs. ChrlsUan Hen- J FALSE TEETH era, wind.y tonight, colder wwr The Holllater PTA will have a Open House Held rlkaen. Mm . Philip Bedard. Mr*., 12,882 daybreak. I>ovv near Od. Windy* .buffet aupper tomorrow at 6:30 in J Ruasell MacKendrick, and Mr*. W. That Loosen Member of the Audit colder Wedneoday. High near 04. About Town the school auditorium. Anyone not i Walker Briggs. Bureau of Circulation. At Parsonage of The hoepltallty committee in­ Need* Not ImbofToss Manche»t(>r— A City o f ilUage Charm attending the supper who wishes Msny sresrera o{ fslse teeth here •m» M«nche«ter F«Ier«Uon of to mav attend the entertainment' South Methodist cluded Mrs. Wadsworth McKinney, i •unered reel emberrenmant heceuse DemoitfaUc Women nre fomiulal- which ’Will begin aboiK 7:30. Mrs. Frederick Towle, Mr*. George their plet* dropped, dipped or wob- (Claaairted Ariverttalng on Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS h i plana for • fashion show and Trueman. Mrs. Christion Henrik-: bled at Jutt the wtont time. Do not MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY' 10. 19.59 lire In feer ol thli heppemnito you. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. Ill (FOURTEEN PAGES) tea, Sunday, March 1, at the The Exchange Club svill hold its i The Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence F. i sen, Mr*. Russell Roberts, Mr*. | ,Iu»t sprinkle a little rASTKlTH. the Knights of fcolunibus home, silss bi-monthly -meeting tomorrow, Almond of South Methodist Church Verner Nylin. Mrs. Mary Ward ^ alkclinr inon-erldi powder, on your Buhara Coleman, IM Lydall St., entertained several h u n d r e d ; and Mr*. Charles Straight. plate*. Hold false teeth more Ormly, night at 6:.’10 at the 3 J’s Restau-j I [n they feel more cnmfortehie. Doe* Yidll serve as general chairman. rani. Mrs. John McElraevy, presi-' pebple at, the parsonage yester-J The Miaae* June Cloutier. Carol - not Hour Cheek* "platerndor’’ tden­ dent of the Manchester Associa-; day at a pre-Lenten open house, J Cordner and Barbara Cook as- ture breath I. Get FABTUCTH at any i f.w Graxina Maciuika of the tion for Help to Retarded Children, The house was open for inspection, sisted in the kitchen. _ I drug counter. local branch of Children’s Services will speak on ‘’The Problem of and this was the first general op- will apeak at a meeting Wednesday ; (lortunity the church family had Mob Bought ^ c o r d PcTSODS Killccl,2 6 5 Hurt Mental Retardation." J ^ at 9:30 a.nv in Center Church on ■ had to inspect it since the arrival the work of the organiaation in' of the Almond family. this area. Officers for the year Manchester Lodge of Ms.sonsJ Number Juke Boxes, By Honduras! ^ In aulditlon to Pastor and Mrs. 1959 will also be elected. will meet tomorrow night at 7:.30' A t r $u|Nr Markets in MaiKhasIsr in the Mssonic Temple. After the Almond, guests were greeted at business nieeling the Fellow-craft' the door by chairman of the of­ Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Feb. The Holy Ghost Mothers Circle ficial board and Mrs. Martin will meet tomorrow night at 8 degree will he conferi-ed. with 261 Bread St. 1 116 E. Center St. Rackets Probe Told 10 (JP) — The government Frank Kakeler president. Follow­ Keiderling. and chairman of the o’clock at the home of Mrs .James board of trustees and Mrs. Wells claimed today that the army Cott. 99 Columbus 91. Mrs Jo­ ing the degree work there will be a was in control of all Hondura.a - social hour with refreshment*. K. Dennison. Assistant Lay Lead- St. Louis seph Gen-aise will be the m-hnsl-; tered areSfl will h« called wit­ As Tornado i ers Nelson Richmond and William OPEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY WaBhington, Feb. 10 (JP)—t after routing a rebel force esa. II The .Stanley dr.-le of the South Rood and their wives were in neases. which seized the key city of A former top executive of] •'The current investigation,” he The executive board of the Burk -, .Methodist Church will meet tomor­ charge of the guest book. Guides W’urlitzer Corp. testified to- Santa Barbara, near the Gua­ row night at 8 o’cloi'k at the home were members of the parsonage said, "will likelv be one of the land PTA will meet tomorrow- and FRIDAY 'til 9 P. M. da.v he once .sold the bigJre.st most Important we have undertak­ temalan border. of .Mrs. Chester Ferns, 30 Gerard committee: Mrs. Thomas J. Rog­ Congress was expected to de­ night at 8 o’clock at the school ers, Mrs. Jay H. Rand, Mrs. Elmer order of juke boxe.s on record en with reference to the hoodlum ■St. effort to achieve legitimacy clare a state of siege s modified The Eliza Chapman .toy Circle nf to Chicago gangster.s. form of martial law - to strengthen Homes, Apartments Milton Hammergren, former through association with unions the North Methodist Church will The Roikville Emblem Club will and IJJiainesa enterprise ‘ the hand of President Rsmon Vil- meet at 2 o’clock \Vcdnc.«day sf hold its monthly meeting Wednes­ general aale* manager and vice leda Morales in quelling the re- day night at 8 o’clock at the Elks preaident of the music instrument The committee expects to ex­ temoon at the chun li. firm, said one of hla clients wa» amine for four weeks Juke box and : volt, Home, Rockville The meeting wdll AUTO coin machine racketeering in such ^ The Mexico City newspaper Crushed by Twister be preceded bv a potliick st fi the A1 Capone mob.ater, Jake The Women .« Home I^cague of GLUE’S BODY "Greasy Thumb” Guzik. states as Ohio, Minnesota, Florida,' Diario de la Tarde said that a the Salvation Army woU meei to­ n clock, with Mr.«. .losepli Josephiar Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, ■ clandestine Honduran radio sla- 1 Testifying before the Senate morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock rI and .Mrs Joseph Koslorek ss ro- Indiana and Michigan, tion. Radio Liberacion. had called chalrmcn Past president,*’ night ★ WELDING Rackets' Committee, Hammergren St. Loiii.s. Fell. 10 (/T)— Withmit warning, a tornado struck the Citadel Ho.stcsses will he .Mr‘ •aid that in all he sold, in the McClellan described the major- on Hondurans to rise up in a gen­ a flraflly hlmv at Hip hoai’t of St. Louis in the pre-da’wn hours Elizabeth Maxwell. Mrs Annie will be ob.seivcd. with ail the 'k AUTO BODY and eral strike and predicted that rec- chairs occupied by past presidents, | Tlie first pole which the Miller car struck and broke in two was early 1940’a about 2.700 juke boxe.« Young and Mr.s. Ida Obrien on Oakland St. just south of Lillian Dr. The scar on the right front FENDER REPAIRS to Chicago mobsters. (Continiied on Page Five) ular srmv troops would defect to today. ^ 1 • J er Mr.s John Murphy of 12 Lenox St. portion of the hood is the result of that crash. The car met its the rebels. .N'inotpon wpi’p known deatl. Another 265 were injured, 55 acting ss president. A COMPLETE CAR Tuediui In re*pon«ev to a question by match, however, when it hit the second pole on Deming St. committee counsel Robert F. Ken­ Government officisls, however, .sei’iou.al.t. Auto Crashes PAINTING claimed that the arni\ was re­ (Photo by Bnrkamp), nedy, he estimated the annual take J ‘L h y v ill Your TJfe’ The City Morgup and Civil Dofpnsp officials reported that The Arm\' and .Navy Auxiliary, maining loyal to Preaident Villeda will hold a public card party to­ LA(.;4)FER and ENAMEL from the juke boxes at about $21<* 19 hodios had liocn ipceivpd at the morgne and hnth of the Manchester TEL. .MI 9-5023 million a year. Morales. night at a o’clock at the clubhouse. 2 Poles^ Car the .otliers were at the station for j injured. Her car was dented on Series in Herald city ho.sitital.<, whci’c Hip injured wore treated, said all of the right rear fender. Hammergren was the first wit­ The Tegucigalpa newspaper FI EC.G FARM a short time before the fight he- : ness a* the committee kicked oft Hicii’ doml hnti heen sent io Hie morgue. gan. Felker and Horton became ! Police said the case is still under 281 A D AM S ST. r>ia said that Army Maj. Agresio ■Marine Pvl Gerald A. Calve, son a scheduled month of hearings on .Numerous per.sons wpip liap))e<l in home.s and apartments 422 KEENF.T' ST. of Mr. snd Mrs Albert Calve. 237 In Wild Ride involved in a scuffle with the at- Inve.stigalion. ‘The Law in Y'ntir Life.’ P.odriguez, had be»n executed by a charges that a giant combine of series o f weekl.v articles bring- firins: '■q"'’ '’' "f<er trying to per- which crumpled tindci’ the .storm's blows. Oak St . graduated last Thursday tendenl. police said, and all five gangsters and labor union officials from an intensive 4-week infantry One man was li. spitalized and jumped into Miller’s car and-drove i Ruadp his troop.<» to join Ihp The storm took Hie same path of thi.3 city's worst tor­ tvill have fresh eggs daily.
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