Odonatologica 32(3): 237-279 September 1, 2003 Odonata of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomousRegion, China, partI: Zygoptera K.D.P. Wilson¹and G.T. Reels² 1 Flat 20, 6 Mansfield Road, The Peak, Hong Kong e-mail: [email protected] 2 5 Narcissus Path, Arcadia, Palm Springs, Hong Kong e-mail: [email protected] Received January 14, 2002 / Revised and AcceptedNovember 28, 2002 Taxonomic and faunistic information is provided on the Zygoptera ofGuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Megalestes haui sp. n. (holotype: 6. Shiwandashan), M. tuska n, (holotype: 3, Dayaoshan), Rhipidolestes laui n. (holotype: 3 sp. sp. , Calicnemia haksik Coeliccia Cenwanglaoshan), sp, n. (holotype: 6, Cenwanglaoshan), and galbina sp. n. (holotype: 3, Longrui) Drepanosticta magna sp. n. (holotype: 3, Needham with Cenwanglaoshan) are described. Sinolestes truncata is synonymised Sinolestes edita Needham. The hitherto unknown male ofIndocyphakatharina (Needham) and female ofSchmiditiphaeavietnamensis(van Tol & Rozendaat) are described, Devadatta ducatrix Lieftinck, Euphaea guerini Rambur, Euphaea superba Selys, Schmidtiphaea vietnamensis van Tol & Rozendaal, Indocnemis ambigua (Asahina), Calicnemia miles (Laidlaw), and an undescribed species of Drepanosticta are recorded from China for the first time.The status ofGuangxi as animportant centre ofodonate biodiversity is discussed. INTRODUCTION With the exception of Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is perhaps one forOdonatain ofthe least explored regions tropical southern China. This report provides the first of fauna.The records comprehensive account Guangxi’s zygopteran published for and summarised below. Guangxi are sparse are In hismanual ofthe dragonflies of ChinaNEEDHAM (1930)recorded 13 zygopterans from Guangxi, notably Archineuraincarnata (Karsch), Caliphaea consimilisMcLachlan andPhilosinabuchi Ris. The manual alsoincludedthe original descriptions ofBayadera bidentata and Megalestes distans, which were both partly based on material collected from Guangxi. ASAHINA (1977) examined part of Needham’s material, originally identified andreidentifiedit Calicnemia as Pyrrhosomma tinctipennis, as eximia (Selys). 238 K.D.P. Wilson & G.T. Reels Table I Checklist of odonate species from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Species Source robusta 1936 Philogangar. robusta Navas, 1936 this paper Devadatta ducatrix Lieftinck,Lieftinck, 1969 this paper Archineura incarnataincamala (Karsch,(Karsch, 1982) NEEDHAM, 1930 as Echo incamataincarnata (Lo-chen- -hsien, Guangxi) Caliphaea consimilis McLachlan, 1894 NEEDHAM, 1930 (Pinglan, Shan-fang, Lo-chen- -hsien, Guanxgi) Calopteryx atrata Selys, 1853 SUI&SUN,SUI & SUN, 1984 melli 19121912 this Calopteryx Ris, paper Matrona b. 1853 this Matrona basilaris Selys, 1853 paper Ris, 1916 this Mnais mneme Ris, 1916 paper Neurobasis andersoni Sjoestedt, 1926 ASAHINA, 1979 Neurobasis c. chinensis (Linnaeus, 1758) SUISUI&SUN,& SUN, 1984 VestalisVeslalis Wilson & 2001 this miao & Reels, paper Vestalis Vestalis smaragdina velata Ris, 1912 this paper katharina (Needham, this Indocypha (Needham, 1930)1930) paper l.1. lineataUneala this LibellagoUbellago (Burmeister, 1939) paper drusilla 1930 this Rhinocypha drusilla Needham,Needham, 1930 paper of Rhinocyphafenestrella(Rambur,( Rambur, 1842) NEEDHAM, 1930 as Rhinocyphacuneatanot of (Selys, 1853) (Shi-an, Ling-yuen-hsien) this Rhinocyphap.p. perforata (Percheron, 1835) paper AnisopleuraAnisopleura furcatafurcata Selys, 1891 SUI & SUN, 1984. Note ASAHINA (1985b) Zhu & Zhou. 19991999 this Anisopleura yunnanensis this paper this AnisopleuraAnisopleura qingyuanensis Zhou, 1982 paper Bayadera bidentata Needham, 1930 NEEDHAM, 1930. (Type-loc. Chekiang) brevicaudabrevicauda continentaliscontinentaUs 1973 this Bayadera Asahina, paper 1912 this Bayadera melanopteryx Ris, 1912 paperpaper basitincta 1904 this Dysphaea Martin, paper Euphaea decorata (Selys, 1853) NEEDHAM,NEEDHAM. 19301930 (Ma-tun-kow, Lo-chen-hsien, Guangxi) 1842 this Euphaea gueriniRambur, paper Euphaea masoni Selys, 1879 this paper Kimmins, 1936 this Euphaea superbasuperha paper vietnamensis TolToi & this Schmiditiphaea vietnamensis (Van paperpaper Rozendaal, 1995) Megalestes distansdisions Needham, 1930 NEEDHAM, 1930 (Lin-yung-hsien,Guangxi) haui this Megalestes sp. n. paper Megalestes tuska sp. n. this paperpaper Sinolestes editaédita Needham, 1930 this paper Orolestes selysi McLachlan, 1895 this paper 1933 AgriomorphafuscaMay, 1933 this paper Lestes 18621862 this p. praemorsus Hagen, paper Lestes this nodalisnodalis Selys, 1891 paper Philosina buchi Ris, 19171917 NEEDHAM, 1930 (Lo-chen-hsien,Guangxi) Priscagrion pinheyi Zhou & Wilson 2001 ZHOU & WILSON, 2001 Rhipidolestes alleni Wilson, 2000 WILSON, 2000. (Type-loc, Damingshan, Guangxi) Zygoptera of Guangxi. China 239 Table I, continued laui Rhipidolestes sp. n. this paper this Aciagrion tillyardilillyardi (Laidlaw, 1919) this paper Agriocnemisfemina oryzae (Lieftinck,(Lieftinck, 1962) this paper lacteola 1877 this Agriocnemis Selys, paper this Agriocnemis pygmaea (Rambur, 1842) paper Ischnura senegalensis this senegalensis (Rambur, 1842) paper Ischnura Ischnura sp. ((rufostigmarufostigma Selys,Selys, 1876-group) NEEDHAM, 1930 (Lin-yung-hsien,Guangxi) Cercion calamorum this dyeri (Fraser, 1919) paper auranticumauranlicum 1967 this Ceriagrion ryukyuanum Asahina, 1967 this paperpaper al lax 1914 CeriagrionffallaxfallmfallaxrRis,Ris, 1914 this paper melanurum 1876 this Ceriagrion Selys, this paper this Pseudagrion microcephalum (Rambur, 1842) this paper Pseudagrionpruinosumfraseri Schmidt, 1934 NEEDHAM, 1930 as Pseudagrionelongatum (Lin- -yung-hsien, Guangxi) Pseudagrion r. rubriceps Selys, 1876 this paperpaper Pseudagrion this Pseudagrion spencei (Rambur, 1842) paper Calicnemia eximia 1930 Calicnemia (Selys, 1863) NEEDHAM, 1930 as Pyrrhosomma tinctipennis (McLachlan) from Guangxi, reidentified by ASAHINA (1977). Calicnemia miles (Laidlaw,(Laidlaw, 1917) this paper Calicnemia haksik sp. n. this paper Coeliccia Ris, 1912 cyanomelas Ris, this paper Coeliccia didyma (Selys, 1863) NEEDHAM, 1930. Possible misidentification of Coeliccia cyanomelas Ris. CoelicciaCoeliccia this galbinagalbina sp. n. paper Copera ciliata (Selys, 1863) ASAHINA, 1984 this Copera marginipes(Rambur,(Rambur, 1842) paper Indocnemis ambigua (Asahina, this (Asahina, 1997) paper Indocnemis FörsterForster in 1907 this orang Laidlaw, paper Sinocnemis yangbingiWilson & Zhou, 2000 this Zhou, paper brownelli Drepanosticta (Tinkham, 1938) this paper Drepanosticta magna sp.sp. n. this paper this Drepanosticta sp. this paper ProtostictaProtosticta beaumonti 1997 this Wilson, this paper Prodasineura autumnalis this (Fraser, 1922) paper ProdasineuraProdasineura this croconota (Ris, 1916) paperpaper ProdasineuraProdasineura verticalis (Selys, this (Selys, 1860) paper Later ASAHINA (1979) recorded Neurobasis andersoni Sjoestedt and ASAHINA (1984) documented Copera ciliata (Selys). SU1 & SUN (1984) added three species from Guangxi, including Calopteryx atrata Selys and Anisopleura furcata Selys. WILSON (2000) describedRhipidolestes allenifromDamingshan, Guangxi and ZHOU & WILSON (2001) described Priscagrion pinheyi, also from Damingshan. Seventy-four species are listed in the checklist provided at TableI. Wherepreviously records known the is published are to exist, original source given. Fifty-five of these recorded from for the first time taxa are Guangxi and six new species are described. 240 K.D.P. Wilson & G.T. Reels The Anisoptera will be treated in Part 2, to be published at a laterdate. Guangxi Zhuang Autono- mous Region is situated between latitudes 22°54’- 26°23’N and longitudes 104°28’-112°04’E. It has a total land area of 273,000 2 km , which is slightly larger than the United Kingdom 2 (241,590 km ) and exactly 50% of the land area of 2 France (545,630 km ). It is bordered by Vietnam to the west and within China is surrounded by Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan and Yunnan ofthe provinces. Much area of main Fig. 1. Map Guangxi province, showing areas surveyed. is dominated by karst lime- stone which half the formations, cover approximately region. Craggy karst limestone hills give rise to spectacular across much of The topography Guangxi. picturesque town of Guilin is a famous tourist destination renowned for its karst limestone with its hills scenery, deeply incisedby the meanderingXiang river. About 22% Jiang is forested but most ofthe primary rainforest has been destroyed. The climate is with subtropical cool dry winters and long, hot, wet summers. The odonate fauna is nevertheless dominated by tropical species with few Palaearctic representatives. According to (MACKINNON et ai., 1996) the region has the highestnumber ofendangered andprotected in China. plant species Over 6.000 plant species are known from the region, which is the third highest in China behind Yunnan and Guangdong.Three hundred and thirteen species of protected birds have been recorded. The area is home to the Chinese endemic White-headed Leaf Monkey, Presbytis leucocephalus, which is found in The is only Guangxi. Qian Jiang a major tributary ofthe Zhu Jiang (Pearl River). It flows eastward through Guangxi to Guangdong and together with the Yon Jiang/Yong Jiang tributary, which in Yunnan flows makes originates and through Nanning, up approximately 85% ofthe region’s catchment. Over 200 of freshwater species fish are known from the region. Most ofthese fish belong to the Cyprinidae family. Globally, more species of fish belong other to the cyprinid family than any fish family and the Pearl River
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